GUILTY FL - Chance Walsh, 7 wks, North Port, 7 Oct 2015 #2

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"On July 28, the day after Chance was born, the DCF received a tip the boy's mother may be misusing prescription drugs.

“She may be misusing opiates,” states a DCF report. “It is unknown if mom is prescribed anything.”

At the time Chance was reportedly still in a Charlotte County hospital, the report states.

But less than an hour after the tip was filed, it was “screened out” because it did not “rise to the level of reasonable cause to suspect,” the report states."

Less than an hour? Seriously? DCF spent LESS THAN AN HOUR checking into a report that a new mom was a drug addict? I am seriously sitting on my fingers out of respect for TOS.
The sad thing is , I was hoping Chance was just somewhat neglected and he passed away and they hid him. That would have been bad enough , but to read about what was done makes me physically ill !!
What I hope can come out of this case is maybe a law to take blood for a drug test on moms and babies when they are in the hospital having the baby. If either comes up funky , send in a social worker to assess the situation . Maybe baby goes to a foster home for awhile while mom cleans up. If she doesn't , baby doesn't go to her. It's not the best idea , but it's something ! So sorry baby Chance . I cry for you often .
"On July 28, the day after Chance was born, the DCF received a tip the boy's mother may be misusing prescription drugs.

“She may be misusing opiates,” states a DCF report. “It is unknown if mom is prescribed anything.”

At the time Chance was reportedly still in a Charlotte County hospital, the report states.

But less than an hour after the tip was filed, it was “screened out” because it did not “rise to the level of reasonable cause to suspect,” the report states."

Less than an hour? Seriously? DCF spent LESS THAN AN HOUR checking into a report that a new mom was a drug addict? I am seriously sitting on my fingers out of respect for TOS.

I'd like to know exactly how, within an hour of a tip being filed of a new mother abusing opiates the tip could be screened out. Maybe it went like this:

Phone: ring, ring
DCF worker answering: Hello, DCF, how can I help you
Caller: I have reason to believe KB, who just gave birth yesterday, is abusing drugs and her baby may be in danger
DCF worker: I'll check on that, kthnxbye.
DCF worker to KB: KB, are you abusing drugs?
KB: no! I would never! I love my baby because love, because mother of the year, because lie, because lie.
DCF worker: thanks KB, good answer
DCF worker at work station typing typing typing: screened out, no reasonable cause to suspect. Hit enter. Case closed.

Yep, I can see that taking about an hour.

So the brother says JW has been on meds for his "mental illness" since he was a kid. Lovely. They'll probably use that as an excuse.

From this article

"There are many questions for the Department of Children and Families after two Bay area children died. Christopher said Joseph Walsh has always struggled with &#8220;demons&#8221;, and he has been on medication for his mental illness since he was a child.Bury directed detectives to the gravesite, where a fragment of blue surgical gloves was found.
&#8220;Anytime my brother would do cocaine, it would bring out the sickness in him &#8211; make him paranoid&#8221;, Christopher said. He said that he knew Bury would try and point the finger at Walsh when they were arrested October 6, but Christopher said he understands Walsh is just as much in the wrong as Bury.
&#8220;It&#8217;s unsettling, it&#8217;s heartbreaking&#8221;, Christopher said."

I will just say "Consider the source" and then put on mittens before I type my way into a vacation. :banghead:
Thanks for the link! I see a post today saying the mother of Jackson Farrey was sentenced to 35 years. The autopsy on Jackson was inconclusive due to decomp. We may see the same thing happen in Chance's case but at least in his case we have the damning statements from the parents. In Jackson's case the parents basically claimed his death as accidental.

Yea, she finally took a plea after I think 3 trial delays. I think Jenna got lucky Jackson was too decomposed to determine COD. He choked is the consensus which I don't
entirely believe. Jenna was a horrible mum, poor Blake was underweight and his huge belly made him look like he was starving. He is lucky to be alive.

I wish I could have one minute alone with Jenna Farrey, thats all I need. I would not lay one finger on her, as she is not worth the cat sick my kitty just threw up.
I would put the fear of all things precious, living and worthy of justice in her.

Jeffery Farrey will fare a much lighter sentence I do believe.
Check out Jenna's FB, it's still public. She is just a wee bit narcissistic and full of lies, especially about her work outside the home (she did not have a job and never did), the babies did not even have a bed to sleep in. They passed out on the floor while she took selfie after selfie and played photo-shop while her babies starved.

Off topic, sorry I got carried away.

I so hope and pray KB and JW receive much harsher penalties like the DP and we don't see delay after delay.
This is poor Chances only chance for justice, please don't blow it Florida.
Welcome Sweet(Sweat)Pea!! :wagon: I'm glad your here.

I'm loving your siggy. BTW, a mod will be able to help you out with your typo. Just ask.
Welcome Sweet(Sweat)Pea!! :wagon: I'm glad your here.

I'm loving your siggy. BTW, a mod will be able to help you out with your typo. Just ask.

But she'll always be "SweatPea" to me! :lol:
These people are so horrible.:jail::jail::jail: Now I'm reading she has multiple dead children in her wake. Oh but none have been suspicious??? I think it's the point in time now when all have to be investigated. And he's had multiple children removed from his custody.
Too bad. I know people with bipolar, and with depression. They would never, ever do this. Even OFF their meds they wouldn't do this.
I used to work with people with schizophrenia in a residential care setting. Other than a couple who were very poorly medicated for various reasons, I don't think they would do this. They would have been neglectful at their worst, but never deliberately cruel and some of them had some extremely bizarre behaviours. They still weren't evil. They had a disease, and they would not have been able to care for a baby, but they were not evil. (I'm talking about the people I worked with, not these rotters who killed Chance)

No, this guy is just plain evil. He is sane. He made a choice. Doing illegal drugs rather than taking your meds is a CHOICE.

You hit the nail. Right on the head. Soooo right.
BTW, I'm glad to know there are others out there who also can't turn away from these horrific, stomach-turning cases with little victims. When I first read about Baby Brianna, I was so sick to my stomach. I was asked, "well, why did you read it? It's so horrible" So I had to wonder. Finally, I figured out that I feel like someone has to hear their stories - because their voices weren't heard in life. I realized that I feel like someone has to care - because they were neglected and abused in life. I realized that I can't stop looking, despite my queasy stomach, because the little victims had gotten a foothold in my heart and I couldn't just turn it off. I am a mom, and when I look at pictures, or read the stories, I associate the poor kids with my own children. I'm not a perfect mom. I've been too soft, I've been too hard, I've spoiled them, I've been impatient and yelled. I've made mistakes. But they are alive and well and safe and LOVED.... Fed and cuddled and nagged about schoolwork and grounded and celebrated on their birthdays. I would die for my kids without hesitation. When I see victims like Chance, my heart breaks knowing what they went through. Any kid - infants to teens - when I read their stories, they set up camp in my heart and mind. I'm glad to know a) I'm not nuts (or if I am, I'm in good company with others who fall in love with kids they never met) and b) if only once it hits the news, these poor kiddos are loved, obsessed over, and prayed for. Anyway, had to get that out. I fell asleep and woke up with little Chance on my mind. Happy Friday everyone (-:
Welcome Sweet(Sweat)Pea!! :wagon: I'm glad your here.

I'm loving your siggy. BTW, a mod will be able to help you out with your typo. Just ask.

Lol, I cannot see siggies with how I have it programmed to view so I had to go look to see what y'all were talking about. Funny that I always "read" it as SweetPea and didn't even catch that it was SweatPea lol. Shows I'm no sleuther :blush:
This is heartbreaking. I don't think I will ever forget Chance's precious face. Why the heck didn't CPS call the hospital to give them this information they received. If they hadn't tested Chance they could have. They can and do drug test moms and newborns if they have suspicions at birth. All CPS had to do was pick up the phone and make a "collateral contact" with the hospital social worker and they could take it from there. Maybe they did do this, but i don't see it documented.

I am too heartbroken to write anything else right now, this is really really horrible
BTW, I'm glad to know there are others out there who also can't turn away from these horrific, stomach-turning cases with little victims. When I first read about Baby Brianna, I was so sick to my stomach. I was asked, "well, why did you read it? It's so horrible" So I had to wonder. Finally, I figured out that I feel like someone has to hear their stories - because their voices weren't heard in life. I realized that I feel like someone has to care - because they were neglected and abused in life. I realized that I can't stop looking, despite my queasy stomach, because the little victims had gotten a foothold in my heart and I couldn't just turn it off. I am a mom, and when I look at pictures, or read the stories, I associate the poor kids with my own children. I'm not a perfect mom. I've been too soft, I've been too hard, I've spoiled them, I've been impatient and yelled. I've made mistakes. But they are alive and well and safe and LOVED.... Fed and cuddled and nagged about schoolwork and grounded and celebrated on their birthdays. I would die for my kids without hesitation. When I see victims like Chance, my heart breaks knowing what they went through. Any kid - infants to teens - when I read their stories, they set up camp in my heart and mind. I'm glad to know a) I'm not nuts (or if I am, I'm in good company with others who fall in love with kids they never met) and b) if only once it hits the news, these poor kiddos are loved, obsessed over, and prayed for. Anyway, had to get that out. I fell asleep and woke up with little Chance on my mind. Happy Friday everyone (-:

Well said. And if you're nuts for caring so much, you have heaps of company here, that's for sure.
BTW, I'm glad to know there are others out there who also can't turn away from these horrific, stomach-turning cases with little victims. When I first read about Baby Brianna, I was so sick to my stomach. I was asked, "well, why did you read it? It's so horrible" So I had to wonder. Finally, I figured out that I feel like someone has to hear their stories - because their voices weren't heard in life. I realized that I feel like someone has to care - because they were neglected and abused in life. I realized that I can't stop looking, despite my queasy stomach, because the little victims had gotten a foothold in my heart and I couldn't just turn it off. I am a mom, and when I look at pictures, or read the stories, I associate the poor kids with my own children. I'm not a perfect mom. I've been too soft, I've been too hard, I've spoiled them, I've been impatient and yelled. I've made mistakes. But they are alive and well and safe and LOVED.... Fed and cuddled and nagged about schoolwork and grounded and celebrated on their birthdays. I would die for my kids without hesitation. When I see victims like Chance, my heart breaks knowing what they went through. Any kid - infants to teens - when I read their stories, they set up camp in my heart and mind. I'm glad to know a) I'm not nuts (or if I am, I'm in good company with others who fall in love with kids they never met) and b) if only once it hits the news, these poor kiddos are loved, obsessed over, and prayed for. Anyway, had to get that out. I fell asleep and woke up with little Chance on my mind. Happy Friday everyone (-:

Just wanted to say :welcome: and tell you you have come to the right place.

Despite the horrors and the heartbreaks, many members continue to follow these cases for just the reason I bolded. We are compelled to witness on behalf of these babies. We feel bound to recognize, they were here, they should have been loved, adored and were not. Instead they suffered. Usually behind closed doors with no one to hear their screams.

And so we witness for them, after the fact. Because someone has to hear their stories. Glad you joined us.
Too bad. I know people with bipolar, and with depression. They would never, ever do this. Even OFF their meds they wouldn't do this.
I used to work with people with schizophrenia in a residential care setting. Other than a couple who were very poorly medicated for various reasons, I don't think they would do this. They would have been neglectful at their worst, but never deliberately cruel and some of them had some extremely bizarre behaviours. They still weren't evil. They had a disease, and they would not have been able to care for a baby, but they were not evil. (I'm talking about the people I worked with, not these rotters who killed Chance)

No, this guy is just plain evil. He is sane. He made a choice. Doing illegal drugs rather than taking your meds is a CHOICE.

Again, well said. I worked in the mental health field for 22 years (I work in a morgue now) and in those 22 years I worked with thousands of mental health patients. In-patient, out-patient, substance abuse, you name it. And in those 22 years I only worked with a handful of patients who were ever violent towards others. Mental illness does NOT equal violence. I've spent years educating people that those with mental illness are NOT generally violent towards anyone, and should not be feared, but cared for.

Violent criminals are not generally mentally ill. They are antisocial, have an extreme lack of empathy, and use violence to get their needs met. They are wholly different animals than those with mental illness.
[FONT=Open Sans, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]If a person binges - meaning he uses a large quantity of cocaine continuously over a short period of time - he is at enormous risk for damaging mental effects. Bingeing is associated with irritability, restlessness and paranoia. [/FONT]

[FONT=Open Sans, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]Paranioa is a common side effect of prolonged use or heavy binge use. Whether JW has mental health issues or not - paranoia is a common effect of the drug on users. Not putting much stock in JW being mentally ill. Also prolonged use of cocaine can cause or exacerbate mental health issues. And people with existing issues will self medicate. very common. So a chicken/egg argument in my mind.

I don't believe it will matter in the prosecution of JW at the end of the day. He is not mentally ill. At least not ill enough to float the legal insanity defense.

I agree, and IMO that they can't use "mental illness" for this cruel and depraved act to a 9 week old infant. What they did is pure evil, and nothing would convince me otherwise.

He was seven weeks when he died. Nine weeks was when they started looking for him.

My daughter is bipolar and had an episode of psychosis when her doctor tried her Lexapro. Before she moved back home, in one of her lucid moments, she broke all the windows out of her room, screaming on night that the neighbors were talking about her, but I couldn't hear them because they were whispering. She'd go off and come back hours later, without her car (she'd walked over five miles back home in high heels. Her feet were tore up) saying a woman was following her, but would also be in front of her laughing, and that when she walked into a Walgreens the woman was inside. She opened the fridge once and started pouring things on the floor, She was agitated one night , and I was trying to get her calmed down and she rared back with her fist to hit me and I swear to God and on a stack of Bibles that our Quaker Parakeet said her name, and it stopped her. He'd never said it before or anything that clearly heard other than french fries, and calling dh an *advertiser censored****** and m******advertiser censored****. We had found him in our backyard years before and think someone with glasses and a moustache was his old owner and threw him out the door. Anyway it took over six months before she was almost back to normal. She said it was like something broke in her brain and she was not "normal" anymore.

I'm sure the "I was not taking my meds will be thrown out there to see if it floats. Some will want answers more than that wasn't me that was the drugs.
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