Does anyone think that Cindy and George are working with police?

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
I think that there is a lot going on that we don't know about.

I had a friend who along with his wife was attacked in his home. He was beaten about the head with a tire iron and his throat was slashed with a knife. The same happened to his wife and she died. He survived. The local media spun the story to look like he killed his wife and people in that city all but had him convicted of the murder in the two weeks following. They were upset to see him at his wife's funeral. They pressured the police to arrest him and it really looked like they were going to according to the press. Then one of the actual murderer's told a buddy about what he had done. The buddy went to the police. Turned out it was a murder for hire by my friend's adopted daughter. She wanted the two killers to kill her father and her stepmother so she could inherit his estate. There was a ton of evidence of two intruders at my friend's house - footprints, knowledge of the burglar alarm code, tire tracks. So, I just want to say, we don't know everything and I think we should not suppose the Anthony's are not working with police to find Caylee. To the press and outside world, they have to look like they are supporting their daughter 100% - but what we are seeing in the media may not be the actual case.
i am also wondering why they didn't include CA and GA's statements in the recent document dump?

Yes, I thought the same thing but......whatever is not available now is what they plan on using in court.
I think they may work with police off and on,depending what they are moved to do that day. You want an odd scenario? Here goes.
It is well documented that both G+C knew that it smelled like a dead body in the car. They thought it was either Casey or Caylee. They find Casey so they know now who it is. They realize that there is nothing they can do to change it at this point. Hours before this revelation, they realize they are tired and poor. While they do work and make plenty to pay bills and have vacations, every time they get ahead Casey sneaks in and robs them blind. Due to this they are about to lose their home, have defaulted judgements, etc. While GA is retrieving the car, the Credit card company calls about suspicious activity on their card. They realize that they will be 142 yo before they can pay off the house.

So they come up with a plan. They realize that the media will get involved somehow but are not sure to what extent. They are watchers of the news and also realize that the more odd, the more media. So Ci retrieves Ca and we are off. Thay start off as any GP's would do. They are sad and need help. Then the bizzare activity begins. Ratings soar. They now see that at this point big money is calling to try and procure photos and exclusive interviews. There is rumor that some shmuck network may offer them a few million to sell their story. So they run around, day after day doing bizzare things and watch the ratings explode. They realize if they support the little demon that they have hated for years anyway, this is a gold mine. It just needs to get dragged out until they can work out a book deal, a Lifetime movie, an Oprah project and maybe even start a 503c to be the ceo and president of.
they know the baby is gone so why not reap the rewards they so richly deserve?
I can see them in the living room saying, "watch this honey, I am going to go out with the hammer again and push an old lady". Ratings studies show that when the hammer appears, ratings go up so it is now a fixture in any confrontation. "OK, My turn, Hey guys, It was a pizza eating squirrel. Boy it sure is hot." They just laugh inside the house while planning what to do next. They even have internet bloggers cut off their funds, making the story worth another $153,000. Just one odd turn after another.

Meanwhile they all support poor Casey. They do not ask her where the baby is because they know the baby is gone. Meanwhile they intend to sell her down the river by making sure that all of her transgressions come out in court. This story ends with Cindy whispering to Casey right before Casey is led away in shackles. "Got you back....Im Rich, witch!

OK none of this happened. But there are a thousand different scenarios that could have. I still stand by Occam's Razor. As well, the evidence does not lie.

Oh no he didn't!!

Considering Cindy pocketed the cash in Casey's wallet, doesn't sound so far fetched to me. Maybe some of the details are off but the premise is sound, imo.
Well, logically I'm thinking no - they lawyered up, a high profile criminal lawyer at that (all this talk of a lawyer for the media is bunk) Anyways - when they have a lawyer the authorities can't talk to them unless they have the lawyer present - that hasn't happened - supposedly all communication is done through the lawyer, tips and such - and we know that hasn't happened.

Repeatedly Cindy has stated that Casey is at the house because that is her home - to me it was Caylee's home, Casey's hotel

What I would like to happen, if I was working with the authorities - since George is such an outsider in his own home, I seriously don't think he had anything to do with the crime or aftermath, I think he's fed whatever information Cindy seems to have (whether it's made up or fact) - I'd like to see the authorities threaten charges to both Cindy and George, maybe even Lee - this would cause the lawyer to get involved, and then either George or Cindy would have to get a separate lawyer (my guess it will be George) - I would like to have all three put in separate interrogation rooms and they tell each that the other implicated them in the crime or aftermath of the crime

Eventually one will talk or testify for the prosecution with immunity - and my guess is that it will be George AND Lee - those two will not go down for Casey's crime

Cindy on the other hand will continue on her current path and it will destruct as the same for Casey

So I guess my answer is no, none of them are working with authorities BUT that doesn't discount the far or near future

I tend to think this way too. Someone will break, after charges are officially brought against her. IMO, somebody in the family helped "after the fact". It may be that all of them did, in some capacity. I say that whomever "has the most to gain" by an immunity deal will be the first to talk. I'm betting on LA or GA. Cindy is too much like KC and she'll never admit she was wrong now, she's too far in. JMO
Since that call from jail where Casey was so rude to CA I though that CA realized that she would have to pretend to be on Casey's side to get anywhere with her.

Remember the interview with Greta or Nancy Grace where CA says "I just want Casey to know I forgive her". It was one of the first interviews. I think that was direct communication to Casey while she was in jail, saying just that. Now if she really does forgive her or not is a whole other matter. But for the sake of "face" I think CA wants her daughter to know she is on her side. CA knew from that first call Casey was in jail watching her media rounds and wanted to toss that out there to make Casey feel good.

I honestly think they fear Caylee is dead but need to continue to support Casey just to get to the bottom of this somehow.
Just what was she "forgiving" her for? I think she's known all along Caylee is deceased. There is too much that points to that being the case.
The way in which Casey spoke to her mother in the now famous phone call where she said "Mom, you don't KNOW what my involvement is?" and all that followed, shows the past pattern of behavior clearly. Casey had been spoiled and coddled and she had been allowed to commit crime after crime (not mistakes CRIMES) with NO INTERVENTION or INVOLVELMENT of LE whatsoever. Her family obviously was ahamed that they had to deal with Casey's continual CRIMES against them all. She stole money and checks from them ALL for years. She even stole from at least one of Lee's friends. She stole from Lee and from her parents and from her grandparents and from her friends...and she NEVER was held accountable for that. In a court of LAW she would have been, but in the COURT of a MOTHER's LOVE she was not held to the proper JUSTICE that she should have been for those CRIMES.

Casey was a CRIMINAL for years. There is a song by Traci Chapman that talks about a person who "preys only on his neighbors, brothers sisters and friends, we'll consider it a blessing, we'll consider justice done, but if he comes for you or me, and we can place a gun in his hands BANG BANG BANG we'll shoot him down." I think this explains PERFECTLY what was happening in these poor people's lives. They were being PREYED UPON by their daughter and that had finally bled out into the remainder of society and as we all know, society is not nearly as forgiving as mom and dad...
No, I don't think it's an act. They're just riddled with guilt and think standing by her now will somehow make up for everything. That house has never been a happy home, IMO. They're all suffering from some sort of mental deficiency if you ask me.
I think they are pretending to help the police but only helping by giving false information to them. After all, it's all about Casey in their eyes. moo
I do not think George and Cindy are working with LE. If they had sense enough to do that, they would have sense enough to stay in the house instead of nightly WWE with the protesters.
No, I do not think the grandparents are helping or Lee, I think the Anthonys are in extreme denial. Also, the reason they didnt release "all" the statements (so I hear is), the unreleased ones will be used in the Grand Jury. (if it ever comes to that).
I think they may work with police off and on,depending what they are moved to do that day. You want an odd scenario? Here goes.
It is well documented that both G+C knew that it smelled like a dead body in the car. They thought it was either Casey or Caylee. They find Casey so they know now who it is. They realize that there is nothing they can do to change it at this point. Hours before this revelation, they realize they are tired and poor. While they do work and make plenty to pay bills and have vacations, every time they get ahead Casey sneaks in and robs them blind. Due to this they are about to lose their home, have defaulted judgements, etc. While GA is retrieving the car, the Credit card company calls about suspicious activity on their card. They realize that they will be 142 yo before they can pay off the house.

So they come up with a plan. They realize that the media will get involved somehow but are not sure to what extent. They are watchers of the news and also realize that the more odd, the more media. So Ci retrieves Ca and we are off. Thay start off as any GP's would do. They are sad and need help. Then the bizzare activity begins. Ratings soar. They now see that at this point big money is calling to try and procure photos and exclusive interviews. There is rumor that some shmuck network may offer them a few million to sell their story. So they run around, day after day doing bizzare things and watch the ratings explode. They realize if they support the little demon that they have hated for years anyway, this is a gold mine. It just needs to get dragged out until they can work out a book deal, a Lifetime movie, an Oprah project and maybe even start a 503c to be the ceo and president of.
they know the baby is gone so why not reap the rewards they so richly deserve?
I can see them in the living room saying, "watch this honey, I am going to go out with the hammer again and push an old lady". Ratings studies show that when the hammer appears, ratings go up so it is now a fixture in any confrontation. "OK, My turn, Hey guys, It was a pizza eating squirrel. Boy it sure is hot." They just laugh inside the house while planning what to do next. They even have internet bloggers cut off their funds, making the story worth another $153,000. Just one odd turn after another.

Meanwhile they all support poor Casey. They do not ask her where the baby is because they know the baby is gone. Meanwhile they intend to sell her down the river by making sure that all of her transgressions come out in court. This story ends with Cindy whispering to Casey right before Casey is led away in shackles. "Got you back....Im Rich, witch!

OK none of this happened. But there are a thousand different scenarios that could have. I still stand by Occam's Razor. As well, the evidence does not lie.

Oh no he didn't!!

:clap: Love it!

I have felt for some time that George, Cindy, and Lee's rage has been somewhat forced. It just didn't seem genuine to me. They seemed to appear on camera like those 'thanks, buyowner' commercials where all the home owners appear to be what they are, unprofessional actors. That is what I see in the Anthony family. They are unprofessional actors forcing themselves to be angry with protestors, when in fact, it looks like they thrive on it.

They love the spotlight in a very disturbing way, given the fact that their granddaughter is missing. They are media addicted. In one recent taggle with protesters, Cindy was trying to stop George and she looked right into the camera to see if she was being filmed. They give the protesters what they are looking for - drammmmmmaaaa.

Great scenario, Bobby!
Considering Cindy pocketed the cash in Casey's wallet, doesn't sound so far fetched to me. Maybe some of the details are off but the premise is sound, imo.

In some circles that is known as stealing evidence. It also has two or three other names. All could offer some vacation time.
i think george and cindy are victims in every sense of the word

Opinion valid and noted. What is your opinion on the media blitz Cindy went on to try and create reasonable doubt for Casey? And all the mistruths that were designed to cover for Casey? And not getting to the bottom of things while Casey is in their home? Or just allowing Casey to run wilding through the streets of Orlando? Or never having her prosecuted for each theft from them or Lee?

Take Care :blowkiss:
The way in which Casey spoke to her mother in the now famous phone call where she said "Mom, you don't KNOW what my involvement is?" and all that followed, shows the past pattern of behavior clearly. Casey had been spoiled and coddled and she had been allowed to commit crime after crime (not mistakes CRIMES) with NO INTERVENTION or INVOLVELMENT of LE whatsoever. Her family obviously was ahamed that they had to deal with Casey's continual CRIMES against them all. She stole money and checks from them ALL for years. She even stole from at least one of Lee's friends. She stole from Lee and from her parents and from her grandparents and from her friends...and she NEVER was held accountable for that. In a court of LAW she would have been, but in the COURT of a MOTHER's LOVE she was not held to the proper JUSTICE that she should have been for those CRIMES.

Casey was a CRIMINAL for years. There is a song by Traci Chapman that talks about a person who "preys only on his neighbors, brothers sisters and friends, we'll consider it a blessing, we'll consider justice done, but if he comes for you or me, and we can place a gun in his hands BANG BANG BANG we'll shoot him down." I think this explains PERFECTLY what was happening in these poor people's lives. They were being PREYED UPON by their daughter and that had finally bled out into the remainder of society and as we all know, society is not nearly as forgiving as mom and dad...

Well said, magic-cat. Sociopaths don't have relationships, they take hostages.
Wouldn't you like to be a fly on the wall in that house? What does "she" do all day, when she is not at her attorney's office? What does momma do? You know it is not a very pleasant situation there.

Don't think the parents are working with police. They are enablers and they continue to enable her whenever they can. It's very sad what the parents are going through but they will never realize that they are partly to blame for their daughter's actions by doing nothing to correct her actions. IMO
I think you are right on target with CA & GA I also think that the document dumps are a way for KC to see what everyone of her friends & family have said to LE. I do not think that the documents are in any way intended for GA & CA to get them to change anything they are doing, I think that LE is well aware that KC is still on a computer and that they know exactly what she is looking at (EX: wiretap) and that LE thinks the more info they put out the more she will change her story, and with those changes there may be a shred of truth within all her lies.

I also think that JB could deliver KC to LE and tell them they could talk to her for days and that LE would know that all she would do is contine to spin more lies, I do not believe that KC will ever come out with what happened or where her precious daughters remains are.

And with the text message to tony that if they find Caylee she will be in jail the rest of her life, is somewhat of an admission that she knows she is dead.

I also think that CA & GA already know that and have accepted it but they are keeping KC at there home in the hopes that she will eventually say something to someone that will break this case wide open...I think all that GA & CA want is there precious grandaughter back in any way they can get her.

Hello all, I am trying to do catch up on all of this, My 2 year old grandson has been so sick this week, all I have done is rock & sing. I love every second of it, don't get me wrong.He just went to sleep and I ran to the computor! Every free second I have I try to catch up on this.
Please fill me in on the text message Casey sent to Tony about she would be in jail, or send a link to where I can find it.


How I love my Grandchildren
First post.

From almost the beginning, I've felt the parents are trying to show Casey they are on her side so that she may eventually tell them the truth. Think back to their demeanor and attitudes in the press, etc in that first week. They were hospitable, on all kinds of shows, they sat on Greatas show shaking their head at some of the lies that had been exposed. You could tell they loved their granddaughter and they were hurting. And then something changed. It became a vicious "circle the wagon" time. It's almost like they are acting so suppportive that it's fake. The few comments and excuses aren't genuine. I think it was something the police or a therapist suggested. They are trying to make Casey feel comfortable and safe in hopes that she'll confess something to them.

It wouldn't surprise me if this case was solved based on Cindy's or George's information.
First post.

From almost the beginning, I've felt the parents are trying to show Casey they are on her side so that she may eventually tell them the truth. Think back to their demeanor and attitudes in the press, etc in that first week. They were hospitable, on all kinds of shows, they sat on Greatas show shaking their head at some of the lies that had been exposed. You could tell they loved their granddaughter and they were hurting. And then something changed. It became a vicious "circle the wagon" time. It's almost like they are acting so suppportive that it's fake. The few comments and excuses aren't genuine. I think it was something the police or a therapist suggested. They are trying to make Casey feel comfortable and safe in hopes that she'll confess something to them.

It wouldn't surprise me if this case was solved based on Cindy's or George's information.

If Cindy and George are helping the police on this, They deserve a award for truly being the greatest Grandparents in the World. I hope and pray they are.
Welcome, hotbuttered!

I don't think George and Cindy are voluntarily working with law enforcement but may be "involuntarily" working with them.

I think the reason Casey's lawyer has her coming to his office all day every day is to keep her off the home phones and computers. Police can't wiretap the lawyer's phone.

I also think the police are going to just sit back and outwait these folks. There is no statute of limitation on murder and the lawyer will eventually get sick of Casey hanging at his office. Or the lawyer's WIFE will get sick of Casey hanging at the lawyer's office!

Casey doesn't seem to have many friends left, but may begin to make some new friends in the future via facebook and myspace. The old friends said she "lived her life through facebook".

I know Laci Peterson was killed at Christmastime and Scott was not arrested until April. Plus there was the guy in Florida who killed his wife on the beach - sorry I can't remember his name - and they did not arrest him for over a year or more.

I would imagine that George, former law enforcement and already unhappy enough with his marriage to have filed once for divorce, is the most uncomfortable at this point.

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