Dr. Lillian Glass - Trouble with CA & GA's relationship

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really????:waitasec: didn't see that one comming! lol!:innocent: good article but I think everyone has speculated on their marriage....

True and no one should be surprised about them, but I like how on the mark Dr. Glass always is, so I thought I'd share.
Not to come across as snide, but this article was not so much learned, as a common sense assessment based on clearly observable behavior.

Off mark, to me, was the comment that they willingly didn't visit KC and, therefore, she had written them off. I believe the facts show that she refused to see them after the initial visits possibly because of JB dictates.

KC, IMHO, has written them off, quite simply, because they are no longer useful to her. Socio-Psycho's really don't seem to have the capacity to love or respect anyone. They simply "simulate" loving or loving behavior to get whatever it is they want or need.
Not to come across as snide, but this article was not so much learned, as a common sense assessment based on clearly observable behavior.

Off mark, to me, was the comment that they willingly didn't visit KC and, therefore, she had written them off. I believe the facts show that she refused to see them after the initial visits possibly because of JB dictates.

KC, IMHO, has written them off, quite simply, because they are no longer useful to her. Socio-Psycho's really don't seem to have the capacity to love or respect anyone. They simply "simulate" loving or loving behavior to get whatever it is they want or need.

It s well known that this type of tragedy often ends in divorce and like them or not this is a double tragedy to them
True and no one should be surprised about them, but I like how on the mark Dr. Glass always is, so I thought I'd share.

totally agree...I do enjoy her---and do thank you for pointing it out....wasn't meaning to be mean...
Those court pictures are scary. IMO She's punishing him.. I bet she doesn't even speak to him at home. He is less than garbage now.. I hope he doesn't do anything to harm himself.
Get out George- it's never too late to become a man!.
Not to come across as snide, but this article was not so much learned, as a common sense assessment based on clearly observable behavior.

Off mark, to me, was the comment that they willingly didn't visit KC and, therefore, she had written them off. I believe the facts show that she refused to see them after the initial visits possibly because of JB dictates.

KC, IMHO, has written them off, quite simply, because they are no longer useful to her. Socio-Psycho's really don't seem to have the capacity to love or respect anyone. They simply "simulate" loving or loving behavior to get whatever it is they want or need.

The "Cindy needs to wear a bra" part of it bugged me (I agree with her but don't think it belongs in an article- but that's just me) but other than that I think she's good.
Not to come across as snide, but this article was not so much learned, as a common sense assessment based on clearly observable behavior.

Off mark, to me, was the comment that they willingly didn't visit KC and, therefore, she had written them off. I believe the facts show that she refused to see them after the initial visits possibly because of JB dictates.

KC, IMHO, has written them off, quite simply, because they are no longer useful to her. Socio-Psycho's really don't seem to have the capacity to love or respect anyone. They simply "simulate" loving or loving behavior to get whatever it is they want or need.

Dr LG needs to observe KC when she comes to court. She looks everywhere but at her parents. I don't think I have ever seen her acknowledge them.
Wow, I wouldn't be idolizing and taking a little shoulder to shoulder romantic stroll into a courthouse with my husband either if he'd lost all his worker comp. settlement, set up a credit card in my name, was violent to his dad, was violent to old ladies, whined and blamed me for everything, said to had an affair, or if he threatened suicide and ran off during a critical time. Some of this is alleged, of course. For goodness sakes, the two of them were walking into court and weren't that far apart since they have been married for years and are getting older. One of them with a knee replacement. I'm not wild about the criticism of Cindy's bra either. Of course she had on a bra, it just was not some padded pushup. The woman had lost a lot of weight which can affect the breast area. Some people can not wear underwires or pushups at Cindy's age and they still can appear to sag some even with a bra on. I found this a little offensive since I am Cindy's age, was also a nurse, and feel very sorry for her. Oh, and Cindy may have gotten up and left in court, but the other pics were of her talking to someone beside and behind her. What on earth is wrong with that. George always sits and looks that way or else he's being dramatic.
I think my problem with Dr. Glass is she does not even try to be impartial or objective when she 'reads' these people. she is very open about that fact that she thinks they are all guilty of something. It seems to be that she started out against them and uses her readings to support her opinion. That HAS to affect what she thinks she sees. I would prefer someone who at least tries to be objective. And for pity's sake, will she please find someone to proof read her stuff before she puts it out there - extremely unprofessional to have so many typos.

MOO, of course.
Wow, I wouldn't be idolizing and taking a little shoulder to shoulder romantic stroll into a courthouse with my husband either if he'd lost all his worker comp. settlement, set up a credit card in my name, was violent to his dad, was violent to old ladies, whined and blamed me for everything, said to had an affair, or if he threatened suicide and ran off during a critical time. Some of this is alleged, of course. For goodness sakes, the two of them were walking into court and weren't that far apart since they have been married for years and are getting older. One of them with a knee replacement. I'm not wild about the criticism of Cindy's bra either. Of course she had on a bra, it just was not some padded pushup. The woman had lost a lot of weight which can affect the breast area. Some people can not wear underwires or pushups at Cindy's age and they still can appear to sag some even with a bra on. I found this a little offensive since I am Cindy's age, was also a nurse, and feel very sorry for her. Oh, and Cindy may have gotten up and left in court, but the other pics were of her talking to someone beside and behind her. What on earth is wrong with that. George always sits and looks that way or else he's being dramatic.

Sure. most women would leave... or put an end to the abuse. Who in any kind of healthy relationship keeps score as if it's a weapon? If you can't forgive someone something, leave, or be prepared for a lifetime of unhappiness. But when it comes down to having a score card of indescretions you punish your loved ones for on a daily basis.. that goes back for years and years it becomes emotional abuse (to your loved ones) as well as self abuse.
I think my problem with Dr. Glass is she does not even try to be impartial or objective when she 'reads' these people. she is very open about that fact that she thinks they are all guilty of something. It seems to be that she started out against them and uses her readings to support her opinion. That HAS to affect what she thinks she sees. I would prefer someone who at least tries to be objective. And for pity's sake, will she please find someone to proof read her stuff before she puts it out there - extremely unprofessional to have so many typos.

MOO, of course.

It's kinda sad because she seems to have just recently begun doing that. I never heard of her before all this but once I heard of her I read all her stuff and she didn't seem to be as easily influenced by the media before these recent cases and wasn't so judgmental (adding the little comments into the articles) then.

I'm pretty judgmental myself, I'm not gonna lie, but it just seems the little comments don't go with the job title. I do like her though.
really????:waitasec: didn't see that one comming! lol!:innocent: good article but I think everyone has speculated on their marriage....
Don't mean to be snarky but for someone you would imagine has to write a fair number of professional articles/papers, this article has a good many spelling and grammatical errors. JMHO but I was surprised. No whips please.
Wow, I wouldn't be idolizing and taking a little shoulder to shoulder romantic stroll into a courthouse with my husband either if he'd lost all his worker comp. settlement, set up a credit card in my name, was violent to his dad, was violent to old ladies, whined and blamed me for everything, said to had an affair, or if he threatened suicide and ran off during a critical time. Some of this is alleged, of course. For goodness sakes, the two of them were walking into court and weren't that far apart since they have been married for years and are getting older. One of them with a knee replacement. I'm not wild about the criticism of Cindy's bra either. Of course she had on a bra, it just was not some padded pushup. The woman had lost a lot of weight which can affect the breast area. Some people can not wear underwires or pushups at Cindy's age and they still can appear to sag some even with a bra on. I found this a little offensive since I am Cindy's age, was also a nurse, and feel very sorry for her. Oh, and Cindy may have gotten up and left in court, but the other pics were of her talking to someone beside and behind her. What on earth is wrong with that. George always sits and looks that way or else he's being dramatic.

TX Vicki I agree. Im around Cindys age and wow, all of a sudden it is hard to find one that makes you "up there" like you were when you were younger!
Maybe Dr Glass can steer us to the right place that makes good bras but I think the only thing that would help is a boob lift! She looks like she wears a bra to me.
I see alot of probs with this article. Its like they are supposed to sit in court and smooch ??? theyve been marrieda long time, they arent newly weds. I actually think its amazing they stayed together thru this.
TX Vicki I agree. Im around Cindys age and wow, all of a sudden it is hard to find one that makes you "up there" like you were when you were younger!
Maybe Dr Glass can steer us to the right place that makes good bras but I think the only thing that would help is a boob lift! She looks like she wears a bra to me.
I see alot of probs with this article. Its like they are supposed to sit in court and smooch ??? theyve been marrieda long time, they arent newly weds. I actually think its amazing they stayed together thru this.

I found it unprofessional for a Dr to write such a sophomoric statement in regards to Cindy's bra
Wow, I wouldn't be idolizing and taking a little shoulder to shoulder romantic stroll into a courthouse with my husband either if he'd lost all his worker comp. settlement, set up a credit card in my name, was violent to his dad, was violent to old ladies, whined and blamed me for everything, said to had an affair, or if he threatened suicide and ran off during a critical time. Some of this is alleged, of course. For goodness sakes, the two of them were walking into court and weren't that far apart since they have been married for years and are getting older. One of them with a knee replacement. I'm not wild about the criticism of Cindy's bra either. Of course she had on a bra, it just was not some padded pushup. The woman had lost a lot of weight which can affect the breast area. Some people can not wear underwires or pushups at Cindy's age and they still can appear to sag some even with a bra on. I found this a little offensive since I am Cindy's age, was also a nurse, and feel very sorry for her. Oh, and Cindy may have gotten up and left in court, but the other pics were of her talking to someone beside and behind her. What on earth is wrong with that. George always sits and looks that way or else he's being dramatic.


Cindy always looked like she never wore a bra, starting from the beginning of this case, regardless of her weight loss.

I am also around Cindy's age, also a nurse and DO NOT find it offensive. Actually, I find it kind of funny. I can't wear push up bras or under wire bras, but Victoria Secret makes a bra that lifts without either. There will NEVER be any pity from me, for Cindy Anthony.
I do not feel this Dr. Glass is at all professional. I have been commenting about the poor grammar, syntax and spelling in her blogs for some time now.

And the bra comments were just out of line, in my opinion. Totally unprofessional.

(And I also am older, have big *advertiser censored*, can no longer tolerate underwires, and am a retired nurse!)
I think my problem with Dr. Glass is she does not even try to be impartial or objective when she 'reads' these people. she is very open about that fact that she thinks they are all guilty of something. It seems to be that she started out against them and uses her readings to support her opinion. That HAS to affect what she thinks she sees. I would prefer someone who at least tries to be objective. And for pity's sake, will she please find someone to proof read her stuff before she puts it out there - extremely unprofessional to have so many typos.
MOO, of course.

Bold mine.

ITA! This article was especially full of spelling, grammar and typing errors. Geesh...I'd check it for her if she needed someone to do it!
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