Dr. Sievers' RHHC Medical Practice - Operations & Website

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DNA Solves


Well-Known Member
Aug 7, 2012
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I keep going back to CWW and his criminal history working in a medical doctor's clinic. IMO, TS could not have known his background. I imagine that CWW's qualifications are overstated. I have no computer/tech skills, so to me anyone with computer knowledge would be considered a guru. My husband (just retired) was a computer (degreed) analyst/program and designed systems and tweaked software to meet the needs of a large hospital and doctors offices. Usually offices have packaged software that may need tweaking. CWW must have left large crumbs for LE to follow.
I keep going back to CWW and his criminal history working in a medical doctor's clinic. IMO, TS could not have known his background. I imagine that CWW's qualifications are overstated. I have no computer/tech skills, so to me anyone with computer knowledge would be considered a guru. My husband (just retired) was a computer (degreed) analyst/program and designed systems and tweaked software to meet the needs of a large hospital and doctors offices. Usually offices have packaged software that may need tweaking. CWW must have left large crumbs for LE to follow.

I too wonder if TS was aware of CWW's full background. I wonder if MS minimized CWW's prior troubles to TS? So maybe she was aware he had some previous trouble, but not aware of the full extent of his record. I can imagine MS telling her he had a record, but it was in the past and he had turned his life around, he was a good guy who got involved with bad people, etc... she so wanted to help people, I could see MS convincing her he just needed a second chance.

Maybe CWW wasn't as good an IT person as he thought!!
I too wonder if TS was aware of CWW's full background. I wonder if MS minimized CWW's prior troubles to TS? So maybe she was aware he had some previous trouble, but not aware of the full extent of his record. I can imagine MS telling her he had a record, but it was in the past and he had turned his life around, he was a good guy who got involved with bad people, etc... she so wanted to help people, I could see MS convincing her he just needed a second chance.

Maybe CWW wasn't as good an IT person as he thought!!
Could be.
Maybe TS recently found out about CWW's history after she discovered
some other questionable activities involving CWW and wanted to let him go and perhaps report him to authorities and things just got worse after that. MO
Southwflorida do you know if her patients are still showing up there?
Southwflorida do you know if her patients are still showing up there?

The office has never been opened again. I received two separate emails from Mark. One was letting patients know that we could still purchase our supplements through the usual website procedure. This was helpful information since I was running low. My follow up appointment was scheduled for the first week of July. That email also stated that an MD who had mentored Dr. Sievers would help with prescription refills. The second email stated that he was looking for a like minded doctor to take over the practice, but in the meantime was required by law to transfer our medical records as patients requested. I emailed him a request to transfer my file. The office is not open, and I personally could never step foot in her office again to see a new doctor. I was in the building last week at the blood lab which was very painful for me. Wink News and NBC were both in the parking lot.
The office has never been opened again. I received two separate emails from Mark. One was letting patients know that we could still purchase our supplements through the usual website procedure. This was helpful information since I was running low. My follow up appointment was scheduled for the first week of July. That email also stated that an MD who had mentored Dr. Sievers would help with prescription refills. The second email stated that he was looking for a like minded doctor to take over the practice, but in the meantime was required by law to transfer our medical records as patients requested. I emailed him a request to transfer my file. The office is not open, and I personally could never step foot in her office again to see a new doctor. I was in the building last week at the blood lab which was very painful for me. Wink News and NBC were both in the parking lot.

Everything we have heard about Dr Sievers is she is one of a kind and not replaceable. She WAS the practice and without her there is none. Thats why I cant understand why he is trying to get another Dr in there and just carry on. JMO but you arent the only one that wouldnt step foot in there again.
The office has never been opened again. I received two separate emails from Mark. One was letting patients know that we could still purchase our supplements through the usual website procedure. This was helpful information since I was running low. My follow up appointment was scheduled for the first week of July. That email also stated that an MD who had mentored Dr. Sievers would help with prescription refills. The second email stated that he was looking for a like minded doctor to take over the practice, but in the meantime was required by law to transfer our medical records as patients requested. I emailed him a request to transfer my file. The office is not open, and I personally could never step foot in her office again to see a new doctor. I was in the building last week at the blood lab which was very painful for me. Wink News and NBC were both in the parking lot.

The supplements and website procedure, was that through the practice website or an outside website? If outside what was company name? This has probably been asked and answered so I apologize in advance if so!
I live in the same community - and Dr. Sievers provided her patients with names of chefs who prepare meals and deliver them. Since I'm on a special diet designed by Dr. Sievers, I've tried a couple of these chefs. One delivers to Mother Earth store twice weekly - and I can email my order to her from her menu of options. I believe this service is what people are referring to. I have used it - and I'm not rich. It's actually healthy and affordable - and convenient.
I've placed an order recently for my supplements. The website, wording, etc. was the same as in previous orders. I don't see any changes.
i think this is interesting and wanted to post it while pondering the possibilities...
(don't have a firm theory yet)

from the supplement website:
What Is ePedigree?

"An ePedigree is a record, in electronic form, that traces the changes in ownership of a pharmaceutical product. It begins with the manufacturer and documents the transactional history of the product until it reaches the person or organization administering or dispensing it."

"Pedigree laws are being enacted because of the increasing prevalence of counterfeit prescription drugs in the U.S., intermingled with the legitimate drug supply. As XYMOGEN’s market presence increases, so does our possibility of becoming a target for product counterfeiting. Although Pedigree laws do not affect natural health and supplement companies, the many benefits to our customers and their patients were too great to ignore. These benefits are why we have decided to become the first company, that we are aware of, in the nutraceutical industry to implement an electronic track and trace program, that will soon encompass our entire line of exclusive, professional formulas."
I'm in agreement... The website and procedure for ordering supplements has not been changed. I recently order from the site just like I always have. Until I find a new doctor, I will continue ordering. There were some supplements that I've always ordered from Dr. Sievers, but she was fine with me purchasing from other sources too. My health was her priority, not money.
I'm in agreement... The website and procedure for ordering supplements has not been changed. I recently order from the site just like I always have. Until I find a new doctor, I will continue ordering. There were some supplements that I've always ordered from Dr. Sievers, but she was fine with me purchasing from other sources too. My health was her priority, not money.

What kind of supplements did TS suggest? Iron, Vitamin C, vitamins or some blend of something?
What kind of supplements did TS suggest? Iron, Vitamin C, vitamins or some blend of something?

Her recommendations were specific to each patient. Her approach was to balance the body, so she made recommendations depending on symptoms, lab results, etc. Just like a traditional MD would write a prescription, Dr. Sievers would suggest certain supplements to treat the core problem and eliminate the symptoms. The treatment plan also included diet changes, exercises, etc.
I've placed an order recently for my supplements. The website, wording, etc. was the same as in previous orders. I don't see any changes.

I believe IF there was/is anything nefarious about the doctor's website, LE would have control of it in order to monitor any remote 'connectivity' and digital footprints.
And didn't LE remove computers from the practice? Beyond the front page update noting the doctor's passing, website maintenance is probably a very low priority at the present time.

You now have to be verified as a Client to access the Supplement page. Is that new??

Kitty Lifka said Mark Sievers was always very respectful and called her often to talk. "He was so much in love with the girl he had met," she said. "He was helping her get started as a doctor."

Let's be clear. TS was already a doctor when she met MS. He did not "get her started." She was a practicing physician in St. Petersburg, FL. What he did "help her get started" on was moving to a private, no insurance accepted, practice. The integrative path of holistic medicine was a path that TS was interested in BEFORE MS. TS cared about people and medicine. She went back to school to understand more about the nutrition and metabolic connection in medicine. This all would have happened with or without MS. TS was high school class valedictorian and resident of the year. I hope MS hasn't spent ten years acting as if the success of TS happened because of him but all that we hear about suggests this is the case, especially when verified friends are quoted.

Kitty Lifka said Mark Sievers was always very respectful and called her often to talk. "He was so much in love with the girl he had met," she said. "He was helping her get started as a doctor."

Let's be clear. TS was already a doctor when she met MS. He did not "get her started." She was a practicing physician in St. Petersburg, FL. What he did "help her get started" on was moving to a private, no insurance accepted, practice. The integrative path of holistic medicine was a path that TS was interested in BEFORE MS. TS cared about people and medicine. She went back to school to understand more about the nutrition and metabolic connection in medicine. This all would have happened with or without MS. TS was high school class valedictorian and resident of the year. I hope MS hasn't spent ten years acting as if the success of TS happened because of him but all that we hear about suggests this is the case, especially when verified friends are quoted.

Another reason for her to get tired of it. She worked her arz off to get where she was and someone riding on her coat tail probably reminded her often it was because of him. Unfortunately, I know someone just like that. jmo

Kitty Lifka said Mark Sievers was always very respectful and called her often to talk. "He was so much in love with the girl he had met," she said. "He was helping her get started as a doctor."

Let's be clear. TS was already a doctor when she met MS. He did not "get her started." She was a practicing physician in St. Petersburg, FL. What he did "help her get started" on was moving to a private, no insurance accepted, practice. The integrative path of holistic medicine was a path that TS was interested in BEFORE MS. TS cared about people and medicine. She went back to school to understand more about the nutrition and metabolic connection in medicine. This all would have happened with or without MS. TS was high school class valedictorian and resident of the year. I hope MS hasn't spent ten years acting as if the success of TS happened because of him but all that we hear about suggests this is the case, especially when verified friends are quoted.

Re: I hope MS hasn't spent ten years acting as if the success of TS happened because of him but all that we hear about suggests this is the case, especially when verified friends are quoted.

Where are quoted posts of “verified friends“ alleging MS has “spent ten years acting as if the success of TS happened because of him“ ?
On the Mark Sievers Verified Friend thread, SKINNER’s quoted posts seem to convey that MS was proud of TS and that MS gave credit to TS:

The guy could never stop speaking wonderful things about TS in the 10 or 11 years of their marriage. He was so proud of her and I had to ask him to change the subject sometimes over the past 10 years, because he was so proud of her and always boasting about her. He was excited about what she was doing, which by the way, was the exact type of work one of his blood sister's had done (homeopathic care? Am I calling it right?) but many more years before TS.
MS wanted to become an M.D., too, and I remember asking him, "Do you want to be rich?" and he said, "well, if it comes, who wouldn't, but I really want to go to 3rd world countries and give free care to needy people." That conversation took place in 1988, and was his thinking forever.

He spoke highly of TS all the time, and the kids were just as important, maybe more so.

He "knows" that the death of their mother would have a negative impact on them, affecting them adversely. He would not allow that. I just cannot see it.

MS and TS had just landed quite an opportunistic cable TV channel gig, and MS always wanted to talk about it. The owner of the network had selected TS over the other tough competition, and this was another neat thing he was excited about. When the owner, or top executive, saw how she handled herself the first time he met her, he made up his mind right on the spot.

MS was involved with a fair amount of the business end of this, and he would want to talk to me about all those business details, and well...... money is not a motivational reason for MS to commit murder, or have it done.
He spoke highly of TS all the time, and the kids were just as important, maybe more so.

He "knows" that the death of their mother would have a negative impact on them, affecting them adversely. He would not allow that. I just cannot see it.

MS and TS had just landed quite an opportunistic cable TV channel gig, and MS always wanted to talk about it. The owner of the network had selected TS over the other tough competition, and this was another neat thing he was excited about. When the owner, or top executive, saw how she handled herself the first time he met her, he made up his mind right on the spot.

MS was involved with a fair amount of the business end of this, and he would want to talk to me about all those business details, and well...... money is not a motivational reason for MS to commit murder, or have it done.

There are some shades of self importance in this particular post. IMO

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