Do you think Casey will go to trial or plea out?

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Would case take a plea or go to trial ?

  • She'll take a plea and tell all to clear her concience

    Votes: 19 4.7%
  • She'll go to trial and keep lying

    Votes: 387 95.3%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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I don't believe the prosecution will offer a plea on this one. They may, but I don't think so. My hunch is that their evidence is going to be rock solid. Also, I don't think Casey will ever admit to it. She's going to ride it to the end. If offered a plea for life instead of death, she'll likely deny it and take her chances assuming she won't get death anyway.
Conscience? What conscience?!

I think she will go all the way with this and probably want to take the stand. After all, it is free TV time and a lot of attention. JB will not want her to, but maybe she has the ability to smooth talk him. It would not shock me to see her up there on the stand with Linda 'Botox' Baden comforting the poor grieving Mom. Makes me wish I still lived in Orlando and had a chance at that trial...
Yeah, I am afraid she has to stick to Zanny 1.0 or 2.0. (Geesh, she might get charged with *lying* to LE otherwise, as if she isn't already). But there is trouble here because of the "real" ZFG defamation suit. Enough similarities (KC "stole" identification facts). And with all that info, despite curly and straight hair, KC was not able to identify said ZFG nor able to give the police artist anything useful. Yes, ahem, there was an LE attempt, despite what KC or CA say. Hmmpf. Why all the diss of LE from Ants?

JB bought the story from "his girl." Really. Now he feels like a total dope for now being more skeptical or demanding something corroborative in regard to his client's story. She is a nice girl, right? Concerned about missing children (google, oops! chloroform, uh-oh) and newly interested, also, in studying law (note scholarly glasses).

JB means well, but he is a moose staring into the headlights of an oncoming car in this case. It is not his usual venue, out of his league. A client lying about murder! Gads! Really--he expects some honesty--from marijuana dealers or car-wreck neck injured or stalking cases. Whatever is his specialty. moo.

Boxed in. *Now* flanked by Morgan's ZFG suit. Good luck raising that as a defense in court....When your client has already given, what 8 out of 10 points of id with victim ZFG?

On Topic: now that there is a body, less defense leverage. She can cop a plea if she would confess. But she won't. Why? Because it wasn't an accident or crime passionel. Duct tape.

Excellent post, Mrs. Peel - and so very on target! :blowkiss:

Rummy :cat:
I think she will lie to the bitter end, and then blame everyone, CA, GA, LE and even JB for the fact that she is in prison. I'm still waiting for the story that is going to make us all say "OH! Now I understand!" Why not tell us that version of the lie now? Caylee is dead, they have her little body, so there is no more reason to keep anything under wraps anymore. I think the only thing any of us will think when and if they spin that tale is "What a waste! Huge Waste!"
If DP is on the table, I think she might take a plea deal. Otherwise, she is gonna go for the long haul and go to trial. She probably thinks that if she goes to trial, her "dream Defense team" will get her off.

I've got serious doubts we'll see a DP in this case UNLESS they had something really concrete to stand on...and YES, I see nothing but going for the long haul of lies & sticking to them till the bitter end for KC.

I've also heard that DP cases in child murders are, I think the Prosecution will go for 1st Degree Murder instead.
Casey will never take a plea deal because she's convinced she will be found innocent.
Excellent post, Mrs. Peel - and so very on target! :blowkiss:

Rummy :cat:

Nice of you to say. Thanks.

I have thoughts that KC does not want to explain duct tape in a way that wouid be ummm usual considering forensic evidence and case studies. Nope, doesn't want mommy CA to be mad at her (KC), too. Also. *wink*
As the needle is put in her vein Casey will state Zenaida killed Caylee. She would rather take a chance with the DEVIL'S court! & still declare she is innocent!:eek::eek::eek::furious:
whole. I think he really believed his client, his "girl." Until the body was discovered. *chit*

Now what? Nothing left, and he knows it so well. Dang. KC says, why is it all about Caylee; what about me?


I think she will lie to the bitter end, and then blame everyone, CA, GA, LE and even JB for the fact that she is in prison. I'm still waiting for the story that is going to make us all say "OH! Now I understand!" Why not tell us that version of the lie now? Caylee is dead, they have her little body, so there is no more reason to keep anything under wraps anymore. I think the only thing any of us will think when and if they spin that tale is "What a waste! Huge Waste!"
I have to wonder how Casey's team will resolve a very fundamental dilemma,in order to have a prayer of making Casey's bizzare Nanny story sound remotely plausible they are going to have to have her on the stand wringing a handkerchief and sniffling and lip quivering while they lead her through each torturous turn.
Because presenting it for her while she sits there mute will make it sound as insane as it truly is.
But of course having her on the stand will leave her open to redirect from the prosecuition which im sure would absolutely love to ask a few questions of their own in front of a jury that can send her to the joint for the rest of her life or strap her to a gurney.
They will reduce her story to wreckage and I would hate to see the face Casey would reveal to the Jury if and when they challenge her and show her up for the liar she is and she knows it.
So what are they going to do?
With hired attorneys, it's most likely she'll go to trial. Which could potentially end up worse for her than a plea deal, so i'm all for her going to trial.
Thought I'd let you guys know about a viewer poll that took place here yesterday morning with one of the local news stations. The question of the poll was:

"Now that remains have been found, if they are proved to be Caylee Marie Anthony, do you believe the prosecution should put the Death Penalty back on the table in this case"

Viewer Poll Results:

87% Voted "Yes"
9% Voted "No"
4% Voted "I don't know"

Just a taste of what the local community is thinking...
I hope this goes to trial, because I want to know the details of what happened and have more time to try and figure out the whys and the how....

But for the A's sake, I wish she would think of sparing them the gruesome details that would come out in a trial....

And if her "Dream Team" were thinking of something else than listening to their own voices, they would convince her it is in her best interest to change her plea to guilty and take life without parole....
I don't think she'll take a plea. I don't think that's going to be an option for her. But I do think that eventually prison is going to break her down enough that she is going to eventually tell a semi-true version of what happened, but not the whole truth not anywhere near it. I do think she's going to get very nervous however and if LE can use that to their advantage they just might get that semi-truth version out of her. But I don't think you'll ever get the full truth from her, about anything.
I think she will continue to lie and manipulate everyone around her. She believes she is above the law.
The justice system will work, and if she doesn't believe the state can't convict her, well, she's about to find out.
I've got serious doubts we'll see a DP in this case UNLESS they had something really concrete to stand on...and YES, I see nothing but going for the long haul of lies & sticking to them till the bitter end for KC.

I've also heard that DP cases in child murders are, I think the Prosecution will go for 1st Degree Murder instead.

I agree with you. I don't think they are going to put the DP back on the table. However, on NG last night, someone mentioned that the duct tape over the child's mouth might change all of that.
Thought I'd let you guys know about a viewer poll that took place here yesterday morning with one of the local news stations. The question of the poll was:

"Now that remains have been found, if they are proved to be Caylee Marie Anthony, do you believe the prosecution should put the Death Penalty back on the table in this case"

Viewer Poll Results:

87% Voted "Yes"
9% Voted "No"
4% Voted "I don't know"

Just a taste of what the local community is thinking...

I would imagine that it's what the majority of the country is thinking and hoping for, as well.
I would imagine that it's what the majority of the country is thinking and hoping for, as well.

Hey, don't forget us Canucks up here in another country. You know what my vote would be! :furious:
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