FBI finds letters from Zahra to her young friend that EB and AB never mailed

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This really makes me angry and makes me want to cry. I don't know why but this really symbolizes for me everything they wanted to steal from this darling girl. They couldn't stand her lightness and her sparkle, her sheer strength and life force. So they had to steal all that from her. After working so very hard, struggling day after day to beat cancer twice, then losing her leg, then having to learn to walk again, and struggling through hearing loss, and this sweet girl still wanted to smile, still wanted to dance, still wanted to reach out to a little friend for love. They didn't deserve to even breathe the same air as her, much less have the privilege of parenting this amazing little person. I'm thinking of the phrase "casting pearls before swine."

You did a good job of conveying the maglinant force at work to snuff out any and all of Zahra's happiness. It's like an angel was in their presence, and they wanted to kill the angel!
I find it charming to visualize sweet Zarah dancing with the older people at the American Legion. I see her lovely freckled face looking up at her dancing partner, perhaps laughing, perhaps giggling, perhaps very serious as I am most inclined to believe.

It brings a warm smile to my heart when I visualize this, and for a moment I am smiling, but then my heart freezes again as my awareness of her tragic reality pushes relentlessly back into my thoughts.

Aw, you are so right. She must have brought a lot of happiness to those people.

I feel like we have been robbed. :( Everyone who would have come across Zahra in her lifetime has been terribly robbed. She seems like the kind of girl who would have taken care of people and had a need to make others happy. We don't have enough of that. Now we have less.
The idea that Zahra was trying so hard to reach out to a friend
and AB/EB couldn't even be bothered to put a damn stamp on a letter now and then. . .

It is just possible that they might have wanted to isolate Zahra. I don't know much about
behavior patterns of child abusers but I have read that, sometimes, abusers want
to isolate the victim from outside contact as much as possible.

Addtionally without taking time out from their role playing games or other activities to read the
letters before mailing them they would not know if the letters contained any accounts
of her being abused. . . . .so easier to just not mail the letters.
Hugs. Yeah, I've done this too, with my kids' letters and with my own. I've trained myself to be much better about it (nothing like getting an overdue notice for a bill you're sure you paid, yelling at the company, and then discovering the envelope with the check in the side pocket of your car where it's been for six weeks....)

In the context of what we've heard about this family, it does sound bad, but we don't know many details.

Thanks so much for the hugs and sympathy! I felt like a creep after I wrote that. But, like you, I have done the same with my own letters...and with bills! (Thank Heaven for automatic bill-pay! Now I just go to my bank's website and set up which bills get sent out on the first and which on the 15th!)

I guess I'm seething with anger about these unmailed letters. How depressing for Zahra, thinking she sent a letter to her friend, and then wondering why he stopped responding. It's actually cruel of the parents to not want to do everything possible to help Zahra keep her spirits up. I can't even imagine what kind of uncaring people the parents must be to not even mail her letters. I know what EB cares about - Halloween.
I do not have MS or FB pages myself so I can't look at others either. I'm curious by your comment if EB/AB maintained contact with family in Oz via these social networking pages? Also, IIRC, Zahra received a laptop when she was in Oz. What happened to it? Apparently she was allowed no contact with family & friends at all.

This is all so heartbreaking.

(Mods please delete if I'm in the wrong thread)

I didn't get enough screenshots, (kicking self) but from what I have EB contacted AB's bro in both Jan and Feb.

In Jan she says that 'she' ( Zahra) is doing really good. And that bro had said something that wasn't nice to say about Adam.

In Feb she talks about the dogs, then how Zahra made honor roll for 2nd time in a row, and how she knows that the family in Oz are really missing her.That zahra had already written them ALL letters (note: multiple) that she would post-mark that week.

Seems, imo, like maybe they were pressuring her about contact with Zahra way back then.

Odd (but really not suprising) that Zahra wasn't allowed to communicate with family in Oz the same cheap and convenient way ,and that it was EB contacting AB's bro, and not AB himself. :waitasec:

I am furious. These monsters, to steal even this one little bit of hope and love from that precious girl...

Remember what it was like to be 10 and have your first crush? That sweet giddiness? The giggly swooping in your tummy?

I bet Zahra often remembered dancing with this little guy--and what a sweetheart he must be, too, not that her physical difference should make a difference but I'd imagine some kids could be put off by it or would tease her. Here he is a little gentleman, who danced with her and tried to keep in touch with her and these absolute (extremely unusual "people") stole that from both of them.


I don't doubt EB isolated AB as part of her control game--IMO abusers don't just abuse one victim, their pathology leaks all over their relationships--but it doesn't excuse him one bit in my mind. Zahra was 10 and defenseless. AB is a grown man and has no excuse.

Also, knowing that Zahra wrote letters, I wonder if she managed to keep some kind of journal hidden away from them?

Keep telling myself she is in a better place but that doesn't stop the tears.
Too sad already to view this video. I just want these two monsters brought to justice. Hoping LE will get all they need soon to prosecute both.
Aw, you are so right. She must have brought a lot of happiness to those people.

I feel like we have been robbed. :( Everyone who would have come across Zahra in her lifetime has been terribly robbed. She seems like the kind of girl who would have taken care of people and had a need to make others happy. We don't have enough of that. Now we have less.

I know how you feel.
But it helps me to think about it like this..there were so many people who were touched by Zahra in her lifetime already, that joy no one can take away..and she is continuing to touch people daily.

She will leave a legacy. There will be changes made because of Zahra so in the future, situations like Zahra's can be prevented. Once things are public and it is discovered how the system failed her there will be changes.

It is my opinion that there is going to be outrage the world over when we find out what her life was like before she died. It will shine a spotlight on what went wrong. I suspect those involved in the searces and LE want to guarantee that.
It is just possible that they might have wanted to isolate Zahra. I don't know much about
behavior patterns of child abusers but I have read that, sometimes, abusers want
to isolate the victim from outside contact as much as possible.

Addtionally without taking time out from their role playing games or other activities to read the
letters before mailing them they would not know if the letters contained any accounts
of her being abused. . . . .so easier to just not mail the letters.

AS far as I'm concerned I'm sure they were isolating her. There is not doubt in my mind.
I can't help thinking about the possibility that this sweet girl was trying to share her lonliness and abuse with her friend with the hope that someone, anyone would come to her rescue, never realizing that her voice was not even being heard.

My own 10 year old little girl is just beginning to giggle and blush around boys and communication with her little friends is becoming so important to her right now. I am so deeply saddened by this new aspect to Zahra's case.
ah this just breaks my heart, the trust this innocent child in these demons, and then to think some scum bag defense lawyer will protect and defend these monsters!
You did a good job of conveying the maglinant force at work to snuff out any and all of Zahra's happiness. It's like an angel was in their presence, and they wanted to kill the angel!

"Malignant force" ~ perfect description of these two people. They didn't miss a chance to betray Zahra, and the withholding of the mail is the icing on the cake! Insulting, demeaning, hurtful, denying communication with others .. pulling her out of school, too. They must have been really afraid of what she might say to others that would reflect upon them to cause them to isolate her so.

Why even bring Zahra to the US? Not happy with where my mind goes on that question.

I hate the way this makes me feel. Poor Zahra earned her right to live by her very survival. She achieved so much in her tiny ten years than most people do in a lifetime.

All IMO from what we have seen and read thus far. I'd be happy to change my opinions if someone would just give me iniformation that would help me change them. As it stands now, this is unbearable. :(
Those B*$tards. They couldn't stick a needle in their arms fast enough. Their trials better be speedy and the verdict better be lethal.

Typical loser abusers. Isolating their victim from ANYONE that could help them. They totally stripped whatever was left of Zahra's childhood, after if was already taken by cancer.

And on top of that, now this young man will live with guilt for most of his life, wondering if he could of helped her.

I'm getting mad now and losing patience. LE needs to MOVE IT with this case. NOW.
This just makes me sick to my stomach. She wasn't even allowed such a small thing as corresponding with her friend. I wish truly ugly things for the people that did these things to her.
It would help to know the date of the letters and if there were stamps in the house etc., etc. I don't even have a stamp in my house as I do everything via the Internet.
I'm like Juno. I have no idea why this makes me so sad. I just dont know why, but this has hit me hard. Perhaps i'm getting soft since I had my kid, I dunno, but I do find that having my first son has made me a bit softer in my old ticker. Its like they didnt even care.
I'm glad we have this thread about Jonathan and his letters. It's important, and needs a space of its own to be honored.

Wish there were a way to let Jonathan know how touched and grateful so many people are to know that he was Zahra's friend. And grateful to Jonathan's family for bringing him to the memorial spot and allowing him to give an interview.

Jonathan, you have my sincerest condolences. I am very sorry for your loss.

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