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I never heard of Mancow, but I'm disgusted that he gives Drew Peterson an audience, eggs him on and seems to support this obvious murderer.
Bleagh! I just heard a clip on WLS-AM news. I think I just threw up a little.

Oh :yuck:

I just read about Drew's latest antics today. He simply does not get it. And he's not going to stop talking either. His attorney's can't stop him so now the repeated mantra is that's just the way he deals with stuff. Okey Dokey then.

He says hes got friends in jail who want to wash his back in the shower. I'm thinking he may not want to bring that up or talk about it at all, for the future if you know what I mean :eek:

I agree. Mancow needs to stop. He puts Drew out there for ratings. It's really old.

I don't think even if Drew is convicted for Kathleen and/or Stacy's murders and put away for life that he will ever stop this behavior. I have to resign myself to listening to it for a long time. And figure out a way to deal with it without getting banned or put in the time out corner :biggrin:
I hope they lower it........ So he'll shut up.........

Come on Judge........ Lower it for him...........

One dollar...... Lower it one dollar....... Then he'll get what he wants...... The bond lowered.......
Knock Knock

Who's there


Drew who?

Drew is crying boo hoo
CHICAGO (AP) — Former police officer Drew Peterson cracked jokes from jail on a Chicago radio show that he called collect.

He called WLS Radio's Mancow & Cassidy show on Wednesday and offered snippets of a comedy routine he's working on.

Peterson once proposed a "Win a Date With Drew" contest and offered a jail version called "Win a Conjugal Visit with Drew." He also joked about prison showers, his legal fees and his "bling" handcuffs, saying humor is how he deals with stress.

What I found interesting about the call was from the way they were talking, it seems that the attorney may have set it up. Someone kept making references to "Joel's" call to the station and that "Joel" said he had some new jokes for them. LOL, it's almost like "Joel" is pimping him out.

I wonder what would happen if all the other jail imates would call "Mancow" collect? Would they get on the air to crack their jokes?
What I found interesting about the call was from the way they were talking, it seems that the attorney may have set it up. Someone kept making references to "Joel's" call to the station and that "Joel" said he had some new jokes for them. LOL, it's almost like "Joel" is pimping him out.

I wonder what would happen if all the other jail imates would call "Mancow" collect? Would they get on the air to crack their jokes?

Really! Disgusting. At first Mancow was a bit taken aback, didn't you think? And he has one of the raunchiest sense of humor I have almost ever seen.

I sure hope the entertainment stops with the titalating trio of joksters, Joel, Drew and Mancow! Such a disgrace to the goodness of Kathleen. xox
Really! Disgusting. At first Mancow was a bit taken aback, didn't you think? And he has one of the raunchiest sense of humor I have almost ever seen.

I sure hope the entertainment stops with the titalating trio of joksters, Joel, Drew and Mancow! Such a disgrace to the goodness of Kathleen. xox

LOL, I'm hoping that someone local will post Mancow's number at the jails, with a little note saying he takes collect calls.
LOL, I'm hoping that someone local will post Mancow's number at the jails, with a little note saying he takes collect calls.

I can't stand that DP is getting attention in jail........but on the other hand DP LOVES to talk.
Does the media and LE think this is good because he MAY say something to media that is a clue to put another nail in his own coffin????? Hope he trips up BIG time!!!!
Chicoliving posted an interesting article in media.

It seems that DrewP is causing some 'concern' at the jail. They are getting calls from the public, concerned that DrewP is getting special privileges. And they say his "bizarre" publicity stunts are a nuisance.

We've had some high-profile inmates over the years, but I've never had it like this where they're trying to be a comedian on a radio show," said sheriff's spokesman Pat Barry. "It is a problem. This guy makes jokes, says things that aren't true."

Among statements Peterson made that Barry said were fiction: Peterson's assertion that other inmates "are cheering me on" when he is taken to and from the jail for court appearances, joking about showering with men (Peterson showers alone) and having a "Win a Conjugal Visit With Drew" contest (conjugal visits aren't allowed at the jail).

Little Joey says that DrewP is just bored and that he likes to be around people.
Chicoliving posted an interesting article in media.

It seems that DrewP is causing some 'concern' at the jail. They are getting calls from the public, concerned that DrewP is getting special privileges. And they say his "bizarre" publicity stunts are a nuisance.


Little Joey says that DrewP is just bored and that he likes to be around people.

:doh: Seems to me lilke that Sheriff needs to put a quick stop to this. I thought people in jail had no rights except they can own property.n I say keep him in his cell except for a shower once a week and one hour a day for exercise with no phone privledges! YaYa
Win a Conjugal Visit With Drew" YUCK!!!!!1

That idea will give me nightmares for a solid week. UGH!

Surely there is something, sombody that can gag that ...er, ahem....person and get him to hush. The trial will be a circus if Drew is allowed to get out of control.

Glasgow also filed a motion requestiong the card games at the jail visits between Peterson and Brodsky discontinue. On May 24, Brodsky showed up at the Will County jail to see his client and they played cards during the attorney-client visit. Glasgow stated that Peterson is receiving preferential treatment which other inmates are not afforded. He asked the court to order Brodsky to converse with Peterson through a videoconference system.

Peterson is allowed out of the cell for 90 minutes each day when he can sit in the common area, look through the small library of lawbooks or use a computer that does not have Internet access for legal research. During this time period, Peterson can make collect phone calls to whomever he wants, as long as the collect calls are accepted. He can talk up to twenty minutes.
Well sleuths, the good news in all this is that Drew just keeps on tightening the noose a little.

You know that he'll NEVER take the stand in any criminal trial. However, the prosecution will have tons of 'testimony' from our buddy Drew from all the TV interviews, radio interviews, and stunts that he's pulled.

Ever notice defendants in horrid murder trials? The scruffy, the gangsters, the unkempt all turn up with nice suits, glasses, and fresh haircuts. Most of them look like they've just arrived home from prep school. Sometimes you look at these guys and think, "How could that nice looking man possibly have committed that heinous crime?"

Well, when Drew is sitting in court with neatly trimmed hair, a conservative proper fitting suit, and probably glasses, he'll have to watch the jury wince, groan, and display shocked faces at his antics, his words, his utter nonsensical jokes. They'll see him for what he is: a man who takes the deaths and disappearances of his children's mothers as simply a big joke.

And while idiocy doesn't make him a murderer, it's a piece of the puzzle that when put in place by a diligent prosecutor will show the face of an uncaring, bold, unrepentant perpetrator of murder.

That's the good news sleuths.

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