Evidence revealed during the course of the Wrongful Death action

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Quite a bit of information to absorb from this clip. We see more of the whiteboard, new photos, the door, etc...

Interesting opening by reporter Itica Milanes. The Zahau family had an opportunity to settle this case for millions of dollars. They said NO, for them this is about justice for Rebecca.

ETA- Attorney Greer states no doubt this was murder. Strong evidence. The lack of DNA suggests somebody cleaned it up.

Justice 4 Rebecca!
Quite right, Lash-- loads of new information in this short 3 min clip. Thank you very much for tracking it down so quickly and posting it.

Another ENORMOUS bombshell-- the Zahau family had the opportunity to settle this case, and TURNED DOWN the defendants' offer of "millions." This is very convincing that they are seeking the truth, not simply money-- otherwise they wouldn't take the chance of getting nothing if they were to lose at trial.

And that's also quite interesting in light of many of the past comments here by supporters of DS.

Now that we know that there were definitely settlement offers for millions of dollars, it is even MORE intriguing why only Nina is going to be removed as a defendant. IMO, Nina agreed to "something" that Dina and Adam didn't. She wasn't simply "dropped" because Greer doesn't think he can prove his case against her, IMO.

Only Dina and Adam have enough means to offer "millions" in settlement money-- Dina thru her insurance coverage, and Adam via Jonah's help.

I think this is going to get much more interesting over the next few months. I'm certainly looking forward to more of the evidence being made public.
Adam also has an insurance company listed. I'm uncertain if it is an umbrella or homeowner policy. IIRC, it was Travelers Ins Co. His ins co issued him a ROR letter. Reservation of Rights. Basically a cya denying coverage dependent on the outcome and whether his policy has the adequate coverage.

No settlement. Just wow! Fascinated to see what has transpired with Nina.
Quite right, Lash-- loads of new information in this short 3 min clip. Thank you very much for tracking it down so quickly and posting it.

Another ENORMOUS bombshell-- the Zahau family had the opportunity to settle this case, and TURNED DOWN the defendants' offer of "millions." This is very convincing that they are seeking the truth, not simply money-- otherwise they wouldn't take the chance of getting nothing if they were to lose at trial.

And that's also quite interesting in light of many of the past comments here by supporters of DS.

Now that we know that there were definitely settlement offers for millions of dollars, it is even MORE intriguing why only Nina is going to be removed as a defendant. IMO, Nina agreed to "something" that Dina and Adam didn't. She wasn't simply "dropped" because Greer doesn't think he can prove his case against her, IMO.

Only Dina and Adam have enough means to offer "millions" in settlement money-- Dina thru her insurance coverage, and Adam via Jonah's help.

I think this is going to get much more interesting over the next few months. I'm certainly looking forward to more of the evidence being made public.

This makes me a little confused. If they aren't doing this for money (and I dont think they are) then why would they agree to settle with Nina if indeed that is what happened. It seems to me they wouldn't agree to settle with any of the defendants.
In the minute order, Greer stated he wanted permission from the court to enter a new amended complaint removing Nina. I don't know all of the legal particulars involved in that, but IMO, it would involve more than simply taking her name off of the list of defendants. I would think that any mention of what the plaintiffs allege she did would have to also be removed. That would leave only Dina and Adam as the alleged killers of Rebecca.

That makes me wonder if there is some evidence about Nina's whereabouts during the relevant timeframe that has come to light that we are currently unaware of.

Interestingly, she admitted to being at the mansion. But perhaps she has a witness/es, or some cell phone triangulation, or something, that places her somewhere else during the time frame of Rebecca's death.

For example, perhaps the amended complaint will state that only Dina was weighing down the bed while Adam put Rebecca over the balcony to hang?

Also interesting that Greer specifically named Adam as the writer of the message on the door. Sounds as if the handwriting expert/s is likely to be one of the plaintiff experts at trial.

I also hope there is a DNA crime scene expert for the plaintiffs who will discuss how incredibly rare and strange it is that there is such an odd pattern of DNA on the items at the death scene, and that there is so little "expected" normal DNA in the evidence. I think Greer alluded to that, too, in his comments that they believe the murder scene was "cleaned up".

I think it will be interesting to see if Dina or her attorneys now make some kind of public statement. In the past, she has often engaged in "tit for tat", so it's possible we will hear from her soon in the media. She has showed remarkable restraint over the last year or so, compared to her previous frequent "media seeking" activities. Someone gave her a stern "be quiet" message a while back that finally got thru to her, IMO.
The evidence room! Greer's comment about the lack of evidence as if the scene was wiped is both intriguing and unsettling, to say the least.

Maybe the Nina deal has more to do with expert discovery and evidence (or lack thereof) although the mama bear theory seems feasible to me also. Maybe she had a 'Neal' moment. I don't think they would want a payoff to drop her from the suit if the turned down 'millions' at square one. I am reading 'millions' as being barely more than 2. MOO

Aside: I have found this to be a helpful reference.

Evidence room unlocked in mysterious death of Rebecca Zahau at Spreckels Mansion

10News Digital Team Feb 10, 2017

Snip- Attorney Keith Greer, who is representing the Zahau family in a wrongful death lawsuit, gave 10News exclusive access to pictures and video from the evidence room that he said holds countless clues that point to murder.

Greer said, "The evidence is very strong … One of the unusual things about this case is there is really a lack of DNA."

"What do you attribute that to?" asked 10News anchor Itica Milanes.

"I think somebody cleaned everything up," Greer answered.

Greer has a theory about why Sheriff Bill Gore was so quick to wrap up the investigation by insisting it was suicide.

"I think they were having heavy pressure from Jonah Shacknai," said Greer. "Would she humiliate her family and embarrass her family if that's the way she was going to kill herself? No way. No way."


Seems Atty Greer has the same thoughts about Jonah's influence that many of us have had for years. Jonah's "please re-open the case" faux plea to the AG was part of that "cover", IMO. There is simply no way Jonah and his highly experienced attorneys didn't know that the AG had no ability to influence the closed case. That was purely done for show, IMO.

Jonah has had his hand in this since the very beginning. He also knows what Dina said to him, her demeanor, and her state of mind, regarding Rebecca, immediately following Max's accident. He knows how Dina treated him and Rebecca in the years before Max's accident. That his brother Adam was dragged into Rebecca's death immensely complicated things for Jonah, IMO.

We have to revisit and remember how quickly Jonah called his buddy, Paul Pfingst, the ex-DA. PP literally dropped all that he was doing, and showed up at the crime scene (and was let behind the crime scene tape!) within hours of Rebecca's death. It seems likely that Jonah called PP immediately after hearing from Adam about Rebecca's death. And remember how PP tried so mightily to interfere with Adam's interview right at the beginning?

Remember how Rebecca's body lay nude and fully exposed for 13 HOURS before the ME showed up?? I still can't get beyond that. That simple fact alone was so appalling, and so astonishing, that it literally screams "obstruction".

Jonah is a very savvy, manipulative person, as evidenced by his business dealings, and other things, IMO. He's a "fixer"-- knows when to hold tight, when to bail out, etc. He knew very quickly that an official ruling of suicide "fixed" everything, and IMO he thought that was the "best" outcome for all parties (himself included).

I don't think he ever anticipated that the Zahau family wouldn't eventually accept the suicide ruling and just go away. JMO.
I'm guessing it's Nina who's been dropped from the WDS, since this clip mentions only Adam & Dina, and Greer names Adam as the perp. Interesting the reporter says the Zahaus could've settled for "millions" but refused. Who has "millions" in this cast of characters? Very interesting. Thanks for the updates, K_Z and Lash. :)

ETA: Obviously I wrote this before I'd seen all the rest of your comments!
Anyone think Nina "settled" by turning from defendant to witness for the Zahaus? Is that even possible in a case like this? Agree to testify against one or the other or both remaining defendants in exchange for being dropped from the WDS? Hard to imagine she'd testify against her twin, but stranger things have happened. Easy to believe she would testify against Adam, however.

Just thinking out loud.
K_Z: Totally agree about Jonah's involvement in the cover-up. His well-manicured mitts have been all over this thing from the very beginning.
Wow. Intriguing new info. Greer removes Nina from WDS as defendant. I don't think he would have done that unless she gave him some evidence to release her. Perhaps she requested immunity in exchange for damaging info against the other two defendants?

Hard to imagine she would turn against her twin, but I heard she's in financial trouble so maybe this is her chance to not run out of more money in her legal defense and at the same time not be left in the lurch for her sister/adam's murder of rebecca.

The trial is now pushed back to next Jan 2018. Wonder why? unless more witnesses are coming forward and greer needs time to depose them and sift through more physical evidence.

Were all the dark lined scrawls and scribbles outside the cryptic words on the door part of original door on night of the murder or added by investigators? That's odd if they were done by the killer(s). Appears very childlike.
Quite right, Lash-- loads of new information in this short 3 min clip. Thank you very much for tracking it down so quickly and posting it.

Another ENORMOUS bombshell-- the Zahau family had the opportunity to settle this case, and TURNED DOWN the defendants' offer of "millions." This is very convincing that they are seeking the truth, not simply money-- otherwise they wouldn't take the chance of getting nothing if they were to lose at trial.

And that's also quite interesting in light of many of the past comments here by supporters of DS.

Now that we know that there were definitely settlement offers for millions of dollars, it is even MORE intriguing why only Nina is going to be removed as a defendant. IMO, Nina agreed to "something" that Dina and Adam didn't. She wasn't simply "dropped" because Greer doesn't think he can prove his case against her, IMO.

Only Dina and Adam have enough means to offer "millions" in settlement money-- Dina thru her insurance coverage, and Adam via Jonah's help.

I think this is going to get much more interesting over the next few months. I'm certainly looking forward to more of the evidence being made public.

i wonder which defendant offered the Zahaus $millions to dismiss the case? Jonah or Dina? I doubt it was either Nina or Adam.

This pretty much means the defendants are guilty of killing Rebecca, no?
With thanks and credit to Lash for finding this tweet from Attorney Greer. Apparently there will be local news coverage of Rebecca's case tonight. Lots of interesting news today!

Check out this tweet from plaintiffs' attorney Greer today:



Before this, I think the only "door" pic we had access to was the one that was in Ann Rule's book. This is much clearer. Lots of fingerprint powder, so the pic is from after it was processed as evidence. That "S" before the "he" sure looks like it was added after the "he" was written. (Others have said that in the past as well.)

And it is "can YOU save her" rather than HE,
Ten new scheduling entries on the SD ROA:

553 02/10/2017 Status Conference (Civil) scheduled for 04/14/2017 at 11:00:00 AM at Central in C-69 Katherine Bacal.
552 02/10/2017 The Status Conference (Civil) was rescheduled to 04/14/2017 at 11:00:00 AM in C-69 before Katherine Bacal at Central. Notice of Rescheduled Hearing SD

551 02/10/2017 Motion Hearing (Civil) scheduled for 04/14/2017 at 11:00:00 AM at Central in C-69 Katherine Bacal.
550 02/10/2017 The Motion Hearing (Civil) was rescheduled to 04/14/2017 at 11:00:00 AM in C-69 before Katherine Bacal at Central.
549 02/10/2017 Status Conference (Civil) scheduled for 04/14/2017 at 11:00:00 PM at Central in C-69 Katherine Bacal.
548 02/10/2017 The Status Conference (Civil) was rescheduled to 04/14/2017 at 11:00:00 PM in C-69 before Katherine Bacal at Central.
547 02/10/2017 Status Conference (Civil) date was restored to 04/17/2017 at 11:00:00 PM in C-69 before Katherine Bacal at Central.
546 02/10/2017 Status Conference (Civil) scheduled for 04/17/2017 at 11:00:00 PM at Central in C-69 Katherine Bacal was vacated.
545 02/10/2017 Ex Parte scheduled for 03/01/2017 at 08:45:00 AM at Central in C-69 Katherine Bacal.
544 02/10/2017 Discovery Hearing scheduled for 06/23/2017 at 11:00:00 AM at Central in C-69 Katherine Bacal.

And the list of Future Events:

Future Events
Event Date Event Time Location Event Type
03/01/2017 08:45 AM C-69 Ex Parte
03/10/2017 11:00 AM C-69 Discovery Hearing
03/10/2017 11:00 AM C-69 Motion Hearing (Civil)
04/14/2017 11:00 AM C-69 Motion Hearing (Civil)
04/14/2017 11:00 AM C-69 Status Conference (Civil)
06/23/2017 11:00 AM C-69 Discovery Hearing

Case Number: 37-2013-00075418-CU-PO-CTL

bourne-- not sure where you found out the trial is moved to Jan 2018? The latest on the Minute Order says the attorneys will meet and confer and discuss the setting of a new trial date. All we have at present are status conferences and discovery hearings.

Nina Shacknai's Summary Judgment / Summary Adjudication (Civil) set for 5/19/2017 at 1:30PM is

Counsel also inform the Court that they agreed to set a trial date, understanding that there may be a
conflict with Attorney Marino's family get together, and now they know that it does conflict with his schedule.

The Trial Readiness Conference (Civil) set for 6/02/2017 at 10:30AM is vacated.

The Trial date is not currently scheduled, so does not need to be vacated.

The court schedules a status conference to trail the Motion to Amend in order to address the setting of trial dates.

The Status Conference (Civil) is scheduled for 04/17/2017 at 11:00PM before Judge Katherine Bacal.

Other defendant's motions for summary judgment are vacated without prejudice to rescheduling after the
hearing on Motion for Leave to File Third Amended Complaint .

Dina Shacknai's Summary Judgment / Summary Adjudication (Civil) set for 5/19/2017 at 1:30pm is

Adam Shacknai's Summary Judgment / Summary Adjudication (Civil) set for 6/9/2017 at 1:30pm is

ROA #543 Minute Order 2-8-17 (direct link expired)
And it is "can YOU save her" rather than HE,
Well hello small but mighty detail!

Nice catch, Morag!

Bourne, I can't imagine why investigators would scribble on anything, much less a piece of potential evidence...but we've all seen some strange things in this case, so maybe they did do it. The scribbles were clearly made with something other than the paint used for the message; it looks like Sharpie ink to me. My first thought was that Jonah's daughter had done that bit (remember IP saying that one of Jonah's older kids had a history of writing n walls?) but the loops and the --flow? of the --design? seem pretty sophisticated to have come from the hand of an angry teenager. It looks like it was done quickly, with a sure and focused motion, almost as if the artist was framing the text, with a flourish. IOW, I think the scribbles were done at the same time as the painted message, and by the same person/people. MOO
I gotta ask....what's with the scribbling on the door around the panel where the message is painted on?
bourne-- not sure where you found out the trial is moved to Jan 2018? The latest on the Minute Order says the attorneys will meet and confer and discuss the setting of a new trial date. All we have at present are status conferences and discovery hearings.

ROA #543 Minute Order 2-8-17 (direct link expired)

Hi KZ, I saw it either here or in other forum. Here's screencap of Greer's recent twitter.



  • Screen Shot 2017-02-11 at 5.20.09 PM.png
    Screen Shot 2017-02-11 at 5.20.09 PM.png
    326.2 KB · Views: 150
Well hello small but mighty detail!

Nice catch, Morag!

Bourne, I can't imagine why investigators would scribble on anything, much less a piece of potential evidence...but we've all seen some strange things in this case, so maybe they did do it. The scribbles were clearly made with something other than the paint used for the message; it looks like Sharpie ink to me. My first thought was that Jonah's daughter had done that bit (remember IP saying that one of Jonah's older kids had a history of writing n walls?) but the loops and the --flow? of the --design? seem pretty sophisticated to have come from the hand of an angry teenager. It looks like it was done quickly, with a sure and focused motion, almost as if the artist was framing the text, with a flourish. IOW, I think the scribbles were done at the same time as the painted message, and by the same person/people. MOO

Ah, I do recall IP saying that too. She said the oldest child of Jonah, the daughter would mark the walls with black sharpie.

Looking at the scribbles more closely, the scribbles appear to be scrawled prior to the large painted black words. Maybe the daughter marked the door awhile ago and then killer painted on top? Seems murderer is familiar with the house and room and markings...

As I look further, the entire door is darkened as if someone tried to wipe away the markings. From what I recall, LE had painted over the door and handed it back to Jonah. I'm guessing this is a pic of the original door.

Nod, I can't imagine LE would make bizarre scribbles on the door. But the LE in this particular case did a lot of strange things. So no idea. lol

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