Dreams/Visions? - #1

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Woke up in the wee hours to the sound of a snowplow in the street, and as I went back to sleep, I had a dream of a huge snowplow ridge that was melting, and as it was melting, it revealed all the bicycles belonging to all the missing kids I've been reading about. Lindsay's was way up at the top.
I had a dream that basically boiled down to:

1. Female abductor / Teacher/Teaching or of the sorts position.
2. Not alone (Two people involved)
3. Lindsey had not seen this person that day or the previous day, but was familiar.

Most of my dreams are just that, dreams.
Quoting myself and snipping myself
I had a dream last night. I was talking to one of our long-time missing children. Unfortunately - I don't know which child :( It could have been Lindsey or Haleigh or even Amber. I have been trying all day to remember, but it just is not coming back to me.


Usually when I have a dream like this one, whatever is going to happen, happens within about 3 days. If it doesn't happen by then, it probably won't. Yesterday - I waited and waited. I was sure we were going to get some kind of news. But nothing. :(

I wonder if someone was very close to the place that Lindsey is and just didn't know it?

I have been debating posting this for a week or so - because it is probably just a dream and doesn't mean anything, but it's the only one I have had and I think about Lindsey all the time.

My alarm went off and woke me from a dream I was having where I was walking through a school yard - it was raining or had been raining because there were puddles on the cement. I saw Lindsey and a woman just about to enter the school (I got the feeling it was from a back door - a couple concrete steps up with a metal rail) and I called out to Lindsey (but for some reason her name was Maya (My-uh)). She turned around and the look on her face was shock. Kind of like relief but shocked that someone recognized her and maybe like she'd been caught. Her eyes looked very dark. Just before I called out to her she seemed happy and carefree. She was wearing jeans that were ripped just under her left back pocket. The feeling I got was she was somewhere starting over, with this woman, at a new school. She wasn't being hurt, but didn't have the choice to come home.

I tried super hard to remember the woman but I could not remember anything really about her, other than I think she had short hair, might have been wearing a demin blouse (or I was just thinking demin because of Lindsey's jeans), and a little heavier set than average. She was in her 50's maybe.

Really hoping Lindsey is found soon!
Quote taken from Jules71...

My alarm went off and woke me from a dream I was having where I was walking through a school yard - it was raining or had been raining because there were puddles on the cement. I saw Lindsey and a woman just about to enter the school (I got the feeling it was from a back door - a couple concrete steps up with a metal rail) and I called out to Lindsey (but for some reason her name was Maya (My-uh)).

My quote....
From Maya Angelou Elementary, Pasco, WA school...

6001 N. Road 84

Quote under dreamweavers avatar name.....
...'facts can obscure truth...maya angelou

Maya Angelou is a poet...
Quote taken from Jules71...

My alarm went off and woke me from a dream I was having where I was walking through a school yard - it was raining or had been raining because there were puddles on the cement. I saw Lindsey and a woman just about to enter the school (I got the feeling it was from a back door - a couple concrete steps up with a metal rail) and I called out to Lindsey (but for some reason her name was Maya (My-uh)).

My quote....
From Maya Angelou Elementary, Pasco, WA school...

6001 N. Road 84

Quote under dreamweavers avatar name.....
...'facts can obscure truth...maya angelou

Maya Angelou is a poet...

Call me crazy because I am sure it is a stretch, but I decided to send Lindsey's missing person poster to this school. You never know.
Call me crazy because I am sure it is a stretch, but I decided to send Lindsey's missing person poster to this school. You never know.

Good. You never know if some molester has people believing that he is her father and has her going to school elsewhere.
Call me crazy because I am sure it is a stretch, but I decided to send Lindsey's missing person poster to this school. You never know.

Good. You never know if some molester has people believing that he is her father and has her going to school elsewhere.

Remember the Steven Stayner case? Parnell, the abductor, changed his name and enrolled him in several schools.


What happened to the abductor, Parnell, after he served 7 years?
Call me crazy because I am sure it is a stretch, but I decided to send Lindsey's missing person poster to this school. You never know.
I'm all for those, "You never know's!" :heart:
I have no visions, no dreams to report. More like a black hole in my heart. Tubas last post has effected me and I thought others may be effected to. I'm speechless & will leave the interpretation to others. I have no words.
Lindsey is in my prayers tonight, as she is every night. I'm staring at the candle I've lit for her and praying as hard as I know how to pray. Come home, Lindsey!
Weird one. Wakened by a voice in my head shouting over and over, "She's not with a man! She's not with a man!" And Lindsay in the background with that same nondescript older woman wearing farm/ranch type clothes.
Call me crazy because I am sure it is a stretch, but I decided to send Lindsey's missing person poster to this school. You never know.

I think this was an excellent move! There are a lot of tie-ins here with the dreams of others and the astro thread.

Good call!!!

I was reading the very first thread after Lindsey went missing -- yeah, should have read it earlier, but there's so much stuff in here -- and read for the first time about an alleged event where she called 911 from a neighbor's house because she was afraid her brother was going to hurt her, and the cops just took her home.

I realized that's one of the scenes I "saw" in my not-quite-dream -- the one where she's in the back seat of a cop car terrified what's going to happen to her. The cop looks a lot like the deputy sheriff who's in all the videos -- Scott, I think his name is?

I'm starting to wonder whether whoever took her thought they were doing her a favor by getting her out of a violent home and a situation where she was hanging with a bad crowd and exhibiting some pretty bad behavior.
I was reading the very first thread after Lindsey went missing -- yeah, should have read it earlier, but there's so much stuff in here -- and read for the first time about an alleged event where she called 911 from a neighbor's house because she was afraid her brother was going to hurt her, and the cops just took her home.

I realized that's one of the scenes I "saw" in my not-quite-dream -- the one where she's in the back seat of a cop car terrified what's going to happen to her. The cop looks a lot like the deputy sheriff who's in all the videos -- Scott, I think his name is?

I'm starting to wonder whether whoever took her thought they were doing her a favor by getting her out of a violent home and a situation where she was hanging with a bad crowd and exhibiting some pretty bad behavior.
Carbuff, I found that quote as a comment on the KING5 website, and it bothered me so much I brought it here. The thing is (as I was gently reminded) we're not supposed to bring stuff like that here, because there isn't any way to verify who posted it, and because, well, anybody can say anything, and often enough, people do. We were encouraged, rightly, to discuss something with more substance.

Most definitely, my bad. Having said that, I'll risk posting these next thoughts (under the cover of) :innocent: in the interest of full disclosure.

What makes that comment (and another one from the same source, which actually used words like 'abused') even more interesting to me is that it sparked a flurry of denials, from KK's direction - it almost felt like a case of somebody who protest-eth too much. The OP was identified (elsewhere) and pretty much painted as past history with a grudge. I resolved it in my own mind by telling myself 1) if I knew who the OP was, LE did, too; 2) if the OP was right, LE would have records of such a contact with Lindsey; 3) and, therefore, it was probably a false trail.

Soon, though, the OP moved house away from McCleary, with her husband and son.
I always thought that was interesting, but I never found a way bring this OP person to the discussion about Lindsey, in an honest way, and so I've left it alone. Fruit of the poisoned tree, and all that.

I'd love to think you're right. But who would have done that? Who would care that much?
Yes, the report was clearly rumor, and also clearly did not have anything directly to do with her going missing, so I can see not discussing it in that context. And I did not see anything about the triggering incident -- just that *something* happened. I don't have the impression that it involved the brother, though there's something with a neighbor.

I seem to be seeing things that were moments of strong emotion to Lindsey, from her point of view, so it's not a factual sort of truth but an emotional one. At the point when I'm seeing her, she's not thinking about any family member or specific incident. She's just very, very, afraid of what's going to happen when she gets home. She's also really afraid of the cop.

That's the main thing I'm picking up -- that she distrusts and fears LE. And probably would not turn to them if she was in trouble.
Yes, the report was clearly rumor, and also clearly did not have anything directly to do with her going missing, so I can see not discussing it in that context. And I did not see anything about the triggering incident -- just that *something* happened. I don't have the impression that it involved the brother, though there's something with a neighbor.

I seem to be seeing things that were moments of strong emotion to Lindsey, from her point of view, so it's not a factual sort of truth but an emotional one. At the point when I'm seeing her, she's not thinking about any family member or specific incident. She's just very, very, afraid of what's going to happen when she gets home. She's also really afraid of the cop.

That's the main thing I'm picking up -- that she distrusts and fears LE. And probably would not turn to them if she was in trouble.

Hi Carbuff, That is true that those comments we all read might have been a bit exaggerated but they were never contradicted that I read, except by a local or two who were extremely close to the case. I discounted their opinions as so much of what they said changed on a regular basis.

With the seriousness of what this gal stated in those very public comments, had they besmirched the truth I can't imagine them going uncontested. Police records for one thing, as every call to 911 is of record. xox

PS: The only dreams I've had are really waking thoughts at lull moments. Over and over I visualize a man who was drinking at the Nelson's that night and what he might have heard and seen re: Lindsey's disappearance.

The man living on the north edge of town, who along with his wife heard the dogs barking off an on all that night when they shouldn't have been and saw smoke rising from the old wine cellar cut into the side of a hill up above his house and on his property, the cellar said not to have even been entered to their knowledge for years, was stymied acc to a searcher who was approached by the couple and asked to be cleared of any involvement in Lindsey's disappearance.

Now isn't that simply a mind boggler? They also had a son who was a friend of Lindsey's brother and was forbidden to play with him because of something he had done in the past, so it is possible the local kids knew about this cellar, BTW, one of 2 in the immediate area.

I can easily visualize her being taken there on a ruse of some sort by someone she knew well, so well she didn't even lose a sandal getting into their vehicle! Relaxed, maybe even excited at a bit of adventure until it turned sour and she no longer could defend herself.

There is much more to the story - it is not a rumor but also is not widely published by the searcher who was approached by this couple out of the blue.

Of everything I have read and learned about in this case it strikes me as a vibrant possibility as to where she could have been taken and held, even if just for a while till she was moved elsewhere. I have also often thought this man overheard or saw something that evening of the 26th while drinking at the Nelson's, he being one of 5 men partying up on that Fri night.

And then with the most curious happenings of the evening surrounding the old cellar that had been carved out of the side of a hill during proabition, a door concealing it's entrance by foliage as like to one could walk straight up to that door and enter the cellar straight on and no one would realize it was even there unless they knew. . . . . . .

Plain spooky if you ask me and it haunts me to this day. :angel:

ETA: It is said that LE did not take the couple's statements to the searcher seriously, Officer Scott I believe saying the man could never be involved as he had known him for many years and I don't believe anything was done about a physical or forensic search of the cellar at that time. Go figure! IMO and hope I got all that correct. ;}

From what I read the FBI was finally sent all the info on the subject. My waking dreams see the FBI and forensic unit descending on the property and I think it was about the time there was allot of LE hubbub and activity up in that area NW of Montesano I believe.
Wow, there's a lot to think about in there. Thanks!

I suspect this case could have been solved in two or three weeks if Undersheriff Scott had been willing to face the truth right off the bat. I don't think he's done anything wrong, but that sort of "wouldn't do that" thinking has to have been a major block.

"Relaxed, maybe even excited at a bit of adventure until it turned sour and she no longer could defend herself." Yes, that is exactly the feeling I get. I wouldn't say she was running away, but definitely breaking curfew and probably planning on spending the night somewhere else. And I keep seeing that the person she left with isn't the one who harmed/took/hid her.

I "see" the same way you do. Sometimes while I'm sleeping, but mostly awake. It's like looking through a window across time and space.
Wow, there's a lot to think about in there. Thanks!

I suspect this case could have been solved in two or three weeks if Undersheriff Scott had been willing to face the truth right off the bat. I don't think he's done anything wrong, but that sort of "wouldn't do that" thinking has to have been a major block.

"Relaxed, maybe even excited at a bit of adventure until it turned sour and she no longer could defend herself." Yes, that is exactly the feeling I get. I wouldn't say she was running away, but definitely breaking curfew and probably planning on spending the night somewhere else. And I keep seeing that the person she left with isn't the one who harmed/took/hid her.

I "see" the same way you do. Sometimes while I'm sleeping, but mostly awake. It's like looking through a window across time and space.

Hi Carbuff. You described how we 'see' things perfectly. That is an interesting thought you have that the person she left with isn't the one who harmed/took/hid her. I could see that fitting with the 'cellar' theory, and quite possible it could have happened that way with a small gathering somewhere else.

About Under Sheriff Scott, that could be accounted for by small town LE and what was told about the cellar and this man certainly didn't implicate him in any way. That is unless he saw something and didn't report it. Maybe he thought this person would never have it in him to hurt Lindsey, just have some fun. I'm just thankful it all came out and could be one of the reasons the FBI and their multitask force went back to the scene of the crime to re-investigate everything. xox

ETA: Now I'm curious to learn exactly when this couple stopped that searcher. I think it happened up by where they live and they were driving, parked and hailed the searcher and it was one of the first searches, waay before the search center was set up. Reading how LE went back to the Nelson's about 45 x's, it could be the info about the swimming party/drinking party came out slowly and LE didn't find out who was all there right away to talk to these people.
Just how many times have you (I) thought looking back that because we were trusting, or naive, we could have walked into a situation that we might not have walked out of?
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