FL - Man attacks 9 yo girl in Best Buy Restroom

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He didn't even know the child!

JSO: St. Johns County man facing attempted murder charge after attacking child in Best Buy restroom..


A St. Johns county man was arrested for attempted murder after he attacked a 9-year-old girl in a Best Buy restroom Friday, according to the Jacksonville Sheriff's Office.JSO officers responded to a battery at the Best Buy store near the Avenues Mall around 5:30 p.m. Friday.

Melissa Bujeda with JSO said a woman was standing outside the women's bathroom when she heard crying and screaming coming from inside. When the woman asked if they needed help, she just heard mumbling. The woman then asked for Best Buy employees to help. Bujeda said an employee looked under the handicapped stall and saw a man holding the girl's head inside the toilet.

I hate to be the one to ask such an obvious question, but really, where in the hell was the parent/guardian of this young girl that she was accompanying to this Best Buy?

I know people are saying well, she was old enough to go to the bathroom on her own..fine, tho I disagree to a degree in that I would have still been monitoring my child at that age very closely(as in right outside/in view of the public restroom).. but even more concerning is the fact that all of the local media are reporting that the situation WAS NOT THAT THIS 9YO WAS UNATTENDED IN THE BATHROOM AND ATTACKED..

MUCH DIFFERENT is it that this 9year old girl was "lured" by this very large man to the bathroom of The Best Buy and then once inside the bathroom he then began to physically beat her inside the handicapped bathroom stall.. punching and kicking her to such a degree that the witnesses say the inside of the stall was covered in blood..after beating this young girl he then placed the plastic bag over her head, and forced her head into the toilet..

After hearing the muffled screams and moans the woman outside the bathroom(along with others) enters the woman's public bathroom, peers under the handicapped stall where they see this large grown man have a small child's head forced into the toilet.. He suddenly realizes he's been spotted and immediately let's his grip loosen on the girl..she immediately escapes by crawling out of the handicapped stall into the stall immediately adjacent and is helped by the witnesses in the bathroom..

The large man is thankfully detained by these adults who chose to get involved, rather than just look away and/or ignore an uncomfortable situation(as sadly many people do in this day and time)..

So, again please someone tell me where is the adult(s) who were in charge of/accompanying this young 9yo girl in this Best Buy?.. I mean she was not there all by her lonesome, IMO...so, who and where were the adults that this young child was with Friday evening??

all jmo and yes, this is very disturbing but, I can say that I am atleast thrilled to see and know that there are still people that are willing to get involved rather than just look the other way as so many people are at fault for doing these days.. Had no one been willing to get involved obviously this little girl would have been dead within literal minutes, if not seconds of time.. Thank God for that woman, especially!

All jmo.
JACKSONVILLE, Fla. -- Police say quick action by a witness and employees at the Best Buy on 9930 Southside Boulevard probably saved a young girl's life. James Patrick Tadros is accused of luring the girl into a bathroom and attacking her.

Melissa Bujeda with the Jacksonville Sheriff's Office says officers were called to the Best Buy just before 5:30 p.m. Friday after getting a report of a battery on a juvenile.

Police say a woman was standing outside the store's restrooms and heard someone screaming and crying from inside. She entered the women's restroom and heard mumbling from inside one of the stalls, according to police. The witness then called store employees who came to help...


I don't even have words?!!!!
Sooo very glad the store employees and witnesses acted swiftly to come to this poor little girl's rescue and detain this perp.

Interestingly, the perp destroyed the interview room while LE questioned him.

I wonder what his rap sheet looks like?
The girl told LE that she did not know him and the surveillance supposedly shows him luring her into the restroom. Why in the world did he target her to torture her this way?
Neighbor of suspect: Nothing like that had happened before

His [Tadros's] name did not come up in past jail logs for Duval County or St. Johns County, and he did not show up in state or federal prison logs.

Commander Chuck Mulligan of the St. Johns County Sheriff’s Office said the department was familiar with Tadros and his home in St. Johns on Hideaway Drive North. He said the department would work Monday on providing a list of police calls to the home.
Tadros did have a driver’s license, issued in March of this year, and he had registered to vote in 2008.

From other parts of the article, and from the comments, it sounds like Tadros may have a developmental / mental disorder of some sort. Not saying that excuses any behavior, just trying to find some insight on the perpetrator.

Also some similar comments on the Jacksonville Sheriff's Office Facebook page in their update naming the suspect.
This is one of the more disturbing stories I've read. I really have no words.
9 year old victim home from hospital faces long recovery.

This poor, poor child.

Mom told a victims advocate she allowed her daughter to use the restroom while she was in the checkout line. Tadros was in the bathroom. The true hero they said was the customer who was vigilant enough to pay heed to the noise and scream of this little girl.


There are raging, out of their minds, nasty, evil people out there. It's so sad your child could be murdered while you're in the checkout line.
Mainstream local media confirms "undisclosed mental illness"

Action News has learned the attacker suffers from an undisclosed mental illness and is now in isolation.

"If there's any kind of symptoms of any kind of violent behavior, there's usually a long history of sort of minor offenses before something as brutal as an attack on a little girl," said Denise Marzullo, president of Mental Health America of Northeast Florida.

But that's not the case with Tadros. Action News' Ryan Smith discovered he has no previous criminal history in Jacksonville or St. Johns County.

Also http://www.news4jax.com/news/girl-r...ttack/-/475880/21655556/-/stk4gz/-/index.html
Tadros is listed by the court as developmentally disabled and was under the care of his mother. At age 18, the state no longer required court ordered guardianship.
mental illness or not, he needs to have a good beating.
Ok I think I've heard enough --

I've heard too many stories in the last handful of years about children being attacked in public restrooms.

I thought I was being a "good mom" by sending my 7 yr old and 9 yr old girls together if one of them had to go while out shopping -- sometimes I even sent my 4 yr old boy with them! (This would be in a stand alone store, not a mall where they have to walk a long distance -- we're talking WalMart, Kroger, etc).

Maybe I don't need to worry so much if there is strength in numbers, but I've heard enough -- I will be standing IN the restroom if it has multiple stalls, or right outside for the single restrooms.
If he was waiting in the bathroom he could have attacked whoever came in, and truthfully even if the mom was in there he may have been able to cause some harm (not to the extent he did)....initially the stories said he had lured her in.

I have let my daughter go to the restroom where I can see the door, we always talk about being aware of who is in a hallway and looking for feet if there are under stalls, and to come back to me if there is anyone else is the restroom. Man, this is a horrible story.
Judge ruled arrest report cannot be suppressed by the government, though the local news has released little detail from the report.


"I put the cell phone in the bathroom and asked the girl to get it for me," Tadros told detectives.

Channel 4 crimes analyst Ken Jefferson says that ploy -- asking the girl to retrieve his phone -- is something to learn from. He says even adults could fall for that line.

The girl's fight was more than the perpetrator expected, and the struggle is what drew the attention of the people who saved her.
How shocking!!! thank god for the wonderful lady who heard her, I don't want to imagine what would happen if no one heard her :(
Neighbor of suspect: Nothing like that had happened before

From other parts of the article, and from the comments, it sounds like Tadros may have a developmental / mental disorder of some sort. Not saying that excuses any behavior, just trying to find some insight on the perpetrator.

Also some similar comments on the Jacksonville Sheriff's Office Facebook page in their update naming the suspect.

Yeah, 29 years old and always quiet and polite. I have to wonder if he was was schizophrenic and dillusional when this happened (I.e. thought the girl was the devil or some such thing). Maybe drugs?

Sadly (and I am not the bleeding heart type) those with severe mental illness get funneled in and out of the prison system and when they get out they go off meds and do it again. Sounds like this guy has a good and caring family but something surely went wrong with him that day.

Neighborhood and house he lived in looks very very nice.
And on a more upbeat note on this story, the victim was given a bravery award earlier this month:

A 9-year-old girl was the first child recipient of the Justice Coalition's award for Outstanding Bravery and Courage after she took steps to save her own life during a brutal attack at a Southside Best Buy in August.
(from http://www.actionnewsjax.com/conten...d-for-her-bravery/LH1fnJDMaU-6meP_1hjoPg.cspx)

Please note, her real name is NOT "Ella". The video at this clip is a sweet one, too. Her thank you is adorable.

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