GUILTY FL - Chance Walsh, 7 wks, North Port, 7 Oct 2015 #2

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The court automatically enters a plea of not guilty on the suspect's behalf until the suspect is formally arraigned. The judge will ask for the defendant's plea at that time (11/20/15).

Ah, ok thank you so much. Makes sense.😀
Jeez she posts a lot. I scrolled and scrolled and scrolled til i got there but i don't see a post?

I feel ya! It's taken an eternity to even get that far through her posts. You may have to switch from "highlights" to "show all" to be able to see all the gems she's posted. She's one of those people who posts MANY times a day. I get sick to my stomach looking at all the crap she posts about a mother's love for her child. Barf.

She is very attention seeking and reading through her posts makes me even more certain that she didn't want the children, but only what the children represented in her mind, which was what her and her man could "create together." I'm skeptical that Duane's death was not caused by their neglect.
I like this one:

"I'm gonna love you til the day I die. And if God or anyone tries to take you away from me, they can try, but it's NEVER gonna happen."'s that working out for you there, Kristen?

I'd love to ask her what she loves about him? I saw one post where she said he pulls her chair out for her and waits on her. OK, what else? Why do you love him so much? What is there to love about a man who beat your (and his) baby to death? What is loveable about that? Because she posted after it happened how she will always love him. I don't get it
I'd love to ask her what she loves about him? I saw one post where she said he pulls her chair out for her and waits on her. OK, what else? Why do you love him so much? What is there to love about a man who beat your (and his) baby to death? What is loveable about that? Because she posted after it happened how she will always love him. I don't get it

I would love to ask her that too! In the past I was always a little puzzled when people talked about being codependent. I would think aren't you supposed to be "head over heels" with the person you are in a relationship? After reading JW Facebook- I totally understand the definition of that word now. Also, did anyone else notice the mood swings from sad about JW to happy as can be in just a matter of a couple hours? I felt bipolar after reading her bull.
I'd love to ask her what she loves about him? I saw one post where she said he pulls her chair out for her and waits on her. OK, what else? Why do you love him so much? What is there to love about a man who beat your (and his) baby to death? What is loveable about that? Because she posted after it happened how she will always love him. I don't get it

Her obsession with this has mystified me from the beginning. In and out of jail, on drugs, woman beater, had 7 children removed from his care, can't keep a job, ugly as sin. I think she's just desperate for a man, any man.

As for still loving him even after he beat her newborn to death? None of us gets it and never will get it. Because we are NORMAL and simply can't wrap our brains around being in the same room with this monster, much less the same bed, after he brutally beat an infant to death. I'm glad I don't understand it because this is literally the stuff of nightmares.

Edited to add: Not to mention she's "gettin' busy" with this vile piece of ***** while her newborn is decomposing in his crib!!! I.can' The poor baby is decomposing in his crib while she's gushing about family vacations and her incredible husband. What the everloving *advertiser censored**?
My best guess is that she's stuck by him simply because they are two peas in a pod. Everyone else likely saw through her bs eventually, and his bs matched hers. Lying, amoral, deviant, horrible people who were made for each other.

Natural Born Killers: The Helpless Infant Edition.

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I'd love to ask her what she loves about him? I saw one post where she said he pulls her chair out for her and waits on her. OK, what else? Why do you love him so much? What is there to love about a man who beat your (and his) baby to death? What is loveable about that? Because she posted after it happened how she will always love him. I don't get it

There was one post that was so pathetic, I might have actually felt sorry for her if I did not know what a monster she is.

She talked about JW taking her out to dinner at Red Lobster, and how he was the first man that had ever taken her to a restaurant for dinner. She just gushed about it. IIRC, sone of her friends posted things like "wow, really? That's sad"
I would love to ask her that too! In the past I was always a little puzzled when people talked about being codependent. I would think aren't you supposed to be "head over heels" with the person you are in a relationship? After reading JW Facebook- I totally understand the definition of that word now. Also, did anyone else notice the mood swings from sad about JW to happy as can be in just a matter of a couple hours? I felt bipolar after reading her bull.

And she is always pissed off at all the h8ters who are just jellus of her awesome life and awesome man.

I suspect she was referring to well-meant advice about not being with JW, not getting another dog she could not take care of, and maybe, just maybe, not having another baby who was bound to die.

If people aren't telling her how beautiful she was and how amazing her life and her choices were, they are haters.

NPD, baby.
So on top of everything else his weight indicates that he may have been starved as well. I wonder what Duanes weight at time of death was? For awhile now on KB Facebook most of the photos in the Chance scrapbook have been locked or removed. (By her or LE?). I'm going to guess the photos were incriminating if she removed them, or evidence if LE removed them. They are blocked on JW page as well. Only the first 3 photos showing.

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There is evidence of abuse and neglect in those photos. So, LE might of taken them down, but I don't know why since they'll be out there soon anyway. I saved them. Also in Chance's early photo there is a photo of him lay down sleep and he looks healthy, but I think he just got home. You know someone said last thead? about babies mimicking the facial expression of parents and others, and all I can see in that poor baby's face is fear and sadness. Can you imagine what he looked at when eh saw his parents?
There is evidence of abuse and neglect in those photos. So, LE might of taken them down, but I don't know why since they'll be out there soon anyway. I saved them. Also in Chance's early photo there is a photo of him lay down sleep and he looks healthy, but I think he just got home. You know someone said last thead? about babies mimicking the facial expression of parents and others, and all I can see in that poor baby's face is fear and sadness. Can you imagine what he looked at when eh saw his parents?
I shudder to think what he saw when he looked up at Mommy and Daddy. He didn't yet have the language to form thoughts of "good", " happy" or "bad". All he had was emotion, and sensation. All of his sensations would have been about comfort, or discomfort. Contentment or pain and suffering. All of his emotions probably were about hunger, fear, and an animal like wariness whenever one of those monsters entered into his awareness. Such a small, focused world for a 2 month old, yet they managed to fill it with unmentionable horrors and fear.

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There is evidence of abuse and neglect in those photos. So, LE might of taken them down, but I don't know why since they'll be out there soon anyway. I saved them. Also in Chance's early photo there is a photo of him lay down sleep and he looks healthy, but I think he just got home. You know someone said last thead? about babies mimicking the facial expression of parents and others, and all I can see in that poor baby's face is fear and sadness. Can you imagine what he looked at when eh saw his parents?

In the photo with his thumb in his mouth, I have always seen a baby who has cried his precious little eyes out (red and slightly swollen upper and lower eyelids), who is hungry, weary and afraid of the person(KB- I assume) who is taking the photo.MOO
I shudder to think what he saw when he looked up at Mommy and Daddy. He didn't yet have the language to form thoughts of "good", " happy" or "bad". All he had was emotion, and sensation. All of his sensations would have been about comfort, or discomfort. Contentment or pain and suffering. All of his emotions probably were about hunger, fear, and an animal like wariness whenever one of those monsters entered into his awareness. Such a small, focused world for a 2 month old, yet they managed to fill it with unmentionable horrors and fear.

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I didn't see your post before submitting mine, you said it better.😀
I didn't see your post before submitting mine, you said it better.😀
I think you expressed his feelings in that picture exactly how I saw it. It's terrible to imagine what this teeny tiny soul had to experience.

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I thought it was very weird that she mentions reading out loud to her husband and how much he enjoys it... the reading aloud was not strange, really, but the choice of books was. They were reading David Pelzer's books and were on the third one. He wrote those books about the boy who suffers horrifying abuse as a child. (A Boy Called It was the first book.) Not exactly what I would think of choosing as a read aloud while snuggled in bed. Very creepy.
In the photo with his thumb in his mouth, I have always seen a baby who has cried his precious little eyes out (red and slightly swollen upper and lower eyelids), who is hungry, weary and afraid of the person(KB- I assume) who is taking the photo.MOO

Yeah, I know, The bruising on his legs are fresh. Something that day happened to him. Does anyone know how old his was in each photo? Maybe he was cleaned up (it looks like he just had a bath, a fresh diaper lying on a white bath towel) after someone put a lot of pressure oh his legs, with enough force to leave bruises, and took a photo to post just how good of a baby he was. Bad move they forgot his legs in that shot. He's seen wearing long sleeves twice, and one of those shows a cut neat his right eye. Looks like a fingernail could of done it, and it's a deep cut, not just a small shallow scratch.
This poor baby would likely have RAD had he lived :( breaks my heart.

I shudder to think what he saw when he looked up at Mommy and Daddy. He didn't yet have the language to form thoughts of "good", " happy" or "bad". All he had was emotion, and sensation. All of his sensations would have been about comfort, or discomfort. Contentment or pain and suffering. All of his emotions probably were about hunger, fear, and an animal like wariness whenever one of those monsters entered into his awareness. Such a small, focused world for a 2 month old, yet they managed to fill it with unmentionable horrors and fear.

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He's turning his little face away like please no.

In the photo with his thumb in his mouth, I have always seen a baby who has cried his precious little eyes out (red and slightly swollen upper and lower eyelids), who is hungry, weary and afraid of the person(KB- I assume) who is taking the photo.MOO
EllieBee noted in a different thread that a missing 8-week old baby in Seattle weighed 14 pounds - twice what Chance weighed at 7 weeks. BTW, that baby has been found (yay!). I continue to wonder about Chance's low weight and am suspicious that his abuse started soon after his birth. :(
I thought it was very weird that she mentions reading out loud to her husband and how much he enjoys it... the reading aloud was not strange, really, but the choice of books was. They were reading David Pelzer's books and were on the third one. He wrote those books about the boy who suffers horrifying abuse as a child. (A Boy Called It was the first book.) Not exactly what I would think of choosing as a read aloud while snuggled in bed. Very creepy.

I actually went and read the first two books when it was first mentioned on this case. The abuse was horrifying. It is so bizarre that they read these books and still did what they did to Chance- just unbelievable. I don't know how to type exactly what I am thinking in a rational manner so I am going to sit on my hands and just lurk for awhile.
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