Emotions regarding case...

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I find myself thinking about Caylee all the time, racking my brain on my daily commute trying to put info together about where she could be buried. I watch NG every night, my 2 older children are following the case with me. I also have a 9 month old son, and I just cant understand. I do everything for my children, I go without so they can have things they want, or even just food on the table.

I was a mother at 18 and from that day forward, I have always been a mother first and foremost. Putting my children first every time. I think KC is selfish and CA & GA are to blame for not making her take responsibility for Caylee long ago. Get a real job, go to school, do SOMETHING to make a life for Caylee. Alot of women are young mothers and rise above the statistics. To this day, I am an unmarried mother of 3, although I have had my share of boyfriends, and finally a good man that I am getting ready to marry next year, I never asked for help, money, anything. I made due and struggled for years to provide for my kids. Without help from anyone, any government, any family.

It makes me so sad that due to her selfish ways, she threw away the most precious gift, and not even her grandparents are trying to do the right thing for an innocent little girl that never asked to be born! Caylee deserved the chance we all have to live and become a best friend someday, attend her prom, gossip with friends, have crushes on boys, get engaged, become a wife, a mother, a grandmother. KC stole that.

This case also opens my eyes to all the other children out there that dont get this kind of coverage. There is a 5 year old boy missing in NY, same story line, missing and father saw him last, he gets no national attention to find his body. He at least has a mother fighting to find him, unlike CA & GA that only want to keep KC out jail...IT MAKES ME ILL!:mad:
I am grateful this case brought me to Websleuths instead of the other boards out there. I guess I have Caylee to thank for that. As i type this I have my eye on my six month old as he coos at Sesame Street. We watch it together, every week day.

When I am hanging out with him (SAHM) my mind wanders to all of the lost little children out there and I just have to hold him extra close. Caylee looks like my beautiful niece, Lily. When she first went missing I did a double take at that now-famous picture. My mind cannot grasp this degree of evil.

I cannot believe someone could throw away a newborn. That night I delivered my son is when my best life actually began. I became a better person by becoming a mother. The memory of him in those first days is so tender and sweet i'm getting misty thinking about it. I remember I looked at him and just felt this crushing sort of love. I knew I would never be the same because I knew I wanted to be a better person for him. I wanted to teach him about love and respect and hard work.

There is a special place in Hell for people that harm (or fail to protect) innocent beings.:furious:
I feel anger and fustration at Casey and her family (hence my avatar - the scream) and complete and utter sadness for poor caylee, her life and the way she died.

I found websleuths by reading the in session message board.

I was there following the Shawn Hornbeck story, that was my first story I followed, then Caylee.

Now I am here on webslueths all the time.

I got a laptop for my bday this summer - along with the fact I am unemployed - it is the worst combination lol, when you are addicted as much as me.

I don't know what initailly drew me to this story, but as I read and followed and the more bizarre it became with all the cast of characters - I almost thought this cannot be real. How could she do such a thing to her own child? She looked like such a "normal" loving mother. It just blew mind.

As crazy as this sounds - I even thought hey maybe this is some weird new reality show - some weird social - psychological study to see how the public reacts.
Kinda like War of the Worlds. But sadly I know its not.
You expressed your emotions about this case and little Caylee so beautifully.Yes,thank God there are people out there who are right-
minded people who see this case for what it is and that is that LE pick up Casey Anthony and throw her in the slammer and throw away the key and let her mother especially and other family members come to jail or prison just so she can curse them.That is her mind-set...she is a true monster.
I seriously think that this case put me into labor, prematurely! I stress over it a lot! But by staying off of this forum for the past two days I felt more stress, because I didn't know what was going on! Still, I have to limit my time here lest this case be my undoing!

I too stress WAY too much over this case and have tried limiting my time here because of it. In some convoluted way I can't stay away long as I feel like I am abandoning Caylee if I do. Isn't that ridiculous? Everything about it weighs heavily on my mind constantly. IMO so many of us feel like she has no one else to stand up for her. Very sad.:mad: Take care of yourself and the precious little one hooah wife! :blowkiss:
My emotions have also run the gauntlet over the last couple of months.
Today I am just feeling frustration.
Who of us would ever have imagined from the beginning that this case would become so involved!! All the twists! All the players!! All the possibilities!
Just YUK.
I know people are very emotionally attached to this case. Me included.

I wondered…how many of you are new to following a case like this? And if you are new, how are you dealing with the emotional affects? What drew you to this case?

And if you are a long time Websleuth, are you as emotionally attached to this as you are to others? What makes you follow these stories? How do you handle the emotional aspect?

I found this site through someone else – who was also following this case. I don’t know what drew me to it. Maybe it is the fact that Caylee and my daughter are the exact same age. Same month, day and year. And I just can’t imagine someone – nevermind ME – doing something like that to my sweet little girl. Maybe its all the questions behind the case that drew me in.

I’m having a hard time emotionally. I find myself checking for updates all the time. I worry that they won’t find her. I worry about how I’ll react if/when they find out that she is dead. I have this glimmer of hope even though I know what everything points to. I worry that we won’t ever get an answer. I worry that the media will eventually get tired of this and it will just get brushed aside.

To you veterans…is this normal? To the newbies…do you feel the same?

I guess I'm kind of a newbie. Have a few posts but I've noticed with all the news lately I'm getting alot more involved and having a hard time emotionally, especially with the motion to have Casey let off her home confinement and so far, no arrest. Having hard time sleeping, need anxiety meds, gaining weight. Any suggestions? Should I just stay off websleuths for a while and take a break? :too much info:
sorry, couldn't find the rant thread and I just HAD to get this off my chest! How dare Baez and KC ask the prosecutor to give them evidence of KC's innocence, people who can discredit the prosecutors evidence, etc. WTF????? Is Baez really THAT stupid or does he have something up his sleeve? KC won't help locate Caylee, but she wants the prosecution to give her info to defend herself from them??? What am I missing here??? Geesh this case makes me so mad!
This is definetely a case you should take breaks from!!! I should take my own advice. LOL. This case sucks you in because it is so completely bizarre!! Casey and that family of hers, brings out unprecedented feelings of anger and disgust. I am also so afraid that somehow, someway, these nutbars will get away with all that they have done! I guess I will have to keep telling myself, "Let go and let God" (easier said than done)
I guess I'm kind of a newbie. Have a few posts but I've noticed with all the news lately I'm getting alot more involved and having a hard time emotionally, especially with the motion to have Casey let off her home confinement and so far, no arrest. Having hard time sleeping, need anxiety meds, gaining weight. Any suggestions? Should I just stay off websleuths for a while and take a break? :too much info:

That's what I do - I just give it a "breather" every so often. Whoopee! Now I have two NG shows to watch. I just found out last night that they might do a grand jury, so that got my emotions really rolling. :woohoo:

I am really hoping to see justice done soon. Any cold blooded rat who can snuff out the life of a child to go party is an abomination.
I'm not sure there is even a name for what I am now feeling.
Is there anything that goes beyond anger, rage and pure hatred?

I've been too emotionally into this case also.
I guess it's because there's a beautiful littl toddler whose mother killed her and dumped her like garbage and then went about her day to day life as if she had squashed a bug! It's so difficult for us to wrap our brains around this. It's worse than a horror movie actually, and it's real life!
I've thought many times over to just stop coming here and reading all of the sickening details daily, but I can't! I want to see KC back in the slammer, and I want her to stay there! I want baby Caylee found, it haunts me that this baby is lying out there somewhere rotting in the outdoors! I close my eyes at night and think about Caylee's short life, and what did she endure at the hands of the one supposed to cherish and love her??
I think Caylee has become the baby of us all! We love her and we can't begin to understand why her mother doesn't feel the same way!
I've followed several cases before, but this one has grabbed me like none of the others and won't let go!
This the first case I have ever followed like this.
Since I don't watch tv much or read alot of news, except for trying to catch my local news, When i happened to be flipping channels and heard about this case, Something grabbed hold of me about it.
I had just recently prior to hearing about this case got instant grandma status to stepgrandson (I call him that even though my son and his mother haven't gotten married yet).
I think that kinda pulled me too, because after being around him after so long of not being around any little ones.
I heard about this case and took one look at this adorable little baby and just couldn't comprehend and my heart was instantly breaking for Caylee.
In the begining I was spending alot of time here and letting stuff go alot, and feeling a whole range of emotions, and it was really effecting in not so good ways.
I have stepped back quite a bit, as I don't have alot of lesiure time, I had to try and get my focus back on my family and regain some balance.

I worry that Caylee won't be found and given the proper burial she so deserves.
It amazing though, I have spent some time reading other parts of this site, and had no idea of how many missing people are out there. Really pulls at your heartstrings.
I have been reading the archives about trenton dunkett too. So sad.

Anyway, I think in order to follow this type of cases etc, You have to beware of your emotions. practice some detachment and keep your boundries in place as not to lose the balance in your own life.
emotions, hmmmm....
caught off guard

and I am sure there are more...
I found this on the Orlando Craiglist and thought some of you might like to read it. I don't know who wrote it but it brought tears to my eyes.


Grandma can you hear me?
Do you want me to come home?
IF you do then help them out
So I won't be alone.

Grandma do you realize
Why people hate you so?
It's because you protect HER when,
I couldn't run and had no place to go!

Grandma it's also true,
That you and my Grandpa, too...
Have made a mockery of the publics crys...
And stood behind my Mommy's lies!

Grandma they see your anger
And they see your pain,
But YOU throw out their good faith and prayers,
And call them nasty names!

And if they get a bit crazy,
It's because YOU won't stand up for me.
Grandma can't you understand,
Why don't you really see???

Grandma, I just don't understand
How my family can act this way!
Uncle Lee and Mommy high-fived
At the courthouse the other day!

Grandma, I think "that" gesture should have been saved for me,
On a day when I was found,
And came home to stay... permenantly!

Grandma, why is Mommy silent,
As you and Grandpa stand by her side?
How can you stand it...
You know how Mommy has always lied~!!!

The world loves me, Grandma...
You can believe it's true!
They search and say prayers...
And love little me... maybe more than you!

So if you love me Grandma,
Open your mouth and let it out...
Don't let anything stop you,
Just tell what it's all about~!!!

Grandma if you want me home...
You've got to tell it all~!!!
You've got to cry and forget her lies,
Because I deserve for her to fall~!!!

I'll be with you Grandma,
And you will feel me with your heart,
You've got to help and bring me home,
Now it's time for you to do your part...
I found this on the Orlando Craiglist and thought some of you might like to read it. I don't know who wrote it but it brought tears to my eyes.


Grandma can you hear me?
Do you want me to come home?
IF you do then help them out
So I won't be alone.

Grandma do you realize
Why people hate you so?
It's because you protect HER when,
I couldn't run and had no place to go!

Grandma it's also true,
That you and my Grandpa, too...
Have made a mockery of the publics crys...
And stood behind my Mommy's lies!

Grandma they see your anger
And they see your pain,
But YOU throw out their good faith and prayers,
And call them nasty names!

And if they get a bit crazy,
It's because YOU won't stand up for me.
Grandma can't you understand,
Why don't you really see???

Grandma, I just don't understand
How my family can act this way!
Uncle Lee and Mommy high-fived
At the courthouse the other day!

Grandma, I think "that" gesture should have been saved for me,
On a day when I was found,
And came home to stay... permenantly!

Grandma, why is Mommy silent,
As you and Grandpa stand by her side?
How can you stand it...
You know how Mommy has always lied~!!!

The world loves me, Grandma...
You can believe it's true!
They search and say prayers...
And love little me... maybe more than you!

So if you love me Grandma,
Open your mouth and let it out...
Don't let anything stop you,
Just tell what it's all about~!!!

Grandma if you want me home...
You've got to tell it all~!!!
You've got to cry and forget her lies,
Because I deserve for her to fall~!!!

I'll be with you Grandma,
And you will feel me with your heart,
You've got to help and bring me home,
Now it's time for you to do your part...
That said it all. How a so-called "loving" grandparent can be so nasty and NOT stick up for her grandchild. It's Caylee that is important here, NOT Casey.
This is my first post, been kind of lurking here for awhile. I "followed" missing children reports before, but never to this extent. I became a grandmother myself almost 2 years ago and cannot imagine what I would do if something happened in anyway to my grand daughter.

I have become totally involved in this case. I read everything I can on it, search numerous websites and have had to step back several times because it consumes me so much.

I found a video last night that broke my heart and made the tears flow even faster. If it is already posted on here somewhere, my apologies, but I wanted to share it with the people here.


I hope and pray Caylee is found soon, and I also have to say that as tragic as this is; this baby has been "adopted" by so many good and kind people that it amazes me.
I have not posted a whole lot but do try and add a few things. Everyone is entitled to there own opinion,feelings and beliefs. I do get rather heated every now again, so I just step away. That is really hard to do when you are talking about a child missing. I have noticed that a lot of poster's have lost a loved one or are missing a loved one. People who post bring in things from their lives and use that to help them try and understand this terrible situation. I will have to say and I hope everyone will understand that sometimes things are they way are because they are supposed to be that way for the reason that they are. Everything that happens in life has a reason. No matter what one does in their life there is a reason. I sure hope this make some sense.
...I found a video last night that broke my heart and made the tears flow even faster. If it is already posted on here somewhere, my apologies, but I wanted to share it with the people here.


I hope and pray Caylee is found soon, and I also have to say that as tragic as this is; this baby has been "adopted" by so many good and kind people that it amazes me.

I just watched the video - it is heartwrenching. I hope that Cindy sees it, because it would have to persuade her to put the screws to Casey.
I'm still fairly new to websleuths, and this is the first case I have ever followed... I dont know what it is about hte case that has me so attached!
I think being that im 21, and a mother of 2 little girls makes me so upset at how someone can be so selfish that they would have to do whatever KC did to poor little Caylee.
Im not a single parent, but it is still hard to work and care for 2 little girls, but because we love our kids we do whatever it takes to make it. We will go without, in order for them to have whatever it is they need! Just looking at their little faces and smiles, brings so much joy to my life. I don't know what I would do without them. And no amount of partying or friends would EVER replace them.

I think I have gotten a little to emotionally attached to the case.
Sometimes I wake up in the middle of the night, and look over to my kids beds, and see them soundly sleeping, and wonder where poor little Caylee is "sleeping". I wonder if she felt pain, or anger, or whatever. I find myself thinking about her alot. What would she be doing? Is she like my kids? Was she afraid of her mother (if thats what you want to call her)?

This case breaks my heart. And im always trying to find a way to find information. I work 3 hours a day, and then take care of my kids the rest of the day, so its hard to get online and find things out, but every chance i get im online, looking to see if there have been any breaks in the case, or any new news.

I hope this case gets solved soon. And that poor little Caylee can be put to rest properly..

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