I am having a (Third) glass of wine as I type. My almost-grown kiddo is at her dad's, my DH is already in bed, and I am sitting here, not exactly able to wrap my head around this.
I have been reading here a lot longer than I have been a member. But the sheer callousness of posting fake FB shizz and her blatant "love you forever" crap while we now know her BABY WAS ROTTING IN HIS CRIB AFTER HER AWESOME MAN BEAT HIM TO DEATH is almost more that I can take.
I will say, I am just angry enough (and hello, starting on third glass of wine) that I have started writing letters for FL lawmakers regarding habitual drug and DV offenders being required to have CPS open cases, and another imploring Governor Scott to review and allow more funding to CPS/DFACS, and yet another to the SCSO, asking to whom I can write to make it a law that anyone (friends, family, neighbors) who sit around and do nothing even if they know or suspect a child is at risk, can be charged and sentenced to jail time for child endangerment.
This needs to end now. EVERYONE who knew these two superstars KNEW they were total crap, that he beat his ex wife and his kids, that they already had one dead baby.....for effs sake! DO SOMETHING!
Anyway. I am sickened, I am angry, and I have a keyboard and I will write as many letters as it takes.
I love you Chance. I am sorry you never experienced love in your short life, only abuse and terror. Maybe your legacy will be that other children will be protected in ways you were not.