Emotional Reactions to the Autopsy Report

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Layers of duct tape covering the nose and mouth. How long did that take to accomplish. How long did that poor child have to suffer. Horrible. I don't know whether to cry or bang my head against a wall.
I've been online all day and have listened to the hearing and then seen the reports published. I've followed thread after thread and am still doing that. I watched Jane Velez-Mitchell and Nancy Grace (twice).

Fact is, I haven't been able to read one word of the reports yet. I know what they are going to say, but I don't want to see. I'm already sick over it and will get more sick.

Before I can even begin to read the reports, I'm going to have to numb my brain enough to separate out Angel Caylee from skeletal remains and what they tell us.

My heart goes out to all of us and especially to Dr. G. She had to examine the remains and write the report. She had to call in all the experts. She had to put the whole thing together. I need to remember how she sees the autopsy... as the deceased telling her story.

Yes, Caylee will tell us her story and it is incredibly painful.
What I can't stop thinking about is that Casey knew the animals would get at Caylee's body and tear her apart[ sorry for the graphics ] she had to know, leaving her in a swamp-like area. She diden't care, just party on,then later cry about me-me me. The death penalty is to humane for her. As for George and Cindy, I belive they would attempt to surpress all the evidence if they could.Their loyalty to Caylee's memorie is only with their mouth and not their actions.
Today when I sat here and read Caylee's autopsy report I found myself with a severe stomachache. It was very painful. It was an emotional reaction to reading what was done to Caylee.

Now I know that I will never look at a missing child/missing adult case who has been found murdered the same way. The details of this autopsy and the emotional response that I had to them, I will carry with me from now on to yet other cases. I will remember the absolute disgust I felt down in my gut, and I am coming to understand more completely what these victims suffer and what some family members suffer when they trully love the victim.

I think I'm very angry right now. Not just for Caylee, but for the countless other children that have been senselessly murdered before her, and the ones that will come after her.

I wrote this on the autopsy thread earlier, and can't get it out of my mind-Because I have seen so much of Caylee in video's and pictures, and through the eyes of her family and KC's friends, and although I did not have the pleasure of knowing her, reading what KC did was like a personal afront. I felt a connected ache for Caylee that I have not felt about any cases before hers.

I felt horrible when I heard Jessica Lunsford was buried with her stuffed animal. And Sandra Cantu, ugh...But this seemed harder to read and hear. Dr. G did a fantastic job of narrating Caylee's last story, and I know she showed her the highest respect when she put this together. Thank you, Dr. G. and the media that compelled these docs, for reminding me why Caylee needs justice. This is about her.
I wouldn't know what I was lookin at if I did read the reports---I don't even think I can go to the threads about them yet. Maybe after I calm down--2-3-4 days.

You know---I wouldn't want the reports released either if I was the grandparent---but then again---I wouldn't be on the media circuit either--- or fighting protesters in the front yard---or starting a bogus foundation---I wouldn't go to the Court unless I was told to go---or scream that my daughter was innocent---watching TV and the forums. Just don't understand the A's. These are the peeps who knew before anybody else what that car smelled like.
The thing that makes me the most sad/pissed off is my son is 2 years 11 months old. He is beautiful and spuky just like Caylee. I won't sit here and lie and say he doesn't upset me when he throws his fits and wants his way, but he is being a toddler!!! When I even catch myself start to get upset you just put him in his room and let him hash it out in there. I just can't imagine EVER EVER EVER doing anything as replusive as this. I am a young mom, 24 years old, but give me my baby in a blanky and a movie at home any night as opposed to partying. God Casey is such a wicked person for doing this, and on top of that doing this the way she did. I just wish Caylee could have had the real "Mother of the Year" instead of a murderer. :(
I knew that KC had to have killed little Caylee on the 16 of june, because nobody ever saw her after that day. Now the pink letters in the bags coming from the shirt George saw her wearing on that day just make it true.

I also knew about the tape on the mouth, but on the nose? It means she was alive when that tape was placed there and that's how the bi!!h killed her daughter.

I just hope that poor little girl didn't watch her mother place that tape on her face. I hope KC drugged her and that somehow Caylee didn't feel a thing. I hope she just slept through it all.

I hope that KC has nightmares and relives what she did to Caylee every time she closes her eyes.

I'm just so sad....and angry that such things keep happening to little kids...
What disturbs me is the inbetween. You are right,that alittle girl goes from being loved to being dead doesn't make sense because it isn't true. Autopsy may not state cause of death as being a soft kill or violent death but it does point to her death being Deliberate, no accident. This is what leads me to feeling sure Caylee's life when with her busy mother was literally no walk in the park. KC may have never left marks on Caylee before the day of death but duct tape placed in the manner to silence Caylee's voice indefinately leans to KC being so void of emotion (flat affect we have seen) that I visualize her harming Caylee in many ways especially emotionally. Today the world knows the Anthony home may not have been one of sugar and spice and everyones nice. This has not tarnished Caylee's name and I find it repulsive that those terms were used as a basis not to show the autopsy. What is tarnished is their ,"I'm so proud of my daughter", "Strong southern woman", "The incharge girl", "Good & loving mother". Anything positive ever said about KC as a daughter, and a mother was definatly proven today to not be true. Caylee was on their watch and no one took care or considered Caylee's feelings how their behaviors within the home effected Caylee. Example: possible fight between cA & KC, resulting in the death. KC's assesment of herself, "Spiteful *****", "Need to be institutionalized" was right on the mark. Such a shame her own parents won't accept the diagnosis KC gave herself.


You have made some very good points, kageykaren. As we heard or read so many times today that there is no evidence of damage to Caylee's bones (prior to her death) as if this completely negates abuse (mainly in the eyes of the A's and the defense.) I couldn't help but think that abuse comes in many forms and having your mother ignore you, drag you to her friends homes, sharing her "love" bed, taking videos and NEVER engaging with language stimulation while filming, and on & on. All of the previously mentioned and more as you noted in your post amount to emotional abuse. No marks on the body & no evidence of previously broken bones does not exonerate that evil, self centered monster from having to pay for what she did do to that precious child. Even worse her grandparents use her to create an income for themselves. All of this and more just sickens me and causes such anger within. I have not stated my feelings & thoughts as eloquently as you have kagey, but I do think we are on the same page. :blowkiss:
The multiple pieces of tape over Caylee's nose and mouth both just kill me. I don't know if they were placed there before or after her death and I think I'm glad that I don't know the answer to that. This whole thing is so heart breaking. I feel so angry towards Casey...not that I haven't all along but to actually know some of the things she did to that baby..for sure..hurts my heart too. It is just beyond my comprehension. And the heart on the duct tape just makes me want to get physical with Casey. The nerve of her to add that heart. I won't even say what I would like to do to that cold blooded killer.

George was a total turn off for me today. This whole thing was all about Casey....not Caylee. It has never been about Caylee from the day they found that car and smelled the trunk. George and Cindy didn't want this report to come out because they knew people would react just like we all are. They DID NOT WANT everyone to know about the amount of duct tape used because it nails Casey. Also the length of time her little bones had been out in those woods. They are still trying to get people to see Casey as something she isn't. George tried to use Caylee in court to stop the report from being released but that is nothing new either. I just can't raise an ounce of empathy for either George or Cindy. I'm sure they are grieving but darn it that baby should have always come first...alive or dead and she never has.

Watching Caylee on Nancy G. and listening to her sing and play with the table cover..peek-a-boo....at the nursing home...talking to her papa, etc, just tore me up tonight. I could only look at her and cry and say "oh Caylee."
Such a beautiful little girl with those great big eyes...only evil could have did what was done to that little girl. Can't the Anthonys see that yet!!!!!!!
I simply can't get over the layers of duct tape over the nose and mouth. How can the A's look anyone in the eye or hold their heads high ever again knowing that the world knows what their demon spawn did to that precious baby. Perhaps, that will be enough to keep them from their media rampage; if it's not, I don't know what will be.
I thought I could read the autopsy with objection. I am used to medical terms, sometimes graphic, so I thought it would be interesting, if not damning. I wasn't prepared at my reaction at "several layers of duct tape". It just kind of hit me today. That b####. I haven't felt such anger toward KC as I did today. I hope with all hope that they have fingerprints on that duct tape to prove it was her. I hope she gets nailed. The act of several layers of duct tape around Caylee's nose and mouth shows anger. Wasn't a good day for the defense, but a GREAT day for Caylee. I hope justice is swift, painful. Send her to gen. pop. NOW!
What disturbs me is the inbetween. You are right,that alittle girl goes from being loved to being dead doesn't make sense because it isn't true. Autopsy may not state cause of death as being a soft kill or violent death but it does point to her death being Deliberate, no accident. This is what leads me to feeling sure Caylee's life when with her busy mother was literally no walk in the park. KC may have never left marks on Caylee before the day of death but duct tape placed in the manner to silence Caylee's voice indefinately leans to KC being so void of emotion (flat affect we have seen) that I visualize her harming Caylee in many ways especially emotionally. Today the world knows the Anthony home may not have been one of sugar and spice and everyones nice. This has not tarnished Caylee's name and I find it repulsive that those terms were used as a basis not to show the autopsy. What is tarnished is their ,"I'm so proud of my daughter", "Strong southern woman", "The incharge girl", "Good & loving mother". Anything positive ever said about KC as a daughter, and a mother was definatly proven today to not be true. Caylee was on their watch and no one took care or considered Caylee's feelings how their behaviors within the home effected Caylee. Example: possible fight between cA & KC, resulting in the death. KC's assesment of herself, "Spiteful *****", "Need to be institutionalized" was right on the mark. Such a shame her own parents won't accept the diagnosis KC gave herself.

Bold mine.

ITA with you Karen. How could George, and especially Cindy, go on with their daily lives, knowing what their "daughter" was truly like, letting such a damaged and emotionless being, care for their precious grandaughter? Did they not see that KC was continuously texting and paying NO attention to Caylee? Did they not see the strangeness of the videographer, (ie. KC) who took all those silent videos of their precious grandaughter...never speaking a word to Caylee, as she filmed her as tho she was a "specimen"? Knowing that their daughter was, as CA said, a sociopath, (altho, I think not, but BPD), but if you thought she was, why in G*d's name would you allow that monster to care for their precious grandaughter? NO, I have no pity, no empathy, no sympathy for either George or Cindy. THEY failed KC, but most of all they failed dear, sweet, defenseless Caylee. How dare they attempt to show their extra special grief!!

Sorry, but they just sicken me.
I read the autopsy report as well as watched the raw footage of the hearing. The hearling made me sad for GA and CA. I can understand why they don't want Caylee's autopsy made public.

After reading the autopsy report I'm sad to read about what Caylee went through. I also felt a lot of anger toward Casey after reading about the multiple layers of duct tape and watching the news coverage about it on CNN.

The thread subject line really does say it all.
I wont be able to read the autopsy report. It is too hard for me to read about it and I guess that will have to be sufficient.

I think when the remains were first found I was thrilled that there was duct tape because duct tape sure implies premeditation and I couldnt dream of KC walking. I guess I continued to assume, I dont know, I cant honestly PICTURE that situation, but I guess I thought maybe she drugged her then put the tape on for whatever reason, I guess I just always assumed or thought that caylee was not aware, and now that I have heard how much tape, and where the tape was, well.

I know there is at least one poster that still thinks it was after death but I have to say that seems unlikely to me although I am hoping that tape analysis shows it to be true. because I cant tolerate the idea that poor little caylee was AWARE and that her mother managed to put so much tape on her tiny little face and wow, not even cover her eyes, how can someone do that? I mean HOW? how do you look into your baby's eyes and load on the tape while holding her down and seeing her terror as she dies? I am sick from it, I just ....dont even get why I am surprised, I was just thinking, when she was arrested, when I saw her bouncing down the hallway in cuffs and a blue hoodie, not looking bothered in the slightest, she ALREADY KNEW that she had held her little baby down and covered her in tape and watched her die, I just cant get over it. It's like I could handle her chloroforming her, I could even handle her putting her in a trunk, drugging her with xanax, I could just never have dreamed of...how? how do you look into your baby's eyes while you kill them? How can you not have enough humanity in you to at least make sure she was unaware?
I have been thinking back to when my son was the age of little Caylee, and I was the age of Casey (a month younger when I had my son than when she had Caylee) .. single mom living in a 2 room apartment, working all the time..always so worried about paying the rent and keeping food on the table.. how hard it all was!! and my son was not always an angel. He was difficult and high strung, and I got tired and overwhelmed often enough. He got yelled at some times when he should not have, although I never physically abused him, thankfully. I wish I could have had the wisdom that I have now, back then, when I most needed it.

I wrote out a little saying and posted it on the fridge,
"Sometimes I forget, when I get riled, that my antagonist is My Little Child".. reading that often helped when he was really acting up.

I wonder how much like KC I was, or might have been.. I can see myself getting so frustrated I might hit him and hurt him.. could have happened, but did not!!... but I cannot for the life of me visulize smothering him with duct tape. It wouldn't have entered my head to do such a thing, and if it somehow had, I would have had time to stop myself and get a grip before I had harmed him. I think it woud take a very cold blooded Mother to keep on putting strips of tape over her mouth, and then stand around watching her die.
That is what hurts.. that a Mommy could do that..
I have not read the report yet as this is first thread i clicked on today. The local 13 news here in fl said the words big trouble comes small was written in the dirt near the body. It upset me to hear that and I now need to find the report among the thread here. As i have followed the case I just keep thinking OMG-- it gets more hard to think of someone doing this to poor angel baby
It broke my heart to read the autopsy and realize what KC did Caylee the video of Caylee with her great-grandpa keeps running thru my brain and what a beautiful soul this little angel was she was a sweetie . Then I felt anger at her mom for the horrible things she did to Caylee when she could have handed her over to ca and ga and went on about her petty,superficial life she wanted,but oh no she was not brave enough to do that face her mother and admit she wanted out instead she kills the one person who truly loved her . KC is an evil evil foolish immature piece of chit...
I have a very heavy heart today, the autopsy report is beyond disturbing. The one thing that gives me solice is that I now truly believe KC will be convicted for sure. The absence of her name on the previous report regarding fingerprints on the duct tape clearing CA, GA and LA of the actual murder screams out to me. You know LE tested the tape for KC's prints, they had to have done so. Yep KC is a baby killer, no question now at all. Seems like a slam dunk to me.
I have not read the report yet as this is first thread i clicked on today. The local 13 news here in fl said the words big trouble comes small was written in the dirt near the body. It upset me to hear that and I now need to find the report among the thread here. As i have followed the case I just keep thinking OMG-- it gets more hard to think of someone doing this to poor angel baby

It wasn't written in the dirt. They found sparkly raised letters on a pinkish colored fabric background in the dirt. Caylee must have been wearing a t shirt that said Big trouble comes in small packages. They found some letters alone and others still connected and the neckband from the t shirt size 24mos IIRC.
I have a very heavy heart today, the autopsy report is beyond disturbing. The one thing that gives me solice is that I now truly believe KC will be convicted for sure. The absence of her name on the previous report regarding fingerprints on the duct tape clearing CA, GA and LA of the actual murder screams out to me. You know LE tested the tape for KC's prints, they had to have done so. Yep KC is a baby killer, no question now at all. Seems like a slam dunk to me.

ITA i was always worried that there wouldn't be enough evidence to convict kc but no this report did her in and fingerprints on the tape would be the final nail in the coffin...

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