Dog the Bounty Hunter #2

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I see his point. I don't think he's racist, he fully explains what he means when using the word. He knows how it will, and has, been misconstrued against him. He doesn't have anything against his son dating a black girl, IMO. Look who the man deals with in his job...
Does anyone know what this is all about?
I heard he has been on the side of Joe Francis, the guy behind "Girls Gone Wild." accused of video-taping underage girls.
I love Dog, but if he is defending someone like him it's no wonder they are yanking him off the air.
Whoa whoa whoa, what did he say?! And, why are they believing a gossip rag like the friggin' National Enquirer?!!!
I'm sure there's more to the conversation, only the flaming part was played for the drama....JMO.
Thank you Wikipedia. I don't think they should suspend the show. Someone eavesdropped and taped him, then used it to destroy him. He should be made to do some sort of penance though. I didn't think he was like that. But, he still does good works. (Even with a mind more closed than I thought.) But maybe he wasn't against the skin color, maybe he was against the attitude of the girlfriend? I've heard a friend refer to trashy people of that skin tone by that slur. That might be what he meant.
Ok, I smell !!! Listen to the supposed recording here at Perez Hilton. That is a recording cobbled together, he never actually said that himself, a computer did. The phrasing is un-natural, and you can hear the weird breaks mid-word at places where they took syllables and cobbled them together to "make" him say those words. It's FAKE FAKE FAKE!!! Someone has an axe to grind against him. HE DIDN'T DO IT! :twocents:
I hope people are inundating A&E with e-mails asking them to actually listen to the audio and have it analyzed. I *bet* it will be shown to be a complete and utter fraud! Then, I hope Dog SUES the National Enquirer!
I see his point. I don't think he's racist, he fully explains what he means when using the word. He knows how it will, and has, been misconstrued against him. He doesn't have anything against his son dating a black girl, IMO. Look who the man deals with in his job...

This is exactly what I think. Plus, it was a private conversation. Who made it public? I'd like to know.

I'd like to add.. I do not like the N word, nor have I ever used it. I do not condone others using it. However, before I judge this situation, I want to know what was going on, was it the heat of the moment,etc...
From Dog's Pastor, Pastor Tom Storey (if you watch the show, you have seen him. He is African American, if that matters to anyone).

Pastor Tim Storey, an African-American, told us that he spoke with Dog, who cried for 30 minutes, saying, "I'm shocked, I'm wrong I repent. Can you believe, Tim, that I'm going to be put in the same category as Imus."
I felt that he had to be accountable to what he said. When I asked him what took place, why he said it, he said that he was angry with his son about many things."

The pastor, who performed Dog and Beth's wedding ceremony continued, "The subject of his son's girlfriend came up, and in his anger he then attacked that relationship and then therefore challenged the girl by saying she wasn't good enough."
I am not sure why everyone is crying that this must be fake. I thought I read on TMZ that he admitted to using the word and apologized.
I don't believe it was fake Masterj. I read that also. I believe that he did say it. I wanted to know the CONTEXT it was said in. I think that word is wrong, and I do not believe in it, as I previously stated, however, I also understand that sometimes, people can be so upset that things come out that they normally would not otherwise say.
The part that makes my blood boil is towards the end where he does not want his son bringing the black girlfriend around the younger kids, and he gives him (the son) the ultimatum that he can't work with them anymore until he (the son) breaks up with the girl and puts her out of his life. And the little gem he stated about if it was his other son dating a black girl they would all tell him "f'you": what caring father says that to their child, adult or not ?!?!?!? You don't exile your child for having a racially different companion!!! And it is sad that Dog put his persona and business before his own flesh and blood... worried more about how he will be perceived if a black person is in the family and finds it offensive if he uses the "n" word. If he is so worried about how he will be perceived, then why not just stop saying it?

While people say that too many people empower the "n" word, when they shouldn't: Dog is doing just that... but in the context that suits HIM. It is just a word, but it's far more valuable to Dog to be able to say it, than having his son around him. That is sad...

And yes, the tapes are not fake... Dog directed the media to the pastor, to whom pointed out that Dog voiced it was wrong and he repented. As for the Imus issue: Dog should be wishing that this was on the Imus line of screw-ups: what Dog has said and how he said it is far worse than what Imus said. Dog's racial slurs were personal... so personal he turned his back on his own kid.

And another yes: he is supporting the Girls Gone Wild guy... I'll have to find the write up on it.
Yech, who cares I can't stand that show Dog and his wife ...can't stand either one. Can't stand how they dress, act, or talk. Can't watch the show or take them seriously.
I guess I don't understand why such a big deal is being made about Dog. Some of my closest friends are TRUE rednecks, they occasionally use the "N" word...but I'll tell ya if a black friend of theirs needed help....they're right there to give them the shirt off their back.
I don't see what the big deal is--If Dog doesn't want his son dating a black girl, he has every right to say so--I'm sure most white parents do not want their son or daughter dating a black person, and I'm sure most black parents do not want their son or daughter dating a white person--However, if Dog really used the "N" word, that is absolutely unacceptable and I totally agree with A&E's decision to suspend the show
I don't like the N word being said by anybody. I have this one neighbor and she is black and I constantly hear her outside calling her kids 'litte n'er' this and bring your 'black a$$' in the house..etc etc this lady makes me cringe. I can't stand the way she talks and I don't care if she is black or white saying it to me it is trashy & I just rather not associate with people like her.
I don't like the N word being said by anybody. I have this one neighbor and she is black and I constantly hear her outside calling her kids 'litte n'er' this and bring your 'black a$$' in the house..etc etc this lady makes me cringe. I can't stand the way she talks and I don't care if she is black or white saying it to me it is trashy & I just rather not associate with people like her.
I feel the exact same way. It makes me cringe. I was not brought up hearing racial slurs. I think that it is a reflection on the person saying them. I definitely stay away from those types of people.

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