Don We Now our FUN Apparel.....

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Mar 6, 2009
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KANSAS CITY, Mo. (AP) — Greeting card giant Hallmark said Thursday that it shouldn't have changed the lyrics to "Deck the Halls" on a new holiday ornament that stirred a backlash from customers online.

The Kansas City, Mo.-based company has been defending itself after it began selling a miniaturized version of a tacky holiday sweater that changes the lyrics to the holiday carol. The ornament removes the word "gay" and emblazons the sweater with the phrase: "Don we now our FUN apparel!"


I wonder if they took a vote on this before deciding on this ornament? Can we all just agree that "back in the day" meant....happy or fun, and leave it at that??

Probably this sweater wasn't the best choice to put on this ornament, actually.
Stupid...; another example of PC gone too far. IMO

Recently my uncle passed away and as my sister, and several of my female cousins stood around visiting after the service they started joking referring to themselves as the 'Gay' girls... because all 4 of them have the middle name Gay.

Can't kids just be taught what the meaning of the word 'gay' is instead?

Guess it's just different times.
Stupid...; another example of PC gone too far. IMO

Recently my uncle passed away and as my sister, and several of my female cousins stood around visiting after the service they started joking referring to themselves as the 'Gay' girls... because all 4 of them have the middle name Gay.

Can't kids just be taught what the meaning of the word 'gay' is instead?

Guess it's just different times.

Wait. You want ME to educate my CHILD!? STAHP
For some reason, I am left with the mental image of a group of Christmas carollers tra-la-la-la'ing in leather chaps.
For some reason, I am left with the mental image of a group of Christmas carollers tra-la-la-la'ing in leather chaps.

You've been spending too much time around wfgodot...or Steely.
:floorlaugh: Now I envision the YMCA guys singing the carol.
Some how I dont think the PC people were offended. I cannot see anyone at work or my husband wearing a sweater saying that. Just a stupid choice by Hallmark.
Yet....Hallmark has no plans to change the ornament.

I can't picture a homosexual person taking offense at the use of the word "gay" in context (meaning, in the original lyrics of a 100+ year old song). The song has such a beautiful history -- and now we have Hallmark to thank for attempting to obliterate that for the generations to come.
To me I see it as People becoming waaaaay too politically correct and then going overboard to try to cover up what may be viewed as homophobic. IMO How did this get the go ahead through so many people?
Those are not the Lyrics to the Song. We all know that; yet still is Hallmark known for being Homophobic or are the owners; and does anyone know?
It was a huge mistake to draw attention to the word "fun" by capitalizing the letters. Silly idea. :moo:
I've noticed that a lot of times the people on the PC trains are often not in the group of people that they think is being targeted, and then the group that they are trying so hard not to offend get shoved into the light and blamed for it.

I bet there's going to be a ton of people left with a bad taste over this towards the gay community, and while I can't speak for all of them, the ones I know and I myself don't really care about a song that is from the days of yore back when gay actually meant happy.
I've noticed that a lot of times the people on the PC trains are often not in the group of people that they think is being targeted, and then the group that they are trying so hard not to offend get shoved into the light and blamed for it.

I bet there's going to be a ton of people left with a bad taste over this towards the gay community, and while I can't speak for all of them, the ones I know and I myself don't really care about a song that is from the days of yore back when gay actually meant happy.

It should leave a bad taste for Hallmark, not the GLBT community.
For some reason, I am left with the mental image of a group of Christmas carollers tra-la-la-la'ing in leather chaps.

That's the best kind of Christmas party! :)
For some reason, I am left with the mental image of a group of Christmas carollers tra-la-la-la'ing in leather chaps.

I think you mean 'assless' leather chaps. Or the cast from Rocky Horror. :floorlaugh:
I've noticed that a lot of times the people on the PC trains are often not in the group of people that they think is being targeted, and then the group that they are trying so hard not to offend get shoved into the light and blamed for it.

I bet there's going to be a ton of people left with a bad taste over this towards the gay community, and while I can't speak for all of them, the ones I know and I myself don't really care about a song that is from the days of yore back when gay actually meant happy.

An excellent point. :goodpost:
I very much doubt that the company changed the word due to political correctness. It actually is politically correct to keep the word "gay". I suspect this was done out of some homophobic notion about using the word "gay" as it now has a more prevalent usage than the expression of fun or joy. This was most likely a political statement and they've now been "caught out", if you'll excuse the pun! Gay is in no way an offensive term no matter in which context it's being used. The only people that would be concerned about it's usage are people that have hang ups about sexuality. :facepalm:
You know if they'd kept the original wording on that ornament it would have likely sold in the millions and become this years cult Christmas item? Talk about stupid!

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