dont know where to put this link, bizarre or crime.

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If you are raised up in a family from time you are a baby - WHAT adapting? Adapting means you need to learn something new - if you grow up in a home, you don't have to adapt to it, you just are there.

What 7 year old eats what you want them to without a fuss, anyway?

I thought maybe she was difficult behaviorally, which I've heard about. They have problems with her because she won't eat what they eat? That's ridiculous and sad.

Really ridiculous and so, so sad.

And yep, WHAT ADAPTING????

These 'parents' can get all the counselling they want, but bottom line is that they are the kind of people who would adopt an infant girl, give her up in a foregin country seven years later and blame it on the little girl.....using such weighty reasons like 'she doesn't like our food!' Cry me a river, Dutch mommy. Cry me a river. Poor YOU! POOR POOR YOU! :furious:
this is like when people adopt a puppy , its all cute and cuddly, then it gets older, and gets into trouble chewying up things, not housebroken, they have a baby so now they dont want the dog,so what do they do? they take it to the pound....
these parents are doing the same thing with this child..she was cute and cuddly, got older, of course more difficult most kids are as they get older, its part of growing up, anyhow they have their own kids then decide this child needs to go back to the orphange.
what do you think their other children are thinking? if i dont behave they will get rid of me too?
I am thinking there is probably a lot more to this story that they aren't releasing.

I find it incredibly unbelievable the only reason sited was the food issue.

"Adapting" sounds as if it could be "ATTACHMENT" and Reactive Attachment Disorder is no joke.

So for now ...........I really have no comment.
I am thinking there is probably a lot more to this story that they aren't releasing.

I find it incredibly unbelievable the only reason sited was the food issue.

"Adapting" sounds as if it could be "ATTACHMENT" and Reactive Attachment Disorder is no joke.

So for now ...........I really have no comment.

I was thinking the same thing. Remember a few years back when a mother killed her adopted son? He was from Russia, I believe and suffered from "R.A.D". He was adopted as an infant also.
Sad story all around.
It sounds to me like this poor girl didn't have a chance to bond with the family since she was cared for mostly by Nannies and was seldom in her mother's arms.

She seems to be happy now. I hope that lasts.
I wonder what the other reasons are and don't see how there could be any cultural shock since the child was a baby. Maybe she has some food intolerances or has decided not to eat meat or something any child might go through. The little girl is probably better off without those two, but it will just cause her more problems and all this time she could have been with someone else who would consider her really their own. The diplomat should have to pay the remaining years to support the girl plus damages and future education.

They should make them pay the remaining years child support and all!!
I wonder if they only adopted since they thought it was trendy with celebrities like Angelina Jolie and Madonna doing such things. At least Jolie and Madonna keep their children.
These two are far from diplomatic. It sounds like once they had their own children to have the nannies raise, they figured get rid of this one. It's so sad. If the poor girl was having difficulties eating, it was due to the stress of having a "family" that didn't love her.
This is the quote that got to me:

"They got a very hard time with this. For the family involved, it's a very traumatic thing," he said, declining to comment further.

Don't you just feel sooooooo sorry for them ... (dripping with sarcasm) I guess that they didn't consider how hard this is on their adopted daughter! :banghead: :banghead:

What the hel* do they know about family life? :mad: :slap:
More on this story and a picture of the lovely couple:,8599,1695735,00.html

This is a good article. But I still don't understand, on the one hand they're saying she'd been diagnosed with an emotional attachment disorder, but on the other, they say she's happy and doing well in her new home. It seems like they couldn't both be true.

It sure sounds like she didn't have a fair chance, "Media reports have raised questions about just how well integrated into the family Jade was. The South China Morning Post quoted a babysitter who looked after Jade while the family was in Indonesia as saying that the girl was cared for by nannies. "She was rarely in her mother's arms," the babysitter said. "I also found it strange that she was so quiet." A babysitter told a Dutch newspaper that Poeteray's wife did not treat Jade as a "real daughter."

This also concerned me: The couple, who also have two biological children, brought Jade with them to Indonesia and then to Hong Kong in 2004, although Poeteray never applied for Dutch nationality for the child — a curious oversight, given that he worked in a consulate. What's that all about?

Kids can be diagnosed with RAD, even if they've lived their whole lives with their birth parents. I wonder what they would have done if this had been one of their biological children?

The more I read, the less sympathetic I am to the parents.
Sad story and after 8 years, if I read it right......
The quote that got me most in that article was "The couple now have their OWN children". What the heck does that mean? She wasn't their OWN child? Feel sorry for them other kids with them for parents.

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