Does Anyone here think Casey Anthony is innocent?

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NO shes not innocent. At first I kept an open mind (even though I thought who would not report their child missing?), and then the evidence came pouring out. The biggest evidence, decomposition in the car. And there is tons and tons of evidence against her now.
And as a mom and grandmother who adores family/kids, I could never serve on her jury either.
Hey, at least Im
Maybe Zenaida wasn't who Casey said she was. Maybe it is someone elso that has been told to her attorney whom i suppose she trusts. Maybe they are investigating another group of individuals from what she has told baez than she told LE. I don't know...everyone is grasping as it is very evident that Casey was always the suspect. I'm not saying she not, but let's go with the law that says she;s innocent until proven guilty. Some have already sentenced to LWOP and Death.

I guess as a mother, I don't understand the maybe's when it comes to a child being missing. Nor do I understand fear. Nothing, nothing could scare me into not helping LE to find my child.
Its not up to forums to decide her fate. We only share our opinions here. Legally she is innocent until proven guilty, although morally, many of us have already formed our opinions. I guess the same as it is up to the prosecution to prove beyond reasonable doubt in the courtroom, it is up to the defense to prove reasonable doubt in the public eye, and in the court room.
Maybe.... but the defense should stick to defending, and let the investigators do the investigating. If they have viable leads, they need to hand them over. That would look much better in court than them trying to give credibility to their own "criminal investigation". We can only hope they did not get any investigation tips from kc or we will find the whole defense team dancing on stage at fusian.

Actually the defense doesn't have to do anything but create reasonable doubt. It's the prosecution that has the burden of proof.
As many twists as there have been in this case it's entirely possible that she is but with what we know right now I'd have to say she is guilty of many things including murdering her daughter.

Agree with this statement. Never say never .. but for now .. it doesn't look good for her.
Maybe.... but the defense should stick to defending, and let the investigators do the investigating. If they have viable leads, they need to hand them over. That would look much better in court than them trying to give credibility to their own "criminal investigation". We can only hope they did not get any investigation tips from kc or we will find the whole defense team dancing on stage at fusian.

That was quite good, I liked it:clap:
To me, the simplest answer is always the one - no way is she innocent.
you are correct in your statement that I bolded above. But the defense will have a bucket full of evidence as well. We just don' t know what that is as it hasn't been leaked like the state evidence.

Documents that have been released in this case cannot be considered "leaked".
It's the law.
Their first insurmountable task is to explain a mother not reporting her child missing (after 31 days the grandmother finally called the police on KC, KC never said anything to anybody about her child being missing) and partying and sleeping around and getting a tattoo and the hair in the trunk with the death band and the decomp smell in the trunk and all the lies and all the lies and trying to blame it on someone who doesn't exist and no one has ever met I really need to go on here??

I have a question for you ecs5298:

Did you say all of that in one breath?
you are correct in your statement that I bolded above. But the defense will have a bucket full of evidence as well. We just don' t know what that is as it hasn't been leaked like the state evidence.
I do not see how they will get around the triangle. A fam house to car to dump site to A fam house with everything leading directly back to Casey within this case. There is no evidence of a stranger involvement and no one who had access to all three sites within the time frame when Caylee was killed.

There aren't enough buckets to fill the holes in a defense case of the Nanny did it and other people are involved.
I have a question for you ecs5298:

Did you say all of that in one breath?


I had to stop listing all the things 'cause I needed to take a breath. As we all know, that list could have gone on quite a bit longer.
If you don't mind my asking..
Why would Baez set up a tip line after the body was found and not before if he thought that someone else took Caylee?
I wanted to believe in her innocence when I first started following this case. The pictures all showed such a beautiful girl with her beautiful, healthy and happy daughter.
I couldn't reconcile in my mind that the person in the picture could do anything so horrific to her own daughter. Based on the evidence, was I ever wrong.

Me Too!! This is a little embarrassing to admit now that I have printed out all of the evidence and have it stacked with notes all over my house as if I were doing a case investigation myself but...Having been an IP volunteer for many years, I thought she might be innocent. That is why I came here the very first time. I hadn't been paying much attention to the case, but I just couldn't understand, if she wasn't innocent, how her family members who know her best could go in angry and come out convinced she was innocent. I thought that there had to be some bad people at work here on this poor family. I was just sure I was going to solve this case. To this day, I am more and more baffled with every thread that I read. If her attorney had any sense he would plea out and say it was an accident and pray for the best. THATS IF she can come up with a scenario that matched what they have for evidence. I don't know that I would believe anything that came out of her mouth at this point.
Personally, no I don't think she is "innocent". BUT even SHE deserves a fair trial and is innocent until proven guilty. This country was built on this principle, I have family that died for it and even though I don't care for most of the people who take advantage of it, this principle is a right we all have - even KC - even if she IS guilty!

Took me until now to come to this acceptance. I have been raging mad for months and months over poor Caylee. We have heard and know bad stuff but we DO NOT know ALL stuff to do with this case. There may be more - we just don't know yet!

Now if she is stupid enough to stick with an attorney who is not in her best interests - that's her bad! Or is it? Can anyone say "appeal"??

I hope I didn't sound too sympathetic - just trying to get the point across. Please don't shoot me!..:bang:

Hi cocoamom! While I do agree with this, and can relate to what you're saying with regards to feeling "rage", I think it's unfair that the burden is put on the prosecution (in this case) when it should be on the defense (based on KC's action & lies). I believe she's GUILTY as sin, but I need to see more concrete proof to believe she'll be sentenced to life for it. They'll have her in the slammer for a long time over those check & fraud charges. As far as the apppeal, she already has grounds for one and the trial hasn't even started. The hugging incidents (plural) are unethical, even if they were trying to exchange letters. Everything about this case is despicable...imo.

PS: You don't sound sympathetic. I play devils advocate all the time in order to come to a wise conclusion, or even decent theory. I live in reality, not never-never-land. When I take a step back and look at things from the outside, it forces me to see what could be obvious but I was blocking it out. Sometimes I don't like what I see, but it is what it is...and I can't change that. I can only hope and pray that if KC's as guilty as I think she is, then she should never be allowed out of prison.
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