Found Deceased FL - Madeline Soto, 13, Missing Child Alert, 13500 blk Town Loop Blvd, Orlando, 26 Feb 2024 *arrest* #12

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And those guys are as cool cucumbers just watching her get more nervous and slip up. I suppose she thinks cursing will convince them at how exasperated she is over thing whole thing. IMO

Thank you for helping me put my finger on something that has been nagging at me: She doesn't curse consistently.

I have a prolific potty mouth that I let fly only around people that I know for sure will not be offended by it. Not at work of course or a number of other situations.

While there are some people who curse left and right no matter the audience, she is not one of those. Weirdly, whenever she uses profanity, it strikes me as offensive despite my own unapologetic use of it.

I just now realized that's because it comes across as phony--as you said, it's an act trying to convince the cops of her sincerity and her anger at SS.

Neither of which exists, IMO.
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I thought the missing hard drive was in the Stern's home. Mom let him in??
The detective Said ," there's the thumb drive you gave us" ( which contained the 30,000 photos) "but the desktop you gave us had no hard drive in it" , Law enforcement told CS that the desktop he said he saw SS use that Sunday, had no hard drive in it and the hard drive that CS gave them from the storage unit was not the hard drive from that desktop either and it hadn't been used since around 2020. ( LE did forensics on it and could tell) "CS is surprised and doesnt know what happened to the hard drive that belongs to that desktop and says " he must have just destroyed the thing " and "too bad he wasnt smart enough about the phone".
There's more thats said, but that is the general drift.

* I would post a clip but I can only find a source with too much commentary and I know how everyone in here loves that. It's in the interview where Chris sterns goes to the police station in Kissimmee and it takes place in the lobby in July I believe . Its bout 30 min into the interview.
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I had the opposite thought after watching one of the interviews. I assumed she would definitely be drugged up because of all the talk of anxiety, but she came off completely coherent to me.
I just listened to the fed 28 interview again, and she seemed upbeat. AND sounded exactly like Casey Anthony to me. Sing song narrative.
I have bipolar 2. I can only speak to my experience. I do take my meds at night - only because otherwise I forget in the morning rush to get kids to school.

I have bp2 so I can comment to my own experience. I do take my meds at night - only because I am more likely to forget them in the morning rush to get the kids out the door. That piece did not surprise me at all. That said, the meds are not at all sedative. It’s a mood stabilizer that keeps mood in smaller boundaries than they would be on their own. bP2 is more likely to cause depression, with bouts of hypomania - very different from BP1 and mania. Hypomania can look like excessive shopping, drinking or drug use, hypersexuality, sleeplessness etc. Bad decisions but not losing touch with reality. I ALSO have situational anxiety so she may also have an anxiety diagnosis separate from the BP2. They aren’t the same. Those meds ARE usually sedative. That said they are supposed to bring an anxious person down to a typical person, not knock them out. Finally, if I miss a dose I would definitely NOT feel weird the next day. It takes time for the meds to leave the system. I am super protective of sleep though bc it’s my number one trigger. Meaning if I don’t get sleep I notice symptoms of BP2 more quickly than with any other outside catalyst. Despite
Of all of this - there is NOTHING about bp2 that would cause the extreme lack of judgment, callousness, selfishness, blunt affect, and negligence of sending your child to sleep with a man who isn’t even a relative for YEARS. That is a personality disorder and that interview confirmed it for me. I have decades of experience in mental health - my own and others- and it would shock me if she wouldn’t be diagnosed with a cluster b disorder quite easily.
Thank you so much for explaining. Thats good info to know.
jackpot. IMO
and was there something wrong with the security system that night? not turned on?

Not sure how to bring forward this post, but here are the details with linked pages and quotes about the issues and why he couldn't get in that night

Post in thread 'FL - Madeline Soto, 13, Missing Child Alert, 13500 blk Town Loop Blvd, Orlando, 26 Feb 2024 *arrest* #11' Found Deceased - FL - Madeline Soto, 13, Missing Child Alert, 13500 blk Town Loop Blvd, Orlando, 26 Feb 2024 *arrest* #11
I have bipolar 2. I can only speak to my experience. I do take my meds at night - only because otherwise I forget in the morning rush to get kids to school.

I have bp2 so I can comment to my own experience. I do take my meds at night - only because I am more likely to forget them in the morning rush to get the kids out the door. That piece did not surprise me at all. That said, the meds are not at all sedative. It’s a mood stabilizer that keeps mood in smaller boundaries than they would be on their own. bP2 is more likely to cause depression, with bouts of hypomania - very different from BP1 and mania. Hypomania can look like excessive shopping, drinking or drug use, hypersexuality, sleeplessness etc. Bad decisions but not losing touch with reality. I ALSO have situational anxiety so she may also have an anxiety diagnosis separate from the BP2. They aren’t the same. Those meds ARE usually sedative. That said they are supposed to bring an anxious person down to a typical person, not knock them out. Finally, if I miss a dose I would definitely NOT feel weird the next day. It takes time for the meds to leave the system. I am super protective of sleep though bc it’s my number one trigger. Meaning if I don’t get sleep I notice symptoms of BP2 more quickly than with any other outside catalyst. Despite
Of all of this - there is NOTHING about bp2 that would cause the extreme lack of judgment, callousness, selfishness, blunt affect, and negligence of sending your child to sleep with a man who isn’t even a relative for YEARS. That is a personality disorder and that interview confirmed it for me. I have decades of experience in mental health - my own and others- and it would shock me if she wouldn’t be diagnosed with a cluster b disorder quite easily.
Thank you, very insightful!
The detective Said ," there's the thumb drive you gave us" ( which contained the 30,000 photos) "but the desktop you gave us had no hard drive in it" , Law enforcement told CS that the desktop he said he saw SS use that Sunday, had no hard drive in it and the hard drive that CS gave them from the storage unit was not the hard drive from that desktop either and it hadn't been used since around 2020. ( LE did forensics on it and could tell) "CS is surprised and doesnt know what happened to the hard drive that belongs to that desktop and says " he must have just destroyed the thing " and "too bad he wasnt smart enough about the phone".
There's more thats said, but that is the general drift.

* I would post a clip but I can only find a source with too much commentary and I know how everyone in here loves that. It's in the interview where Chris sterns goes to the police station in Kissimmee and it takes place in the lobby in July I believe . Its bout 30 min into the interview.
There is something about the father's desire to be involved in his son's situation that has rubbed me the wrong way. He is too involved, too well-spoken, too ... something, that I can't quite put my finger on. To me, it's as though he's trying to get ahead of everybody by being the guy in the know. I believe it may be the same interview you've spoken of, where at the very end, as he was leaving, he made a compliment to the detective for being the person to have to look at so many photos of SA which seemed inappropriate. The comment seemed like he was envious of the cop getting to see the pics. Strange. MOO.
In her interview at point 35:28 she describes knowing he lied to his parents, saying she should have thought he lied to her as well, how he lied to his parents and showed her his lies to his parents and she knew he stole from his parents. I think she knew he lied and didn't trust him but has some unknown reason to vouch for him yet deflect her own blame all in the same breath. It's disturbing. She knew he stole from his parents and I agree, she probably didn't tell ss' dad until he got her a hotel room?
IMO, a “hyper-vigilant” person, as JS claims to be, wouldn’t let someone close to them, their family, homes or kids if they knew an individual lied to their own parents and also stole from them. It would be very difficult to trust them, let alone want them near the people and things you cherish the most or consider the most precious to you.

Also I wonder what more LE was able to uncover about the Saturday before Maddie’s party. IIRC, she was really upset about the prospect of going back home to JS’ that day and she spent time with her beloved grandfather who comforted her and took her out to eat. Now DS is saying that Maddie also called SS that day to confirm he was coming to her party? And then after the call his parents reported his behavior became odd and somewhat anxiety-prone? It sounds like, MOO, there was some type of turmoil that was particularly triggered on that day and perhaps played a role in the events leading up to Maddie’s horrific murder.

Also, did Maddie really call to confirm that he was coming to her party? It just seems that by thus point in time it is very clear that JS’ family does not like him and he wouldn’t have been invited. It was also my impression from JS’ initial interviews that the plan was for him to meet Maddie at her house, not at the party. Wouldn’t they have already told Maddie that ahead of time?
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There is something about the father's desire to be involved in his son's situation that has rubbed me the wrong way. He is too involved, too well-spoken, too ... something, that I can't quite put my finger on. To me, it's as though he's trying to get ahead of everybody by being the guy in the know. I believe it may be the same interview you've spoken of, where at the very end, as he was leaving, he made a compliment to the detective for being the person to have to look at so many photos of SA which seemed inappropriate. The comment seemed like he was envious of the cop getting to see the pics. Strange. MOO.
CS spoke at length about trying to teach SS from a young age that if you have done something wrong you own it and "get out ahead of it" (his exact words. So I believe in this circumstance that is his philosophy at play in his own wish to get out ahead of whatever may be coming down the pike for his son and for his own household. It can't be a comfortable position to be in their (CS DS) position as this all plays out. Their son is a monster, they themselves are now under a microscope.

I did find those closing statements about the images odd after his taking the trouble to reframe his own previous statement that indicated he himself had seen an image. He then backtracked and said he had had it described to him by JS and it was now "burned in his mind" as if he himself had seen the shocking image.
DS: he did tell us that he put her, you know, she went to bed and when he went out to walk around and blow off some steam he came back to check on her and she was cold. he said he discovered her.
How long did he go on a walk for?

A person’s body does not immediately turn cold upon death. Unless he went on a 8-12 hour hike, it is unlikely he went for a walk to cool off and came home not to find her still somewhat to the touch. Also, do you just give up upon finding someone you considered your child cold or not breathing? Don’t most people call 911 or try CPR, rescue breathing or even a sternal rub? Wouldn’t you scream in disbelief because someone you loved died or at least wake up the other occupants of the house and beg for help hoping upon hope someone could save her or even better stir her back to consciousness and show that she was still alive and just fine?

There is something about the father's desire to be involved in his son's situation that has rubbed me the wrong way. He is too involved, too well-spoken, too ... something, that I can't quite put my finger on. To me, it's as though he's trying to get ahead of everybody by being the guy in the know. I believe it may be the same interview you've spoken of, where at the very end, as he was leaving, he made a compliment to the detective for being the person to have to look at so many photos of SA which seemed inappropriate. The comment seemed like he was envious of the cop getting to see the pics. Strange. MOO.
well the hard drive from the Desk top that CS said he saw SS use on Sunday morning is gone. So if SS could not get in the house ( according to the parents) where did it go.?
Maddis murder doesnt look premeditated , so it's doubtful SS took it before he went to Kissimmee.

Maybe this is what you sense :
Closer to the beginning of the interview C.S. asked did you confirm that SS got into the storage unit... cop: said NO.( basically answers there was something unreliable about the info)
then. later on , CS asks ; "so how would he have got it in there ?" ( the storage unit).
No-one said he got in the storage unit, but the question is framed as though he did. and further when would SS have taken it out of there but didnt get in the house?? its a little scattered.
I dont know what to think, because I find with all of them ( mostly jenn snd Stephan) that there are so many little contradictions, but also explanations, and alternative answers its hard to know whats real.
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How long did he go on a walk for?

A person’s body does not immediately turn cold upon death. Unless he went on a 8-12 hour hike, it is unlikely he went for a walk to cool off and came home not to find her still somewhat to the touch. Also, do you just give up upon finding someone you considered your child cold or not breathing? Don’t most people call 911 or try CPR, rescue breathing or even a sternal rub? Wouldn’t you scream in disbelief because someone you loved died or at least wake up the other occupants of the house and beg for help hoping upon hope someone could save her or even better stir her back to consciousness and show that she was still alive and just fine?

I guess SS wasn't anticipating that Law enforcement could track their steps through their health app or their Fitbit.
maybe SS did tell them that it happened that way, but thats the thing about lying, these days why bother? someone always knows more.
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I agree. It's rancid, all of it.

I don't care how much one trusts a person, some things are full stops.

JS seems to think that since she didn't allow it often, it was reasonable.

The only adult in that household was MS. And she was robbed of the right to reach it in full.

Rancid is an excellent word. Yup. It was rancid.
I guess they weren't anticipating that Law enforcement could track their steps through their health app or their Fitbit.
maybe SS did tell them that it happened that way , but thats the thing about lying, these days why bother? someone always knows more.
yeah, for an alleged (per CS) genius none of his actions exhibit an even average IQ let alone extreme intelligence.
yeah, for an alleged (per CS) genius none of his actions exhibit an even average IQ let alone extreme intelligence.
He's just misunderstood. His career, thwarted by managers who haven't been able to grasp his perfection and genius.

Mom does his homework, dad finds him jobs, but I think he really rather prefers creating and maintaining CSAM. Misunderstood?

I understand perfectly.

Lazy and demented.

well the hard drive from the Desk top that CS said he saw SS use on Sunday morning is gone. So if SS could not get in the house ( according to the parents) where did it go.?
Maddis murder doesnt look premeditated , so it's doubtful SS took it before he went to Kissimmee.

Maybe this is what you sense :
Closer to the beginning of the interview C.S. asked did you confirm that SS got into the storage unit... cop: said NO.( basically answers there was something unreliable about the info)
then. later on , CS asks ; "so how would he have got it in there ?" ( the storage unit).
No-one said he got in the storage unit, but the question is framed as though he did)
I dont know what to think, because I find with all of them ( mostly jenn snd Stephan) that there are so many little contradictions, but also explanations, and alternative answers its hard to know whats real.
I wonder if what was on the missing hard drive implicates anyone else.
yeah, for an alleged (per CS) genius none of his actions exhibit an even average IQ let alone extreme intelligence.
How does one create a mankind? Support him, give him a car, make sure he can sleep all day in your home and let him play his online games when he does wake up. Never make him be accountable for his actions.

Tell him he is a creative genius for painting toys, high IQ, etc.

No rules no boundaries.

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