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What would be your topic for a thread about this article?

BTW, I'm leaving for a bit and will check back in with y'all later tonight. :seeya:

His idea is on what juries need for convictions. Which I thought would be an interesting topic.

"THE CASEY Anthony verdict made one thing perfectly clear: Juries are tired of theoretical justice and circumstantial evidence"
I would like to see a thread with poll about "What should happen if/when Casey has another child."

I work for the state of Florida in child welfare and know a lot about the standards for removing children from homes as well as terminating parental rights. They are in civil court, so if a parent "pleads the fifth" and refuses to testify, the court can draw inferences to what they answer. Also, there are different standards of proof...for finding a child dependent on the state, the standard is preponderence of the evidence, and for terminating parental rights (which can be done based on EGREGIOUS abuse or neglect, including a parent's overt act or failure to act which causes another child's death) the standard is clear and convincing...a lower standard than beyond a reasonable doubt. ALSO, there is no right to a jury...so a judge, who knows the law, understands the law, makes the decision.

Anyways, long and short of it is, I felt a lot better when I thought about it and realized that if Casey does have another child in Florida, that child could be removed at birth and her rights terminated. I can only hope that whatever attorney is faced with the choice about whether to proceed along that line has the courage to act protectively.
His idea is on what juries need for convictions. Which I thought would be an interesting topic.

"THE CASEY Anthony verdict made one thing perfectly clear: Juries are tired of theoretical justice and circumstantial evidence"

Sounds good. Go ahead and create the thread and when it hits the moderation desk, I'll approve it for you.
I would like to see a thread with poll about "What should happen if/when Casey has another child."

I work for the state of Florida in child welfare and know a lot about the standards for removing children from homes as well as terminating parental rights. They are in civil court, so if a parent "pleads the fifth" and refuses to testify, the court can draw inferences to what they answer. Also, there are different standards of proof...for finding a child dependent on the state, the standard is preponderence of the evidence, and for terminating parental rights (which can be done based on EGREGIOUS abuse or neglect, including a parent's overt act or failure to act which causes another child's death) the standard is clear and convincing...a lower standard than beyond a reasonable doubt. ALSO, there is no right to a jury...so a judge, who knows the law, understands the law, makes the decision.

Anyways, long and short of it is, I felt a lot better when I thought about it and realized that if Casey does have another child in Florida, that child could be removed at birth and her rights terminated. I can only hope that whatever attorney is faced with the choice about whether to proceed along that line has the courage to act protectively.

That's pretty interesting! Tell you what, you have two options. Either you can back up what you know about Florida law with links, or you can write to WSVerify@xmission.com and get verified as a professional poster so links will not be required. Here's the criteria for getting verified:

If you would like to add yourself as an expert in a certain field or an insider to a case, please email WSVerify@xmission.com.
Include the following:
Real name/WS Name
Phone number and when you can be reached
Profession/or case
Copy of license when applicable.

If you do not wish to be identified as an expert in a certain area, we only ask that you refrain from answering questions that are specifically directed to those that have been verified as specialist in their area.
Anyways, long and short of it is, I felt a lot better when I thought about it and realized that if Casey does have another child in Florida, that child could be removed at birth and her rights terminated. I can only hope that whatever attorney is faced with the choice about whether to proceed along that line has the courage to act protectively.

I so hope you are right. There are a lot of mothers who have been in and out of the system for child neglect and abuse, yet they still become incubators only to end up in the system again.
I would like to see a thread with poll about "What should happen if/when Casey has another child."

I work for the state of Florida in child welfare and know a lot about the standards for removing children from homes as well as terminating parental rights. They are in civil court, so if a parent "pleads the fifth" and refuses to testify, the court can draw inferences to what they answer. Also, there are different standards of proof...for finding a child dependent on the state, the standard is preponderence of the evidence, and for terminating parental rights (which can be done based on EGREGIOUS abuse or neglect, including a parent's overt act or failure to act which causes another child's death) the standard is clear and convincing...a lower standard than beyond a reasonable doubt. ALSO, there is no right to a jury...so a judge, who knows the law, understands the law, makes the decision.

Anyways, long and short of it is, I felt a lot better when I thought about it and realized that if Casey does have another child in Florida, that child could be removed at birth and her rights terminated. I can only hope that whatever attorney is faced with the choice about whether to proceed along that line has the courage to act protectively.

I'm not a lawyer but since she was found not guilty of even child abuse, I doubt that there is a thing the state of FL can do if she ever has another child. She was charged but not convicted... where does that give them the right to take any future child away from her or terminate her rights??
She has the same civil rights after she is released as she had before Caylee died, and no one should have the right to hold this case against her in regards to any other child, since she was acquitted. But I am sure they will.
Please DO NOT start a new thread without moderator permission!

Please enter your new thread ideas here.

We will do our best to accommodate the requests for new threads that are topic worthy.

Thank you so much for your cooperation.


I am very sorry, I didn't know that I started the "Murder Weapon" thread. I should have asked first, I apologize.
I am very sorry, I didn't know that I started the "Murder Weapon" thread. I should have asked first, I apologize.

Please don't think anyone is mad at you or anyone else for starting threads without permission. We have a temporary hold on all of them at this time until things settle down.

I'm not a lawyer but since she was found not guilty of even child abuse, I doubt that there is a thing the state of FL can do if she ever has another child. She was charged but not convicted... where does that give them the right to take any future child away from her or terminate her rights??
She has the same civil rights after she is released as she had before Caylee died, and no one should have the right to hold this case against her in regards to any other child, since she was acquitted. But I am sure they will.

I don't know, I think lying about your child being with a nanny when she is actually dead in a swamp might hold up in court....a fair and conscious court.
I would like to see a thread with poll about "What should happen if/when Casey has another child."

I work for the state of Florida in child welfare and know a lot about the standards for removing children from homes as well as terminating parental rights. They are in civil court, so if a parent "pleads the fifth" and refuses to testify, the court can draw inferences to what they answer. Also, there are different standards of proof...for finding a child dependent on the state, the standard is preponderence of the evidence, and for terminating parental rights (which can be done based on EGREGIOUS abuse or neglect, including a parent's overt act or failure to act which causes another child's death) the standard is clear and convincing...a lower standard than beyond a reasonable doubt. ALSO, there is no right to a jury...so a judge, who knows the law, understands the law, makes the decision.

Anyways, long and short of it is, I felt a lot better when I thought about it and realized that if Casey does have another child in Florida, that child could be removed at birth and her rights terminated. I can only hope that whatever attorney is faced with the choice about whether to proceed along that line has the courage to act protectively.

I just dont even know what to think , not related to Casey ,but agghh...

Your post hit a nerve.. I would love to see a thread here for it.
I'll bet you a case of root beer that there's a thread in here about Jesse Grund already that you could bump up and start this discussion.

Thanks Kimster very soon after I posted that someone actually started a Jesse Grund thread. I imagine that any discussion of any future legal action taken by him and his family (my suggestion) can go in there. :seeya:
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