feeling compelled to point out the obvious...

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Unfortunately, if this case has taught me anything it's that anger is such a strong (and often extremely ugly) emotion.

I simply can't hate, detest, despise or belittle Cindy or George. I just can't. To have such a permanent and repetitive anger and bitterness is not within me. I remember that Caylee loved George and Cindy dearly, everybody wants to be on 'Caylee's side', but what for? Why does that include the hate for Cindy and George? The only 'side' Caylee ever knew from George and Cindy was love.

There are so many who are in uproar that the Anthonys would mention Casey, that they would support Casey or that they haven't denounced her in public. If those people would stop hating for a minute and rationalize the situation their uproar would dissipate: they still love Casey and support Casey because she is their daughter. They can't believe she could do this and because they can't believe it, they won't. In my mind, their acceptance will come when the evidence is presented, much in the same way their acceptance of Caylee's death came when her body was found.

I think you might be mistaking the expression of disagreement with one's actions or with another's opinions as 'hate.' Beyond any miscategorization, to me it's ok to actually HATE certain actions...pedophilia, child abuse, murder, the accusing of the innocent to protect the guilty, etc..
Again with the "hate". Please understand it is not hate. It is having a different opinion than you. This accusing people of hating is getting out of hand. Every one's opinion is valid. I respect the people who support the A's and the way they are handling this. I don't accuse them of hating justice or not supporting Caylee for their beliefs...and yes that is the same thing. We need to drop the grouping people as the "haters"...it really has no place here.

IMO, this has become the equivolent in our current times of 'heritic.' Someone disagrees, they don't just have a different opinion to be debated. They aren't even just wrong, for reasons which can be pointed out. They are simply 'hateful.' I think the hope is often to end all discussion if the bill of goods can be sold that 'hateful' people's opinions aren't even worthy of consideration. IMO, it can be a tactic hoping to stop the conversation cold.
I thought the memorial service was very nice, very appropriate and a wonderful tribute to Caylee. I am saddened that a few had to go and try to mar that image in our minds by being judgmental and picking apart their words and actions.
IMO, anyone who can't bring themselves to have some compassion for this family must have ice water running through their veins.
I hope and pray that God will give them the strength to go on, now, and that He will lead them to a place of peace and understanding.
Starting a thread to dress down those of us that do not agree with your sentiments is not a way to get your feelings across, IMO.

I respect how you feel and your opinions. But I do not agree with them. That does not mean one of us is right and one of us is wrong. It just means that we have a difference of opinion.

Those of us that feel the memorial was great up until KC's name was mentioned are not bad, heartless people. Please keep that in mind when trying to make us feel bad for our opinions.

I totally respect your opinion-
Just to add a new aspect to the cause of what happens-
This case is exceptional- KC will not speak- yet what she does say- speaks volumes-
Think of this case as a jigsaw puzzle- some pieces are missing- we have to look under the cushions- under the furniture- everywhere or the puzzles will never be solved- we have to clean the house and throw out the trash-make everyone move out of their comfortable places so we can see if the pieces are stuck to them- but-most times the pieces are right there in the puzzle box- just where they belong and were left- unseen.

In English- I believe everone of us have compassion and the deepest sympathy for the A's loss of little Caylee and their pain of losing their daughter as well, but this case still is not completely solved yet- pieces are missing- we sometimes have to put aside our humane side to be able to see the obvious- we have to think differently, and see things differently-
As I always tell my kids- I love you dearly, but I don't have to like you sometimes or the things you do.
So, we are not monsters for not showing love to the A's 24/7, some of their actions make them not so likable sometimes. It becomes most frustrating when one is trying to get to the truth, to have so many obstacles along the way. '
My heart goes out to all the innocent people who have been drawn into this case, but the only ones to blame is KC, and the A's. This makes them not so likeable, as innocents are being hurt, and their lives turned upside down also.

Finally, fortunately, we all have different opinions, and emotions- this is a good thing-
If 5 people give different opinions and show different emotion doing so- maybe, the 6th person will have read the first 5 and see something from one or more of them that sheds light on the answers we are all looking for.
It does not mean anyone person is right or wrong- just expressing themselves differently.
I hope this helps to understand where we are coming from-
Please don't stop expressing your opinions- we need them too.
May God Bless you !
I thought the memorial service was very nice, very appropriate and a wonderful tribute to Caylee. I am saddened that a few had to go and try to mar that image in our minds by being judgmental and picking apart their words and actions.
IMO, anyone who can't bring themselves to have some compassion for this family must have ice water running through their veins.
I hope and pray that God will give them the strength to go on, now, and that He will lead them to a place of peace and understanding.

I thought it was against TOS to give opinions on other posters?

My opinion is not the same as yours but I hope your view of the Memorial brought you great comfort. Everyone finds closure in their own way. The trial and conviction of the guilty will be mine.
Yep...I respect all opinions and I DO feel empathy, but .....why couldn't Caylee's memorial service, just be about Caylee?

:clap: I completely agree. My heart breaks for the Anthony family's loss. The loss of their beautiful granddaughter, the loss of their daughter, the loss of their privacy, the loss of "life as they knew it". FOREVER. But, I cannot shield my eyes and my mind from the cold facts of the case. Yes, Casey's innocent in the eyes of the law until proven guilty. But, the reasonable, thinking, logical part of me cannot deny what the evidence is showing. And I had so hoped that for just one day, just two hours, the Anthony's would spend that time remembering Caylee, rejoicing in the joys of her short little life, honoring her.

Drowning in their deep denial, they were unable to do that. As beautiful as parts of the memorial service were, their need to defend Casey, to vow their allegiance publicly once again to Casey, smudged what should have been a day to simply honor Caylee. And that to me, is the saddest thing of all.

IMO, this has become the equivolent in our current times of 'heritic.' Someone disagrees, they don't just have a different opinion to be debated. They aren't even just wrong, for reasons which can be pointed out. They are simply 'hateful.' I think the hope is often to end all discussion if the bill of goods can be sold that 'hateful' people's opinions aren't even worthy of consideration. IMO, it can be a tactic hoping to stop the conversation cold.

Yes. Excellent points from, Trichad3 Tehcloer as well.

Remember when Kathi B asked D Casey who he was talking to on the cell phone? He told her it was ill daughter. That was supposed to shame her into NOT delving into the phone call. To stop the questioning.

Let's make a deal, posters. I am the same sleuther I was when I came here. Nothing has changed. Caylee was never a missing child. She was murdered. Her mother is arrested. Her family has acted in ways that leads me to suspect a cover up. I want to know why. I need to know why. I see things, or may pick up on things others don't, but I would never address those who did not see or even agree with me as lacking in some way.

So, according to the rules set forth on this site, I will continue to sleuth, respectfully, and hopefully intelligently, without any abuse or derogatory posts to my fellow posters. If I cross that line, feel free to report me to the moderators. It is their job to moderate this forum.
I do hope a different opinion would not stop you from voicing yours. Thanks to the Mods and most posters' sense of courtesy, I think you would be very safe posting. In fact you just did.

I am not void of emotion, empathy, or compassion. I feel all three, just maybe not for the same people or the same reasons that you do. I do not see the problem. If you feel attacked, report the post.

If judgement were reserved for the jury room no one would ever be arrested. I won't be in KC's jury room, and so I am free to form or change my opinions as this case unfolds.

I do not feel personally attacked in any way. However I just see that this subject seems to have drawn a black and white line of who is allowed to grieve and how.

While I am not in support of the way that the A's have conducted themselves all along, I personally cannot in good faith sit in judgment or pick apart their actions on a day of remembrance. To me, it would be the equivalent of my standing up at a funeral to dispense my opinion of who loved their child more or who was to blame for this atrocity. It's all just very, very sad.
I believe the obvious is that - JB and KC are keeping the A's at a distance because they intend to throw on or more of the A's under the bus at trial. I don't think JB is saying KC is innocent- I think he is portraying that KC is an innocent.

Nothing is going to be her fault- her Dad abused her- Her Mom was a control freak of every aspect of her life- her brother molested her. Her school mates teased her.
There doesn't have to be truth to any of it- but they will try to trow it out there and hope one of them stick to just one person-
Poor KC- no wonder she is like she is-

The obvious is- the public need to stop enabling the A's to pull off their sneakines and say enough- so that the A's get enough support to be strong enough to say to KC- quit with the lies- game over- tell the truth or you are on your own- time to grow up and take responsiblitiy for your actions-we will only support you if you do- you gave us a wonderful gift in Caylee and you took her away- there's nothing more you can do to hurt us any worse-gig's up

I agree. I really don't think they can do anything else, except try to attack the forensics. But this isn't OJ. Forensics has become a household word and favorite tv shows. People are more educated on the workings of it, even if it is just something they picked up on CSI or Bones.
Yes. Excellent points from, Trichad3 Tehcloer as well.

Remember when Kathi B asked D Casey who he was talking to on the cell phone? He told her it was ill daughter. That was supposed to shame her into NOT delving into the phone call. To stop the questioning.

Let's make a deal, posters. I am the same sleuther I was when I came here. Nothing has changed. Caylee was never a missing child. She was murdered. Her mother is arrested. Her family has acted in ways that leads me to suspect a cover up. I want to know why. I need to know why. I see things, or may pick up on things others don't, but I would never address those who did not see or even agree with me as lacking in some way.

So, according to the rules set forth on this site, I will continue to sleuth, respectfully, and hopefully intelligently, without any abuse or derogatory posts to my fellow posters. If I cross that line, feel free to report me to the moderators. It is their job to moderate this forum.

:clap: Well Said!
I think we all want the same thing....justice for Caylee
I think we would all support our children even if they were the accused.....maybe where this gets all blurred is quite possibly the fact that this is not a "normal" situation it seems....we would try to support our accused child but maybe in a different way....I think most of us would be so terribly hurt and embarrassed that we could not even be in the public eye.....we would support but would probably deal with it behind our own closed doors....this does not seem to be the case here...I dunno....the whole thing is just so abnormal....I am grasping here and not pointing fingers at anyone....we just all are so sick of this and want an end and peace for her to be laid to rest and get on with this trial and end it.
I have not read all the threads yet and I do feel it was a beautiful service yesterday but to point out the obvious I thought it was strange knowing that CA did all the arrangements for the memorial that one of the songs she picked was "One More Day" which is what KC had asked CA for on July 15th when she found that Caylee was missing. We have all heard that request from KC over and over again fromt he 911 calls. Also the reference to Caylee being the best gift she had ever received and her mentioning how they placed Caylee in her arms after she was born knowing this has been a very sore spot with KC for a long time. And knowing there was a possibility she may see the memorial, it would be the last thing I would do as KC's mother regardless of how I felt.
I've been an obsessed WSers since Caylee's story broke and like many others have formed and refined my opinions as time has passed. After crying for two straight hours this morning (during the memorial service), I came here to see how many others felt the service was beautiful and low-key (the exact opposite of what many were expecting). I've always been an empathetic person, so when I saw some of the less than positive analyses posted, I chalked it up to emotions still being raw from the service having just ended. I've checked in throughout the day hoping to see the posts grow a bit more empathetic and hopeful.

I'm sad to see that hasn't happened in many cases.

All I can say is that I hope to God that I am never in the same spot the A's are in right now, but if I ever am, I genuinely hope every syllable I utter isn't picked apart and analyzed to DEATH by people who don't know me from Eve.

The ONLY truth known for sure throughout this entire fiasco is this: NO one knows what ANY of the A's were or are feeling -- they don't even know for certain what EACH OTHER has/is feeling.

Again, and finally, I extend my sincerest wishes to all who have and do love Caylee (those who actually knew her and those of us who have only known her through tragedy). I know everyone grieves in their own way...and some grieve via anger. That's okay, too.

I, for one, will never regret having offered empathy before blame -- even (and especially) if I am eventually proven wrong.

May justice for Caylee be swift.

B]Nicely said[/B]. It is so easy to beat these people up. I myself have been so frustrated and have said some harsh things here about Cindy at times. I admit it. But I also feel deeply for the three of them .
The loss of that little girl must have been like living in a waking nightmare. Nothing quite real, cameras in your face 24/7 everything you say dissected to the nth degree. Having to deal with raw grief in front of the world. All the while trying to NOT believe in your heart or mind that the baby you bore, loved, and raised to the best of your ability murdered or caused the death of the most beloved person in your world, her own child.
We all know the outrageous , maddening things that Cindy has sometimes said. If I were in front of a huge crowd of strangers all pulling and tugging at me, screaming questions at me, calling my child horrible names , bedlam to the point where I couldn't even think, I might say some questionable things myself. Even if I didn't believe them. And probably would. A great many people hate her or almost so for standing by her daughter. They see it as picking Casey over Caylee. When actually poor little Caylee was gone. And had been for some time. I for one believe she would have picked Caylee's wellbeing over that of Casey's anyday. Anyday , Had she a chance or choice.
I hope that once this is over, we will discover that we were wrong about some things. And that the A's were cooperating to a much further degree than they or LE wanted us or Casey to know. And for what it's worth. My loyalties lie with Caylee also. I just don't believe that that means I can't feel empathy or compassion for the grandparents and uncle that loved her so much.
Remember when Kathi B asked D Casey who he was talking to on the cell phone? He told her it was ill daughter. That was supposed to shame her into NOT delving into the phone call. To stop the questioning.

Let's make a deal, posters. I am the same sleuther I was when I came here. Nothing has changed. Caylee was never a missing child. She was murdered. Her mother is arrested. Her family has acted in ways that leads me to suspect a cover up. I want to know why. I need to know why. I see things, or may pick up on things others don't, but I would never address those who did not see or even agree with me as lacking in some way.

So, according to the rules set forth on this site, I will continue to sleuth, respectfully, and hopefully intelligently, without any abuse or derogatory posts to my fellow posters. If I cross that line, feel free to report me to the moderators. It is their job to moderate this forum.
I do agree with the original poster that everything the A's do is dissected and alot of it is just speculation. And I wouldnt want to be in their shoes.
But I think people get frustrated because they do not understand how grandparents can defend their daughter over their granddaughter with all the evidence from LE.
I try to feel empathy for the family, and I do, but more so for GA. CA caused the non empathy herself by yelling in front of cameras and lying on camera.
This is how I see it, even though they have my complete sympathy, I will never understand them.
I do not feel personally attacked in any way. However I just see that this subject seems to have drawn a black and white line of who is allowed to grieve and how.

While I am not in support of the way that the A's have conducted themselves all along, I personally cannot in good faith sit in judgment or pick apart their actions on a day of remembrance. To me, it would be the equivalent of my standing up at a funeral to dispense my opinion of who loved their child more or who was to blame for this atrocity. It's all just very, very sad.

I am so glad you do not feel attacked. Heaven knows that very little is black or white to me in this case which is why I sleuth,

However I do form opinions and change those opinions if more things occur.

The A's held their memorial in front of the public for whatever reasons they chose to do so. They also chose to interrupt Caylee's memorial with messages of support for the accussed. While I feel sympathy, I also feel free to comment on their choices. I agree this whole mess is very sad.
Yep...I respect all opinions and I DO feel empathy, but .....why couldn't Caylee's memorial service, just be about Caylee?

I believe in the minds of those responsible for the memorial it was all about Caylee. Caylee was and is a part of each of the A's, to try to talk about her and not talk about themselves, including KC would not be giving an accurate picture of their little girl.

When children are that small it's like they are an extension of their immediate family members. The toddlers very existence is still dependent on the adults in their life, for food, for shelter, to keep them safe from harm. That is the crux of this case. KC didn't see Caylee as an extension of herself, as the best of herself. KC saw Caylee as a blemish, and what do we do with blemishes? We remove them. That is what KC did to Caylee.

What KC failed to realize is Caylee was also an extension of her parents, her brother, even her grandparents. All of the lives that were intertwined with Caylee now carry this scar, where Caylee was cut off from their lives. Lee said the family is incomplete, broken, he is broken. He is not missing his sister, he knows exactly where KC is. He is only referring only to Caylee.
I'm sure most will think this too harsh, but I personally am not even interested in the 'feelings' of the Anthonys, one way or the other. I am only on here to observe and to occasionally post about the prosecution of this crime. An innocent is dead, unfortunately it appears, at the hands of her mother. To me, that is the obvious.
The name of this forum is WEBSLEUTHS. I understand the raw emotion from today's service. But most of us came to this place to try and figure out what happened to this little angel. The evidence led to the questions being asked. The Anthonys and their aversion to the truth has raised questions. There are several still unanswered. Thank goodness that LE don't stop asking the hard questions because they feel sorry for some one's grief. It's still the same case that it was before the memorial. It did not magically change. LE said they would wait until after they put Caylee to rest to ask further questions.....they still have those questions. To expect us to not dissect every thing in this case kinda goes against the word sleuth.....

I feel tremendous sympathy, compassion, and respect for Caylee. I am comfortable with that. I also respect the right of anyone on this forum to give their sympathy whereever and to whomever they choose.

I also feel that GA spoke from his heart today. I thank him for the small glimpses he offered of Caylee.

Personally, I feel mixed emotions about this day. It's just not as simple as being on one side or another, empathetic or not, judgmental or not. We aren't all in one camp or another.

I think the Anthonys just went too far out on a limb in their defense of Casey, and the repulsion towards them runs deep. People are just being honest when they get angry towards the family. I'm not that angry at the family, but it is hard to feel sympathetic even on a day like this.

Yes they are all suffering - I felt alot of empathy towards George in his grief last week, but at the same time, Cindy's demeanor most of the time leaves me cold. I couldn't fake sympathy towards her if I tried.

And yet I thought the Memorial Service was better than expected, and they have a right to say and do what they want. It could have been alot worse.

But I also understand those who are still upset towards the family, especially if they were "sending messages" to Casey with shamrock pins, etc. They just seem insensitive, but they don't owe us anything. At the same time, we as observers are not obligated to feel a certain way about them.

It really doesn't matter how we feel or how the family feels. This is a murder case and the facts are facts. The justice system will deal with Casey and the truth will come out about Caylee, and that's all I care about.

I have to say that SHE and only SHE is my focus now. It's time to get justice for Caylee.

Wonderful posts. :clap: This is how I feel too.
Again with the "hate". Please understand it is not hate. It is having a different opinion than you. This accusing people of hating is getting out of hand. Every one's opinion is valid. I respect the people who support the A's and the way they are handling this. I don't accuse them of hating justice or not supporting Caylee for their beliefs...and yes that is the same thing. We need to drop the grouping people as the "haters"...it really has no place here.

No. I most definitely see hate here for Cindy and George. There is no mistaking that. Everyone has different opinions, thoughts, feelings towards them, however there is, as I said, an unmistakable level of hate and vitriol targeted towards them daily. I'm certainly not saying that everyone who disagrees with Cindy or George's actions hates them! I disagree with a lot of what they say and do too. There is a small section of this community who constantly hate on them though.

It seems like saying something awful about Cindy, George or Lee means that your on 'Caylee's side'... that not harping on constantly about every word Cindy utters, about what Lee wore, or about what George did/didn't do, means that members somehow aren't supporting Caylee. I do support Caylee. I just don't support the aforementioned behavior - which there is way too much of here. I support Caylee so much I think it's only fair to support her bereaved grandparents too. I simply believe that Casey killed Caylee - not Cindy, not George and not Lee. Therefore any anger I have is directed at Casey.
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