Documentary aims to 'break silence' on crash of TWA Flight 800

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The FBI did not let the NTSB do their job.

To your point...

"Some of the group complained they had intended to testify at a December 1997 hearing held by the NTSB in Baltimore, but their testimonies were canceled three days before the event. The NTSB later said the FBI asked it to eliminate the eyewitness testimony. The witnesses yesterday said they will "demand" to be heard at an Aug. 22 "final hearing" here by the NTSB.

But NTSB spokesman Paul Schlamm told GNS yesterday that "no participation by outsiders" will be allowed .
They also did not let the NTSB investigators give their summary of the evidence. The documentary does a good job in telling who was in charge. The FBI was in charge and only let the NTSB have any evidence until they were thru with it.
Interesting article

Of course, this doesn't change the mind of a die-hard conspiracy theorist, because this government-produced paper is simply part of the conspiracy. In fact, they consider the report's very existence as further evidence of the conspiracy. When you hear a conspiracy theory that provides no testable evidence of its own, but relies only on anecdotal testimonies, extrapolations of possible motivations, and non-evidenced claims of implausible coverups, you have every good reason to be skeptical.
I am no conspiracy theorist. I remember during the investigation, they did detect some explosive residue on the wreckage of TWA Flight 800.

Speer, a former Air Force pilot, said Wednesday an initial test found explosive residue on a part of the right wing, which was retested without him present and the first result declared a false positive. He also found holes in the piece that he said indicated an explosion outside the plane.

I have heard of fuel tanks exploding, like Pan Am Flight 214. However, it was struck by lightning, while Flight 800 occurred in tranquil weather. The Flight 800 disaster occurred just two days before the 1996 Summer Olympics started.
Why didn't they just admit it? It was an election year. A tough one too.

Some might see a parallel to Benghazi.

Mistakes in an election year that cost American lives? ...uh-oh.

When this happened,I had complete and total faith in the veracity of what we were told. Today I see that power and political necessity are often a substitute for truth. And can be justified by many.

Today, Iam completely open to the possibility of a coverup.

At the risk of sounding uber paranoid, I believe there is A LOT more going on than we know about. Look at the uncovering of government spying on American Citizens, watergate, the iran contra affair, and on and on.... I believe that every one that gets caught six slip through. JMO

From what I remember, the initial comments were "terrorism is a possibility" - there was speculation that a terrorist launched some kind of a hand-held (shoulder mount? Not sure, I am not a weapons expert lol) rocket at the plane. When people started pointing out that that wouldn't have been possible from where the "launch" of the hypothetical missle was seen, the distance it would have had to travel, a terrorist would have picked a better spot, etc, THEN the commentary changed to "oh, it was a flaw with the aircraft".

What to me, points at a cover up of an accidental hit is just how quickly they tried to imply it was terrorism.

Usually within a couple of days the group responsible releases a statement to take credit for it. Nobody in this case did. So I don't think it was formalized terrorism if that's what it was,

But given the climate of the country at the time, wouldn't the hawks in the Bush admin have jumped all over themselves to have been handed yet another act of terrorism to inflame the public with? We were ramping up Afghanistan, and there was already talk about Iraq at the time, so I don't understand why they would have covered up a terrorist act. I'd think they'd have been positively GLEEFUL if it was (in fact, I have absolutely no problem picturing Darth Cheney uncorking some champagne over it!) terrorism. It would have been used as more fodder to justify the wars, wouldn't it?

This occurred in 1996.
At the risk of sounding uber paranoid, I believe there is A LOT more going on than we know about. Look at the uncovering of government spying on American Citizens, watergate, the iran contra affair, and on and on.... I believe that every one that gets caught six slip through. JMO

Usually within a couple of days the group responsible releases a statement to take credit for it. Nobody in this case did. So I don't think it was formalized terrorism if that's what it was,

This occurred in 1996.

It was the Clinton years in 1996. Interesting it occurred a year after the Oklahoma City Bombing. I tend to think the bombing was part of a larger conspiracy.

I have read that people who saw the crash saw a streak of fire from the airplane, which suggest maybe a missile hit it. I know missiles have brought down airplanes, like Iran Air Flight 655 on July 3, 1988.
The FBI interviewed over 700 witnesses of the incident and 270 of them claimed to have seen a ball of light (similar to a missile) streak from the surface up into the sky, followed by the massive explosion of the aircraft.

Two Air National Guard helicopter pilots were on a training mission, over the ocean, heading back to their base on Long Island. A few thousand feet below Flight 800, heading directly toward it, they saw a red-orange flare-like object heading skyward. Then there was a small explosion, followed immediately by a large explosion.

A U.S. Navy electronic technician was traveling on a US Air Jet, gazing out the window, when he spotted a "flare" rising from below. Soon, there was a small midair explosion, followed by a much bigger explosion.

Hundreds of witnesses have given similar accounts of an object streaking skyward just prior to the explosion.

The timing of this incident on July 17, a special holiday in the Muslim world, is important.

Coincidentally, there was an El Al 747 (Israeli airlines) flight scheduled to take off out of Kennedy at about the same time as TWA Flight 800 but it was running late. It would be an obvious prime target for Muslim terrorists.

In June of 1996, members of several terrorist groups held a meeting in Tehran, Iran. Soon thereafter, three weeks before TWA Flight 800 was downed, the U.S. Air Force barracks (Khobar Towers) in Saudi Arabia were attacked by a truck bomb, killing 19 and wounding 372 military personnel. President Clinton immediately placed the military on the highest alert since the Cuban Missile Crisis.
I ask again though. The NTSB, one of the most transparent agencies this country has, to what end would they want to cover this up instead of shifting blame to the military if there was evidence of such? Why would they go through all the trouble of launching the most expansive investigation in their history (4 years) only to cover up the real reason for the plane going down?

I can understand the FBI being involved in a cover up. The NTSB, not so much.

The NTSB wasn't in charge of the investigation, the FBI was. The most the NTSB could do was handle their part of the investigation to the best of their ability. When they were overruled by the FBI on certain aspects of the investigative process, they had no power to overrule them. They could object, and it appears they did, but the FBI was in charge period.

From some of the interviews, it also appears the NTSB investigators were not allowed to witness all aspects of the investigation. One of them spoke of how the FBI agents were allowed to come into the hanger where wreckage & evidence was stored in the middle of the night to poke around and possibly remove items. Normally, the NTSB would never allow such a thing, but the FBI was in charge. Their hands were tied.

Whistleblowers don't fare well in the federal government when they're going up against the FBI. If these people had spoken up outside of the chain of command, they would have lost their jobs and had to pay a lot of their own money for legal representation. That's why they waited until they were retired before coming out. Can't say I blame them.

The three experts are very respected and experienced in their fields. They've raised some very specific and valid issues that should be addressed through a re-opening of the investigation. They're not making any wild accusations, they just seem to be trying to get answers to some old questions and access to some information that was never revealed.
The site asks for an email address too.

Can you tell us what is in it?

ETA: got as far as the password, but message said the password was incorrect.

They must have changed the password. I will see if I can get the new one.
That link doesn't work at all for me.

I think they took it down, before the July 17th reveal.
That was the full documentary before editing.
The full documentary lasted 1:45.
I am have put in a request.
Don't know if that is going to happen.
Do you want me to give a spoiler on the documentary?
I got into a deep conversation with Engineers, Air Force pilots, Air force mechanics, Military personnel and technical personnel on the subject last night.
I think they took it down, before the July 17th reveal.
That was the full documentary before editing.
The full documentary lasted 1:45.
I am have put in a request.
Don't know if that is going to happen.
Do you want me to give a spoiler on the documentary?
I got into a deep conversation with Engineers, Air Force pilots, Air force mechanics, Military personnel and technical personnel on the subject last night.

Do Tell!! Hurry!
This was from an Aircraft mechanic:


There were explosive traces found all over the plane. There was a splatter pattern inside the fuel tank that could have only occurred before the fuel tank disintegrated that tested positive for nitrates. FBI agents were sneaking in the hanger at night and changing tags on pieces of the wreckage showing where they were found. One FBI agent was actually caught on tape at night beating on a piece of wreckage with a hammer to reshape it. Wreckage that had holes in it and tested positive for explosive residue was taken away never to be seen again.

Like I said, unless these men involved in the investigation are pathological liars, then at the very least, it was the shoddiest investigation ever conducted. And that is without even getting into the eyewitness accounts.

The film makes no attempt to describe who shot the missiles or why but it lays out a case based on the eyewitness testimony and damage that there were three missiles fired in a coordinated manner to bring down that aircraft. It was triangulated and bracketed if you will.

Anyway, watch the film. It is compelling. And remember, these aren't 9/11 truthers theorizing from the outside. These are guys who were there inside the hanger doing the investigating.

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