Do you think Casey will go to trial or plea out?

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Would case take a plea or go to trial ?

  • She'll take a plea and tell all to clear her concience

    Votes: 19 4.7%
  • She'll go to trial and keep lying

    Votes: 387 95.3%

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are you kidding me??? this isn't even a question in my mind. she's got the perfect "poor me, I was railroaded by an unfair system" story. it doesn't matter how much writing is on the wall - she will never admit to this, will swear to the high heavens until the day she dies that she didn't do it, that the "real killers' are still out there. I think Scott Peterson is still doing that from death row right now. and i think the jury will see right thru it and send her away for life.
A plea bargain was presented to the prisoner, weeks ago. She refused it. If the prisoner wants to confess, JB is obligated to go forward with that. He cannot wrestle her into positions against her will. The folly we see is Casey's creation and all of it always has been. Nothing has changed (in her demeanor) since the lying police interviews. I do believe her hair turns white when the death penalty enters consultations. Charo, you are precisely right about the dread of appearing to face the court, the family, the public and that's why she continues to waive her right in that regard. She won't show her face unless it is mandatory and it soon will be.
Im sure Casey would love to take the stand but I would assume her attorneys would Taser her first before letting the prosecution cross examine her.

Florida's own Darlie Routier -

She will insist it go all the way

at this time I doubt a plea agreement will be offered by state

the window of opportunity has closed - they said so when she didnt

even respond to the immunity deal

Her own actions and choices will put her away for a LONNGGGG time
i think her defense team is hoping for a mistrial on the grounds they cannot find an impartial jury.
Casey will keep lying...even as they're sticking the needle in her arm. "Zanny did it, Zanny did it!"
I honestly do not believe they are going to give her the option to plea bargain at this point...if she wanted THAT deal, she should have fessed up long ago. NOW there is nothing to bargain WITH...they already have Caylee and that is ALL they wanted. She has nothing to offer them now, not one tiny bit of bargaining power remains in her control.

I agree with you, I don't think there is anything to plea to now. According to Geraldo's blog from when they found the remains he says that the prosecutors office right up until the remains were found were offering her 10-15 years in exchange for the body and the details. That is an unbelievable deal and she wouldn't take it. She has nothing to offer them at this point, except to save the cost of a trial, but they aren't going to let her take a greatly reduced sentence for money savings if they can now prove murder. She F'ed herself once again.
As long as her parents are still backing the "Nanny did it" story, Casey will also stick to her lies and go to trial. She won't however, testify.
On a FOX report today, I heard Cindy was still saying it was a kidnapping by the Nanny. They will all stick to that story like glue. Who knows, it might just work.
So nice to know that if KC has the psych eval. showing multiple personality disorders interpreted as a brain disorder that brain scanning of any kind is not admissable in the court of law. Insane not insane moog point! She will be seving time whether in general population or special needs where the felons are talking to themseves. Hard to say what group of prisoners she would want to be around.
I agree with you, I don't think there is anything to plea to now. According to Geraldo's blog from when they found the remains he says that the prosecutors office right up until the remains were found were offering her 10-15 years in exchange for the body and the details. That is an unbelievable deal and she wouldn't take it. She has nothing to offer them at this point, except to save the cost of a trial, but they aren't going to let her take a greatly reduced sentence for money savings if they can now prove murder. She F'ed herself once again.

Is this rumour or fact?
I believe that kc will go to trial, but she will wish, that she had taken the plea.
I honestly don't think she is capable of admitting to any wrongdoing. I don't think she will ever ever ever tell the truth. I hope I am wrong.
Is this rumour or fact?

If, as I believe, they will within days be confirming that the remains found today are those of Caylee, then her mother’s defense team has lost its leverage to negotiate a plea deal. Having already taken the death penalty off the table, the State and the defense have held intensive plea negotiations in which Casey would have been sentenced to a lesser homicide plea and serve say, ten or fifteen years. In exchange, Casey would have pled guilty to a lesser homicide charge and told prosecutors everything about how, when, and why she killed her child, and who, if anyone, was also involved at any stage of the terrible process.
I think her lawyers will try to talk her into making a deal to avoid LWOP. However I don't think they will be able to convince her. She has always gotten away with things and I think she thinks she will get away with this. She will never tell her parents she killed Caylee and will hope she can continue to pull the wool over their eyes.

The only way I think she may do a deal is if she has already told her parents the truth and they have been covering up. Personally I don't believe she ever told any of them the truth and will continue with her baloney. It will be her undoing.
If DP is on the table, I think she might take a plea deal. Otherwise, she is gonna go for the long haul and go to trial. She probably thinks that if she goes to trial, her "dream Defense team" will get her off.
I think if the remains turn out to be Caylee(which WE all know, is pretty much a given) and they have evidence around the remains that are from the Anthony house, her lawyers would try and get her to take a plea.

If they only ID the remains as Caylee,with no evidence coming from the Anthony home,I believe they will go to trial,saying Zanny or somebody dumped her near the A's home to frame Casey.

I think a deal will be offered - just because they usually do try to avoid a trial. The deal will be for an admission of guilt or a guilty plea - and for a set amount of years.

I do not think she will take it. I do think the lying will soon stop as far as the stories go from the defense team. They have to make a living after this case........ I expect the defense to be "keep mouth shut, do not speak, and let the state prove it's case". The experts will argue procedure and results and science, but I think the spinning of other possibilities will soon stop. (providing the remains show the results we all expect they will)
I think that there will be a deal if her Scheme Team attorneys do their jobs protect her "best interest". However, because she is a sociopath, and her attorneys are advancing their own causes over justice, I believe it unlikely to see a deal accepted unless the evidence becomes overwhelming (it probably already is)...
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