Do you sincerely believe Jose Baez' version of what happened!

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Do you sincerely believe JB's version of what happened, did Caylee accidently drown?

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Not in a heartbeat...Say, ICA rats him out when the guilty verdict is read...What will happen to JB if he gets caught committing fraud on the court for lying along with ICA and coming up with this whole made up story about an accidental drowning?

Now that would be the icing on the cake IMO.
I voted other. I think there should have been a choice of: ARE YOU FREAKING KIDDING ME?
I would have been much more easily swayed if they just said she drowned and Casey lost it and went in to coverup mode because some of the state's evidence is stuff they'd have "on me" too (crazy internet searches especially - the 84 times is powerful but was it 84 times over a month time span or 84 times in one day...I don't feel that I have an answer to that Question from the testimony). I could believe the kidnap was staged (duct tape to help support the Zanny story) but I cannot believe for a second that anyone besides ICA was involved in any way what-so-ever. Once they started throwing other people under the bus - I stopped believing them and put more weight on the SA's circumstantial evidence.
I would have been much more easily swayed if they just said she drowned and Casey lost it and went in to coverup mode because some of the state's evidence is stuff they'd have "on me" too (crazy internet searches especially - the 84 times is powerful but was it 84 times over a month time span or 84 times in one day...I don't feel that I have an answer to that Question from the testimony). I could believe the kidnap was staged (duct tape to help support the Zanny story) but I cannot believe for a second that anyone besides ICA was involved in any way what-so-ever. Once they started throwing other people under the bus - I stopped believing them and put more weight on the SA's circumstantial evidence.

Exactly Giant. But Baez goes for the sexual abuse thing and thinks we are all going to go OHHHHHHHH NOOOOO, THIS IS TERRIBLE, well she must be innocent. I think the jury took longer than us because we know the case inside and out but I IMMEDIATELY had your reaction and knew that KC killed her. I always knew it, but here was absolute proof and she was sitting at the table lying.

I think the jury has put it together by now. Lets see what the defense has to offer - obviously not much, becuase Perry expects them to rest by the end of next week. The State took three weeks - why so little time for the defense - it is her life after all. Because they have nothing to back up what they are alleging.
I voted No. No way in the world is any of that made up, fantasy opening statement believeable. Jose expects the jury to believe that Casey lied on a regular basis on things that were insignificant but yet they are to believe her about what happened to Caylee (drowning), that George molested her, that George and Roy K placed Caylee in a place that Casey didnt know where she was?!?! So the jury is expected to all of a sudden believe that Casey now, after more than 3 years of lies is telling the truth? Sorry, don't think so. But hey, maybe the defense can put on a good show of it starting tomorrow morning. Then again, if the past 3 years have been any indication, that isn't going to happen either.
I wonder if the DT was banking on this acquittal today and really thought they wouldn't have to put on a case... Cindy and George (and ICA) might have been under the impression that the defense would not have to drag them through the mud and present their ridiculous George/Kronk drowning theory...
Well, we have "when pigs fly", so I thought we needed this one, too:

Well, we have "when pigs fly", so I thought we needed this one, too:


As for me, I am undecided at this point. I'm pretty sure Caylee was murdered by her mother, but I want to hear what the DT has to say.
Not at all.

If there was a drowning, KC wouldn't have spent the last 3 years in jail. If George wanted to hide a body so it wouldn't be found, he could have done it.

I also think that there's no way that RK played hide and seek with sweet Caylee's body.
if he left out the conspiracy theory including GA and RK I might have allowed an open mind for the DT but GA being involved made it completely unbelievable in MHO. I can see that ICA might be sick enough to completely cover up an accident with a story in her fantasy world- she has done it all her life- but GA as a former detective, no way.

Yes, I could see Casey either talking on her cell phone or falling asleep from staying up all night the night before and letting Caylee get into the pool and drown. I could buy into the theory that the reason Casey didn't call 911 is that she was too afraid of facing Cindy's wrath and being called an unfit mother for the rest of her life, especially if there was a big fight between the two of them the night before where Cindy choked Casey and Casey took Caylee and left with her as has been reported. I can see Casey panicking over that thought and deciding to make it look like a kidnapping. After all, Cindy did buy the kidnapping story for quite awhile and was not angry at Casey. The kidnapping story would have shifted the blame to the kidnapper instead of letting it lie on Casey for neglecting Caylee and letting her drown in the pool. I think if Jose Baez had not brought in GA and RK, this defense would have created reasonable doubt as to the murder charge. I think it might have flown with the jury if he had left those two people out of the picture.

I might be able to buy his defense if his client hadn't gone out of her way to party and live la bella vita for 31 days, as well as make up a fake nanny, fake friends with fake children, and pretend to have a job a Universal Studios. I might have been able to buy his defense if his client hadn't looked up "neck-breaking", "household weapons" and "how to make chloroform" on the home computer.

And then of course, we have the duct tape, the heart sticker, the alleged fight between Cindy and Casey, the "snot-head" comment via instant messenger, the high levels of chloroform in the trunk, the evidence of decomposition in the trunk and again, the duct tape.

If I wanted to ignore reality and common sense, then perhaps I'd be able to accept Jose's version of events. Casey's actions during those 31 days (and in the months leading up to this) are what convince me that she's guilty of murder. MOO.
Exactly Giant. But Baez goes for the sexual abuse thing and thinks we are all going to go OHHHHHHHH NOOOOO, THIS IS TERRIBLE, well she must be innocent. I think the jury took longer than us because we know the case inside and out but I IMMEDIATELY had your reaction and knew that KC killed her. I always knew it, but here was absolute proof and she was sitting at the table lying.

I think the jury has put it together by now. Lets see what the defense has to offer - obviously not much, becuase Perry expects them to rest by the end of next week. The State took three weeks - why so little time for the defense - it is her life after all. Because they have nothing to back up what they are alleging.
Funny thing (being facetious here) was... I believed there could have been sexual abuse up until that moment. Baez throwing it into the pot with Kronk and everything else now makes me totally disbelieve there was ever any sexual abuse!!!
Not in a heartbeat...Say, ICA rats him out when the guilty verdict is read...What will happen to JB if he gets caught committing fraud on the court for lying along with ICA and coming up with this whole made up story about an accidental drowning?

Even if Casey is found guilty and rats Jose Baez out for lying and coming up with a made up story, nothing is going to happen to JB because who is going to believe her now with her history of lying?
If she is convicted she will accuse Baez of having an inappropriate sexual relationship with her, especially during the days she was let out and spent in excess of 10 hours a day at his office in private.

I don't know what that will matter, but I stake money on the fact she will do it.
If I was gonna believe the death of Caylee was an accident and George was involved. The theory would go something like this..

Casey was responsible for Caylee drowning. Casey called for the help of her father. They both feared the wrath of Cindy and a cover up was born.
I would have been much more easily swayed if they just said she drowned and Casey lost it and went in to coverup mode because some of the state's evidence is stuff they'd have "on me" too (crazy internet searches especially - the 84 times is powerful but was it 84 times over a month time span or 84 times in one day...I don't feel that I have an answer to that Question from the testimony). I could believe the kidnap was staged (duct tape to help support the Zanny story) but I cannot believe for a second that anyone besides ICA was involved in any way what-so-ever. Once they started throwing other people under the bus - I stopped believing them and put more weight on the SA's circumstantial evidence.

Yes...That did it for me too..JB should have stopped while he was ahead, as SOON as GA was entered into the story, I knew ICA did it and did it alone. JB needs to learn when to stop talking. *shaking my head*
not a chance!!!! however, I must admit that he was compelling enough that if he'd only said caylee drowned, it would have given me enough reasonable doubt to consider it as a possibility.

I'm not sure if I would have carried on thinking that after hearing 84 visits to sci-spot and dr G's testimony. also, if JB never tried to discount the fact there was a body after admitting there was one :|

Agree, if he would have stopped there I would be a believer. The whole shifting blame on GA and RK makes the entire story seem false. I could have beleived that due to KC's neglect (for whatever reason, even if it were only a few minutes) caused Caylee to slip out into the pool unnoticed. I could even buy that KC covered it up due to trying to get out of having to explain what happened to CA and GA. But because she won't admit to any wrong doing what so ever, it just goes to show she is pure evil. Then I doubt the whole story all together and just side with the state.
Forgot to add, the vision of KC playing with her daughters dead body and adding tape, etc to it after the fact with a sticker is a whole 'nother level of evil in my opinion. The thought of her doing the same thing while she was alive means premeditation. Either way, she is screwed in my opinion.

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