Emotions regarding case...

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Aug 11, 2008
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I know people are very emotionally attached to this case. Me included.

I wondered…how many of you are new to following a case like this? And if you are new, how are you dealing with the emotional affects? What drew you to this case?

And if you are a long time Websleuth, are you as emotionally attached to this as you are to others? What makes you follow these stories? How do you handle the emotional aspect?

I found this site through someone else – who was also following this case. I don’t know what drew me to it. Maybe it is the fact that Caylee and my daughter are the exact same age. Same month, day and year. And I just can’t imagine someone – nevermind ME – doing something like that to my sweet little girl. Maybe its all the questions behind the case that drew me in.

I’m having a hard time emotionally. I find myself checking for updates all the time. I worry that they won’t find her. I worry about how I’ll react if/when they find out that she is dead. I have this glimmer of hope even though I know what everything points to. I worry that we won’t ever get an answer. I worry that the media will eventually get tired of this and it will just get brushed aside.

To you veterans…is this normal? To the newbies…do you feel the same?
Great thread. I found this site through an online search.
I grew up in Hollywood, Fl and was working in the Hollywood Mall the day Adam Walsh was abducted. I haven't been the same since. Each day I would walk by their parked car and see the blanket and snacks left in there should he be brought back.
I have followed missing children cases since, always hoping for a different ending.
The emotions I am feeling now, anger and sadness.
I'm angry that Casey's parents won't stand up and tell the truth. Casey, that woman has a hollow, cold heart.
What really made me see her for who she is was that one phone call when Casey was talking to Christine ( I think) and she said something like, "Oh, My God.... Calling you guys...a HUGE WASTE." She was pissed because the girl was crying and upset about Caylee.
I work with children that have special needs and for the life of me cannot comprehend how someone could ever hurt a child.
I've never followed any cases before. This is new to me. I'm sucked in and emotionally attached.

Like I said...my daughters birthday is the same as Caylees. My friends/family thought I was crazy, but I put an extra candle on my daughters cake and let a cinderalla balloon go "for" Caylee.
Yes, I'll admit it, I'm am emotionally attached to this case. I'm a parent, my kids are 19 and 26 years old and doing well but I've watched some of their friends struggle and you wonder what makes them go off the rail. I wonder when and why Casey started have troubles.
I was criticised by neighbors for sending my daughter to a small high school in another district but I found the values of the kids that she had grown up with were starting to corrupt and their parents no longer parenting.
Time has proven my observations were correct and motives were right.

IMO, there was a point in her life when Casey's parents could have helped her make better choices but that time is gone. This is true American Tragedy and that what makes it such a familiar and fascinating case.
IF the outcome is sad, yes, it will be very upsetting for everyone. The only thing you can really do is what you're doing right now, taking the best care you can of your little one and helping her grow up.
I've never followed any cases before. This is new to me. I'm sucked in and emotionally attached.

Like I said...my daughters birthday is the same as Caylees. My friends/family thought I was crazy, but I put an extra candle on my daughters cake and let a cinderalla balloon go "for" Caylee.

Sweetie, no one should call you crazy for caring.

Sometimes we can take our grief and concern for one child and put it to work helping others in our community.
Casey should have finished high school and continued her education and made a proper life for Caylee. There are non-profit groups in your area which help teen moms do that and maybe you can volunteer to work with them or assist them with fundraising.

Sadly, Casey's birthday is March 19 which is my daughter's birthday as well.
My daughters name is Kayleigh Marie (same as Caylee) and a friend had told me about the case. I found Websleuths and have been hooked on the case for a few weeks now. It is so sad.
This is my first time following a case and I'm in canada here so I found this website by searching for daily updates on google.

I became very interested when I first seen this story posted on another forum since reporting your child missing after 31 days is highly odd, I assume that is what attracted me.

For a while I was having sleepless nights where all I could do was draw conclusions and think about how and why, mostly how nothing made sense.
I felt very sad and would lay awake and think of all the scenarios I had read about earlier in the day.

However in the last week or so I have relaxed about it quite a bit and believe that there is no conspiracy, theres no secret sex ring, prostitution, hidden code in every jail house phone call or anything.

Not speculating on all of the bullhonky allows me to sleep better at night, even though it means I've made up my mind that this is at the least, a negligent homicide.

I hold out a little bit of hope that maybe I am wrong and there is some seriously twisted plot and Caylee is safe somewhere, but its only a little at this point.

I hope if Casey has harmed her daughter, LE find enough to lock her up tightly so she is unable to be seen smiling again in a club!!
I've been following crime cases since O.J.
Missing person cases:
Scott Peterson, Susan Smith, Joran van der Sloot, etc.
What gets me so angry, so frustrated is these "sociopaths" saying,
"It wasn't me...but, look at me!"
They are all guilty whether they serve any time in jail or not,
and focus should be on the victim's life & death.

My opinion? Occam's Razor-"All other things being equal,
the simplest solution is the best."
At the moment I am simply po'd that Casey is allowing her family and friends to suffer and remain in limbo while she holds the cards and KNOWS exactly what happened to her daughter.... though my emotions regarding this case change daily and I get frustrated that the same old same old is all we hear on a daily basis and I don't know when any new RELEVENT information will come along. I keep hoping someone stumbles across her body... and I hate saying that, while I do keep a small amount of hope because we have no definate answers as of yet.

I found WS searching for info on absent fathers and found Dalles McKinsey's story in the cold case forum. (Yes, I know, strange way to find WS.) I started reading and have been hooked since... I religiously follow about 5 cases here and occasionally read others.

I'm also an avid counter, and love participating in the chat at the countdown from a million in the game room..... lots of fantastic people there and a nice break on a lighter note with some fun and a place to vent/share and make some fantastic friends. Everyone is welcome!
I've never let crimes in the news affect my emotions to a big extent that it interfered with my life or daily living. I got interested during the Laci Peterson case and have kept following other crimes. Having been a crime victim years ago and seeing all these cases make me feel that there is real evil in the world. I'm interested in learning about it and how to prevent things from happening. The cases, such as a missing and murdered woman in my town and Drew Peterson never being arrested or charged frustrates, scares, and angers me. I guess since the crime has already happened when I read about it online, I am more emotionally invested in the evil murderer being caught and convicted before they hurt someone else.
This is about my 15th case that I have followed starting of course with OJ. I have to say, in all that I have read and heard from other cases, this one has me the most baffled. I can't get a handle on this family and how they rationalize their actions and emotions. I always thought that Scott Peterson's family was the strangest that I had ever come across, this family makes them look like the ideal American family. Anyway, it's easy to become attached to the victims in these types of cases and to actually develop feelings for them and what they are going through. However, I will state that I do not feel any sympathy towards the Anthony's as they have given me no reason to feel sympathetic towards them or their present situation. My thoughts and prayers are for Caylee and Caylee only. Irregardless of what the outcome is in this case, she did not deserve this. JMO.
I found this forum searching for information on Darlie Routier. I found what I needed here to complete my opinion of her case in this forum. There are some very very VERY informed people in this forum. I then moved onto the JonBenet case...I got too involved in that one and had to take a break for about a year. I started back onto Websleuths, just before Caylee went missing and have become involved with her as well. I am emotionally attatched to this case, because I have a granddaughter bout the same age as Caylee.
I think it is normal for us to become emotinally involved...we are caring people here.

I have an obsessive personality anyway, so this is the place for me LOL.:crosseyed::wave:
I've always been stuck on the "true crime" books and novels, started getting seriously interested w/Diane Downs because at the time I was a single mom with 3 kids, Susan Smith came along while I was working at an airport and even then my first thought was no way - no how, I'd be dead and not making statements to the media.

This case has me extremely torn... I think there is way more happening behind the scenes than is even remotely in the media.

I think that the backgrounds on the players in Casey's life is going to play a huge part in what we find out, and where Caylee is (whether w/god or w/the babysitter).

I don't normally go over the top on these cases, I usually read the daily updates and go on with my life, but this case has kicked me out of my comfort zone, I have to force myself to stay off this site while working AND turn my phone off to keep from checking what I've missed.

Come on Casey...Give it up, what happened?
If I told you I wrote Casey a letter today and I have been taking Ambien for 2 weeks to sleep would you get the picture of just how affected I am?

I am a news junkie and didn't think any story could affect me like Laci and Conner but this is worse....
Let's see...
1. I am losing sleep. A cigarette and a pot of coffee is substituting for sleep right now.
2. I am letting my other cases lag, because I might miss something on this one if i wander to far for too long.
3. I am actually trying to involve my fiancee, who really does not bother with things such as these...
4. My oldest child actually prayed, "Let Caylee come home so Mommy will cook dinner again. I don't like Daddy dinners"
Am I considered obsessed?
Let's see...
3. I am actually trying to involve my fiancee, who really does not bother with things such as these...
4. My oldest child actually prayed, "Let Caylee come home so Mommy will cook dinner again. I don't like Daddy dinners"
Am I considered obsessed?

husband watched Nancy Grace for me tonight because I had to work late and text me "news" ha...

husband watched Nancy Grace for me tonight because I had to work late and text me "news" ha...


Mine took notes because I was in the shower when it started. He said he was afraid of what would happen if I didn't know I had missed. :crazy:

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