Evidence Collected From The 3 Attacks

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DNA Solves
DNA Solves


Sister Mary Wanna
Aug 16, 2003
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The thong undies has to be something planted by this slug. I heard the dna on the thongs do not match the victim.
Why would he leave something like this behind for the authorities to find?
I think it's an indication he's playing cat and mouse with the cops and he will continue his crimes. The underwear means something. This guy is a real sleeze.
We know that the DNA from the perp matches the other two attacks. We are now hearing about more evidence coming out in the media. We can discuss the evidence here.

First Attack:


Second Abuction/Rape:


Brianna's Abduction/Murder scene:

Black Pink Panther Thong
WOW< that is huge news, how did they make that mistake? This guy wants someone else to be caught for this crime, and used another MALE'S DNA to sideline the investigation, I am stunned that they thought it was a match, geez.
http://news.rgj.com/apps/pbcs.dll/ar...ws&nocache= 1

McDonald also revealed during a Saturday night broadcast about the Denison case on “America’s Most Wanted” that investigators believe the suspect collects underwear from his victims. He said the suspect kept a pair of underwear belonging to one of the victims. McDonald would not disclose which victim, or describe the missing underwear.

New poster to WS here. Forgive me if it takes me a while to catch on. But I have three little girls and I am just about ready to go find Bri's killer myself if I have to quit my job and move.

Sleuths, anyone have any contacts at Reno PD? Who manufactures the black Pink Panther thong underwear? I wonder how we could find out. I bet there can't have been too many pairs of the small sized sold in the U.S. If we get a list from the manufacturer (then the retailers), there's a chance we could track them down.

I don't want this case to go stone cold right now.
P.S. I did read somewhere that Kohl's sold this underwear (or underwear like it), but I have not been able to confirm that fact.
Welcome to WS, Mavryk! (Love the nickname!)

I don't know how finding the company will help a great deal since the underwear was probably mass-marketed. I guess to me it would be a needle in a haystack.

Some people collect say "Betty Boop" articles. People often give them to the collector as gifts etc. Not saying that a thong would be an appropriate gift, but that it would be definitely difficult, if not impossible, to track the owner of the PP thong.

This is going to take someone intimately involved with the owner or the owner to come forward to claim them. (It could also be a mother who does the laundry or a roomate, too.)
Thanks, SS. Have enjoyed reading your posts for some time.

Certainly the underwear may have been mass-marketed. But in finding the manufacturer, you can identify retailers in the area who sold the garment in that size. I simply cannot imagine more than 100 or so small sizes of that particular garment being sold in stores in the Reno area. If it's Kohl's, for instance, the investigator could check credit card purchases of the garment and literally go down the list, crossing off one at a time to the extent the purchaser can be interviewed.

I understand and agree there could have been cash purchases, the garments could have been given as gifts, people could have lost track of them . . . or any number of dead ends. But we could also get a hit on something and find that needle in the haystack. At this point, what else is there?

I've e-mailed the Reno PD to see if we can get the info on the manufacturer from the tags. I also e-mailed Kohl's a picture from the RPJ site to see if they will confirm one way or the other whether they sold the garment. We'll see what happens.
Ah, OK! Well...I do see where you are going with this and maybe it could narrow down the field a bit to the owner. Good job. I will be interested to know if either respond. Please keep us posted.

LE does need to find out if the owner is still alive and well...also to know if they had been a victim of a similar rape as the other two. I wonder if they didn't think to track these already?
I'm still surprised no one came forward after the photos of the underwear were posted in the local media, unless this person is 1) dead 2) related to the perp and protecting him or 3) living in a cave! Being that the known victims are all small in stature and the underwear is size small, it's very possible there's another victim out there we don't know of, imo.
I'm still surprised no one came forward after the photos of the underwear were posted in the local media, unless this person is 1) dead 2) related to the perp and protecting him or 3) living in a cave! Being that the known victims are all small in stature and the underwear is size small, it's very possible there's another victim out there we don't know of, imo.

Another possibility is that she no longer or never did live in the Reno area. I live in the east and I can assure you that the vast majority of people here either have never heard of this case or haven't followed the details. I once brought it up at lunch with a large group of people and NO ONE knew about it. To be honest with you I have never talked to anyone who knows about this case. However, I’m sure there are people who follow national news and have heard about Bri’s murder, but I doubt there are many who have followed it closely enough to know about the thong. The owner may have been a tourist or someone visiting friends or relatives.

Yet another possibility is that the owner of the thongs has come forward but police aren’t releasing that information. They haven’t shared much about this case so it wouldn’t be surprising if they kept that fact to themselves. I’m becoming more and more doubtful that LE has any clue who this is, where he is or if/when he may strike again.
I've been worried that the thong belongs to a younger person because of the cartoon pattern. These days, girls as young as 11 or 12 wear thongs. That could be the reason for the small size as well.

I think it's possible the person never realized they were missing. Many women have a lot of undergarments, enough that a pair missing might not raise a flag. It's not necessarily like missing a blouse, which you would probably notice. If the person did notice, they maybe figured they had fallen out of the laundry basket somewhere, or got left behind at the laundry mat. Regardless, I don't think the owner is coming forward at this point.
Welcome Mavryck. I'm fairly new to the board too. As Softsoul mentioned, not everyone is aware of this case. I'm from Canada and had never heard of this case until I watched Dateline one night.

I think everyone wants this piece of scum caught a.s.a.p. I feel LE needs to bring the story back into the limelight. They need to profile the suspect again. Things to watch out for in that person. Even if they don't have any new info to add they need to remind people he's still out there. I truly believe that someone knows this person and hasn't come forward yet. All it takes is one observant person to make a small connection and call it in.

By bringing the story to the forefront again, people will be on guard and on the lookout for something that doesn't seem normal or right.

I'm also sure he is scouring boards like this one.
I tracked the manufacturer of the underwear and obtained the transaction history for that thong garment. It turns out that the distributor sold six pairs in that size in the entire state of Nevada, all in 2007. I got my hands on the dates and locations of the sales and passed it on to LE. I only hope they can do something with it. Keep your fingers crossed.
Congrats! That's really good news and I'm happy to hear that. It may be nothing, but it also may be bingo!
I tracked the manufacturer of the underwear and obtained the transaction history for that thong garment. It turns out that the distributor sold six pairs in that size in the entire state of Nevada, all in 2007. I got my hands on the dates and locations of the sales and passed it on to LE. I only hope they can do something with it. Keep your fingers crossed.
OMG! Only six pairs in the whole state??? :eek: This is great news and thanks for giving LE this information. :clap:
I tracked the manufacturer of the underwear and obtained the transaction history for that thong garment. It turns out that the distributor sold six pairs in that size in the entire state of Nevada, all in 2007. I got my hands on the dates and locations of the sales and passed it on to LE. I only hope they can do something with it. Keep your fingers crossed.

Wow................this is incredible news! I hope LE tracks down each of those 6 people who bought the underwear.

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