Elisa Baker & Adam Baker lies **LIST ONLY**

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At the 2:25 mark, AB says he saw Zahra in her bed on Friday night! And he thinks she was there, it looked like she was there.


So did he last see his daughter on Tuesday, Thursday or Friday? And if he's saying that it was actually EB who checked on Zahra at 2:30 am on Saturday morning, exactly what time Friday night did HE check on her?
listing fictious step siblings (marriage is ''invalid'' to EB if bigamy can be proved) and omitting to acknowledge the reality of true half siblings in Australia
From AB's statement, made to LE on October 9th, he last saw his daughter on Wednesday, which would have been October 6th. (Contained within warrant/probable cause statements)
So when he made the statement on camera that he'd last seen her Thursday and was corrected by the reporter to Tuesday we have three verified versions of when he'd last seen his daughter. (MSM)
..adam has said he saw her on practically every day...(!)

--GMA --adam baker interview--@ 1:58

reporter: when was the last time that YOU personally saw your daughter?
adam: well I, 100% ? genuinely SAW my daughter? OUT of bed? it would have been Tuesday.

http://content.news14.com/Zahra Warrants/13.pdf
--S/W-----Oct.09/2010--- Interview with Captain Whisnant & Major Deal

"Adam Baker stated that he has not seen his daughter Zahra since Wednesday."

----------GMA Interview--adam & Chief Adkins---@ 3:45

reporter (george): So when was the last time you saw Zahra?
adam: It would have been Thursday night.

----GMA--adam baker Interview----@ 2:24---

adam: I think she was there Friday night. I opened the door it looked like she was there.

--------------911 call------

Operator: How long has she been missing?
Adam Baker: Ummm,we checked in there last night about 2:30, and she was there.

..and then we have his most recent interview after elisa was indicted:

------adam baker full interview------Feb.21/2011---

elisa indictment: Date of Offense: (on or about) September 24th/2010.
( adam is aware of this indictment as he responds) :

Adam: "yeah, to me.umm, very controlling. Um, plus with work I was gone first thing in the morning didn’t get home until late um, was told that Zahra was in bed , cause Zahra normally went to bed early.

Um, I checked every night. From what I could tell she was in bed. It looked like she was in bed, there was something in bed."

..in addition to seeing her Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday ( Oct.5th---Oct.9th ) he apparently also checked in---and saw her--- EVERY night since (on or about) September 24th/2010.

..and----"100% -- genuinely SAW his daughter-- OUT of bed"----on at least one occasion, which he said was Tuesday Oct.5th----until the reporter asked him if he meant that to be Thursday? and he made the switch to Thursday------October 7th/2010.
Well, I don't know for sure, but this seems to be an admission by AB that he lied during the 911 call.



"From what I could tell, she was in bed, it looked like she was in bed, there was something in bed," he said.

He claims Elisa Baker was great at manipulating people and that she even told him what to say when he made the 911 call to report his daughter was missing in October of 2010

I always thought it sounded like he was reading from a script. So he just said whatever she told him to say, no questions asked......:maddening: :banghead:
Well, I don't know for sure, but this seems to be an admission by AB that he lied during the 911 call.



I always thought it sounded like he was reading from a script. So he just said whatever she told him to say, no questions asked......:maddening: :banghead:

Am I correct in understanding that the WBTV (which the article refers to) was the one recorded on the day EB was indicted? If so, yes Adam spoke the words in the quote, and he also spoke about EB being manipulative. BUT, I didn't see the comment made regarding EB telling him what to say in the 911 call. Was the video online edited to cut out this section of his conversation? I'd like to see a link (it is not provided in that article) to this comment. Where did that occur? I have never heard this before - it certainly would be a serious comment given EB's indictment.

I do feel the need to add, just because Adam might (if this article is correct) say EB told him what to say in the 911 call doesn't mean he lied. In my books, telling a lie means deliberately misleading with incorrect information, this is quite different to giving misleading information innocently as you believe the information. Does this refer to the "tell them I checked on Zahra during the night" or "tell them we check on Zahra during the night" type information, or is the suggestion there was more to it than that, in the 911 call?

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