Don't miss ! ~ 20/20~ 9/05/08~caylee anthony case

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I found the FBI profiler to be very enlightening! He said that Casey "makes up her own make-believe world" everyday! He also said that Casey is not "crazy". He said she is able to function but she is definitely not "crazy".

I liked him too and thought he described Casey perfectly. My mother used to say all the time when she didn't hear from my brother "out of sight, out of mind".
I found the FBI profiler to be very enlightening! He said that Casey "makes up her own make-believe world" everyday! He also said that Casey is not "crazy". He said she is able to function but she is definitely not "crazy".

Yes definatly he impressed me the most. Finally someone with common sense for a change besides those d-a'd attorneys spewing nonsense about Magnolias out of their mouths. I mean for them to make a comp to Casey using such abeautiful flower- gags me
I liked when her attorney said the information would be presented in court when it matters or something along that line. Like I guess now it's not important to clear the air.

My guess is Baez and Casey are waiting to see if Caylee's body will be found and they are waiting to discover ALL the evidence against Casey before spilling the beans on this "compelling reason."

Whatever reason they come up with won't be the truth. They just haven't decided yet on what will be the most believable story to a jury.

I'm onto those 2 mofos!
His facial expressions though weren't insync with what he was saying. Initially, it looked like he had smelled something rotten. That's putting it more accurately!!

My guess is Baez and Casey are waiting to see if Caylee's body will be found and after they discover ALL the evidence against Casey before spilling the beans on this "compelling reason." Since it won't be the truth, they are going to have to wing it when the time is right for whatever story they come up with!

right, just more spin on this from that side.

But it doesnt take much for us to realize that and ya know I am so glad I came here and met a bunch of people who recognize it for what it is....the world is a much better place for me to live in knowing I'm not on the wrong side of this, that I dont support such things.
There was a pretty swift and powerful backlash when word spread about 20/20 paying that much money to the Anthony's. I emailed the VP of ABC news and the publicist for 20/20- just saying how distasteful it was, how many thousands of people on Caylee websites were ready to rally and eager to boycott ABC/Disney/Advertisers etc. I'm sure many others did as well. I still feel sure they gave a significant amount of money-maybe even some anonymously- but they probably shortened the segment and cut out the GP's interviews to distance themselves and not appear quite so unseemly.

Could it be that ABC only paid for the rights to the videos and Cindy and George were given advances from a book/tv deal? Has that possibility been discussed?
A Venus flytrap might also fit the strong yet gentle description... I promised I wouldn't say anything dumb tonight.... Going back to sit in my corner....:rolleyes:

That wasn't dumb, that was pretty profound. :) Why are you beating yourself up? Btw I grew up in Wichita, KS. (Not a fan though). :)
Could it be that ABC only paid for the rights to the videos and Cindy and George were given advances from a book/tv deal? Has that possibility been discussed?

Oh yeah, there is more ugliness to come. They supposedly have an agent and if they haven't made a deal for book/tv rights --its coming. They will be profiting from Caylee's disappearance and the money will probably go to help defend the one who "lost" Caylee. :furious:
Didnt Cindy say something about Casey not getting to hold Caylee when she was 1st born and she didnt get to bond with her? This was at the beginning of the case. Does anyone remember?

I didn't get to hold my son immediately either but had no bonding issues. Heck, I was afraid to hold him with all the morphine they gave me.

Can you give me clue as to the thread title?

Search for Everybody dies, everybody lies.

And with bad action comes bad Karma.

:woohoo:Good one!:woohoo:

Omg...Glade sponsored part of the show. For those odors you just can't cover up. Sorry, sick humor!

Now, stop it! I'm drinkin coffee over here!
My guess is Baez and Casey are waiting to see if Caylee's body will be found and they are waiting to discover ALL the evidence against Casey before spilling the beans on this "compelling reason."

Whatever reason they come up with won't be the truth. They just haven't decided yet on what will be the most believable story to a jury.

I'm onto those 2 mofos!

Exactly! Until they know all the evidence against Casey, they can't concoct the compelling REAL truth about what happened. It might endanger Caylee's life to tell the truth before trial! But we promise we're gonna tell you then, and boy will you be surprised. You'll all owe Casey an apology!

The steel magnolia reference really got me. She is steel, alright. But there ain't a damn thing about that girl that is soft and flowery and sweet.
I am sorry but I just have a large amount of skepticism with network and cable shows and their methods. It is no disrespect to anyone here, but their producers and execs have their ways.

ABC has been accused before:
The network did not disclose on the air that it had paid Mr. Dykeman, saying only that it had ''recently obtained the rights to his home video'' and other materials.

ABC News said it didn’t pay for interviews on last week’s Michael Jackson special – but some of the subjects were paid nonetheless.

According to the ABC representatives, who asked not to be further identified because they were not authorized to reveal details of the negotiations, ABC had agreed to pay $100,000 to the Hilton family in a deal for the interview.

Also from that article:
Deals involving payment for production materials, not for the interviews themselves, have become increasingly common as networks seek to secure exclusive arrangements with prominent people.

It's all about being able to say "we don't pay for interviews", but still paying and getting the interview. It's like saying "I didn't buy that candy bar, I just bought the wrapper. The candy bar just happened to come with it."

So, ABC could have paid the Anthony's for the use of photos and video, call them "production materials" and continue to say they did not pay for the interview.
Well, if the words on this page are really Casey's, then I'd say you are exactly right about what she thinks of her own "charms."

This "Equalizer" really does not like Casey!

I don't get the horsey face thing. Molly Simms looks like a horse but not Casey. Casey is attractive.

But she should go back to the really light brown long hair look. I almost didn't recognize her. I'd even say she was pretty in that pic on 20/20.

I'm sure I'm gonna get reamed for saying that! :)
I saw the show, and I peeked in over at the ABC website for the raw family video stuff and this is my observation: in images, be it video or pics, Caylee always seems to be like an accessory on Casey... it is Cindy that is always doing the mothering... or George parenting... but mostly Cindy. And what happens when someone loses their want for an accessory? they toss it aside, or trash it, or throw it away and then move on. I guess what I am getting at is: as Caylee grew into being her own person and having a independent personality, she more than likely lost her accessory appeal to Casey... now she has been tossed aside. :(
I liked him too and thought he described Casey perfectly. My mother used to say all the time when she didn't hear from my brother "out of sight, out of mind".

Hi Patty!
I wish this FBI profiler could head on down to Orlando and have a chit chat with Casey. I think he could get some information out of her or at the least, tell us what is going on in that head of hers!
I liked when her attorney said the information would be presented in court when it matters or something along that line. Like I guess now it's not important to clear the air.

Does he realize how that sounds?

KC's defense is more important then finding Caylee.

He has pointed out that he is representing KC, not Caylee. And isn't involved in the search.

The family finaly got THE MESSAGE and now focus on KC's defense and protecting KC from the bad folks.

Find Caylee alive, or don't find her at all.. is their motto. :furious:
Yes I think it was on Greta. I got a mental picture of Cindy, Casey, George, Lee, Jose and his wife all sitting around watching 20/20 like a big happy family munching on pop corn...UGGGH! I threw up a little bit in my mouth!! :eek:

Oh no please God i hope not
They can't be doing that....they just can't....
it makes me sick to even think about it....
no it's not possible
and this whole thing is making me crazy insane...
I don't get the horsey face thing. Molly Simms looks like a horse but not Casey. Casey is attractive.

But she should go back to the really light brown long hair look. I almost didn't recognize her. I'd even say she was pretty in that pic on 20/20.

I'm sure I'm gonna get reamed for saying that! :)

I wouldn't ream you, I just disagree. It's all a matter of personal preference and perception. I think Casey is unattractive with that very long ski slope nose and her eyes are too close together. But others think she is pretty. Many people thought Scott P. was handsome too. We don't all like the same thing, thank goodness.
Oh yeah, there is more ugliness to come. They supposedly have an agent and if they haven't made a deal for book/tv rights --its coming. They will be profiting from Caylee's disappearance and the money will probably go to help defend the one who "lost" Caylee. :furious:

My point was ABC could have been telling the truth. And advances come BEFORE anything is even created.
Egh, I wasn't impressed with the special. Nothing new...I expected interviews with the family.

It wasn't bad, I just felt like I wasted 20 minutes when I could have been getting new, valuable info...which is usually found here;)

But, to each his (or her!) own
Casey would definitely look better with a lighter hair color because it would make her appear less dark and lurking. I think every pic I've seen of her is scary. Something about her, even when she's smiling, there is an icy cruel feeling.

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