Dreams/Visions? - #1

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If you have lost your pet and it has been turned in or found by the Police Department it will be held for 3 days either at the Police Department or at Grays Harbor Veterinary Clinic at 360-249-4840. You will be responsible for purchasing a pet license from City Hall, all expensies and fines prior to your animal being released back to you. Contact the McCleary Police Department or City Hall for more information.
Concentric the way you posted your pictures seems to gel a them we have talked about again. Metal prefab lg. building with three bay doors, rustic cars and semi cabs, water (pond rather than creek), possible route home, by the community park hang out (pks. seem to be a running theme) city worker possibly in uniform, but driving his own vehicle, possibility the perp was driving state,city vehicle. Questions come to mind, "What city vehicles are allowed to be taken home?, "What City worker drives a city vehicle at 9:00 to 10:00 at night?" I'm feeling the perp had his own car. I'm sorry, did your post state when the retention pond would be drained? I'm concerned about the lack of outrage of emotion comming from the community for quickly pulling out and turning it over to FBI agent Ronald S. Could there be a larger investigation going on that might tie into this abduction? As a mother I would not be able to accept the lack of support from authorities so soon after an abuduction. Something isn't sitting right concerning Lindsey's immediate friends and family. I feel FBI may be working on a more specific timeline, in order to build a case. Does anyone else wonder if Lindsey's mom's flat affect point to silent grieveing, shock at her dramatic child missing, fear of the unknown for herself or Lindsey's predicement, or brought on by the knowledge she might know the abducter? I'm not accusing at all just sluething the climate around townsfolk, friends and family.
kagey -

You and I and most any sleuth on here would be in the trenches on a daily basis looking for our missing child even if any LE told us to leave it up to them.
kagey - got to give credit to coastal for taking initiative here.
By the way~ I researched every member of the City of McCleary staff I could find on their site and in any other way (including the Chief Of Police). I found nothing on anyone out of the ordinary. (I ran all the names through Dru's national RSO site, too.)

I guess it is the local LE who handles all animal calls.
Dreams/Visions: I have to confess that I live way too far in the analytical side to have any dreams or visions. All I pick up on are "vibes" from reading everything and trying to absorb all the info and then form what I think are half ways intelligent thoughts. I am not leaning towards stranger abduction - it was somebody she knew and I wouldn't rule out the area that she lived before - Elma I believe it was. It could be somebody who has had a recent life change and has decided to act on long standing fantasies. I also would not rule out that Lindsey was targetted - it may not have been a random act - with no clues it leads me to believe that it was preplanned. By targetted I mean that a perp was targetting a victim and Lindsey happened to be in the wrong spot at that time.

You know what WSers, I am coming up almost blank on this case and it is slowly driving me nuts. Not sure if the "going nuts" qualifies for a vision or not but that is where this case is driving me.
kagey - got to give credit to coastal for taking initiative here.
Thank you, concentric, but I can't take credit for anything but WAGging and hoping against hope that I'll stumble upon something that'll make sense to somebody, somewhere who'll know how to use it to find Lindsey and take her home where she belongs.

Kagey, if my post above makes sense to you, I have to wonder if it does because I took what had been talked about in this thread and went looking for what would fit those ideas, or if those ideas are actually valid and what I found fits because there's some truth to it.

I hope you can figure out what I just said; it was awkward, at best.
Let me try again.

When Natalee Holloway disappeared from Aruba and turned up on Nancy Grace, I couldn't believe it. I identified with her; I also went on a wild grad trip, got stupid with drinks and drugs, and took dangerous chances every chance I got. I worried about her, and I sympathized with her mother.
She might have been me! I was curious, and I cared.

Natalee changed, though: from that young woman with a rebellious streak, into a hapless tourist duped into a pretend cab and kidnapped by a local man; then, into the sober victim of a date rape drug and rapist; and then again, into a gang-raped and murdered virgin, whose remains had been cut up and used for bait in a crab trap - and all of it with the knowledge (and secret approval) of the local police and the Aruban Government, who pulled out every trick in the international book to hide the crime from America and the world, for political gain.

Nancy was livid. So was I. There wasn't a shred of evidence for any of it.
So I went online, found a forum, and learned things, but none of it found Natalee Holloway, or solved the mystery of what happened to her.

I suspected I was being led, but I chased clues and developed theories and discussed it all with like-minded people until it hit me: this is the internet. Of course everything leads to something else! Of course each thing connects to some other thing, and that thing to the next: that's what the internet is!! It may have been suspicious, and it was absolutely interesting, and all of it was completely compelling, but that didn't mean that any of it had anything to do with Natalee Holloway. We went in circles, chasing our tails, for longer than I will ever admit to.

I suspect I may have been doing the same sort of thing here. I hope I've learned better, but won't hurt to ask myself how I got where I went.

Thanks for hearing me out. :eek:
Thank you, concentric, but I can't take credit for anything but WAGging and hoping against hope that I'll stumble upon something that'll make sense to somebody, somewhere who'll know how to use it to find Lindsey and take her home where she belongs.

Kagey, if my post above makes sense to you, I have to wonder if it does because I took what had been talked about in this thread and went looking for what would fit those ideas, or if those ideas are actually valid and what I found fits because there's some truth to it.

I hope you can figure out what I just said; it was awkward, at best.
Let me try again.

When Natalee Holloway disappeared from Aruba and turned up on Nancy Grace, I couldn't believe it. I identified with her; I also went on a wild grad trip, got stupid with drinks and drugs, and took dangerous chances every chance I got. I worried about her, and I sympathized with her mother.
She might have been me! I was curious, and I cared.

Natalee changed, though: from that young woman with a rebellious streak, into a hapless tourist duped into a pretend cab and kidnapped by a local man; then, into the sober victim of a date rape drug and rapist; and then again, into a gang-raped and murdered virgin, whose remains had been cut up and used for bait in a crab trap - and all of it with the knowledge (and secret approval) of the local police and the Aruban Government, who pulled out every trick in the international book to hide the crime from America and the world, for political gain.

Nancy was livid. So was I. There wasn't a shred of evidence for any of it.
So I went online, found a forum, and learned things, but none of it found Natalee Holloway, or solved the mystery of what happened to her.

I suspected I was being led, but I chased clues and developed theories and discussed it all with like-minded people until it hit me: this is the internet. Of course everything leads to something else! Of course each thing connects to some other thing, and that thing to the next: that's what the internet is!! It may have been suspicious, and it was absolutely interesting, and all of it was completely compelling, but that didn't mean that any of it had anything to do with Natalee Holloway. We went in circles, chasing our tails, for longer than I will ever admit to.

I suspect I may have been doing the same sort of thing here. I hope I've learned better, but won't hurt to ask myself how I got where I went.

Thanks for hearing me out. :eek:
I know exactly what you mean. First, apologies for getting you two "C's" mixed up in my scurry to post. I'm like most of us women who have to get that thought out before it's gone. I also strongly believe there are no coicidences and for every action there is a reaction. We have all dreamed, shared strong feelings as picture by picture was posted. My first post addressing the disapperance came from a "deep soul feeling, connecting to everything Lindsey in that moment of her walking. I had know pictures and truly hadn't put much thought into the abduction as I heard it on my local news. Now that there is more info about family and friends this case could go into different directions other than the theorys we've been tossing out. I do feel however that everyones collective, thoughts, feelings, hands on, talents, travels may help in deducting what could be or could not be realistic in Lindseys disappearance. There are great minds in the world that sit in a room for the sole purpose of brainstorming with like minds to solve problems on the earth. Truer words have never been spoken, "never underestimate the power of a woman especially when she's with her friends." :blowkiss:
Just wondering if anyone had dreamt / seen / sensed / heard / felt / etc. anything lately?

Also, I wanted to say that I may have misinterpreted my dream about the garage with bay doors and feeling about the waste water treatment facility. I have reason to suspect that these were not about Lindsey. Although, I'm not sure why I had that feeling to begin with, so who knows. I apologize for any confusion or inconvenience.
Just wondering if anyone had dreamt / seen / sensed / heard / felt / etc. anything lately?

Also, I wanted to say that I may have misinterpreted my dream about the garage with bay doors and feeling about the waste water treatment facility. I have reason to suspect that these were not about Lindsey. Although, I'm not sure why I had that feeling to begin with, so who knows. I apologize for any confusion or inconvenience.
No worries, Idaho4Groenes! Dreams are particularly hard for me to figure out. I understand that our minds speak to us using symbols and metaphor in dreams, but I can never tell if an owl is just an owl, or if he may symbolize something deep and dark and scary. So, I usually just forget what I dream.

I did have an enlightening dream the other night, which made me want to re-think my 'forgetaboutit' habit. Check this out:

I woke up with a very detailed and clear memory of traveling in a motorhome with my mother and an unidentified male (who I clearly trusted completely). My mother and I had taken this trip to do some birdwatching, a hobby she has enjoyed all of her life, but one I've not been enthusiastic about. We were being driven down a very steep, winding, bumpy, coastal road, when suddenly our trusted driver-friend slammed on the brakes, cut hard to the left, and then back right, aiming us and our motorhome straight for a very steep cliff. Tires screaming, we stopped inches away from certain death.

My mother stood up calmly and exited the motorhome. She called to me, "Come quick! These burros are dying! Oh, they are dying!" I ran outside to join her, and sure enough there stood twenty or thirty burros, all looking like they'd seen better days; they were dying of thirst. We built a sort of trough out of beer coolers, and filled that with fresh water. The grateful burros came to drink one by one, and one by one they each perked up and wandered away. The last and littlest needed a more hands-on approach, but my mother and I nursed him together, giving him water from a baby bottle, and a can of yams, of all things. When he finally recovered, and followed his fellows out of my dream, my mother and I stood looking at each other with a silly grin on both of our faces. It was twilight by now, and there wasn't any time left for birding, but we sure did feel good about what we had done with our afternoon.

So I looked up burros, on a dream inerpretation website.
They signify an end to stubbornness, and the division it can cause.

I haven't talked to my mother in months, because of a stubborn 'mad' I've been nurturing, about something she said that hurt my feelings.

I guess I'm over it, then, according to my dream.
I'd better call home. :)
I had a dream this morning and all I remember are the words "delivery" and "Robert" which kept being repeated in my head. Not that this means anything, but thought I should mention it anyway. When I wake up and it is the first thing on my mind, I pay attention.
I had a dream this morning and all I remember are the words "delivery" and "Robert" which kept being repeated in my head. Not that this means anything, but thought I should mention it anyway. When I wake up and it is the first thing on my mind, I pay attention.
Doesn't that sound like it could refer to a white van in Santa Barbara?
Dreams/Visions: I have to confess that I live way too far in the analytical side to have any dreams or visions. All I pick up on are "vibes" from reading everything and trying to absorb all the info and then form what I think are half ways intelligent thoughts. I am not leaning towards stranger abduction - it was somebody she knew and I wouldn't rule out the area that she lived before - Elma I believe it was. It could be somebody who has had a recent life change and has decided to act on long standing fantasies. I also would not rule out that Lindsey was targetted - it may not have been a random act - with no clues it leads me to believe that it was preplanned. By targetted I mean that a perp was targetting a victim and Lindsey happened to be in the wrong spot at that time.

You know what WSers, I am coming up almost blank on this case and it is slowly driving me nuts. Not sure if the "going nuts" qualifies for a vision or not but that is where this case is driving me.
So what you are saying is that you have "gut feelings" which play into your logical side. ;) Nothing wrong with that at all!
Doesn't that sound like it could refer to a white van in Santa Barbara?
It could. First, I would like to know if there are any delivery services available in McCleary from another area tho.

I read what JVK wrote about the station wagon which also caught my interest.
Feeling much frustration over Lindsey's abduction I contacted one of my FB friends who worked dilligently on the Lace peterson case and was discussed in Sharon Rocha's book. She also has worked on the Natlie holloway case and has been memtioned in post here at W/s and In Session board. I'm hoping she will be able to take time for this case. Her name is Sandra Belanger from Fort Lauderdale. www.sandrabelanger.com And an intersting story from her can be found at her site that you can link to once their. You will see her bio and studies into EVP. It's avenue we haven't tried on this case. Keep fingers crossed!
I am very aware of Sandra B. from the work she was doing on the S. Peterson case. I haven't checked her site recently, but I was under the impression she had slacked off doing this type of thing. Is she back in the swing of things again?

While I do know of her track record on the other Peterson case etc., it seems she missed so much on Stacy's case. We have a thread on her work here in that forum.
She's a good egg and is up and running, just choosey who she lets into her world. Sharon R speeks highly of her so i'm a bit confused about that. Maybe something has changed. I'm hopeing by posting her interest in the missing that others who posted on the Caylee thrad about EVP might come onto this thread. Anything would be of help at this point, even ink blots!!! Sandra is currently on twitter and has a following. You might check their to see her updates. I hope others will respond who are knowledgeable. Keep fingers crossed, stay positive and hopefully something will break in this case.

I have also been "seeing" a hill and her being chased by someone. That's it.

I woke this morn from a dream about Lindsey being chased - and while perusing the forum for news - decided to take a look in here...and not only do I find where all of ya'll have been hiding :) - I find the post above.....

It wasn't as much a "dream" as a "vision", long story short, I awoke this morning with a very strong feeling that Lindsey came across/witnessed something she wasn't supposed to, (behind the Shell Station?) while on her way home. I remember running and grass - and as I awoke the thought "where would Lindsey hide if she were being chased?"?
These words were just in my head this a.m. thinking about the case:

__ton truck
La Jolla
frozen items, food?

Don't get it. However, sometimes, I'll think something and later on it will have some relevance, so thought I'd post it although it didn't make any sense to me.
I woke this morn from a dream about Lindsey being chased - and while perusing the forum for news - decided to take a look in here...and not only do I find where all of ya'll have been hiding :) - I find the post above.....

It wasn't as much a "dream" as a "vision", long story short, I awoke this morning with a very strong feeling that Lindsey came across/witnessed something she wasn't supposed to, (behind the Shell Station?) while on her way home. I remember running and grass - and as I awoke the thought "where would Lindsey hide if she were being chased?"?
It seems the thread with many here is that she was being chased. I think it is important to take note when people are getting the same impressions.
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