do you think maddie is alive or dead

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DNA Solves

Do you think Maddie is Alive or Not?

  • alive

    Votes: 12 3.4%
  • Not

    Votes: 46 12.9%
  • Alive and parents innocent

    Votes: 33 9.2%
  • Dead and parents not innocent

    Votes: 166 46.5%
  • Don't know

    Votes: 37 10.4%
  • Dead and parents are innocent

    Votes: 63 17.6%

  • Total voters
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No. But then there is a warrant out for them and search and a case. We already know who the parents are who participated in this practice. So they can charge them at any time yet no charges.

My point is just because your not charged with something it dose not mean you didn't commit a crime. It simply means you got away with it. Honestly sometimes I feel sorry for the McCann's but then I think about Madeleine alone in a hotel room crying for her parent's, and my sympathy goes as quick as it came.
Maybe. But even so they were looking in on them at scheduled times.

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No, they were not.

That is a false statement.

Madeleine and her brother were heard to cry unattended for 75 minutes by a neighbour, on a previous evening.

Furthermore, Madeleine herself told her parents this, still they skipped off and left her the very same night.

My question has always been why go straight to "they took her"???

Wouldn't it be more likely she wandered out the door looking for her parents? got lost? fell into the pool?

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No, they were not.

That is a false statement.

Madeleine and her brother were heard to cry unattended for 75 minutes by a neighbour, on a previous evening.

Furthermore, Madeleine herself told her parents this, still they skipped off and left her the very same night.


Which makes me think she was given something to keep her quiet for that night, and everything went from there .. Do you know if they tested the other kids for drugs?
My question has always been why go straight to "they took her"???

Wouldn't it be more likely she wandered out the door looking for her parents? got lost? fell into the pool?

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Or she overdosed, was bundled into a car, that parent then returns to say everything is fine, and the next one finds she is missing?
Which makes me think she was given something to keep her quiet for that night, and everything went from there .. Do you know if they tested the other kids for drugs?

You're not alone in that suspicion. :furious:

They allegedly got the twins tested, months later when it made no difference.

They lied about Madeleine's being treated for sleep problems at home. She had a sleep chart on the fridge which her maternal grandfather accidentally let slip.

Of course we have never known what her medical records say as they were never supplied.

You're not alone in that suspicion. :furious:

They allegedly got the twins tested, months later when it made no difference.

They lied about Madeleine's being treated for sleep problems at home. She had a sleep chart on the fridge which her maternal grandfather accidentally let slip.

Of course we have never known what her medical records say as they were never supplied.


Well seems much more likely than the idea she was kidnapped, then shipped all over Europe for years ..
I am sure people have that opinion but if it was criminal they should have been charged. Along with everyone else that used the same system.

Again, Not my idea of babysitting but if they were never charged, It is not criminal.

Maybe everything in Portugal is more casual than it should be-maybe the McCanns got out of Dodge before they could be charged. Just because they didn't charge 'em, it doesn't logically mean they didn't do something criminal. None of the responsible parents here would have left the children alone to go eat and drink with the grownups. Sometimes you have to sacrifice your social life if you choose not to get a babysitter. These aren't stupid people-they knew better and did it anyway. Does anyone here recall about 15-20 years ago, a European couple left their baby in a stroller on a sidewalk in NYC so they could go into a restaurant and eat in peace-they were charged, at least initially, because it's a crime. Maybe it isn't a crime in Portugal, but I wouldn't bet on it just because they weren't charged.

Maybe everything in Portugal is more casual than it should be-maybe the McCanns got out of Dodge before they could be charged. Just because they didn't charge 'em, it doesn't logically mean they didn't do something criminal. None of the responsible parents here would have left the children alone to go eat and drink with the grownups. Sometimes you have to sacrifice your social life if you choose not to get a babysitter. These aren't stupid people-they knew better and did it anyway. Does anyone here recall about 15-20 years ago, a European couple left their baby in a stroller on a sidewalk in NYC so they could go into a restaurant and eat in peace-they were charged, at least initially, because it's a crime. Maybe it isn't a crime in Portugal, but I wouldn't bet on it just because they weren't charged.

There are plenty of parents in the USA that leave their children to go out... they're called crack-heads.

My apologies for the sarcasm

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8 bottles of wine ordered to that table that night.

Shes dead; and they know it imo *km and gm*
It is not about money. What makes it about money in portugal and charges?? There is nothing that says that. No proof of that.

Money does not keep you from being charged and put on trial. Ask OJ or Phil Spector.

OJ and Phil Specter were charged and tried in the US-and OJ was acquitted. If he was just some guy with no money, he would have been convicted.

People frequently go free of charges, even in this country, for doing things that are crimes. The logical leap isn't "it's not a crime because they weren't charged".
But it wasn't. They were checking on the kids. They had a system to watch them. IT was not just they put them to bed and came back 2 hours later. They were working this odd system with the other parents too.

I don't think this rises to neglect. I just don't. I think it was not smart and something I would never do but I don't see the neglect.

Their system was less than inadequate-that is how their daughter disappeared. I don't know about you, but nobody was going to sneak into a hotel room and sneak off with one of my kids while I was there. If somebody did take Maddie, I don't need to talk to the perpetrator to know that he didn't go in there, not knowing if an adult was in the room, so he could steal a kid.
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