Does anyone think that Cindy and George are working with police?

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Yes, she did, but in the end, she realized that her ONLY daughter might be put to death or locked up for the rest of her life, or a big portion of it, and she started in trying to do damage control to TRY to SAVE her...She knows she has lost Caylee, and no doubt, carries a burden of guilt for that inside of her own heart, and she does not want to lose Casey too...:) It is not all for nothing, it is for the preservation of her daughters life and future...
Exactly, plus if the LE was getting CA & GA to let Casey think they believed her jsut to get her to confess to them, that would never work. Casey is so used to people buying her lies she thinks that she can get away with anything, and her parents believing her would only cement her not telling the truth.
I do believe Cindy and George are aiding LE in the very smallest of ways. Certainly their support is going toward their daughter. Maybe in part that if they appear understanding to Casey, she might let loose with some information.
But, for those of you who state that Casey has been spoiled by her parents, I want to add that she surely has also been severly criticized and put down by her parents. That is one of the reason Casey is such a compulsive liar.
She leared early on that lying kept her out of trouble. Her parents (especially Cindy) never taught her the truth, no matter how bad, was always better to tell when asked. She was probably punished either physically or mentally or both when she got into trouble - any kind, even for sneaking a cookie from the kitchen.
Lying was and still is a defense for Casey. I've seen this behavior in my own mother. She came from a large family and lying was her only way to survive her childhood without being punished by physical or being told how bad she was. My mom carried it into adulthood. She never told the turth.
I have wondered from the beginning if the Anthony's are working with the police.

It seems like they are walking on egg shells around Casey for fear that she will never tell them where Caylee is.

I have a brother like Casey and everybody in my family has always walked on egg shells around him and never wanted to confront him about his lies and stealing. I am the only one that has ever stood up to him and he is afraid of me (not physically) but he knows I will call him out on his lies and everything he does.

He is a big bully just like Casey is. From the first jail tapes with Cindy it seems like she is bullying her and all the sarcasm and foul language, it's like she is threatening Cindy with "you will never see Caylee again".

Anyway, that's the way my brother is and that is what I take from it.

I knew someone like this. Everyone who knows her knows she lies. Big, huge, ridiculous whoppers. And they all know she's crazy. And they all just ignore it.

She knows I know she lies. She knows I'll call her out on it. When she sees me, she gets really nervous and trembles and acts submissive.

I've never threatened her or been cruel. I've just called her out on some of her fantasies.

You should see her profiles on social networking sites. Apparently, she's been to every country in the world that no one else has ever been, received multiple degrees from universities from places she's never lived, etc., etc.

Every time I read about Caseys' behavior, it reminds me of this girl. I just hope this person never, ever breeds. I can't imagine the crazy crap she'd pull on a child.
~snip~Meanwhile they all support poor Casey. They do not ask her where the baby is because they know the baby is gone. Meanwhile they intend to sell her down the river by making sure that all of her transgressions come out in court. This story ends with Cindy whispering to Casey right before Casey is led away in shackles. "Got you back....Im Rich, witch!

OK none of this happened. But there are a thousand different scenarios that could have. I still stand by Occam's Razor. As well, the evidence does not lie.

Oh no he didn't!!

Are you sure it's not "Maybe, I'm a spiteful b*tch?" J/k:crazy:

I don't think they're helping/working with LE, but it would be wonderful to be wrong!
In the very beginning of this case I believed they were, BUT not anymore! I think they're covering Casey's butt....:mad:
Wouldn't you like to be a fly on the wall in that house? What does "she" do all day, when she is not at her attorney's office? What does momma do? You know it is not a very pleasant situation there.

Don't think the parents are working with police. They are enablers and they continue to enable her whenever they can. It's very sad what the parents are going through but they will never realize that they are partly to blame for their daughter's actions by doing nothing to correct her actions. IMO

I think she sits in her room all day on her computer updating her facebook, myspace, photoalbums and reading and posting on forums. I hope she's leaving a trail for LE, that's why I think they don't care that she's out. She got busted posting on another forum the other night on a forum where registration is easy and not nearly as "traceable" since you can register with a yahoo or hotmail account. She's an idiot, no doubt about it and can easily be baited. She can't help herself, it's really pathetic. (just like Cindy)
First post.

From almost the beginning, I've felt the parents are trying to show Casey they are on her side so that she may eventually tell them the truth. Think back to their demeanor and attitudes in the press, etc in that first week. They were hospitable, on all kinds of shows, they sat on Greatas show shaking their head at some of the lies that had been exposed. You could tell they loved their granddaughter and they were hurting. And then something changed. It became a vicious "circle the wagon" time. It's almost like they are acting so suppportive that it's fake. The few comments and excuses aren't genuine. I think it was something the police or a therapist suggested. They are trying to make Casey feel comfortable and safe in hopes that she'll confess something to them.

It wouldn't surprise me if this case was solved based on Cindy's or George's information.

I think this is very possible and I really hope it turns out this way...
I think she sits in her room all day on her computer updating her facebook, myspace, photoalbums and reading and posting on forums. I hope she's leaving a trail for LE, that's why I think they don't care that she's out. She got busted posting on another forum the other night on a forum where registration is easy and not nearly as "traceable" since you can register with a yahoo or hotmail account. She's an idiot, no doubt about it and can easily be baited. She can't help herself, it's really pathetic. (just like Cindy)

Bold mine:
How do you know this information?
I think she sits in her room all day on her computer updating her facebook, myspace, photoalbums and reading and posting on forums. I hope she's leaving a trail for LE, that's why I think they don't care that she's out. She got busted posting on another forum the other night on a forum where registration is easy and not nearly as "traceable" since you can register with a yahoo or hotmail account. She's an idiot, no doubt about it and can easily be baited. She can't help herself, it's really pathetic. (just like Cindy)

She got busted on another forum? Which one? Lead us there.....
I thought part of her home confinement was that she couldnt be on the world wide web..Am I misinformed?
But, if they let her talk and ramble on the internet maybe it will end up being more evidence against her in the end..
no, IMO they are in this deep themselves..............cover up
No, they are way to busy trying to have websites shut down and figuring ways to make money.
NeJame did admit that Cindy does frequent several websites, not just this one, that have strong vocal opinions about Casey Anthony. He advised her not to look at those, but does she listen? No. She has no legal ground to sue anyone, so other websites need not worry. Seems Cindy is a fan of three particular sites,,, &, which are all great websites.
First post.

From almost the beginning, I've felt the parents are trying to show Casey they are on her side so that she may eventually tell them the truth. Think back to their demeanor and attitudes in the press, etc in that first week. They were hospitable, on all kinds of shows, they sat on Greatas show shaking their head at some of the lies that had been exposed. You could tell they loved their granddaughter and they were hurting. And then something changed. It became a vicious "circle the wagon" time. It's almost like they are acting so suppportive that it's fake. The few comments and excuses aren't genuine. I think it was something the police or a therapist suggested. They are trying to make Casey feel comfortable and safe in hopes that she'll confess something to them.

It wouldn't surprise me if this case was solved based on Cindy's or George's information.

Yes, I feel EXACTLY the same way! In that call from jail that KC made, it was clear she felt her mom turned on her, and she was done talking to her. After that, CA seemed to support KC at every turn. I think the A family knows that the only way that KC would continue talking to them and even have the chance of her possibly giving up anything that may give them a clue is for her to believe they are completely on her side. I'm sure Cindy truely does still have hope that Caylee is still alive somewhere, as she said, if there is any chance she'll hold out hope, what grandmother wouldn't. And as I've said before, it has to be almost impossible to believe your child could do something like this to their own child. But they know their first thoughts, and they know they have to play KC's game to find truths from her, this isn't knew to them (they lying part).
As bad as I despise Cindy's action since this all began, I believe that after I see her interview today, I will have a strong since of sympathy for her..
I know she cares so much for Caylee..maybe it was too much in Casey's eyes..
Sad, just pure sad..
It makes perfect sense! Cindy was so sure "something" happened to Caylee in the beginning. Even getting into arguments with Casey over the situation.

It would take a lot for a grandparent to go through daily ridicule, and enough composure to hold all emotions in.
I think maybe they are or maybe they just figured out that their initial reaction to her, one of opposing views caused Casey to go on the defense. They weren't getting anywhere with that so maybe that's why the tune changed. Hoping to get more info either helping LE or just on their own.
stephademic starts here and you have to follow her posts, she breaks it up into several posts. I just happened upon it and saved it. (DISCLAIMER... I believe it was KC but am not claiming it definitely can decide for yourselves ;) )

Sep 24, 2008 | 12:06 AM
I just CAUGHT Casey online on AIM and spoke with her.

Check this out. She IM'd me after deleting me from her Facebook because I'd made it obvious I wasn't an Anthony supporter. I changed my IM screen name to "KCKilledKLee" and she IM'd me from a screen name "sickofprotesters" talking crap to me.

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