Documentary Claims Jesus Was Married

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Documentary Claims Jesus Was Married
By Staff
Feb 25, 2007

A documentary produced by Oscar-winning filmmaker James Cameron claims there is proof that Jesus Christ was buried in Jerusalem with his wife and son.

Cameron and director Simcha Jacobovici argue that Jesus was not resurrected and he was married to Mary Magdalene, Time magazine reports.

Cameron is scheduled to hold a news conference in New York Monday to show three caskets -- supposedly those of Jesus, his mother and Mary Magdalene. He and Jacobovici say they have proof in the form of DNA and achaeological evidence.


So if they found DNA in these tombs, what are they comparing it to to prove it was Jesus?
I would think that the names of Jesua, Joseph and Mary were common names back in the day, so to speak. I guess that we will have to pay if we want to see the documentary. :rolleyes:

I would think that archeologists who made the find would have announced this to the world, not a film maker who stands to make money off of the project.
nanandjim said:
I would think that the names of Jesua, Joseph and Mary were common names back in the day, so to speak. I guess that we will have to pay if we want to see the documentary. :rolleyes:

I would think that archeologists who made the find would have announced this to the world, not a film maker who stands to make money off of the project.
My thoughts exactly, Nan
Discussion on whether or not Jesus was married has been going on for centuries. However, it was "The DaVinci Code" that highlighted that possibility and started the recent controversy.

Google "Jesus married" and you will come up with lots of discussion.
Maral said:
So if they found DNA in these tombs, what are they comparing it to to prove it was Jesus?
:waitasec: Ummm, the Precious Blood? :rolleyes:
(If you're Catholic you'll get the joke....)
This stuff ALWAYS happens during the Lenten/Easter season. Proof that Satan is getting very, very desperate. Some sort of crap comes out during the Holy Season almost every year. Sometimes during Christmas, too. Lame, lame, lame. Satan's end is near, and there is nothing he can do to stop it. But "the father of all lies" is going to try to take as many of us with him as possible, apparently.
DK, does your god call it a sin to believe this is true, or even possible?

i dont know one way or another, it has no effect on history, imo, but im curious.
Dark Knight said:
This stuff ALWAYS happens during the Lenten/Easter season. Proof that Satan is getting very, very desperate. Some sort of crap comes out during the Holy Season almost every year. Sometimes during Christmas, too. Lame, lame, lame. Satan's end is near, and there is nothing he can do to stop it. But "the father of all lies" is going to try to take as many of us with him as possible, apparently.
You are right, DK, this stuff ALWAYS comes up this time of year.

Even though there is historical evidence and proof of Christ's Resurrection, unfortunately, the truth doesn't persuade a closed mind.
the truth is that NO ONE knows all the details about jesus's life, or even if he really existed. we have been taught things in sunday school & church as 'this is just the way it is- period-- but these ideas about this man's life have been handed down orally, copied and recopied, translated upmteen times, revised, changed, deleted, added to, etc.. and it has all turned into myth-- and we don't know the truth. if we find some hardcore physical evidence of 'jesu' that points to the fact that THIS is the guy that everyone's been talking about for all these years,, then yes- i'll believe he really existed-- but come on folks-- you know all the rest,, is just myth and fairy tales.
i always applaud people for exploring the myth and putting forth new questions about this supposed historic character.. even though they have to endure death threats and hate from the religious right (as when 'last temptation of christ' came out). the faithful can't stand anybody messing with their sacred myth.
but the other option, is to just sit down, shut up, and just believe everything you're force-fed in sunday school. and no way am i gonna do that! LOL
satan?? come on, DK. you're kidding, right.......??
Mira said:
DK, does your god call it a sin to believe this is true, or even possible?

i dont know one way or another, it has no effect on history, imo, but im curious.
Yes, the New Testament makes it very clear the requirement to believe in the Resurrection. If Jesus wasn't resurrected, we cannot be saved.
nanandjim said:
I would think that the names of Jesua, Joseph and Mary were common names back in the day, so to speak. I guess that we will have to pay if we want to see the documentary. :rolleyes:

I would think that archeologists who made the find would have announced this to the world, not a film maker who stands to make money off of the project.
Oh, like the ones that have scientific evidence Jesus existed at all ( thought I personally think he did)
Or like the ones that have found the Garden of Eden ;)
wow!! so i'm a satanist now.. cool :D

actually my dear DK,, don't blame a little invisible guy with horns running around for that,, those were MY words.. and *I* want the credit, dammit!
I think we're getting off topic here a bit. My question is, So what if Jesus WAS married to Mary Magdalene? How does that change or effect Christianity?
what that means, pepper.. is that jesus may have actually had sex (GASP! oh no,, we can't have THAT!) which would blow most christians' minds to smithereens..... LOL
Pepper said:
I think we're getting off topic here a bit. My question is, So what if Jesus WAS married to Mary Magdalene? How does that change or effect Christianity?
No, the topic is that Cameron claims that Jesus was never resurrected and is buried somewhere and that he has the coffin and everything, supposedly. Where he is going to get DNA to compare it to is beyond me, but Cameron's a nutcase to begin with. I wonder if Geraldo will be there with him? BAHAHAHAA!
reb said:
what that means, pepper.. is that jesus may have actually had sex (GASP! oh no,, we can't have THAT!) which would blow most christians' minds to smithereens..... LOL
Spoken like a true biblical scholar......:rolleyes:

It would be interesting to know how much research or reading of Catholic/Christian teachings you have done, my guess is not much.....kind of like James Cameron, amazes me that James Cameron has managed to learn what thousands of theological scholars have not been able to learn in 2 thousand years.....amazing.....

sandraladeda said:
Spoken like a true biblical scholar......:rolleyes:

It would be interesting to know how much research or reading of Catholic/Christian teachings you have done, my guess is not much.....kind of like James Cameron, amazes me that James Cameron has managed to learn what thousands of theological scholars have not been able to learn in 2 thousand years.....amazing.....

That's because Cameron thinks HE is the "king of the world!" He's just a fool, however.
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