Dreams/Visions? - #1

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My first post in this case but upon meditation this morning this is what I got involving Lindsey. Name.. Brady.. initial J ( first or last not sure) Color green ...volkswagon...lady....brassy blonde hair...large build not overweight just tall and large boned...older lady...40-50 range... I saw her whole body just as a flash..I think she was wearing green..maybe thats where the color green came from.. Just thought I'd share. I have been following this case for a couple of months now but don't have much time to sleuth.

Hello Pattywack.. Welcome to the dream/vision thread. I am very glad you shared your vison. Your RV of this lady is great. Always nice to see others visions/dreams/feelings. Kind of helps put the puzzle together with a combination of different views.
Did it seem like she worked out, was physically fit. Did she look to have a tan. Wondering if she was of Europene descent related to the volkswagon and blonde hair. Any distiquishing features like piercings or tattoes you might have seen at a glance. What sort of Green, dark, light. Was it like a uniform like a nurse, military, police casual outfit or something one would wear in an office. Kagey also had a vision of a man in a Green outfit.. seems there is some similarities. Could you sense anything else when looking at her. Where there trees or buildngs around her and the car, or did seem more like a parking lot area. Just kind of curious..sometimes if ask can remember a little more what is seen.
Hello Pattywack.. Welcome to the dream/vision thread. I am very glad you shared your vison. Your RV of this lady is great. Always nice to see others visions/dreams/feelings. Kind of helps put the puzzle together with a combination of different views.
Did it seem like she worked out, was physically fit. Did she look to have a tan. Wondering if she was of Europene descent related to the volkswagon and blonde hair. Any distiquishing features like piercings or tattoes you might have seen at a glance. What sort of Green, dark, light. Was it like a uniform like a nurse, military, police casual outfit or something one would wear in an office. Kagey also had a vision of a man in a Green outfit.. seems there is some similarities. Could you sense anything else when looking at her. Where there trees or buildngs around her and the car, or did seem more like a parking lot area. Just kind of curious..sometimes if ask can remember a little more what is seen.
She seemed tanned...probably of European descent...was wearing casual clothes light green top with a deeper light green slacks almost the color of the laughing green smiley faces but not so florescent..There was no background at all.just a quick flash of this woman. Her hair was blond but sort of brassy...like a coppertone tinge to it. It was short. I could see her ears. My memory is fading already . Trying to remember if it was over the forehead or not but can't. When I said Volkswagon ..van immediately came to mind but not sure if it was my own thoughts intruding or not.She was definitely an older lady . Nothing else. I did not see the Volkswagon. Just the word popped into my head ...like the name. I am 6000 miles away but I wonder if Brady is a common name around there. First or Last.....not sure. Funny but the idea of it being a woman never entered my head before this.
I just wish someone would find her and bring her home.
Thank you Yvonne for sharing your dream. I can only imagine the shock that you must of felt when you heard her give the reason for her getting in the car. Sometimes it could be symbolic representation of the person. Are you able to describe the younger fella that grabbed her or others in the vehical. Able to tell there tone of voice or roughness of the hands as they held her. Sometimes that can tell if they felt like laboring hands like being course verse soft. Sense of smell any preticular smell that might differentiate a person. colorations of the interior of the car. Sometimes it helps to talk it through. I find at times not sure how to interrupt the dream or what it might mean till down the line.

The guy in the back seemed to be young, slim and brownish hair.
The driver seemed to be 40ish, appeared innocent and friendly and she knew him.
The old guy was up front, seemed to be heavier and appeared to be someone who has worked outside.
The atmosphere was happy, party’ish with booze and possibly drugs. She seemed to take it as they were in a good mood and wouldn’t hurt her so she got in the car in a happy mood too.
What it seemed like to me is these guys was coming back from a night out and the guy driving was driving because the real driver was unable or chose not to drive.
I bolded that line because where I live, which is across the country from WA, there have been several men arrested for impersonating police officers and driving cars they rigged up with lights and sirens to look like the real thing. Most would stop women driving; and were charged with rape or attempted rape; however, I think there has been a case where they would pull up alongside girls walking home.

I'm going to search and see if there have been such incidents in WA in recent months.

Can't find anything yet recently, but this article from 2007 of a man arrested in the Tacoma area gives you an idea of what these guys do:

This isn't in WA state, but there are several articles here about men impersonating police officers and trying to get children into their cars: http://www.parentsformeganslaw.org/...FFENDER_IMPOSTERS/CHILD_STALKER_STRIKES_AGAIN

Yes I thought of this later and thought she may not know the differene if they used a flashing light or she could have seen them as some kind of a pratrol type person.
After Lindsey went missing I started to have dreams, visions and hunches as to what happened to her. In one of the first dreams I saw her get called over to a white car and she went over without any noticeable fear and started talking to the person driving. I then saw her open the back door and get inside and close the door. Then It looked like a younger guy in the back seat grabbed her arm and held her so she couldn’t get back out. That is when I felt there were maybe 3 guys in the car. I sensed the ages to be around 20’s, 30-40, & 40-60. I asked in the dream why she wasn’t afraid to get in the car and I heard “Because it is a police car”. I was shocked to have heard that of course. But then I assumed it meant an ‘authority figure’ to her. I have had a lot come to me but I will need to post more of it later.

I wanted to add some of the other visions, dreams & hunches I’ve had about what may have happened. When you ask questions before you go to sleep most of the time you can receive the answers in the morning or they may wake you up. So I have asked a lot of questions before I’ve went to sleep. This is the rest of what came to me in this order. I asked …

Who was driving the car? The answer always was,” He is right in their faces; he is right in front of them”.

Who has Lindsey right now? “James”. I have never received any other name but James. I have heard this name every time I asked. And I have asked a lot of times and it has never changed.

One of the dreams I had after asking questions about her was … I saw another girl upstairs with her and there was big lights to take pictures. Lindsey was drugged on the couch. There were two guys in the dream with them and they wore police uniforms and were toying with the other girl. It felt like the uniforms would make the pictures more exciting.

Another time I saw her in a cellar or round hole like an old well or cellar crying and yelling and pounding on the wall. She seemed to be there for a time. Felt very isolated, dark and lonely.

One Friday night I sensed a late encounter with the older guy. She didn’t seem as drugged at the time and was fighting & yelling like a logger. The guy had a knife.
It was around 10:30 or later and then around 12:30 I went to bed after praying the whole time for her. The next day I didn’t sense her around anymore. This was almost the middle of August if I’m remembering right.

One day at church I saw another vision and it was a search & rescue looking guy carrying her and she seemed to be limp and wet. I haven’t had anything since.

When the pictures of the town of McCleary was posted I felt emotionally upset when I saw the street sign on 7th and maple, the bee hive, and the street sign on 6th and fir.
I also feel there is a woman or two involved also – (wife/mother/girlfriends).
When I’m in McCleary the feeling of secretiveness & cover-ups is so heavy there It’s hard to be there for very long. I’m not understanding the theme of the police car and uniforms unless it is showing the length they are going to to cover up who they are.

All I really know is, I want the horrible monsters who took her to get back a thousand fold what they have done to LB, her family, friends and all of us.
She seemed tanned...probably of European descent...was wearing casual clothes light green top with a deeper light green slacks almost the color of the laughing green smiley faces but not so florescent..There was no background at all.just a quick flash of this woman. Her hair was blond but sort of brassy...like a coppertone tinge to it. It was short. I could see her ears. My memory is fading already . Trying to remember if it was over the forehead or not but can't. When I said Volkswagon ..van immediately came to mind but not sure if it was my own thoughts intruding or not.She was definitely an older lady . Nothing else. I did not see the Volkswagon. Just the word popped into my head ...like the name. I am 6000 miles away but I wonder if Brady is a common name around there. First or Last.....not sure. Funny but the idea of it being a woman never entered my head before this.
I just wish someone would find her and bring her home.
This is scary....I just looked up the name J Brady on worldpages.com. there is one in .Hoquiam Wa ..map shows it not far from Gray's Harbor City.....
This is scary....I just looked up the name J Brady on worldpages.com. there is one in .Hoquiam Wa ..map shows it not far from Gray's Harbor City.....
Also just looking at map of area there is a place named Brady just past Elma
This is scary....I just looked up the name J Brady on worldpages.com. there is one in .Hoquiam Wa ..map shows it not far from Gray's Harbor City.....

Not sure if it matters but Brady is a tiny town in grays harbor county as well
Just a thought here. My last post was about people impersonating police officers. The guy arrested in this was a Washington State Corrections Officer.



TACOMA -- An Auburn man is under arrest for allegedly impersonating a police officer.

Mark Randall Ditty was arrested Thursday evening around 6:30 as he was coming home from his job as a Washington State Corrections Officer.

Reason I noted this was I thought the family friend who last saw Lindsey walking home was going to her job at the prison? Was it as a guard? It's a woman, I thought. Not that I think she stopped Lindsey. Wondering if there are men who also work at the prison on that night shift? The uniform would be of an authority figure.

I've also read articles where security guards are impersonating police officers.
Where is the nearest prison to McCleary? When I was watching 60 minutes last night, I realized sometimes Sheriffs wear green uniforms - and green has been mentioned a couple times in dreams.
On Saturday my hubby Kids and I drove into Mccleary I wanted to get a feel of the town and follow my intuition we came in from Elma Mccleary road the only thing that interested me were the train tracks. Drove into Mccleary and headed to the shell station were we picked up snacks and drinks for the kids. The shell station was not at all what I had pictured. After leaving shell station we headed up behind it I guess behind the bearbower park, I felt nothing except wanting to head up behind simpson mill. We drove back down simpson and into neighborhoods looking for the behive, found it and the only thing I noted about it was how dark the building was. Still I felt I need to go behind the simpson mill, drove through the neighborhoods a bit more and finally went up summit and behind the mill. We followed the road out crossed the Elma hicklin rd and continued untill the county road ended I felt pulled back to elma hicklin rd, Headed left on the Elma Hicklin road and I felt I was heading the right way near the end of the road just before it connects with the train tracks and summit road again I had a very strong feeling about the property we were passing so stong in fact I turned around to have another look. There was an abandon looking white trailor and near it was an old mill of some type that was collapsed. Im not sure if this area has been searched and or if my intuition means anything but I clearly felt drawn to it.
On Saturday my hubby Kids and I drove into Mccleary I wanted to get a feel of the town and follow my intuition we came in from Elma Mccleary road the only thing that interested me were the train tracks. Drove into Mccleary and headed to the shell station were we picked up snacks and drinks for the kids. The shell station was not at all what I had pictured. After leaving shell station we headed up behind it I guess behind the bearbower park, I felt nothing except wanting to head up behind simpson mill. We drove back down simpson and into neighborhoods looking for the behive, found it and the only thing I noted about it was how dark the building was. Still I felt I need to go behind the simpson mill, drove through the neighborhoods a bit more and finally went up summit and behind the mill. We followed the road out crossed the Elma hicklin rd and continued untill the county road ended I felt pulled back to elma hicklin rd, Headed left on the Elma Hicklin road and I felt I was heading the right way near the end of the road just before it connects with the train tracks and summit road again I had a very strong feeling about the property we were passing so stong in fact I turned around to have another look. There was an abandon looking white trailor and near it was an old mill of some type that was collapsed. Im not sure if this area has been searched and or if my intuition means anything but I clearly felt drawn to it.

Hi Razzberry, Thanks for your proactive Sleuthing as it is appreciated. I wish someone would drive east on Mommesen {sp} to where it becomes a trail and follow it down to the area where logging roads begin to circle the area of the water tower, which isn't that far. And then backtrack from the opposite direction, driving up Cedar St off 3rd where the road starts that goes up to the water tower and see what kind of a feeling a person would get.

I know they searched the WT area almost right after she went missing. They found nothing. I also know in 9 yr old Elizabeth's case whose body was discovered last Wed, the first time they searched the area where she was eventually found they missed her. It was written that the body was too well hidden and they found it after the suspect led them back into the woods where she was found.

I don't think this is uncommon and do hope for good measure that whole area is searched again and with a fine tooth comb! Just call it a gut feeling. My dreams have nothing to do with criminal cases, :blushing:, but respect all of you here who do. xox
Hey Concentrentic, Corralorado, KageyKaren, Yvonne, Knox, Razzberry, Scandi, SS, Pattywack, coastal. I want to thank you all for speaking out what you sense. I am sorry haven't been on as much as of late there is a lot going on around me. But when ever I get a chance I try to least try to catch up with what is going on. I only have a few minutes prior to heading back to work. But I just want to say your all so awesome. If I have some free time tomorrow what I wanted to do is start back at dream thread and put together what each has dreamed because I believe it tells a lot of what happend, where they went, what happened to her and where she has travelled to and possibly where she is.. least that is what I have been wondering. I hope you all that you guys are awesome.. Razzberry..I am so glad that you also got to go to the town I was wondering if you also got to little further up on Summit. I thought it was interesting about the trailer similar to that of concentric. The train tracks.. yes those darn tracks enough to drive one nuts.lol... My theory she walked up behind the simpson mill and up the tracks towards summit. Anyways, I wish had more time but have to head to work.. sigh.. Will try to get back on soon.. Keep up the great work all.. I am at awe with all of you with your skills and abilities.. HUGs thank you
Have you ever had a feeling something wasn't right going on around you that you got the ebbie jeebies, the chills. maybe it was someone that was new or someone from your past that was around. Maybe, something was going on in the area that kind of makes you nervous and feeling unsafe. I wonder, if I felt that way, I one would try to go out of the way to avoid if I could.


I listen to this young lady talk about feeling nervous and I wonder to myself why is this lady so nervous. She usually walked her daily except for this one day she choose not to. Wondering what made her feel so uneasy that she choose not to walk her dog. Was it someone new in the area, Maybe someone from past. Maybe the going on's that night with the retirement party. She walked the dog every day so it was like a scheduled thing except for this one day. Something left her very uneasy she was following her sense. Could the possiblity whomever it might of been knew her schedule and was expecting her to be there. Instead she had chosen not to walk the dog that day, and LB was there. Could this person have been waiting for her. It just kind of made me wonder what made her so nervous. What was going on in town that night.
Hey Concentrentic, Corralorado, KageyKaren, Yvonne, Knox, Razzberry, Scandi, SS, Pattywack, coastal. I want to thank you all for speaking out what you sense. I am sorry haven't been on as much as of late there is a lot going on around me. But when ever I get a chance I try to least try to catch up with what is going on. I only have a few minutes prior to heading back to work. But I just want to say your all so awesome. If I have some free time tomorrow what I wanted to do is start back at dream thread and put together what each has dreamed because I believe it tells a lot of what happend, where they went, what happened to her and where she has travelled to and possibly where she is.. least that is what I have been wondering. I hope you all that you guys are awesome.. Razzberry..I am so glad that you also got to go to the town I was wondering if you also got to little further up on Summit. I thought it was interesting about the trailer similar to that of concentric. The train tracks.. yes those darn tracks enough to drive one nuts.lol... My theory she walked up behind the simpson mill and up the tracks towards summit. Anyways, I wish had more time but have to head to work.. sigh.. Will try to get back on soon.. Keep up the great work all.. I am at awe with all of you with your skills and abilities.. HUGs thank you


Tamgmit - Thank you for your continued presence here in Lindsey's dream thread. You've made such good contributions each step of the way, I think you are very tuned-in to this case. Plus, your words of encouragement are much appreciated.

You have done a great job putting the pieces together. I agree we should continue - things that didn't make sense a few months ago, are now starting to come together. Frame by frame almost...

It's about keeping the wheels turning on the journey to find the Truth about what happened to this beautiful little girl, to help bring her home again.

Kind regards,
Corallaroc, aka Coralado (haha, sounds like a member of a posse - winkwink - maybe from the western territories of the dream lands?)
I was wondering if it might be easier to see other dreams without having to go through 24 pages of stuff.. so I brought each dream forward.. didn't know how to put bring them up in multiple, so copy and pasted but put the date it was written here on websleuths. I hope this will help those to see the common things of these dreams and maybe give us new ideas what the possibilities these dreams might represent in hopes of finding Lindsey.
SeriouslySearching 7/8/09
think it is widely known I have a "thing" about the pedestrian bridge located near her home which leads to Beerbower Park. I had asked JVK to look for a small, older type bridge either in McCleary or nearby.

Mysticrose 7/8/09

The only dream I have had so far that I believe may pertain to Lindsey is being in a minivan, stopping at a gas station for fuel. Then all of a sudden we were in a large parking lot the type of parking for like campers / fisherman with a turn around at the end but mostly pavement with some gravel. Open type field on one side at the end of turn around the other side was forest like with an incline down hill. Then my dream jumped to a house that wasnt finished being built. There was windows leaning against walls and the floor was concrete, some painting (white) and drywall done. No electricity on... I also remember a broken mirror on the floor...And the house echoed

Idaho4Groenes: 7/8/09

I" was on some sort of road, just standing. It was an older road. For some reason I felt that it was in the opposite direction of Lindsey's house. Then I was on the right side of the road, peering around some trees or large bushes. I saw a large garage (to the right of the road) also with a large parking lot. It was a garage like you would see at a mechanics shop or for logging trucks. With the very large, tall doors. There were 2-3 doors. The garage was a light color, possibly gray or a white building that was worn. I saw a man (I think) opening or closing one of these large doors. And that was pretty much it.

Concentric 7/8/09

I have also been "seeing" a hill and her being chased by someone. That's it.

KAT: 7/9/09

My gut has been telling me over the last week or so that there is/was water. Either she was in water at one time (not the pool) or nearby water now. I didn't dream that and it wasnt' a vision so to speak...but rather it just slowly came into my mind while relaxing and thinking about Lindsey

Salem: 7/09/09

I keep getting the word "principal." I have no idea why - principal of the school? Principal Road? Principal in a company?

Redtailhawk: 7/09/09

Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - WA-10 y/o Lindsey Baum, missing since 6/26/09
It's the second picture of the choppy body of water. My very strong impression is that she got swept away. I still feel that way, even with all the talk of what might have happened to her, I sense she is here

Idaho4Groenes: 7/09/09
Well, I found this picture. I am VERY intereseted in learning more about this building. And also very interested in seeing it from a different angle.


This one, on the other hand, about made me fall out of my chair when I saw it. The building seems right. But the surroundings seem wrong.





A few of us have mentioned strong thoughts about older model cars. I posted my intuitive thoughts in the Astro thread. When I look at the photos posted above I remain getting the feel that the perp's job would take him on assignments to various towns for up to 6wks. a stretch and sometimes sent back to towns he has labored in. This gives the perp an opportunity to establish aquaintent type friendships that others may see as a close friend, but he keeps an emotional distance that others around him can't see.
the water doesn't seem to stick out to me as I get the feel that the perp had these sick fantasies for awhile, even to the point of planning the disposal. I don't think the perp had Lindsey in mind while fantasizing for 6mon. or more. He had met her through adults surrounding her and was aware of her walk home by casual conversation, took the opportunity to turn fantasy to reality. His fantasies brought him to sexual abuse escalating to brutal sex acts, then murder. The electrial wires hit me snack in the face. maybe this relates to his job in some way as the above ground polls hit me square as well. Maybe this does lead to logging or putting in new underground lines. This could also be linked to cable lines (fiberoptics) being dug and laid. "Grease" the word keeps comming up in my mind with the perp. Feels good to release this without ridicule. Heading to Aberdeen next wk. and am stopping in McCleary if anyone has suggestions for me to look at or into. I forgot that the perps job would let him look as he was reassigned to another aera, therefore causing no alarm as this is common in his form of work.

Gailrene: 7/10/09

I've been picturing a fifth wheel or camping trailer like the one in this picture of the garage: http://i242.photobucket.com/albums/f...2/DSCF2389.jpg

Concentric: 7/10/09

Early on, I wondered if there were mechanics at the Shell station--I guess not. Then there is this theme in subsequent posts about garages, repair places, trucks, grease.

Soothseer: 7/10/09

She was walking alone when a car approached. It seems like an older model car with more squarish edges. It is not in great shape, possibly banged up and may have different colors, such as when a body part has been replaced or is primed for painting.

These are two guys with whom she is familiar. One of them has a connection to a female friend of hers (possibly cousin or stepbrother). The friend is either slightly older or presents herself as such. The friend may be Hispanic or of a darker complexion. I haven't really had time to delve into this whole story, but this person with the Myspace page "Fistey" could be a possibility. (From what I have since read I believe that she is the friend from whose house LB left, is that correct? If so, does she have any male relatives in their early 20s who live in this or a neighboring town?)

I get that one (or both) of these guys lives or stays in a basement of a female relative (mother, grandmother or aunt). They are from somewhere south (possibly Mexico) and may travel in and out of the area. The guys stand out because they look different than the other residents. Their grooming and dress is more "urban" than the locals.

They are known for talking to younger people and may be involved in dealing drugs (specifically methamphetamine). This could be part of the reason they are in and out of the area.

My sense is that LB got in the car thinking she was getting a ride home. They did something to persuade her to "hang out" (possibly alcohol) and then took her somewhere (possibly the basement). A day or two later, one or both may have taken her out of town.

Kseal: 7/10/09

Anyone know if there are mines, open wells or caves in McCleary? I keep dreaming that I'm hearing her screaming but there's an echo like you'd hear from someone under ground. I don't see anything I just hear her screaming


I had another dream last night, which didn't relate directly but gave me a thought. McCleary is very small, so this is probably a long shot, but does McCleary have a "City of McCleary" department? Most places do. But I'm specifically interested in one with like, different sub-departments, like Parks and Recreation? Or possibly.....a city shop? With garages for city vehicles? If not, what would be the nearest city that did? Aberdeen? Olympia?

KageyKaren: 7/11/09

discussed this ttype of employment as well. Initially I had a strong sense of the perp driving a old 70's to 80's car that rode like a boat giving the feeling of floating. The car was not a classy low rider someone was puting money into as an expensive hobby. This goes back to your post wondering what labor workers may be in the area. If this person was in a uniform, what kind could it be, that a 10 yr.old might see as authority. Could this be a rent-a-cop type guy guarding some businesses in the area that the girls may have walked passed frequently? I remember Tuba post saying that the perp may not seem to us to be of authority but was to Lindsey.
I feel there are similar thoughts comming out of post. Add to these please, as I'm sure I'll forget some. Grease, older model car sedan size, causing a boat feeling (like we would get in those old buicks), Primer missing off a vehicle, Semi truck , automotive shop, water, violent death, middle aged men, offering of alcohol or drugs similar to meth (OT meth users may have strong hypersexual feelings, playing into the moment the perp decided to play out his fantasies) taken out of the area, and strong feelings that the perp may casually know one the 4 adults in Lindsey life that day. I'm sure I forgot some post from here. All of these thoughts seem to have a running theme. I'll let everyone figure out their thoughts of a theme . Stepping back to look at our lists, one thing hit me again and I giigled, "This couldn't be that easy", I'm thinking of the ice cream man and his mikman type truck LOL It ties into. No windows, what appears to be a sweet person. may have had someone tagging along in the back. Water is provided, the easy lur of offering icecream, and easy access out of town. I'm just sluething with the milkman theory and have no strong feelings going on but boy could that be a perfect perp profile?

Coastal: 7/10/09

Following your 'flow', I get boat...boat...enclosed trailer? dizzy...boat
SeriouslySearching: 7/12/09

Yes, very close to the bridge...as in feet away.
The red dot is the Shell station, the blue is the park and ride parking, and the bridge is the located where you see the hot pink. The yellow dot is Lindsey's house. I believe the FD sits behind the southwest end of the P & R lot between the building with a greenish roof and the white w/dark gray roof along 3rd is the City Hall/PD.
Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - WA-10 y/o Lindsey Baum, missing since 6/26/09 Thread #5

Kseal: 7/12/09

think it's a hollow sound that I'm hearing like when you're in an large empty metal building. OR even when you're under ground and you're yelling through a metal pipe.

SeriouslySearching: 7/12/09

It sounds cavernous and "tinney". Right?

Do they have storm shelters, old bomb shelters, etc. in WA?

Kseal: 7/12/09

Originally Posted by kageykaren I hate to bug again but had an idea to add. Two things hit me to ask. Did the echo voice sound near or far? Wherever the voice may be comming from did it reverberate? An empty space will have a louder reverb effect, verses a space that has objects inside.? Thanks
It sounded far away and like an empty space.

Kseal: 7/12/09

Originally Posted by kageykaren In your gut are you feeling that the sound is similar to a prefab metal bldg., with possible 2-3 garage doors allowing a vehicle to drive into a bay for repairs? If this does, it ties in with other posts that are referring to car garages.
Not sure exactly, just empty echo sound, far away and tinny. I don't see anything just hear it. It's also been two days since I've heard the screaming. Sorry

If you look at the photos 17Seconds took of the buildings up close...it looks like the one with the green roof in the map could be like a City garage type place and sits to the left of the FD which faces the park so the back of it would be towards Mommsen. Not sure what the smaller building is used for, but appears to match the FD. The curved white building with the dark gray roof connected to the City Hall...not sure what it is for...but is visible in the photos that JVK took from Beerbower Park.

Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - JVK's Trips To McCleary, WA

Kseal: 7/12/09

Yes the tall garage type building, I don't know if it's beerbower park. The pic is from JVK's visit. It just stands out to me. I can see Lindsey being upset because of not sleeping over and then going over to hang out in that park area before curfew.

Kseal: 7/13/09

Groups have also been searching trails behind the Simpson Door mill. Friends said it was an area the girl liked to visit.
That echo (hollow and tinney) I hear when she screams, do ya'll think it might come from being down in a well? Everything I've searched today regarding wells, storm shelters, bomb shelters keeps bringing up Simpson Door Mill. I'm thinking she's in a well somewhere behind Simpson Door Mill. I think it was an accident, she fell in because it was kinda dark.

KageyKaren: 7/13/09
I'm not sure who's post to pull as I see relavance to all posts. I mentally take a step back and try and think what an overall view of the disappearence and the areas talked about by us. SS had what I feel is an accurate account by Lindsey's good friend that we could take to heart as truth. This friend talked about the areas we are mentioning as being a place they liked to go to to play and hangout. Another said the girls like to go on a back trail behind the bldgs. we are discussing. My first thought is pay attention to the overall picture of this area, not individual aspects of that immediate area as being the end all. The end all could be a passing (astro thread) or the end of her life in Mc Clery as she may have been transfered. As much as I want to believe that Lindsey was taken to be sold into slavery I'm not getting that feel. Poster mentioned urban like males so I think it is relavant to look into the demigraphics of the immediate area and also find out the age group that frequents the park during the hours after dusk. LE would have an idea what kids stick out like a sore thumb when the sun goes down. The echo sound of screams resignating from a large type metal buiding has one wanting to look at that particular bldg. past the park, possibly in front of the trails. Does that person work on cars in the bldg? Is there a particular water source for that property and the land on that street? What is the talk about town concerning meth use by teens and early 20's? To what extent did Lindsey feel she was introuble with mom as she left her friends home? Was Linsey the type of 10yr.old girl to say to herself, "I don't even want to go home." "I don't want to be yelled out,go to my room for the rest of the night." "I'm so mad at mom and brother", "their not the boss of me". Mom stated Lindsey is a drama queen. Would the feelings that come with this age (drama queen is sometimes mistaken for the prehormonal changes when a little girl begins her periods into womanhood) have caused Lindsey to walk the opposite way towards Simpson. I wish we had information as to the time of when Lindsey & friends frequented the park. Such a bummer they have moved the command center out of McCleary. Is there a rhyme to their reason thinking the perp will slip up? I'm not getting that vibe. I have the feeling LE caved way to soon. (OOoo, I just had a deja vue while typing this last setence ) I feel something was going to "turn over" just before the park celebration. I used those words as they came to mind instead of other words like, discover,solved, break open, or found. Is anyone feeling a sadness of loss of hope more today than days past?

Coastal: 7/13/09


Elepher50: 7/16/09

I am not leaning towards stranger abduction - it was somebody she knew and I wouldn't rule out the area that she lived before - Elma I believe it was. It could be somebody who has had a recent life change and has decided to act on long standing fantasies. I also would not rule out that Lindsey was targetted - it may not have been a random act - with no clues it leads me to believe that it was preplanned. By targetted I mean that a perp was targetting a victim and Lindsey happened to be in the wrong spot at that time.

Coastal: 721/09

I woke up with a very detailed and clear memory of traveling in a motorhome with my mother and an unidentified male (who I clearly trusted completely). My mother and I had taken this trip to do some birdwatching, a hobby she has enjoyed all of her life, but one I've not been enthusiastic about. We were being driven down a very steep, winding, bumpy, coastal road, when suddenly our trusted driver-friend slammed on the brakes, cut hard to the left, and then back right, aiming us and our motorhome straight for a very steep cliff. Tires screaming, we stopped inches away from certain death.

My mother stood up calmly and exited the motorhome. She called to me, "Come quick! These burros are dying! Oh, they are dying!" I ran outside to join her, and sure enough there stood twenty or thirty burros, all looking like they'd seen better days; they were dying of thirst. We built a sort of trough out of beer coolers, and filled that with fresh water. The grateful burros came to drink one by one, and one by one they each perked up and wandered away. The last and littlest needed a more hands-on approach, but my mother and I nursed him together, giving him water from a baby bottle, and a can of yams, of all things. When he finally recovered, and followed his fellows out of my dream, my mother and I stood looking at each other with a silly grin on both of our faces. It was twilight by now, and there wasn't any time left for birding, but we sure did feel good about what we had done with our afternoon.

So I looked up burros, on a dream inerpretation website.
They signify an end to stubbornness, and the division it can cause.

I haven't talked to my mother in months, because of a stubborn 'mad' I've been nurturing, about something she said that hurt my feelings.

SeriouslySearching 7/22/09

I had a dream this morning and all I remember are the words "delivery" and "Robert" which kept being repeated in my head. Not that this means anything

LadyBugSl: 8/1/09

It wasn't as much a "dream" as a "vision", long story short, I awoke this morning with a very strong feeling that Lindsey came across/witnessed something she wasn't supposed to, (behind the Shell Station?) while on her way home. I remember running and grass - and as I awoke the thought "where would Lindsey hide if she were being chased?"?

Concentric: 8/05/09

These words were just in my head this a.m. thinking about the case:

__ton truck
La Jolla
frozen items, food?

TamgMit: 8/05/09

Know the feeling have had a few words that I too have been thinking.

Jewlery, cash, Country side, train tracks, bridge, blackwater, fish

Concentric: 8/07/09

Early this a.m. I got another city in CA. Seems to be some movement city to city in CA. Don't get it.


What I'm trying to say is I don't put stock into my dreams when I may have one. This was a late afternoon when I began to doze. All the sudden I had a pain I'm caaling white pain because i got an instant brain type freeze feeling seeing a flash of brite white flash that lasted a nano second This dream moment was a moment that had me grimacing wanting to look away as it was horrific. I was awake trying to stay with it, knowing I had to look up from the ground as Lindsey was in the moment to see the abductor. I have never had to describe a dream state like this ever in life! I didn't even have lindsey on my mind as I had just been on FB with our MamaBear poster trying to figure out her farm game. Lindsey wasn't on my mind when I dozed. When the "swallow ice cube" brain freeze hit I immediately with no thought place my right palm hand kind of like Jack Benny, holding it, grimacing my head to the right, while my left hand was up like talk to the hand gesture. I took a breath as I saw that precious child laying on green grass with beige small bald spots integrated and green forrestry bushes and trees behind her. I would like to say it would have been an area openning to a straight backfield but it wasn't a baseball field. Her body was at the edge of the openning. She was barely alive. This is so hard to type and if I were family I wouldn't want to read this in a public forumn. Those that have come to know my postings know I'v never wrote about dreams. I go by educational understanding of the human condition and try to use what my husband refers to as Spock Logic. So in finishing this post I have released more for me and hopefully someone might help me understand this form of dream. Lindsey's eyes is what I zoned in on and they looked so fearful, confused"why'. I had to see these eyes through a smashed bloody face and the eyes were bloodvesiled broken bloody but she was alive. I turned my head to the left (I'm awake after that brain shock) in a squatting position next to Lindsey initially bending over her feeling like Oh my God, baby and knowing I had to force myself to look up and I a grown woman felt frightend but knew i had to. I put my left fist on my mouth, held my breath and a man had legs apart in a V, army green to olive green pleated pants with the darts at the top, clean. Skinny leather belt side ruffed small buckle dingy metal. Mediumn waste with the same color,slight tone difference [newer) brushed cotton shirt,small shirt buttuns buttoned up normally as a dress shirt. Hair and eyebrows dirty sandy blond. Cuffs buttoned as well. No pokets on shirt that stood out but one that seems to blend into shirt. He was looking down with proudness ,sereen satisfaction and just finishing a last tuck in as he looke at her bloodied without a squint of panic. She layed dead, torso,waist upward and limp bent at knees way to the right with him strattled. He was a clean washed man not looking like a labor worker, almost hard working manager type and comfortable with the look he has. Thats it. Thursday was aberdeen day and out of nowhere the night before he asked me if I wanted to stop in Mc Cleary and my mouth dropped. He is Spock Logic,only helped me try and locate 20 mi west SE and didn't even know that this was close to my heart as I'v spoken "Anthony" for a yr. We had a wonderful drive to Mc Cleary. He still doesn't know about my dream! I just wanted to get this out because the rest seemed to follow naturally that day. Figured if I got this out I could move on to other things left for another thread except it seems in a spiritually way I need to proceed from here and leave the other thread for fact investigating. The only other thing is when I first looked at Lindsey with those profuse blood veins eyeballs seemed to give me a last glance weekly to make me look up. When I did I expected to look back down at an alive Lindsey and she passed while i was looking. This wasn't quite a dream. In sluething my mind has taken to look at uniforms that had adorments removed The shirt was very brushed cotton med. gage fabric. If it may be a uniform I didn't see holes eyelets? for pins badges

KageyKaren: 8/8/09

Where you able to hear anything in surrounding area, such as vehicals off in a distance or water sound, sounds of the wood like frogs etc., or sense other things in the area such buildings. Can you get a sense of time of day it is. Is it real bright or low light. Do you feel that she knew him. Sometimes questions help jog parts of the memory of the dreams. I know this must be pretty difficult. My heart goes out to you kagey. Thank you for telling your dream. Hopefully soon she will be found
This is for you and coastal and I appreciate your response and most of all that you were able to realize my distress by this. To answer questions, No sound of anything! Sometimes the NW has what I call London days wether it is summer, winter or fall (I know carol King's song "You've Got a Firend LOL!) Take a horse shoe type land area. Upper part of the U shape poiint's to be right where the wall of brush and trees begins. and surrounds the whole area except aan entrance that didn't seemed well traveld I felt remote,in a clearing that seemed dark like our London days I mentioned, but felt no censation as to hot or cold temp. It wasn't dewy from a light rain but plush greenery. No picnic tables just so very still and quiet! The grass is that plush grass, that might make one want to put their lawn mower 1 above the lowest blade.
this isn't like a golf type ground but when I squatted to look into Linsdey's eye my periffial vision to my left front and up to about the perps knees I could see a net hanging loosely to the back right of the clearing and it wasn;t in great shape but weathered more than torn. In those moments I remember saying to myself," Don't look up towards the perp, it must be an old ball park except no bleachers, no back fence and no infield. I told myself to pay no mine as I was bent need on Lindsey's right wanting to hold onto the moment of what her face looked like as she was looking up at the perp and that is when she could only move her eyes to speak through them. This man had on leather type hush puppies comfy shoe 3 laces each shoe, and not knew just broken in. I'm thinking over grown golf course abandon. Thinking of Tuba right now made me agree this could be considered "lonely", but this grass must be cut as it wasn't overgrown which may be a sign that he new this site well. I didn't see the brutel attack taking place. This man didn't seemed panic to get out of the area once that last tiny tucking of his shirt. Like he would just leave and never look back. This man with sandy blond hair
messy just slightly over his ears, 2 3 days dirty and had two day not shaving look. It seemed to me his affect was proud of himself and had no fear to walk away and integrate back in to a community and work. A golf course abandon might have muddy areas? I think I can say this was a net to catch golf balls which would put this landing far from the actual golf course. I had no feelings like this for the perp when I began studing this case.

Kagey Karen: 8/9/09

No buildings. 3:30 to 5:00 in the evenning but a feel before five. Age of man early 40's more than 35 to 38 range but not close to 50,45 yrs of age. The one thing that stood out as I took my eyes from Lindsey to the an slowly looking up from the groun the slacks hung not tapeared slightly wider but hung nice all the way to waiste. That is it, nada, nothing else! Don't want another one! While at the shell gas station a day after the vision or whatever we noticed as it was busy there the men were quiet, looking down, not wanting eye contact with each other as they were taking care of business. My husband brought that up to me and I said you noticed that unsettled air surrounding the station. While junking in aberrdean I met a woman from Raymond Wa. we got to talking and she lived in Mc Cleary for 5 yrs. before moving and said the Mc Cleary police were crooked and everyone new it! Whoa!!!! I told her about this site and she was aware of W/S as she is a forensic astrologer but hasn't practiced it 10 yrs. due to path in life. Well of course I had to share our forumn of FA and it encouraged her to join. She stated she was going to talk with her friend in Mc Cleary?? Hopefully she will let me know if she joined as we hit it off. I looked away at a table with frames and had to move a book to look at them and the darn book title was "Black Widow." This particular road trip had so many uncanty coencidences. After I laid the book down I said good by to the sweet woman walke over to a dirty small metal elevator and there in this rickity elevator was a crumbled picture of Lindsey on her flyer.


Go here" Golf Link.com Then type in Lake Quinault Lodge. In your mind take away all structers, imagine grass greener, sky the color of periwinkle looking like it wants to rain but won't, a slight muggy heavy feel but a clean luscious green feel. Toes would love this grass. It doesn't look like golf turf. The spot would be smaller than this pic. I'v been searching the net to match the clothes on perp. I felt it was work attire looking up at him and height 5'8 realm. What do grounds keepers of golf courses, and resorts wear? I'v looked at LE and military and that isn't it.

KageyKaren: 8/09/09

SS this could very well be a spot next to a soccer feild as my mind felt "karen its an old ball field, concentrate on Lindsey. No sign for score, bleachers or mesh fence. Soccer grass is right on the money except not worn in. Eyebrows alittle wirey, could have used grooming but I can tell he wouldn't be concerned with dapper grooming more manager or janitorial grooming. Not a rich golfer polo guy. It actuall unerved me while in the moment that he had matching colors on and the olive green shirt was newer and the type of shirt that when you throw in the dryer it comes out perfect. Hair to middle of ears wiry as well strawberry sandy blond turing some color to gray but kind of blending in with the blondes and minimal strawberry color. Anglo saxon for sure! That shirt may have had a button pocket on my left as I looked up from laying ontop of Lindsey, facing the perp and it was difficut from ground level staring up. I didn't tell in my first post as I was taken aback. My mind was saying,"Lay like Lindsey look up at what she sees and I didn't want to but made myself . I was even creeped out having do that while laying on her. For some reason this was very important to her thatI lay like her. She new this man!!!!! if my dream into awaked vision is the best way to descibe the moment. Also this guy was not gross unattarctive, he just needed a bit of spiffing up if going to the Mteropolitan grill for example but didn't appear to be the type to go to those places. Yes he could clean up if he wanted to hang at a casino
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