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I saw a news report on the news last night on ABC17 News in Columbia MO. I cant find the link to it but here is an article relating to the same thing. MO is the ONLY state that does NOT have a drug registry database. I believe it could be that prescriptions could be made in FLA and filled all over MO and shipped in supplement labeled bottles. What a business model.



Not having the database has not only hampered Missouri’s ability to combat prescription drug abuse, but also attracted people from neighboring states looking to stockpile pills and bring them home to take themselves or sell to others, according to law enforcement officials, legislators and data compiled by a prescription drug processing firm.

Excellent research and catch, jggordo! This opens the door further towards speculation that CWW and possibley MS had an illegal drug scam going.
Hmmm. Sounds possible since IIRC, the doctor MS initially had in mind reportedly backed out due to legal reasons.

So true! And, I always thought it unusual that MS still has an MO number years after moving to FL. We moved from NY to NC 8 months ago and kept our NY cell numbers only because they are only one digit off. But, years later MS still has an MO number? May be something or may be nothing, but I am almost sure LE has a handle on it.
I can't remember which verified patient stated that MS had asked her to write a separate check from the one for the office visit for her supplements. That strikes me as odd. What name was the check for supplements to be made out to? Was MS acting as a "sales rep" for this supplement company? Were the supplements mailed when ordered?

Just Wondering
I can't remember which verified patient stated that MS had asked her to write a separate check from the one for the office visit for her supplements. That strikes me as odd. What name was the check for supplements to be made out to? Was MS acting as a "sales rep" for this supplement company? Were the supplements mailed when ordered?

Just Wondering

I would think that the separate checks is just a bookkeeping thing for tax purposes. A medical practice would most likely need to keep patient office visits billing separate from products sold. I would think that would be the case for any business that sells a product or products on the side.
I am just getting caught up on this case and as the wife of a GP, my hinky meter has been going off big time. I do not understand how the practice alone was able to generate the income necessary to afford the lifestyle the Sievers purportedly had.


I read this and it is obvious that TS cared for her patients and their wellbeing and also retain time to spend with her kids and volunteerism. The way the fee schedule was written, presumably by MS, was surprising at least to me. In boutique type medical practices, fee for service is expected and commonplace. IMO MS certainly was concerned about making sure anything TS/employee did on behalf of her patients was billed for. Some of the wording, especially the wording regarding medical emergencies, had me SMH, especially in regards to calling 911. The whole thing made me think that TS left the operational part up to MS, perhaps with not much oversight as MS was her spouse and the interests/trust should have been mutual.

Like many of you have posted, IMO something else was going on that may not have been above board, of which TS was unaware and had no knowledge. The inner workings of her office seem to have been left up to MS so she could concentrate on practicing medicine. And IMO there is betrayal of that trust in there somewhere, directly or indirectly, that TS paid the ultimate price for. This is just so tragic for her children and family, friends and patients. IMO
I'm quite positive Dr. Sievers was an extremely intelligent, bright woman and was 100% involved in the running of her business. Since she was married to her office manager, there was probably a lot of late night discussions on how to make her business profitable.
I'm quite positive Dr. Sievers was an extremely intelligent, bright woman and was 100% involved in the running of her business. Since she was married to her office manager, there was probably a lot of late night discussions on how to make her business profitable.
I think she was extremely smart and bright too. A lot of doctors really don't like the business side of medicine and rely on others to make that part work. My DH MD would rather see and care for patients than be involved with the business aspect. I guess I see her more of that type of Doctor from afar, being as her husband was running the practice and bills were paid. I meant no disrespect.

I can understand MS not giving comments that relate directly the investigation if he was asked not to by LE. But then again, TS' former husband managed an excellent interview about the person she was without touching directly on the investigation, and I'm sure he would not have said anything if asked not to by LE.

Also, under the circumstances with the office closing, he could have at least made a statement for the patients' sake to tell them what the next steps are regarding the practice and their records. MS had no trouble communicating to patients when he wanted to continue to have their business.
Agree. Why did he try to replace his wife and her vision with another doctor. She was the business. And she did it it from her own vision of things.

Some things just shouldn't be replaced for the sake of you staying office manager in your murdered wife's solo practice. Jmo
Per Channel 2 news today, workers from Goodwill were removing items from the Doctor's office



...and MS was seen there also


ETA:If you rewind the DVR on the above link to 11:18:40 it is the start of the 6 pm show that covers Dr. Sievers/Bolin case, and shows also Goodwill and Mark moving items out of the office. (Bolin case covereage at 11:29:00) Not sure if this link will work later for the rewind, but expect it will until EOD
Per Channel 2 news today, workers from Goodwill were removing items from the Doctor's office



...and MS was seen there also


ETA:If you rewind the DVR on the above link to 11:18:40 it is the start of the 6 pm show that covers Dr. Sievers/Bolin case, and shows also Goodwill and Mark moving items out of the office. (Bolin case covereage at 11:29:00) Not sure if this link will work later for the rewind, but expect it will until EOD

So strange. What's with MS putting his hand up to shield his face? Other people from TS' life have been able to talk to the media. Any of those people would have been within the "envelope", and none of them has been trying to shield their face. Just don't answer, if you don't want to. The face-shielding hand is what criminals do as they are arrested and put into the patrol car. Seems like CWW did it as he was taken into the jail. Why do criminals do that? Must be an instinctual reaction, as if it will make the questioner go away.

How about this? "Yes, she was a beautiful person and a wonderful mother. No, I don't know why my best friend might have killed her. No more questions please." Instead it's "I can't seeeeee yoooooouuu...talk to the hand!"
So strange. What's with MS putting his hand up to shield his face? Other people from TS' life have been able to talk to the media. Any of those people would have been within the "envelope", and none of them has been trying to shield their face. Just don't answer, if you don't want to. The face-shielding hand is what criminals do as they are arrested and put into the patrol car. Seems like CWW did it as he was taken into the jail. Why do criminals do that? Must be an instinctual reaction, as if it will make the questioner go away.

How about this? "Yes, she was a beautiful person and a wonderful mother. No, I don't know why my best friend might have killed her. No more questions please." Instead it's "I can't seeeeee yoooooouuu...talk to the hand!"
He's always got those darn ear buds in his ears. "Hear no evil -see no evil," I guess.

Never been in his circumstance, so, I will speculate as to what MY reaction/response/demeanor would be.

Right now he's pretty much vilified by the public/local media, social media, and some friends/family.

If I were innocent and my lawyer told me NOT to say a word and knowing that my BFF was responsible for my wife's death, I would absolutely have a problem with that.

For the sake of my children, I would absolutely assess damage-control and give some little inkling of where my mind is..."I can't speak, but I am on the same page as you..."

Unfortunately, when approached, he always has a bull-dog look on his face and is extremely defensive.

Sent from my SM-N900V using Tapatalk
I am so glad the reporter asked about the patients not being able to get their records. IMO there are probably a lot of patients that believed his last e-mail (that all requests for records have been filled) and thought they were the only one having problems getting their records. The office is closed, why won't he release the records? Control?
It looks like he is wearing his wedding ring. At least there is some kind of ring on his left hand.
He's such a peach, he wears his wedding band after his wife is killed by his BFF but not before. He wears his ear buds at all times pretending to be Mr. Big Shot but doesn't actually answer the phone. He's a phony.

I'm sure Goodwill was called because he needs the tax write off. It's interesting that he doesn't have any friends standing by him. It's revealing that he didn't have a single friend helping him clear out Teresa's office.
He's always got those darn ear buds in his ears. "Hear no evil -see no evil," I guess.

Never been in his circumstance, so, I will speculate as to what MY reaction/response/demeanor would be.

Right now he's pretty much vilified by the public/local media, social media, and some friends/family.

If I were innocent and my lawyer told me NOT to say a word and knowing that my BFF was responsible for my wife's death, I would absolutely have a problem with that.

For the sake of my children, I would absolutely assess damage-control and give some little inkling of where my mind is..."I can't speak, but I am on the same page as you..."

Unfortunately, when approached, he always has a bull-dog look on his face and is extremely defensive.

Sent from my SM-N900V using Tapatalk

It gave me the creeps and made the hair stand up on my neck!! He can't look any one in the eye!

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