FL-AMBER ALERT Haleigh Cummings 5 yrs. old - Putnam County #22

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A few questions:

1. I've seen nothing about dogs being used in the search... do we know if they are?
2. Has it been determined for certain if HC was sleeping with Misty or in another room?
3. Did she wait until the father got home before she made any call to 911?
4. I saw a post on another thread that Misty's cousin who used to live there with all of them is a RSO. Anyone else see/hear that in the news?

From what we know right now, I don't think Misty had anything to do with it. But Misty should NOT have been left alone at night to tend to the kids.

I was watching greta
greta asked her to put her hands up to tell the distance

she explained she was sleeping about 2 shirts lengths from her

I guess she was sleeping the same room not the same bed

here is the youtube link http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d-z6jX8Xvmc
I don't think it is related.
His victim profile is not young girls.

We have seen how many "connections" they have reported in the Caylee case that with a little digging everyone knew were unrelated.

There is a sex offender missing at the same time, of course they are looking at him. Just like they are looking at the ones near her residence.


I don't think it's related either. It's gonna be someone close by.
I'm a little perplexed about how LE could locate and interview all of those sex offenders in such a short span of time. Wasn't it 44 sex offenders in the area? I bet my boots one of them got hold of her.

i think the SO's have to make sure that they are easy to locate or else they can get in big trouble. i'm not sure how they could have been real thorough with checking out all of their alibi's so quickly, though.
DON'T get offended, SS. You're right, there are many good teenage moms. But it's not the most beneficial situation for children. That's why there are campaigns against teen pregnancies, etc.

And there are alot of older people that should not be parents, or grandparents as well...just saying:eek:
Have permits, etc. been checked for the Green Lane property to see if there were any other workman in that area recently?
Gotta go to work.
Solve this thing, please....

Also if anyone can get into county permits, see if there has been any kind of weird building of cellars in that area. You know the perp kind of dungeon things.

Do you have to have permits to build something out in the country? we don't here, another reason I live in the country
I'm a little perplexed about how LE could locate and interview all of those sex offenders in such a short span of time. Wasn't it 44 sex offenders in the area? I bet my boots one of them got hold of her.
I believe the FBI stepped in to do those interviews and searches.
The plastic lock was on the screen door and NOT the inside door. It had a deadbolt and was not easy to break.

There are MANY teenagers who ARE mothers and darned good ones, too.

Ty for that. DBF's mom had 4 kids by the time she was 20. Quit school @ 16. She is an elegant, well spoken,wealthy woman with 5 children and a wonderful husband. All of the kids are very successful as well.
tracks run along side of 17 mostly. that is called parallel.
Could someone please point me in the directions of facts or past activity that leads many to state she "may have been high" or "she was coming off a 3 day bender"? How do we know Misty does drugs or drinks? Thank you in advance.

I will find the link if I can. Another poster posted the court document for custody between the father and mother. In the document was testimony that father used drugs and was violent to family members and mother. What I was saying is if there was testimony (affivadit) from a witness saying RC was a known drug user and seller then its not unlikely to think GF also used drugs.

Taking that theory a bit further, I was trying to figure out why gf would change her story. It leads me to believe she might have been doings something either illegal (like drugs) and she didn't want the police to know or she was with someone RC would not have liked like another BF.
i think the SO's have to make sure that they are easy to locate or else they can get in big trouble. i'm not sure how they could have been real thorough with checking out all of their alibi's so quickly, though.
This is JMO but I kinda think checking the RSO's was the FBI's assigned task. Those guys don't play - they knock, RSO answers - they SLAM that door open and walk right in, talking AT him the whole time - making sure HE is the RSO. This is usually done with at least 2 sometimes up to 4 men at a time. While one or two of them sit the guy down to talk - the others immediately start searching the place. They CAN do this legally as it is a condition of their release. I've seen them (FBI) do this - more than once. It is scary and they DON'T PLAY!!

So, it is possible that all 44 have been "accounted for" as that is how it was reported. But none have been cleared IIRC.
IMO, the intvw you are talkin about is the only one where Misty seemed very "with it". As to why, in the following intvws, she seemed very out of it, spoke in ways that made her seem not very intellegent(didn't know the dif between 4" and 4'), wouldn't look up (Ron whispered to her to look up) etc, it is all speculation.
I commented waaay back that IMO MIsty is "stoopid". I stand by that. I borrowed that from another wonderful w/ser who was describing her own self at that age. Not every 17yo is as mature as others. IMO, the impression I get from MIsty is of a girl who is wanting to fill a role far above her abilities at this stage of her life. Playing grown up if you will. She is a very young girl who has made some lif choices which are questionable. She has allowed herself to be used in the role of mother to these children when she is but a child still herself. She allows a man to speak to her in ways that are demeaning (and I mean beyond the 1st 911 call). Instead of staying home with her family at this horible time, she returned to live in a tent with this man. That is what I mean by "stoopid". I believe I also made a point that she is not stupid, in the traditional sense.

Oh sure, she's got a guy and instant kids she can hook up with, and play mommy. When I was 17 I might have done the same thing if given the chance... and I was not responsible enough at that time. I wanted to party, man. I don't think Misty's guilty of anything, but she may not be mature enough to handle that kind of responsibility.
OK... so Misty did have a phone there to make a call. In earlier posts it sounded like the dad grabbed "his" phone out of her hand.

Wonder why the dogs haven't picked up a scent. Has it been raining a lot?

I see what you're saying about the babysitting at 17... that's fine until 10 p.m. or so. But this was 3 a.m. and Misty was still their caretaker. They all went to bed. It sounds neglectful to me on the dad's part.

ITA Occasional "babysitting" is different than having full, or full-time, responsibility. I began babysitting as a 13 year-old before I could get a work permit. But it did not begin w nitetime jobs, and it was understood by the babysitter's, as well as children's, parents that in case of emergency their adult assistance would be required for which reason back-up numbers were provided. It also took an exceptionally responsible and mature teen to be entrusted in any overnight situation. In this situation (w brand new gf playing house) unfortunately, it seems the buck pretty much stopped w someone w no back-up, and evidently barely the authority, confidence, wherewithall or skills to initiate a timely 911 call in a desperate situation. ETA And this is assuming that no drugs or alcohol were ever involved! JMO
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