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Sep 11, 2008
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What a wonderful celebration! Not one, not two, but THREE missing girls found in one day!

Post about how happy we are that they have been freed! We have no idea if they read here, but if they do, this is the place to let them know how happy you are for them!
When I joined Websleuths these cases were new and fresh. I can't believe the girls have now been found!!! When I heard this on the news, my first thought was "Websleuths must be on fire" lol. Praise God for this wonderful news. We all needed it, I'm sure.
Simply amazing news! In celebration I say we all pick up one cold case and start sleuthing it. You never know when a miracle such as this can happen again. :rockon:
This is just near miraculous. Not one, not two, but three women, missing for 10 years. What a joyful thing for their loved ones. I cannot imagine how difficult, 10 years of worry, of fear, of unknowing.

I do not begin to know what these young women went through in 10 years of captivity but the bravery shown by Amanda :applaud:

I am betting these women are bonded in ways we cannot even conceive.

I wish them nothing but happiness the rest of their lives. They are true survivors, in every sense of the word.
Agree that Amanda, Gina, and Michelle probably really helped each other get through the horrors they all had to endure. I bet they will all be as good as family forever.

Brave brave Amanda and wonderful Charles!

:party: :fireworks:
Always believe in miracles! This world is a better place because those girls are free!
I am so proud of all you for being so brave and having so much courage. God bless each of you and may only good things come your way.
I am so thankful that the strength of these women to endure, the courage it took to survive, the observation of one man, who decided to do something!!

I am Lifting up Amanda, Gina, Michelle, and Charles!! Miracles do happen!!!
Charles was adorable, wasn't he? I love that clip I saw of him last night! :crush:
Charles was adorable, wasn't he? I love that clip I saw of him last night! :crush:

My Husband was just rolling this morning!!
Just telling it like it is.

Charles= Priceless!!
Hi all, haven't signed on in a while. Just wanted to stop by for the great news! Our thoughts are w/friends & family! <3 <3
This made my day, perhaps my yr. It made me realize that miracles do still happen and that there may be many more people being held against their will like this and we need to be more attentive to our neighbors and our surroundings so something like this cannot happen or continue to happen.
After so many years, I'd resigned to the thought that one day, when remains were found, I'd be attending Amanda's funeral. Never in my life have I been so happy to be wrong.
Immense joy upon hearing this wonderful news! (Tuning in late, very sick today, but had to post--we need more stories like this in the media as additional proof that hope should never be given up, no matter how long cases linger cold.) Amanda's bravery is astounding and because of her courage, four lives (hers, the other two women and her young daughter) were saved. And special thanks to Mr. Ramsey, who happened to be in the right place at the right time.
I would love to buy Charles a slab of ribs and a salsa CD.
When I joined Websleuths these cases were new and fresh. I can't believe the girls have now been found!!! When I heard this on the news, my first thought was "Websleuths must be on fire" lol. Praise God for this wonderful news. We all needed it, I'm sure.

It's like you crawled inside my brain and put my words on Websleuths. I feel 100% exactly the same about every sentence, lol

Good is Good!!! :scared:
Sending prayers for your healing, Amanda, Gina and Michelle and little one! xoxoxoxo
Nothing less than miraculous! Healing prayers for you 3 women and for Amanda's little girl. A nation of love to you all!
Stunning news, and I'm so happy that Charles Ramsey put his own worries aside, and did what was right. He got out of his comfort zone, and didn't mind his own busines, and look what happened. And I hope so bad that all of these women and whatever children are involved, have a smooth transition back into the 'real' world. I hope for joyous reunions and peaceful, non-violent lives. This really blows my mind and the news still hasn't sunk in.
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