GUILTY FL - David James, 41, slain in dispute, "Stand Your Ground", Valrico, 25 Sept 2010 *probation*

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I'm posting this story because police say no charges will be filed. Where is the justice?

"VALRICO — David James was enjoying an afternoon game of basketball Sunday with his 8-year-old daughter when he was shot and killed in front of her by a neighbor trying to chase away skateboarders, said friends and authorities.
Neighbors say James, 41, was defending the skateboarders, telling a man who lives across the street there was no sign to prohibit them from skateboarding on the courts.
"I see a sign," the assailant replied as he pulled a gun, neighbors said."
It completely escapes me why this man hasn't been charged. This seems pretty straight-forward to me. The man is a lunatic and pulled a gun over skateboarders and then shot a man to death. Where is the confusion here?
What a horrible situation. My condolences to the family, especially the 8yo daughter.

It seems they released the shooter, but, IMHO, just because it was Sunday. They'll probably be talking to the DA today.

I would think either manslaughter or negligentable (?) homocide.

What the heck was he doing with a gun in the first place?

IMHO, even if the gun accidentally went off when the two people were struggling over it, I wouldn't think that would matter. He shouldn't have had a gun there in the first place. The victim was well within the RIGHT trying to take it away from him, IMHO. I would THINK, there is NO WAY the shooter can claim self-defense. He should NOT have had a gun there, period!

Seems that guy, the shooter, has a bad disposition and a bad temper. There most likely will be plenty of witnesses from that neighborhood who would be willing to testify the guy was a menace.

This nut was a ticking time bomb. Thankfully there have been no children shot. I am so sorry for the daughter.

The suspect, though, had a reputation for nagging neighbors about loose dogs, and yelling and swearing at the skateboarders who like to set up ramps and rails on the community basketball court to practice their moves.
"I'm not surprised it fell out the way it did," Garrett James said.
His stepfather, who retired two years ago after serving 20 years in the Air Force, was the type of man who would stand up for people he thought were being treated unfairly, he said.
"He was a really good man," he said. "If he hadn't been there, you'd probably have two teenage kids dead instead of my dad."
What really irks me is these kids were staying out of trouble doing their skateboards. Would the man rather that they had been running wild breaking into houses in the neighborhood? Jeesh.
I am hoping I read the article correctly--that no charges would be filed Sunday, and NOT that no charges will be filed at all.

How sad for this man and his family, especially his daughter.
Apparently they said the man who shot the victim was a retired police officer. Which might explain why he was released after being questioned?
So an ex police officer, brandishing a weapon, discharges said weapon, kills a man in front of his 8 year old daughter, but is RELEASED after questioning.


"I see a sign," the assailant replied as he pulled a gun, neighbors said.

IMHO this guy is SICK!


A key witness in the case is likely to be 8-year-old Danielle, who used her father's cell phone to call her mother after the shooting, said the victim's 17-year-old stepson, Garrett.

"At first she wasn't too bad," Garrett said. But she broke down after being questioned by investigators.

"She's taking it worse than anybody," the younger James said.

Poor little one! Prayers for this family and a child who will have to deal with this her entire life!
Apparently they said the man who shot the victim was a retired police officer. Which might explain why he was released after being questioned?

Retired police officers do not get the right to intimidate children with weapons because they used to be police offices. If they dont file charges on this bully controlling butthead they should protest the DA's office.
A day later on Monday evening the wife of David James, Kanina James, released the following statement:

"It's a senseless act that didn't need to happen. The man knew what he was doing and we want the man arrested. DJ was a good man and loving towards his family. He spent 20 years in the military in both Desert Storm and the Gulf War and Danielle lost her best friend and she says she will miss him very much especially the motorcycle rides."

A man and woman walking out of the home neighbors say belongs to the shooter refused to answer our questions and drove away from the home without saying a word.

Neighbors identify the man in the home as 69-year-old Trevor Dooley.
Omg, this guy is a school bus driver!!!

"We haven't named him yet as a suspect. I'm not going to say he's not," said sheriff's Col. Albert Frost. "We have various witnesses and various conflicting statements at this point to start with. Obviously, that doesn't help us. We're trying to sort out the facts and trying to determine what really happened."
So Dooley went back to work Monday morning, driving a school bus loaded with kids.
Hillsborough schools spokeswoman Linda Cobbe said the Sheriff's Office did not notify the school district of Dooley's involvement in the shooting.
Omg, this guy is a school bus driver!!!

"We haven't named him yet as a suspect. I'm not going to say he's not," said sheriff's Col. Albert Frost. "We have various witnesses and various conflicting statements at this point to start with. Obviously, that doesn't help us. We're trying to sort out the facts and trying to determine what really happened."
So Dooley went back to work Monday morning, driving a school bus loaded with kids.
Hillsborough schools spokeswoman Linda Cobbe said the Sheriff's Office did not notify the school district of Dooley's involvement in the shooting.

:eek: :eek: No way in HE!! my kiddos would be on that bus!
Lovejac, I'm with you. I think it's odd that for one Mr Dooley went to work mere hours after killing someone and being interrogated by LE. Two, he didn't mention a thing to his employers. Is that because he never thought they would find out, or he doesn't care if they do? Holy Cow, those two things speak loudly to me about what kind of person Mr Dooley is. ONE COLD BlOODED You know what

I wonder what the kids on his bus have to say about his personality?

I definitely get a Dennis Rader feel about this guy. Wouldn't surprise me if we hear he measured his neighbors lawn with a ruler. Can you imagine him on the board of an HOA?
:eek: :eek: No way in HE!! my kiddos would be on that bus!

So this man pulls a gun because kids were skateboarding on a tennis court. This is how he settles his problems, by drawing a gun? And he is responsible for the safety and well being of the kids on his bus every day?

:rotfl: THUD! I am astounded that the parents of these bused children aren't lining up to complain to the school board. I would never trust this man with the safety of my child.
The US has crazy gun laws. I'm pretty glad I don't live there.
Omg, this guy is a school bus driver!!!

"We haven't named him yet as a suspect. I'm not going to say he's not," said sheriff's Col. Albert Frost. "We have various witnesses and various conflicting statements at this point to start with. Obviously, that doesn't help us. We're trying to sort out the facts and trying to determine what really happened."
So Dooley went back to work Monday morning, driving a school bus loaded with kids.
Hillsborough schools spokeswoman Linda Cobbe said the Sheriff's Office did not notify the school district of Dooley's involvement in the shooting.

OH MY FRIPPEN GOODNESS SAKE!!! This is disgusting! Who in the heck is this guy? Is he retired LE? Or just have friends in all the right places? They won't even keep him away from children? I hope there is a 180 in this case, pronto!
The US has crazy gun laws. I'm pretty glad I don't live there.

no matter where you live, dear, if a nutter is gonna cause trouble then s/he is gonna cause trouble.

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