Emotions regarding case...

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I didn't think I could ever feel hate for another human being but I look at Caseys pics and I just want to strangle her. I have Caylee engraved on my heart and I must come here to websleuths 20 times a day looking for a ray of hope. I need justice for Caylee or I feel I will go nuts! If I didn't have to watch my 5 year old grandson I would be in the swamps of Orlando from dusk to dawn looking for that little angel. I even look at all the little faces of every little girl out here in California just in case......A long time ago I had lost my faith in God but this little girl has brought me back to my knees and I pray every night wherever Caylee is, she is in the arms of Love and protection whether it be on this earth or with God in heaven. God bless you little one!

Me too! (Want to strangle her) The degree that I dispise that 'thing' surprises me because I am not one to judge or get too involved - but I hate her more than I have ever hated anyone - it maybe scares me that someone like this could go undetected for so long amongst friends...I have always been such a good judge of character but I wonder would she have fooled me too?
Me too! (Want to strangle her) The degree that I dispise that 'thing' surprises me because I am not one to judge or get too involved - but I hate her more than I have ever hated anyone - it maybe scares me that someone like this could go undetected for so long amongst friends...I have always been such a good judge of character but I wonder would she have fooled me too?

Well you are not alone. I think a neighbor alleged that CA wanted to do the same. To be honest, I have found myself having 'hate' feelings. I think it's mostly around the idea that she killed her own daughter and I can't fathom that. If Caylee is found alive I would probably change that to being deeply disgusted by KC but that's as positive as I would get.
This is a very good question. I don't feel hatred for any of the A Team, just a feeling of disgust and anger and impatience with their lies and hypocrasy. Foremost, I feel sad that little Caylee hasn't been found and she hasn't been given a proper burial which she richly deserves.

On a lighter note, I am consumed with this case, to the point that my life is falling apart around me. I no longer do laundry, have no food to speak of in the fridge, stay up all night on WS's and sleep most of the day (luckily I am retired, or I could easily see myself quitting my job or becoming so sleep deprived that I couldn't function at work and they would have to get rid of me), I have to make an effort when talking to friends not to bring up this case too often, etc. So, no, you are not alone - welcome to the club.

you are so lucky you are retired! I have a 9 to 5 job but thankfully I work on-line...I have a reason to be online hours a day! I tell myself I will not look today because I get so upset and can't stop reading and then all of a sudden it is 4 hours later and I have drank a bottle of wine! (this is after work of course haha)

We really haven't seen this before. Some people I talk to have never heard of her, and in a way I envy them because they are not invested and have no time for it - but I make the time because I so want Caylee to matter, for someone to be accountable and Casey to own up and pay for what she has so obviously done.
you are so lucky you are retired! I have a 9 to 5 job but thankfully I work on-line...I have a reason to be online hours a day! I tell myself I will not look today because I get so upset and can't stop reading and then all of a sudden it is 4 hours later and I have drank a bottle of wine! (this is after work of course haha)

We really haven't seen this before. Some people I talk to have never heard of her, and in a way I envy them because they are not invested and have no time for it - but I make the time because I so want Caylee to matter, for someone to be accountable and Casey to own up and pay for what she has so obviously done.

I feel ya! I have a pretty intense job that requires me to be on a computer the whole time and I just can't stay away. My work has been suffering terribly and I've not been getting much sleep either. As you can see, I'm still up and it's late even by West Coast standards ;)

I don't think I can rest until Caylee is found and returned, one way or another.
you are so lucky you are retired! I have a 9 to 5 job but thankfully I work on-line...I have a reason to be online hours a day! I tell myself I will not look today because I get so upset and can't stop reading and then all of a sudden it is 4 hours later and I have drank a bottle of wine! (this is after work of course haha)

We really haven't seen this before. Some people I talk to have never heard of her, and in a way I envy them because they are not invested and have no time for it - but I make the time because I so want Caylee to matter, for someone to be accountable and Casey to own up and pay for what she has so obviously done.

Yes it worked out really well for me being retired. This is really an incredible case and I hope it is televised. I missed the OJ trial and the SP trial because of work and had no way to record them. I now have DVR and two television sets so I am prepared in case of any tv malfunction - I have to stock up on the pino though.
I feel ya! I have a pretty intense job that requires me to be on a computer the whole time and I just can't stay away. My work has been suffering terribly and I've not been getting much sleep either. As you can see, I'm still up and it's late even by West Coast standards ;)

I don't think I can rest until Caylee is found and returned, one way or another.

Yes if they ever search my computer at work they will find lots of goodies...cholorform, decomposition, , escorts...you know what I'm saying. :rolleyes:

I haven't gotten a full nights sleep in months...late for work all the time and not focused. This is so addictive because in a way I think I can solve the case!? I wish I was a detective so I could actually be paid to do this...my job is suffering too these days and I swear they will fire me if I don't shape up! We just want the truth to be known though right? And I know it 'bugs me' beyond belief that Casey is out of jail and so smug...how can she sleep at night if we can't???
Yes it worked out really well for me being retired. This is really an incredible case and I hope it is televised. I missed the OJ trial and the SP trial because of work and had no way to record them. I now have DVR and two television sets so I am prepared in case of any tv malfunction - I have to stock up on the pino though.

Really the only way it is televised now is NG...I hope when they charge her we can watch it all unfold. People that don't know what is going on right now I don't even try to update them...there is too much to tell and telling someone doesn't give it the justice it deserves! I guess I should just say that this evil chick killed her adorable daughter. OMG! :confused:
Really the only way it is televised now is NG...I hope when they charge her we can watch it all unfold. People that don't know what is going on right now I don't even try to update them...there is too much to tell and telling someone doesn't give it the justice it deserves! I guess I should just say that this evil chick killed her adorable daughter. OMG! :confused:

I failed to say I hope the trial is televised on Court TV (now TrueTV). I watch NG all the time but her coverage is not that good. If GVS did not go political, we would have a much better vehicle.
I failed to say I hope the trial is televised on Court TV (now TrueTV). I watch NG all the time but her coverage is not that good. If GVS did not go political, we would have a much better vehicle.

Yes you are so right! I sure hope it will be covered. NG was so good at first but now every show is a repeat of the same...over and over and over and she doesn't seem to let anyone talk now even if they are on her/our side!

It will only be a matter of time before we see 'it' in court...what a happy wonderful day that will be.:):):)
Thank you for starting this post. I have begun to feel things I never thought I would.

Hate is a strong word.. Yes, I hate Casey & Cindy. I actually found myself thinking about how I wish Casey gets herself a nice roomate in the big house.
If not that, I hope a random psycho gets a hold of her and does some unmentionable things. I guess I am a bad person. I just want to see her suffer 3x as much as Caylee did.
God forgive me
Thank you for starting this post. I have begun to feel things I never thought I would.

Hate is a strong word.. Yes, I hate Casey & Cindy. I actually found myself thinking about how I wish Casey gets herself a nice roomate in the big house.
If not that, I hope a random psycho gets a hold of her and does some unmentionable things. I guess I am a bad person. I just want to see her suffer 3x as much as Caylee did.
God forgive me

You are not alone. I have always said 'hate' like I hate the wind, I hate the cold, I hate this and that but I used the word wrong. This 'Casey' thing is very evil and deserves our Hate. But we can't let it get us...she can't drag us into her sick world. Maybe if we try and think good thoughts about her she will implode or something. :bang:

Good night and dream optimistic everyone.
Thank you for starting this post. I have begun to feel things I never thought I would.

Hate is a strong word.. Yes, I hate Casey & Cindy. I actually found myself thinking about how I wish Casey gets herself a nice roomate in the big house.
If not that, I hope a random psycho gets a hold of her and does some unmentionable things. I guess I am a bad person. I just want to see her suffer 3x as much as Caylee did.
God forgive me

You mean like a Hannibella Lechter? lol
I feel a lot of anger about this case. I don't hate the parents or the brother but am disgusted by their behavior. I will admit to having hateful feelings toward Casey. I have never felt this intensely negative about anyone in my life, even those who have hurt me personally in terrible ways. I have never sought revenge on them, actually never even thought about such a thing. With Casey I find myself wanting to see her punished...and not just punished....but I want to see her suffer. I'm not proud of these feelings (but it does feel good to admit them). It doesn't feel good to have hate in your heart. I am often confused by these feelings as well because there are other people who have committed evil acts and I haven't felt this intensely toward them. I'm not even convinced that Casey intentionally killed her child. Either way I do believe she carried her own baby's body around in the trunk of that car and the entire time was concerned with her boyfriend. She ditched her child's body like a piece of junk and went on with her life, even appearing happy to her friends. I am STUNNED by her ability to live in that house with all the pictures and memories of that precious child...how, just how?? Anyway, enough of my rant but yes, unfortunately for me, I do feel hate. Those who are able to not feel hate toward Casey are truly better people than me.
I googled "true crime message boards" and came up with this one, but I had also found it when I stumbled upon a WS hater blog written by some girl who had her panties in a bunch from getting banned here with a whole group of people. lol
Either way......I started reading this case, and I have been hooked since, I think its about 6 weeks now. I dont know if I feel hate or pity, or what I feel......I just want Caylee to be found, and her murderer to pay the price......I used to believe this is just a big mistake and Caylee could be alive, but that flew out the window awhile ago.......that poor baby, she never stood a chance =(
I'm new to WS, but have followed several high profile missing children's cases (Ramsey, Smart, Ducket, etc). I sure wish I would have known about WS back then.

The emotions are many: fear, anger, heartbreak, disbelief, hope; but it has taught me to hold my children closer (though they are ages 14 and 24), and to keep an eye on the neighborhood children.

I live in the community where Kelsey Smith (18) was taken in broad daylight from Target and killed. Her friends, family, church and concerned citizens were out door to door within hours passing out flyers with her photo and info. I was signed up to help, but they found her before I could get out there.
I have been following Caylee case from the begining. I am true crime fan and I read any new book that comes out. The childrens sad cases, I have a very hard time with. I have a 5 year old grand son and I can not image the helpless. I also follow Trenton Duckett case too. Caylee case I never seem anything like it, since Diane Downs (she shot her kids up in Or. years ago I still follow her case she up for parole in 2009, She never have told truth. There is not a night or morning that I don't think about Caylee. what did her mother do??????
i feel alot of disgust . at the adults that are taking focus away from finding caylee . i am angry that casey wont tell them anything.. i dont understand how any parent could hate thier own child soooo badly .to just wipe them off the face of the earth .i feel alot of disgust that so many people are coming out of the woodwork for thier 15 minutes of fame .. i feel terrible and so sad for the people that knew casey and caylee and loved them . but most of all i feel anguish and sadness for a little innocent angel that got caught up in a web of lies and selfishness and hate .who has no chance to grow up experience life as she shouldve ..no first boyfriend,no first prom. no swimming anymore no toys anymore .no more warm bed no more kisses .no more being held close ...my emotions are so many right now in the case ..i hope god is holding her close i hope she is sitting on his throne with him being held and loved
I agree with you....

I feel frustrated for le that they have been given nothing but lies and crazy stories from a family who expects them to find their little girl.

No help whatsoever from these people.

They cause confusion and demand action.

Just for once in their lives I wish they put this child first and help find Caylee and stop worrying about stupid t-shirts!

Those of us who have searched for this child (who we never knew) are angry, sad, enraged, frustrated, and disgusted that those closest to Caylee have done nothing but give lip service about actually finding her.

What kind of people are they that demand answers from le and expect all of us to find their little girl while they lie and run their mouths and do NOTHING to FIND CAYLEE?

Why don't they try for ONCE to tell the TRUTH and tell us WHY NO ONE has seen this child since June 16th...... NOT ONE PERSON.

WHY? Try the truth this time.....

The first thing I remember seeing on tv is Casey Anthony in handcuffs being escorted to jail. I feel that most of us have first instinctive impressions on things of this nature. My very first gut impression was that this character killed her little girl. The thing that really caught my complete attention and turned me off at the same time was the way she was walking and the look on her face. She had that "MISSION ACCOMPLISHED" look of satisfaction. That's the only way I can describe it. I usually tape these things, go back and play it muted and slow it down. Those facial expressions are very revealing without hearing newscasters or background noise. I remember doing it in the Scott Peterson case. His face told the entire story.

Whether this was planned out or an accidental act of negligence, her face and her walk betrayed her feelings. She is either glad the she carried out her plan, or glad that she was successful in covering up a terrible accident. But she IS glad.

Casey's tone of voice and her words used in communicating with her family betray her also. The barking of commands, sarcasm and lack of respect for their fear and confusion is astounding. That tells me that she is used to "handling" her family that way. I swear, they all appear to be intimidated by her. If I had seen nothing else in this case, these things (perp walk, facial expression and tone of voice) would still be an indicator of guilt to me.

To use Casey's very own words to describe her...... huge waste, HUGE WASTE.
The first time I ever saw Casey Anthony was when the news showed her walking into the court room for the first time. She had a little smile on her face like she was happy the cameras were there. It was at that moment I knew she had killed her daughter. She was way to happy to be a grieving mother.

This is the first case I have followed so closely and I will be glad when it's over.

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