I grew up in a world where there was only three channels on the TV, and they were all black and white. There was no internet, and no computers - outside of NASA and large academic institutions. When I was 11 or 12 years old, I had an uncle who was addicted to True Crime stories. He would have LOVED WebSleuths, Court TV (aka Tru TV - or something), FBI Files, CSI, etc. His resource was cheap sleezy magazines that almost always depicted a woman in a nightgown or lingerie of some sort posed on crumpled sheets and pretending to be dead. I was fascinated with the stories in my uncle's magazines, and he got a kick out of discussing them with me. He would leave me his old copies to read. Time marched on, I got distracted with boys, high school, college, marriage, career, and children. After finding cable TV, I discovered Court TV, FBI Files, CSI, etc. My husband HATES this sort of thing. I remember one night, I was up late watching a crime story on cable, and he came down stairs to beg me to come to bed. His words ring in my head today: "What murder are we watching on TV tonight??" I looked annoyed (and not in the least interested in going to bed - especially after that comment), and then he said this: "You know - you are just like your Uncle Ralph except you have TV instead of magazines". I was absolutely shocked. I had never made the connection or even thought about it. There is something in me that makes me need to understand crime and criminals. Maybe it is my delusional way of controlling it. I DO sleep well - all 3 hours of sleep that I am getting!!! I respect the people here at WebSleuths more than any other site - except Steve Huff's site(s) - than any other place on the web. They are the glue that holds the universe together in my opinion. In their own way, thru caring about victims and thru seeking justice in the small ways that they do, they are the "good" in the Universe which is battling the "evil".