feeling compelled to point out the obvious...

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Perhaps the Anthony's should not have allowed the Memorial to be televised if they did not want the public to listen to their words. I for one think they really don't care what anyone thinks so why should I?

The memorial was very nice until suddenly it seemed the words being spoken were being spoken purposely to assert their feelings for Casey - which they have every right to do. Since it was public and we were all allowed to watch their raw words then it seems they left the door open for us to talk about their message and disagree.

What was their message? Was it look at us we are united, we love our daughter who sits in jail wrongly accused, please send her letters of support and I wish she were here to honor the memory of her daughter and I want to hug her and please do not judge her, we know she loved Caylee and Caylee loved her no matter what. She is a wonderful glowing beuatiful girl.

If so then that message was clearly received, however the public does not have to agree with that message as we are not Casey's parents, we have no unconditional love for her. We want justice for that child. We are angry at the person who did this and we believe that person is Casey. The Anthony's do not.

I really hope for a trial date soon.
The Anthonys were victims until they began capitalizing on Caylee's disappearance and death.

The first time money or other "gifts" exchanged hands that was related to Caylee, their status changed from victim to profiteer.

These people are still on the "Missing Child" kick- Caylee was never missing. She was murdered by her mother and thrown in the woods like garbage.

If they did not want to be dissected, they should have conducted themselves with dignity from day 1. Nobody made them talk to the press. Nobody twisted their arms to lie.

And even when they believed Caylee was missing, they could have limited their comments to pleas for her safe return.

With that kind of behavior they would have retained my sympathy, empathy, and support.

The circus that is the Anthony family was self made. And it continues to be bolstered by their behavior and their words.

Caylee may have loved them. But I don't believe she would be very happy with what has transpired since her murder.
The Anthonys were victims until they began capitalizing on Caylee's disappearance and death.

The first time money or other "gifts" exchanged hands that was related to Caylee, their status changed from victim to profiteer.

These people are still on the "Missing Child" kick- Caylee was never missing. She was murdered by her mother and thrown in the woods like garbage.

If they did not want to be dissected, they should have conducted themselves with dignity from day 1. Nobody made them talk to the press. Nobody twisted their arms to lie.

And even when they believed Caylee was missing, they could have limited their comments to pleas for her safe return.

With that kind of behavior they would have retained my sympathy, empathy, and support.

The circus that is the Anthony family was self made. And it continues to be bolstered by their behavior and their words.

Caylee may have loved them. But I don't believe she would be very happy with what has transpired since her murder.

Thank you. That is exactly how I feel.
All I can say is that I hope to God that I am never in the same spot the A's are in right now, but if I ever am, I genuinely hope every syllable I utter isn't picked apart and analyzed to DEATH by people who don't know me from Eve.

that would be quite easy if you could only resist the urge to hire a media publicist.
The Anthonys were victims until they began capitalizing on Caylee's disappearance and death.

The first time money or other "gifts" exchanged hands that was related to Caylee, their status changed from victim to profiteer.

These people are still on the "Missing Child" kick- Caylee was never missing. She was murdered by her mother and thrown in the woods like garbage.

If they did not want to be dissected, they should have conducted themselves with dignity from day 1. Nobody made them talk to the press. Nobody twisted their arms to lie.

And even when they believed Caylee was missing, they could have limited their comments to pleas for her safe return.

With that kind of behavior they would have retained my sympathy, empathy, and support.

The circus that is the Anthony family was self made. And it continues to be bolstered by their behavior and their words.

Caylee may have loved them. But I don't believe she would be very happy with what has transpired since her murder.

Excellent post, thank you. I would only add that Caylee loved them all with the innocence of a child.

I am not a child. I see them much, much differently than did she.
No. I most definitely see hate here for Cindy and George. There is no mistaking that. Everyone has different opinions, thoughts, feelings towards them, however there is, as I said, an unmistakable level of hate and vitriol targeted towards them daily. I'm certainly not saying that everyone who disagrees with Cindy or George's actions hates them! I disagree with a lot of what they say and do too. There is a small section of this community who constantly hate on them though.

It seems like saying something awful about Cindy, George or Lee means that your on 'Caylee's side'... that not harping on constantly about every word Cindy utters, about what Lee wore, or about what George did/didn't do, means that members somehow aren't supporting Caylee. I do support Caylee. I just don't support the aforementioned behavior - which there is way too much of here. I support Caylee so much I think it's only fair to support her bereaved grandparents too. I simply believe that Casey killed Caylee - not Cindy, not George and not Lee. Therefore any anger I have is directed at Casey.

My disgust with Casey's actions is much greater than my feelings about the actions of her parents, particularly her mother. I don't feel I have to choose only the greater. I can be disappointed, dismayed, disheartened and even disgusted at times at what I feel and believe are actions contrary to justice for their beloved granddaughter without it lessening my hope for swift justice to her murderer.

That I am sorely disappointed that Caylee's day was, imo, marred by what I am certain was a false contrast to/praise for her mother, is only tangentially connected to my thoughts about said mother.
I thought the memorial service was very nice, very appropriate and a wonderful tribute to Caylee. I am saddened that a few had to go and try to mar that image in our minds by being judgmental and picking apart their words and actions.
IMO, anyone who can't bring themselves to have some compassion for this family must have ice water running through their veins.
I hope and pray that God will give them the strength to go on, now, and that He will lead them to a place of peace and understanding.

Do you mean the commentators and their guests on the TV shows as the ones being judgemental?
Are you hoping and praying for the A's or those with ice water in their veins?
Just clarifying...
While we are pointing out the obvious. I really tried yesterday to keep it about Caylee, but then it dawned on me how unfair it was for us to be expected to do that when her own family did not. I was still respectful, but please don't expect the rest of us to do something her own family won't. I could not look myself in the mirror knowing that because I got caught up in the emotions of the moment I forgot what these people have done. The way they have acted. That would have made me a big hypocrite. Yes I felt sorry for them....but I also remembered what got us to that point.

THANK YOU!! I certainly hope LE & the SA office still remember WHY there even had to be a memorial. It took over 30 days to report that precious child missing, and then over 60 days to have a memorial once her REMAINS were found. Let's all have change our views now ... because it seems heartless to pick apart what the media seeking family says at this point?? Because people may think that I do not have empathy?? Where was theirs all along?? Now don't get me wrong, I definitely feel for this family, would not hope any one to ever go through anything like this, I am sorry they lost their granddaughter at the hands of their own daughter, and ultimately they will lose her too. I do not think they should stop loving their daughter, or do not deserve the right to grieve. But, do not think for one minute that it did not cross many minds yesterday that perhaps there would have been more answers, or perhaps things could have been reconciled/closure much sooner if there was more cooperation and less obstruction into the entire investigation. I think I just turned my post into a rant, which was not my objective here. I just feel that because I, and other members, choose not to forget everything that transpired and led to our opinions, we are now considered heartless, villains, practically blasphemous for standing by our views.
Always just praying for Justice for Caylee
I've been an obsessed WSers since Caylee's story broke and like many others have formed and refined my opinions as time has passed. After crying for two straight hours this morning (during the memorial service), I came here to see how many others felt the service was beautiful and low-key (the exact opposite of what many were expecting). I've always been an empathetic person, so when I saw some of the less than positive analyses posted, I chalked it up to emotions still being raw from the service having just ended. I've checked in throughout the day hoping to see the posts grow a bit more empathetic and hopeful.

I'm sad to see that hasn't happened in many cases.

All I can say is that I hope to God that I am never in the same spot the A's are in right now, but if I ever am, I genuinely hope every syllable I utter isn't picked apart and analyzed to DEATH by people who don't know me from Eve.

The ONLY truth known for sure throughout this entire fiasco is this: NO one knows what ANY of the A's were or are feeling -- they don't even know for certain what EACH OTHER has/is feeling.

Again, and finally, I extend my sincerest wishes to all who have and do love Caylee (those who actually knew her and those of us who have only known her through tragedy). I know everyone grieves in their own way...and some grieve via anger. That's okay, too.

I, for one, will never regret having offered empathy before blame -- even (and especially) if I am eventually proven wrong.

May justice for Caylee be swift.

Beautifully stated. I share your feelings.
Remind me NOT to hire that attorney !
I'm guessing he truly believes he can make this go away for her.

*** Regarding the Memorial Service...
I thought the Pastors for both churches did an Outstanding Job
with Lots of Truthful words of comfort & Encouragement ! ! !
& the
Music was outstanding !
as I understand a Memorial is a time for people to get to
"SAY SOMETHING!" so I see this has been done...
no one was forced to speak.. they got the opportunity to say what
they wanted..... They did know it was being taped and televised.

The medical examiner said " the child must have been murdered"
"HOMICIDE" that is just plain sad! It is a terrible crime!
it is now up to LE to show in a court room that they have evidence
& to ask the jury to convict the one who committed the crime.
THEY Do N O T want to convict the wrong person... and let
the perpetrator go free... they want to get the evidence and
show that the person who committed the crime will be punished.

NO problem here with me on that point.

No need to sling any thing... except the EVIDENCE & T R U T H ! ! !

nough said!

God Bless !

Family Members are mourning and they need RESPECT !
Family Members still have ahead of them a EXTREMELY DIFFICULT
Trial ! They do NOT even KNOW how to act right now.
My brain can NOT even imagine the terrible fear of
having the whole truth come out...
THANKS for all who are helping find JUSTICE FOR LITTLE ANGEL CAYLEE!!!!!!!!!!!!
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