Evidence revealed during the course of the Wrongful Death action

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"Greer says it's all in DNA evidence on the knife Adam Shacknai used to cut down the body, a knife stained with Zahau's blood.
"It was all the way around the knife, all four sides," said Greer. "She was violated by the handle of the knife that was inserted into her."
Can you save her?

Perhaps Adam and Rebecca argued over Max’s accident, with her protesting that she gave CPR to save him...

This might have triggered the painted message on the door...
This in black and white should stop the frenzied, hysterical; hate filled postings by those that bird dogged these threads ranting about Dina.

Just as many of us thought but only allowed ourselves to hint at- it’s Adam.

Attorney: Security Video Exonerates Dina Shacknai in Death of Rebecca Zahau

NBC 7 Investigates obtained video from Attorney Keith Greer, who got it from the San Diego County Sheriff’s Department after several years of trying he says. It shows Dina Shacknai was inside Rady Children's Hospital when Zahau died.

Attorney Greer says the video changed his mind about the death of Rebecca Zahau.

"Previously we had an eye witness who was adamant putting Dina at the scene of the murder,” Greer said.

Greer said it took him years to get the security camera footage from the San Diego County Sheriff's Department, which investigated Zahau's death, and called it a suicide.

“When these pictures came out, you can't refute them," he said.
While he is still adamant Zahau was murdered, he now says Dina Shacknai was not the killer.

Greer also dropped Dina's sister, Nina Romano, from the lawsuit, after she provided information he says cleared her.

The amended lawsuit now names just one suspect, in Zahau's death: Max's uncle.

"Greer says it's all in DNA evidence on the knife Adam Shacknai used to cut down the body, a knife stained with Zahau's blood.
"It was all the way around the knife, all four sides," said Greer. "She was violated by the handle of the knife that was inserted into her."

So the evidence was on the third knife, the one Adam used to allegedly cut the rope RZ was hanging from.Recall there were two other knives found in the room where RZ was hanged. IIRC, the third knife was never tested by SDSO, but apparently it was saved in the case file evidence. I'd have to go back to check, but wasn't the rationale that Adam had just run inside after "discovering" RZ hanging and grabbed it from the knife block to cut her down. Hence, no need to examine it, it was not part of the death scene evidence. Very clever. If Pfingst or any others on the Shacknai team realized that particular knife hadn't been cleaned (as the other knives had) all they had to do was craft a scenario in which SDSO didn't need to test it for blood or DNA.

Evidence of murder hiding in plain sight?
This in black and white should stop the frenzied, hysterical; hate filled postings by those that bird dogged these threads ranting about Dina.

Just as many of us thought but only allowed ourselves to hint at- it’s Adam.


Interesting, but why did SDSO claim for so many years that they had no video evidence of Dina in the hospital at the time RZ was murdered? They said they could veryify her location near the hospital based on cell phone triangulation. How did they miss seeing her in this video? Was this a video SDSO didn't have at the time? Just seems unusual.

I disagree that anyone here was frenzied and hysterical when it came to criticism of Dina Romano. Websleuths has moderated this forum well over the years. Dina created substantial ill will among the public when she and her cohorts made outrageous, lewd, false accusations and threats against Rebecca and her family. Personally, I was appalled at the spurioius accusations she made against Rebecca's younger sister, who was just a young girl at the time. She and her cohorts have continued to hound the poor young woman.

Maybe it's best to just let sleeping dogs lie when it comes to this topic.
Of course there are questions, something was/ is fishy but what does any of that have to do with Dina’s appearance, fantasies of jealousy and the other over the top ranting against Dina and Nina? Nina’s son was unnecessarily targeted on these threads. Yes, they sure kept the mods busy.

I see you feel attacks on Dina are justified and deserved because she appalls you so I understand why you don’t think the posts were contemptible.

I’ve mentioned I have ties to SD and my local’s discussions have always pointed the finger at Adam no ill will towards Dina or Nina.

The posters just desperately wanted justice for RZ. I hope they have peace knowing that justice for her seems eminent.

I also hope they realize how unreasonably cruel and completely wrong they were about a woman who lost her only child.

I never want to know what it is like to lose a child but I can imagine that under similar to Nina’s circumstances I would also have some anger that got vented.

all imo
I strongly disagree that there will be any "justice" for Rebecca, now or ever. Certainly there will be a "conclusion" to the civil lawsuit at some point, but that isn't justice for a murder. The time for JUSTICE for Rebecca's heinous, sadistic death, and JUSTICE for the appalling treatment she was given AFTER her death, by so many bad actors, is long past.

There will be no "peace" in the conclusion/ resolution of the civil case, IMO.

Regardless of the outcome, IMO, the criminal case will never be re-opened.

IMO, Dina and Nina are not "victims" in this lawsuit. They both thoroughly deserve all of the public scrutiny and criticism they received, as a result of their OWN actions. They don't get a "pass" on their behavior because of an excuse of their grief over Max's death, IMO. Dina was spiteful, vindictive, and hateful toward Rebecca long before Max died. Her NDAs prevented her from full on attacks toward Jonah, as her $$ was at stake, but her constant bad behaviors toward Rebecca were her game moves to get back at Jonah, IMO. And Max, IMO, was a pawn in her game, too-- surely she loved him dearly, but she was also willing to USE him to her advantage to get back at Jonah and Rebecca.

Dina's public attacks on XZ, suggesting she murdered Max, were simply appalling and clearly beyond the pale. This, from someone who claimed to "be" a child psychologist?? (And publicly lied a lot about her "career" as well.)

The dead on arrival "nonprofit" Dina vindictively started to get back at Jonah, and Rebecca? (Tit for tat-- have a few parties and hide some money.)

The "vindictive legislation" she wanted to promote, that further victimized and exploited REAL child murder victims of sexual abuse and unspeakable trauma? Without permission from their parents or their memorial foundations? The lies she told publicly about that legislation?

It stinks to high heaven that only AFTER Dina and Nina are dropped from the civil case, does Dina NOW claim that she believes Rebecca had nothing to do with Max's death. She can't undo years of her own appalling behavior. Her PUBLIC actions amply show vindictiveness and cruelty-- her own words and behavior prove that over and over. ONLY now, after being dropped from the civil case, does she stop attacking Rebecca, and her family. That's just a little "too" convenient for my taste. I have to wonder, as with other "shut up" clauses she was subjected to in various lawsuits, if her current claims about now "believing" Rebecca didn't kill Max, and her subsequent silence about Adam and the case, are the result of part of her deal struck for being dropped from the current lawsuit.

There will be no "peace" in the conclusion/ resolution of the civil case, IMO. Just an end to the lawsuit.

Regardless of the outcome, IMO, the criminal murder case will never be re-opened.
I strongly disagree that there will be any "justice" for Rebecca, now or ever. Certainly there will be a "conclusion" to the civil lawsuit at some point, but that isn't justice for a murder. The time for JUSTICE for Rebecca's heinous, sadistic death, and JUSTICE for the appalling treatment she was given AFTER her death, by so many bad actors, is long past.

There will be no "peace" in the conclusion/ resolution of the civil case, IMO.

Regardless of the outcome, IMO, the criminal case will never be re-opened.

IMO, Dina and Nina are not "victims" in this lawsuit. They both thoroughly deserve all of the public scrutiny and criticism they received, as a result of their OWN actions. They don't get a "pass" on their behavior because of an excuse of their grief over Max's death, IMO. Dina was spiteful, vindictive, and hateful toward Rebecca long before Max died. Her NDAs prevented her from full on attacks toward Jonah, as her $$ was at stake, but her constant bad behaviors toward Rebecca were her game moves to get back at Jonah, IMO. And Max, IMO, was a pawn in her game, too-- surely she loved him dearly, but she was also willing to USE him to her advantage to get back at Jonah and Rebecca.

Dina's public attacks on XZ, suggesting she murdered Max, were simply appalling and clearly beyond the pale. This, from someone who claimed to "be" a child psychologist?? (And publicly lied a lot about her "career" as well.)

The dead on arrival "nonprofit" Dina vindictively started to get back at Jonah, and Rebecca? (Tit for tat-- have a few parties and hide some money.)

The "vindictive legislation" she wanted to promote, that further victimized and exploited REAL child murder victims of sexual abuse and unspeakable trauma? Without permission from their parents or their memorial foundations? The lies she told publicly about that legislation?

It stinks to high heaven that only AFTER Dina and Nina are dropped from the civil case, does Dina NOW claim that she believes Rebecca had nothing to do with Max's death. She can't undo years of her own appalling behavior. Her PUBLIC actions amply show vindictiveness and cruelty-- her own words and behavior prove that over and over. ONLY now, after being dropped from the civil case, does she stop attacking Rebecca, and her family. That's just a little "too" convenient for my taste. I have to wonder, as with other "shut up" clauses she was subjected to in various lawsuits, if her current claims about now "believing" Rebecca didn't kill Max, and her subsequent silence about Adam and the case, are the result of part of her deal struck for being dropped from the current lawsuit.

There will be no "peace" in the conclusion/ resolution of the civil case, IMO. Just an end to the lawsuit.

Regardless of the outcome, IMO, the criminal murder case will never be re-opened.

BBM Yes, so disturbing when someone willfully misrepresents what they do for a living. Very odd behavior.
Justice for Rebecca.

Being rich and connected is not an excuse for getting away with murder. If California won't do the right thing, time for the Feds to step in. There are Federal implications in this case. Civil rights for one, but the financial crimes might cross state lines and elevate this to a Federal crime. If I'm Rebecca's family lawyer, and maybe they've already done this, I'm going to the FBI, the media, the Myanmar embassy, I put hellfire and condemnation not only on the suspects but their lawyers for shielding a rich murderer or murderers who brutally murdered a young Asian woman and got away with it.

Play the race card? Absolutely, if that's what it takes to get justice.

The Shacknais should be shunned, investigated, put up for scrutiny. Enough with rich people hiding behind lawyers. We need Grand Jury laws in all states. Force these suspicious characters to testify. They can sit there with a lawyer at their side. But they must testify. If they take the Fifth on every question, that's enough probable cause to issue an indictment and throw their worthless psychopathic asses in jail.
Justice for Rebecca.

Being rich and connected is not an excuse for getting away with murder. If California won't do the right thing, time for the Feds to step in. There are Federal implications in this case. Civil rights for one, but the financial crimes might cross state lines and elevate this to a Federal crime. If I'm Rebecca's family lawyer, and maybe they've already done this, I'm going to the FBI, the media, the Myanmar embassy, I put hellfire and condemnation not only on the suspects but their lawyers for shielding a rich murderer or murderers who brutally murdered a young Asian woman and got away with it.

Play the race card? Absolutely, if that's what it takes to get justice.

The Shacknais should be shunned, investigated, put up for scrutiny. Enough with rich people hiding behind lawyers. We need Grand Jury laws in all states. Force these suspicious characters to testify. They can sit there with a lawyer at their side. But they must testify. If they take the Fifth on every question, that's enough probable cause to issue an indictment and throw their worthless psychopathic asses in jail.

The Zahau family attorneys originally took a dual track on pursuing the civil case. It has been filed both in federal and Cali courts, with the latter being where it now resides. IIRC, will have to go back in old posts, but the case in federal court was left open by the judge, when it moved on to state court. The federal court judge had an interest in the case, though at the time, the Zahau's attorneys hadn't fully examined all the evidence they were still trying to access. Things may look differently now.

Check back in the old threads from a couple of years ago or longer and you'll find arguments being made about federal charges based on civil rights, etc. JMO, it was a gamble to pursue this in state court, but there wasn't another option at the time. If it doesn't work out, I believe the family may still return to the federal courts. JMO, just guessing. Rest assured, it has always appeared to those of us who followed this case that the Zahau family is pursuing this for justice, not financial reward.

As for another post about parallels between the Sherman murder case in Canada and this one, I"m not prone to CT, but there are some similarities. I don't think they're connected necessarily, but it's interesting. At the time of Max and Rebecca's deaths, Medicis was in the process of merging with Valeant.
This in black and white should stop the frenzied, hysterical; hate filled postings by those that bird dogged these threads ranting about Dina.

Just as many of us thought but only allowed ourselves to hint at- it’s Adam.


Actually, most of the "frenzied, hysterical; hate filled postings" I've seen in these threads have been from Dina's supporters stopping by to bash Rebecca, her family, their attorneys, and other posters here who believed RZ was murdered. It was really quite something to see, the vitriol being spewed by people attempting to "have Dina's back." They did her no favors, believe me.
We need to examine the entire justice system, top to bottom, in light of forensic evidence. Prosecutors rely on facts from forensics, but defense attorneys are allowed to lie in court. Why? Why are these liars allowed to tell bald-faced lies that prejudice the jury?

Let's go for the obvious example. Casey Anthony's attorney offered the defense: her dad raped her and molested her.

There is no evidence of that.


Why is that admitted into court? Why? Baez should have been admonished, restrained, for introducing theories with zero evidence. Defense attorneys have too much power. Time for a hard swing back to justice.
We need to examine the entire justice system, top to bottom, in light of forensic evidence. Prosecutors rely on facts from forensics, but defense attorneys are allowed to lie in court. Why? Why are these liars allowed to tell bald-faced lies that prejudice the jury?

Let's go for the obvious example. Casey Anthony's attorney offered the defense: her dad raped her and molested her.

There is no evidence of that.


Why is that admitted into court? Why? Baez should have been admonished, restrained, for introducing theories with zero evidence. Defense attorneys have too much power. Time for a hard swing back to justice.

Agree. And I can't say in polite company what I think should've happened to Jose Baez.
Agree. And I can't say in polite company what I think should've happened to Jose Baez.
Oh go ahead and say it [emoji1]

We've all read really, really horrific and utterly disgusting things trashing Rebecca and her family in here....

I'm sure NOTHING you write could even reach the same realm. [emoji8]

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I believe 100% that Rebecca was murdered. I have believed since I first read about this case that Adam, at the very least, had knowledge of what really happened, and at most was actively involved.

It was mentioned from the start that he had taken an Ambien - was his intention to set up an "I don't remember anything" alibi?

Most of all, what I want to know is what really happened to Max. I think it was most likely an accident, but what the heck happened??? I wish Jonah had had interior security cameras.
Some news from Keith Greer...
The motion for summary judgement has been denied. Jury selection is scheduled for the 26th.
Some news from Keith Greer...
The motion for summary judgement has been denied. Jury selection is scheduled for the 26th.

How can we make this case visible in the media again? Contact Asian-American groups? That is what it takes. These sick ****s murdered that girl and think they can get away with it because they are rich criminal millionaire *******s. That's my free speech opinion, come sue me *****es.
Not sure big media coverage is such a great idea. Jonah and others have been very aggressive in the past shutting down "bad press" on this case, no matter the format. While I'd love to see the perpetrator(s) and cover-up team(s) exposed, I think whatever justice Rebecca's family can receive from their lawsuit is the ultimate goal at this point. Just my 2 cents.
Some news from Keith Greer...
The motion for summary judgement has been denied. Jury selection is scheduled for the 26th.

Good news, too! Thanks for the news, and it's good to "see" you, cynic! Looking forward to Tricia's latest interview with you and Mr. Greer, and keeping my fingers crossed for a fair and rational jury.

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