Dreams and Visions

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DNA Solves
i agree lets keep on searching. any word yet on the passports. i am going to do some more posting on the ancestory website does anyone still have a picture of brody that they can pm me the one where he is young and the older one. i am going to try and post his info to as many message boards on there as i can and see if any leads come up. someone somewhere has to have known brody or might know who he really is
After reading the last few posts.... a few things come to mind....

first is..... HOPE DIES LAST! Hope is all that Anna's family/friends have to hold onto..... sometimes that little bit is all you have....

(I just have to say this here.... after Ethan's accident, a person I thought was my friend told me it was time to get "over" my grief (not a friend like I thought!) I told her.... my grief was the ONLY thing I had to hold onto.... so let me have my grief!)

second is... Thank you Astro's for your work and time you put into this.....

third.... Just because one does not believe does not mean it is not right....

These are just MY opinions however........
After reading the last few posts.... a few things come to mind....

first is..... HOPE DIES LAST! Hope is all that Anna's family/friends have to hold onto..... sometimes that little bit is all you have....

(I just have to say this here.... after Ethan's accident, a person I thought was my friend told me it was time to get "over" my grief (not a friend like I thought!) I told her.... my grief was the ONLY thing I had to hold onto.... so let me have my grief!)

second is... Thank you Astro's for your work and time you put into this.....

third.... Just because one does not believe does not mean it is not right....

These are just MY opinions however........

I feel for you very much and need to tell you that "friends" such as the one you describe cannot begin to understand how you feel, so they blunder about and say the wrong thing. Sometimes they mean well but are just unconscious. Speaking for Anna's family, I have to say that we do not have hope and have not had hope (in this regard; we are very hopeful in other respects) for many, many years. We would, however, like to find some physical evidence to support the many different opinions as to what became of her. Usually when people have tried to convince us that we should stop looking, it is because they themselves do not want to deal with such a painful situation and would rather we put it aside. Lacking any clues or facts, it has not been possible for us to do this.
If I may, I would like to share a personal experience with you. When I was young, 15 to be exact, I had a very lengthy surgery. It was nearly 15 hours long and I had nearly lost my life during the surgery, I bled out as they say. I was dead for about 5 to 8 minutes, depending on who you ask. I didn't see a light, I did leave my body and did tell people later and Dr's. where they were, what they were doing, and so on. That experience changed the way I believed. I still remember things about it and the one thing I took away was this: Free will starts before we come here. Dreams are indications of things, not always exact, but an indication of what will happen or what has happened. I know I came here for a purpose, I can do nothing but fulfill that purpose. I was prepared before I came, and God does give the strength to fulfill that purpose in life. I do have dreams, some have been dead on. Some I had to figure out. Some were only part right. But my point is, God guides you in your dreams if you listen. It is the only time you are not doing the talking, so that is a great time for Him to get a word in edge wise. Even in prayer, I am doing all the talking. We are not always to know the ending of the mystery in this life, we knew it before we came, and God gave us what we needed to carry the burden of the mystery. I don't believe that God dishes out good or bad to people, I do believe that we come here to become purer or stronger or better people, and we do that here in Earth School. This is where we learn. Sometimes we come here to help others learn. We make tremendous sacrifices in order for another soul to learn or be tested, but we do this in love for the other person or person's. If we live in a World of good and evil, someone will be tested as to whether or not they will commit evil, so there has to be a victim. No? So does God force us to be the victim against our Free Will? No. He is Love, and we love also. We come to help each other learn. If I see the World in this way, I judge no one or nothing, it is for a reason I will not know until I leave here. "Seat of the Soul" is a great book by Gary Zukoff, and it is said much better by him. Sorry so long a post.... This is not to make anyone a believer, but just what I took away from that experience. JMO....
If I may, I would like to share a personal experience with you. When I was young, 15 to be exact, I had a very lengthy surgery. It was nearly 15 hours long and I had nearly lost my life during the surgery, I bled out as they say. I was dead for about 5 to 8 minutes, depending on who you ask. I didn't see a light, I did leave my body and did tell people later and Dr's. where they were, what they were doing, and so on. That experience changed the way I believed. I still remember things about it and the one thing I took away was this: Free will starts before we come here. Dreams are indications of things, not always exact, but an indication of what will happen or what has happened. I know I came here for a purpose, I can do nothing but fulfill that purpose. I was prepared before I came, and God does give the strength to fulfill that purpose in life. I do have dreams, some have been dead on. Some I had to figure out. Some were only part right. But my point is, God guides you in your dreams if you listen. It is the only time you are not doing the talking, so that is a great time for Him to get a word in edge wise. Even in prayer, I am doing all the talking. We are not always to know the ending of the mystery in this life, we knew it before we came, and God gave us what we needed to carry the burden of the mystery. I don't believe that God dishes out good or bad to people, I do believe that we come here to become purer or stronger or better people, and we do that here in Earth School. This is where we learn. Sometimes we come here to help others learn. We make tremendous sacrifices in order for another soul to learn or be tested, but we do this in love for the other person or person's. If we live in a World of good and evil, someone will be tested as to whether or not they will commit evil, so there has to be a victim. No? So does God force us to be the victim against our Free Will? No. He is Love, and we love also. We come to help each other learn. If I see the World in this way, I judge no one or nothing, it is for a reason I will not know until I leave here. "Seat of the Soul" is a great book by Gary Zukoff, and it is said much better by him. Sorry so long a post.... This is not to make anyone a believer, but just what I took away from that experience. JMO....

What a wonderful post, thank you.
What a wonderful post, thank you.

I completely agree. You all are so wonderful and am so happy to be able to read your thoughts and feelings on all of the issues here.

I will check out "Seat of the Soul' today if the library is open, they have 5 copies available! :blowkiss:
I don't know if anyone here ever gets little affirmations of things in life, but do in a strange and weird wonderful way. My Aunt used to say "ask for a sign, pray to St Teresa and she will send you a rose to confirm an answer". I get a number instead of a rose. My number is 527. I think it is my dad who is still around us and that was a old house number we had. So I always ask for a sign if he is around and sure enough I get that number. It can be at the deli (my ticket number) a total of a grocery bill, I wake up out of a dead sleep at that time, and I have a clock that stop at that exact hour that was his. Been that way for 11 years now. The clock is an old one with the hands and second hand. About a week ago, I walked in the room and the time or I should say the hands on that clock were changed. Now there is no battery in it, it is 11 years old and I don't use it, it is just a clock on one side and a baby picture of me on the other. So I shook it to see if the hands just fell or moved or something. Nope, didn't move, so I fixed it by turning it back to where it stopped. Today, I get a bill in the mail, (final bill) from my cell phone co. I canceled service and yep, the bill is $5.27 Now that's not a biggie, but given I have asked for 2 days now if we are on the right track, I want to say, it is a affirmation that we are on the right track for this year. And it is the 37th anniversary today of Anna's disappearance. So I am claiming our miracle now. So here is to the new year and reuniting a family!
I don't know if anyone here ever gets little affirmations of things in life, but do in a strange and weird wonderful way. My Aunt used to say "ask for a sign, pray to St Teresa and she will send you a rose to confirm an answer". I get a number instead of a rose. My number is 527. I think it is my dad who is still around us and that was a old house number we had. So I always ask for a sign if he is around and sure enough I get that number. It can be at the deli (my ticket number) a total of a grocery bill, I wake up out of a dead sleep at that time, and I have a clock that stop at that exact hour that was his. Been that way for 11 years now. The clock is an old one with the hands and second hand. About a week ago, I walked in the room and the time or I should say the hands on that clock were changed. Now there is no battery in it, it is 11 years old and I don't use it, it is just a clock on one side and a baby picture of me on the other. So I shook it to see if the hands just fell or moved or something. Nope, didn't move, so I fixed it by turning it back to where it stopped. Today, I get a bill in the mail, (final bill) from my cell phone co. I canceled service and yep, the bill is $5.27 Now that's not a biggie, but given I have asked for 2 days now if we are on the right track, I want to say, it is a affirmation that we are on the right track for this year. And it is the 37th anniversary today of Anna's disappearance. So I am claiming our miracle now. So here is to the new year and reuniting a family!

I really had to have a chuckle when I read about your clock. My Mum had a big thing about having a clock in the kitchen and it had to be working, a flat battery was no excuse. I have always been a bit slack on replacing clock batteries as I have always worn a watch and Mum would get really annoyed if she came to visit and the kitchen clock wasn't working.

Believe it or not, I have had nothing but trouble keeping any wall clock going in my house since my Mum passed away 12 years ago (wonder if my Mum and you Dad are friends up there :) ). One clock I had did exactly the same as yours, if I walked out of the room and came back in again the clock would have changed even if the battery was dead. It scared the living daylights out of a friend of my when she was looking after my house while I was on holidays.

My watch died about 10 months ago and the clock in my kitchen (which was new and only worked for a short time after I bought it) and the wall clock in my bedroom (which did the same thing) all of a sudden started working and haven't stopped since.

So yep, big believer here :)
I don't know if anyone here ever gets little affirmations of things in life, but do in a strange and weird wonderful way. My Aunt used to say "ask for a sign, pray to St Teresa and she will send you a rose to confirm an answer". I get a number instead of a rose. My number is 527. I think it is my dad who is still around us and that was a old house number we had. So I always ask for a sign if he is around and sure enough I get that number. It can be at the deli (my ticket number) a total of a grocery bill, I wake up out of a dead sleep at that time, and I have a clock that stop at that exact hour that was his. Been that way for 11 years now. The clock is an old one with the hands and second hand. About a week ago, I walked in the room and the time or I should say the hands on that clock were changed. Now there is no battery in it, it is 11 years old and I don't use it, it is just a clock on one side and a baby picture of me on the other. So I shook it to see if the hands just fell or moved or something. Nope, didn't move, so I fixed it by turning it back to where it stopped. Today, I get a bill in the mail, (final bill) from my cell phone co. I canceled service and yep, the bill is $5.27 Now that's not a biggie, but given I have asked for 2 days now if we are on the right track, I want to say, it is a affirmation that we are on the right track for this year. And it is the 37th anniversary today of Anna's disappearance. So I am claiming our miracle now. So here is to the new year and reuniting a family!
For me, it's 4:44, the exact time Anna was born. Happens all the time.
For me, it's 4:44, the exact time Anna was born. Happens all the time.

Hi Annasmom,

You're still up posting at 2:29 in the morning, so I know you have had a really bad day (I know how that feeling).

Just know that we all love you and your family dearly and will do anything to bring Anna home to you. No matter what it takes.

I've already said prayers tonight to bring Anna home, but I will say some more.

Love, hugs and kisses
For me, it's 4:44, the exact time Anna was born. Happens all the time.


I looked up 444 in my angel book and here is what it says:

Thousands of angels surround you at this moment, loving and supporting you. You have a very strong and clear connection with the angelic realm, and are on Earth an angle yourself. You have nothing to fear-all is well.

So I decide to tell my little story of 527 and it just happens that you read it and relay that bit of information..... So we are lead. If I hadn't decided to post, as I did hesitate for a moment to share this, you would not have gotten this beautiful message. And I have told you that I think you are a very special person here on Earth and this confirms my beliefs. So you are getting "stuff". Keep looking for 444 when you ask for things. Look for your number to come up in some unexpected way.


How funny we have the same thing about clocks. The one in my kitchen is the same thing as yours, but it is digital and never keeps time. There are days that it just changes to 5:27 and I just look at it now and say "Hi dad", crazy stuff, no?

How funny we have the same thing about clocks. The one in my kitchen is the same thing as yours, but it is digital and never keeps time. There are days that it just changes to 5:27 and I just look at it now and say "Hi dad", crazy stuff, no?

hahaha I usually tell my Mum to leave my clock alone and then have a bit of a laugh. I love it though, it shows me that she it close by. I have asked Mum for a sign too.
Okay, I was just sitting here and noticed that clock of my dad's with my baby picture in it and like I said, it hasn't run in over 11 years. Well, it's running and it is only 20 minutes off the correct time. I don't know how that happened. I keep it at 5:27 as that is the time it was stopped at when I got it. It changed a few months ago and I put it back, now it's running. The battery has never been changed (at one point it wasn't even in it). It sort of startled me to see it just now. So I put it back to 5:27 and quit running and now it's going again. Maybe it's almost time for something??? This case if very similar to Haleigh Cumming's case regarding the fact that she just disappeared and no one can find her. Some think she is in water and others feel she is hidden away or sold. These two cases are all I work on. Cubby got me into this case as she read some of my posts and thought it could be about Anna. I never heard of Anna before Cubby contacted me. Anyway, I hope my dad is telling us it is almost "time". :angel:

I checked my post about it changing times and that was in January, so it hasn't run since then. I don't touch it, it sits on a shelf in my craft room.
I hope so too Bern, that is a nice thought.... Actually talking about it being time. That is why I changed the wording next to my avatar to read hoping next year is here. That wasn't for the Cubs, though it is a Cubs saying... I did so because it is time some of these cases are finally solved, Annas too.
April 18, 2010

Reading on Anna Christian Waters

1. Is this child alive?
Two of Cups and Four of Swords
Two’s in a reading mean a waiting period. They also indicate reconciliation and a reunion, and can be an element of surprise. I take this card to mean yes, she is very much alive and as we know it has been a very long waiting period for her mother and family. Cups represent the heart and the flow of emotions. This card gives me hope that there will be a reunion in this case. I think the surprise will be some good news (perhaps a file, or LE or FBI willing to investigate more) this is purely my own guess and wishful thinking.
Four’s in a reading indicate that something is about to manifest, such as an idea. Swords also indicate justice or Law enforcement officials. Swords indicate the last stages of effort before the final outcome. A surprise in this card could be about the news media, police department or legal field to come into play.

2. Is the pursuit of Anna abroad a direction that will be fruitful in her reunion?
Six of Pentacles and Ace of Wands
Six in a reading means adjustments in thoughts, attitudes or conditions; they represent the ability to transcend difficulties. So I would say yes, to this question as we are finding that there may be some records, whether it is with TWA or Anna’s FBI file, but we will have to get around any “no’s or negative results” we get. The DESIRE for this card is to have what is yours to be rightfully given back, so this card is appropriate. SPECIAL GUIDANCE for this card: There are answers available, and the key to solving problems is to stop thinking about them. So we much look at this not so much as a problem to get the information but rather a way to get answers.
The Ace of Wands is a card of fresh starts, and new ideas and new projects, you get the idea. I think that maybe Italy will bring new ways or ideas to track the movements to where she was taken. BEST COURSE OF ACTION for this card; Do something different, and be alert or receptive to new ideas. Act on the alternatives that will be presented. So we much respect everyone’s ideas and act on them as I feel they will lead us one step closer with each action we take.

I did reading today. I only asked two questions, and pulled two cards for clarification. When I ask a question, I can't just ask too specific because I won't get it, like "is she in Italy?" I don't have a card for that...LOL , but I can get a "direction to go in" if you will. Hope this is okay, Anna's mom if you have a question, please ask and I will try to get a direction to go in for you. :angel:
I am going to try and rememeber a dream I gave to Cubby, I don't remember when it was, only it was shortly after I started posting here. Usually that is what happens to me, I get involved in something and some times I will get some dream or vision about it. This was a short dream, but the information may be useful.

I was riding my bike and teaching my sister to ride her bike in a park or green grassy place in the U.S. We stop and set our bikes down and up over a small grassy, green hill, I see Anna running over the top. She is out of breath and is about age 11 or so, she is holding out a man's wallet and says she stole it. I said, oh, in surprise and ask if I could return the info inside the wallet as it is really hard to replace all the identity items in a wallet. I was thinking of SS cards, driver license, that sort of thing. She said, they are mine now, I stole them. Up over the hill I see two eldery people, man and woman who are chasing her. They are dress like people dress here in Florida. The man had on pants and a polo shirt and the woman had slacks, a shell top and white sweater. They were about 65 to 70, a bit over weight and gray. But I felt they were her parents in the dream. I also thought that Anna, may have relocated to the U.S. or made a trip here. So I never posted or shared this dream as I didn't know the people here or how Anna's mom would receive this dream, but I feel I should share it now. I think it may be of some value.

What I remember from your pm a long long time ago when I first found your old post in the Haleigh forums, I posted here I think?

Basically your vision or dream, consisted of Anna not remembering any family faces, but remembering the smells of her moms cooking and wrapping herself as a tiny tot sitting on the kitchen floor next to her mom while mom was cooking- soup?. I don't recall what or if you talked about the scents of what was cooking. Just that she might remember sitting on the floor next to mom cooking wrapped in her floor length skirt. And I don't know if Annasmom wore floor length skirts back then at any time....

To be honest, I don't know how this would correlate with what we know about the bus trip.

Maybe this will jar your memory.

FWIW, Annasmom does not put a lot of faith into readings, but....... that does not mean they can not be shared here. I am only adding this up front so you are not discouraged. Because, while things might appear to be not good? there might be a hidden reason for sharing them.

Heck, I am a cradle Catholic.. and we could go all day discussing my questions about the faith and why we do this or that.

I once asked a born again Christian about this kind of stuff.... ghosts and spirits and stuff, and his reply to me was if it is Gods will, he will allow various avenues to share info... so I am just ok with sharing it cautiously... take whatever heed and consider the info and source kind of thing.

I'm also one who often fails to find the right words to express myself, so go ahead... your opinion as has been expressed is not any violation of TOS.



What I remember from your pm a long long time ago when I first found your old post in the Haleigh forums, I posted here I think?

Basically your vision or dream, consisted of Anna not remembering any family faces, but remembering the smells of her moms cooking and wrapping herself as a tiny tot sitting on the kitchen floor next to her mom while mom was cooking- soup?. I don't recall what or if you talked about the scents of what was cooking. Just that she might remember sitting on the floor next to mom cooking wrapped in her floor length skirt. And I don't know if Annasmom wore floor length skirts back then at any time....

To be honest, I don't know how this would correlate with what we know about the bus trip.

This was the first thing I got when I looked at Anna's picture before I knew anything about the case. I think I even asked Annasmom if she would remember this. I saw her sitting on a floor, in a kitchen at a woman feet. She was sort of hanging onto her legs or ankles as kids do, but the woman had on a long skirt, it had lace of some kind at the bottom and Anna was very young and sort of wrapping her face into the skirt. The woman was doing dishes or cooking at a stove. I felt the floor was wooden. I also felt that this was a memory of Anna's that she still has today. So that was my first impression. I didn't do anymore with the photo as I didn't know anything about this case other than she was missing. Then I stopped in one day and well here we are.

Basically your vision or dream, consisted of Anna not remembering any family faces, but remembering the smells of her moms cooking and wrapping herself as a tiny tot sitting on the kitchen floor next to her mom while mom was cooking- soup?. I don't recall what or if you talked about the scents of what was cooking. Just that she might remember sitting on the floor next to mom cooking wrapped in her floor length skirt. And I don't know if Annasmom wore floor length skirts back then at any time....

To be honest, I don't know how this would correlate with what we know about the bus trip.

Maybe this will jar your memory.

FWIW, Annasmom does not put a lot of faith into readings, but....... that does not mean they can not be shared here. I am only adding this up front so you are not discouraged. Because, while things might appear to be not good? there might be a hidden reason for sharing them.



Cubby is right that I do not put a lot of faith into readings, but mainly that is because every one we've had (and there have been dozens if not hundreds) fails to be specific enough to act upon. From what I have learned of Bern, I am convinced that she does have a gift, though I cannot verify the image of the lace or the wood floor...and have to say that Anna was never the sort to cling to her mother's skirts (though I did wear long skirts sometimes). I know this sort of intuition cannot be really controlled, but I wonder if it is possible to "zoom in" to something like the stolen wallet in order to get specifics. I do think that if anybody can do it, it is Bern.
One thing I can do, is ask for "Clarity". I have never gone back to a dream and picked up where I left off. But I have asked for some thing to "reveal itself" and I have gotten more, but just in a different way. I once told you, I sort of fall into things or am lead down a path to get to the right place. I feel like that with Anna. I will keep looking and praying and working with others here to help find the truth. Thank you too for the kind words, I do believe in miracles. :angel:

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