FL - Angel Herrera, 3, beaten to death, North Miami, 16 May 2004

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A South Florida woman who was part of a $4.4 million jury verdict for the heinous abuse she suffered in foster care was arrested Monday for beating her own 3-year-old daughter so severely the girl is not expected to survive, police said.

Yusimil Herrera, 20, who was charged with aggravated child abuse, is scheduled to appear in court today. She could be charged with murder if her daughter, Angel Hope Herrera, is taken off the machines that are keeping her alive
"The mother told North Miami police Sunday that Angel was standing on a bed when she struck her and then threw her against the wall. The blows caused severe head trauma and a broken arm to the child, who doctors say is brain dead, according to the report."


I am trying to find some compassion for this woman that has put her little girl into critical condtion.... but I am just so angry at her :mad:
My God, that is so sad. :( I feel bad that she was abused herself but to then turn around and abuse her own child???? I just don't understand. I think that DCF is alot to blame here. That child should have been removed from the home before this incident ever happened. Others had apparently tried to warn DCF that she was being abused.

Okay, now correct me if I am wrong...but isn't it the case that if a person was abused as a child, that they will likely go on to be an abuser??

If that IS the case...does anyone know if records are kept and checks made to see if the abused are abusing their own?
I'm sure that if a program like this was in place the numbers of abused children would surely decrease??? The program need not have a hostile 'We are watching you' approach but rather a 'we still care' kind of feel.

I know, I know it's kind of 'out there' but I like to wear these rose tinted glasses.
A grand jury has indicted Yusimil Herrera on a first-degree murder charge in the death of her 3-year-old daughter.

The grand jury also added an additional charge of aggravated child abuse. Herrera's attorney had argued to have the charges dropped or downgraded to a charge of no more than manslaughter.

Herrera is accused of beating her daughter, Angel Hope Herrera, to death in May 2004. http://www.local10.com/news/5133641/detail.html
Brefie said:
Okay, now correct me if I am wrong...but isn't it the case that if a person was abused as a child, that they will likely go on to be an abuser??

If that IS the case...does anyone know if records are kept and checks made to see if the abused are abusing their own?
I'm sure that if a program like this was in place the numbers of abused children would surely decrease??? The program need not have a hostile 'We are watching you' approach but rather a 'we still care' kind of feel.

I know, I know it's kind of 'out there' but I like to wear these rose tinted glasses.
Hi, I think that would be a great idea ,I was a foster carer for a long time till I injured my back and the rage in these kids is so sad .I dont see many of them
any more but I still worry how they are coping as adults.
I think all of us who are mothers will agree - we hear our mother's voices coming out our own mouths, as if on autopilot. I am surprised at how many things my mother said and did to me when I was a child, that I do automatically. I have a very warm and loving mother and I am grateful for being raised with warmth and caring.

When my kids were toddlers, I used to to tie their shoes, turn down their socks, then pat pat their shoe and say "next foot"! Automatically, without thinking about it, like my mother had done with me.

My sister in law had an absent bizarre mother, and was raised by any family member that would take her in, and she has no idea how to be a mother. She dresses her kids nicely, with clean clothes and always makes sure they have perfect haircuts but she's clueless how to kiss booboos and sing little songs and show honest affection. How much worse would she be, if she were actually abused instead of totally neglected?

Do you'all feel yourselves doing all the things your moms did? How different would you be as mothers if you didn't have a pattern to follow?
the older I get ,I see the more like my mother I become and thank god I had a kind loving mother .my daughters laugh at how like her I am but I just say Thank you thats a compliment:eek: I dont think we ever stop wanting aproval for what we do from our parents.I'm nearly 50 and still like my mum to say I am proud of you,Its so sad about this story of the little girl :( once again the authorities dont seem to be doing anything .was there a father mentioned ?
KatherineQ said:
I think all of us who are mothers will agree - we hear our mother's voices coming out our own mouths, as if on autopilot. I am surprised at how many things my mother said and did to me when I was a child, that I do automatically. I have a very warm and loving mother and I am grateful for being raised with warmth and caring.

When my kids were toddlers, I used to to tie their shoes, turn down their socks, then pat pat their shoe and say "next foot"! Automatically, without thinking about it, like my mother had done with me.

My sister in law had an absent bizarre mother, and was raised by any family member that would take her in, and she has no idea how to be a mother. She dresses her kids nicely, with clean clothes and always makes sure they have perfect haircuts but she's clueless how to kiss booboos and sing little songs and show honest affection. How much worse would she be, if she were actually abused instead of totally neglected?

Do you'all feel yourselves doing all the things your moms did? How different would you be as mothers if you didn't have a pattern to follow?

Oh my gosh, Katherine, but you have pinpointed it right there.

i'm not a mother myself, but i do find myself doing/saying many things my mother did.

i have to point out she abused me and it's very fortunate i decided early on in my life i didn't want to be a mother.

unless i'd had expert help, surely i would have abused any child i had as a result of my own childhood.

gives me the shivers.
Yusimil Herrera

Housed: Lowell Annex
Sentence Date: 08/07/2006

Offense: Aggravated Manslaughter-Child
Sentence: 8 years

Current Release Date: 05/10/2012
Yusimil Herrera

Housed: Lowell Annex
Sentence Date: 08/07/2006

Offense: Aggravated Manslaughter-Child
Sentence: 8 years

Current Release Date: 05/10/2012

kill your beautiful child and eligible for parole after 6 years...obscene...and many more child-bearing years ahead for her. There is something really wrong with this picture. jmo
Okay, now correct me if I am wrong...but isn't it the case that if a person was abused as a child, that they will likely go on to be an abuser??

If that IS the case...does anyone know if records are kept and checks made to see if the abused are abusing their own?
I'm sure that if a program like this was in place the numbers of abused children would surely decrease??? The program need not have a hostile 'We are watching you' approach but rather a 'we still care' kind of feel.

I know, I know it's kind of 'out there' but I like to wear these rose tinted glasses.

this is like the worst idea ever. simply cause someone was abused as a child they have to be stigmatized for life, and watched over by a bunch of facists?

i know this post is 6 years old, but i feel the need, once again, to comment on this type of thing. there are so many abused children that DO NOT go on to be abusers. so we take this horrific case where this woman did not stop the cycle and we use it to stereotype everyone that was abused. do you know how many people were abused in one manner or another as children? there wouldnt be enough people to oversee them for one.

there are many people here that would fall under this category of people to be watched, out of nothing that they themselves have done.
aggrivated manslaughter is essentially saying 'well she didnt mean to do it' right.
this is like the worst idea ever. simply cause someone was abused as a child they have to be stigmatized for life, and watched over by a bunch of facists?

i know this post is 6 years old, but i feel the need, once again, to comment on this type of thing. there are so many abused children that DO NOT go on to be abusers. so we take this horrific case where this woman did not stop the cycle and we use it to stereotype everyone that was abused. do you know how many people were abused in one manner or another as children? there wouldnt be enough people to oversee them for one.

there are many people here that would fall under this category of people to be watched, out of nothing that they themselves have done.

I was abused and broke the cycle. I have the biggest heart and care so much for any human being or animal being hurt in any way. I'm proof that it can be broken.

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