FL FL - Mark Jackson, 35, Fort Lauderdale, 27 June 2004

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Ten days ago Mark Jackson vanished.

His parents, baffled by his disappearance, drove from their Nashville home to meet with Fort Lauderdale detectives over the weekend.

Charles and Libby Jackson say leaving without contacting someone is out of character for their only child: They are a close-knit family and heard from Jackson often.

Jackson, they said, was known for being responsible. He never missed work without calling. And he was supposed to close on a new condominium June 28. It was an investment for him, his father said.

''We don't know what to think,'' said Charles Jackson. ``We are frustrated and sick. We're just don't know what happened.''

The 35-year-old Fort Lauderdale marketing executive had spent the evening of June 26 visiting with an out-of-town friend.
From the article quote: Jackson's friend woke around 11 a.m. and found Jackson gone, his cellphone, some keys and his new BMW left behind.

The friend left the apartment around 4 p.m. and flew back home to North Carolina.

Jackson missed work and an alarm went out among his friends. They contacted his parents who filed a missing- person's report. end quote

Seems kind of strange that the house guest does not raise an alarm
over the absence of his friend.

Has anyone in the Fort Lauderdale area heard anything else?

I’ll be praying for strength for his family. I also have an only child
also and can imagine how devastating this must be for them.
This is awful and very odd.

Not being derogatory or bashing in ANY way....but is/was he gay? It sort of sounds like it could be possible. And if so...I wonder if that has any bearing on his going missing??
englishleigh said:
This is awful and very odd.

Not being derogatory or bashing in ANY way....but is/was he gay? It sort of sounds like it could be possible. And if so...I wonder if that has any bearing on his going missing??

I also wondered if that may be the case.
Going missing could apply to either sexual preference....

I had a friend from college who would come and stay the weekend with me often. When we would go out and hit the town, at times we would become seperated, but both being grown ups, would take care of ourselves.

I also at times would go off on my own...I remember house sitting for a week and I did not let my mom know...I was like 27 years old and lived 400 miles away. She was worried for a bit!

The concerning issue here is that his personal property was still at home, and why would he voluntarily leave with the good things happening in his life!

Includes video of Jackson entering his apartment!

Police on Wednesday released surveillance video of Jackson entering his building around 4:15 am June 26, the day he was last seen. There is no video of him leaving the building.


Very strange, indeed, albeit there is not much news coverage on this case!

Consider the following setting:

As reported: a decent, reputable, responsible, hard-working and ostensibly 'clean-cut' male adult vanishes around 5:00 am on a Saturday morning, 2 weeks ago. The story leads us to believe the disappearance happened at the same condo that Jackson had recently purchased, or was in the midst of purchasing, as an investment. So here we see Mark as a fairly intelligent, average adult male, planning his life in a similar vein that many of us would (at a guess) aspire to.

He's 'so punctual, he calls up if he's three minutes late' (as quoted in media releases). Yet, out of the blue, there's literally no sign or trace of him ~ with absolutely no prior warning or indication of going 'awol'.

However: an out-of-town friend arrives and the 2 (we presume only 2 at this stage) plan to meet up. This is where I believe a serious 'kink' exists in the tale.

For an 'out-of-town' friend to come by, obviously previous correspondence or communication had taken place. Perhaps the friend was banking on Mark Jackson for accommodation ~ as well as rejuvenating the 'friendship.' That tells us the friend did not have a regular day-to-day relationship with Mark, or know his exact schedule, habits, friends, etc (hypothetically, yet logically, speaking, that is).

Which begs the question, if you put yourself in the same shoes:

WHY, if you've come from out of town, would you meet up with this old friend and then consider it QUITE OKAY to simply continue with your own agenda, and leave town as if nothing was 'wrong'. Especially knowing nothing was amiss, not the keys, cell-phone, car ~ personal belongings, etc??

This means the last time you saw your good friend was at the odd hour of 5 am, following a night on the town, so to speak. So, knowing your trusted friend (who has also put you up for the night) appears to have literally vanished off the face of the building, would you just pack up and go and not try to find out what was going on???

What's more .... if you really were such a good friend, wouldn't you also recognize Mark's qualities as a punctual, responsible, reliable, trustworthy person? I think the friend requires a HUGE hook in the collar of his shirt and needs to be yanked RIGHT BACK to Ft Lauderdale, post haste!

Even MORE curious: THERE'S NO VIDEO OF HIM LEAVING? What's up with that? I mean Heaven forbid, but ... did he leave in the friend's suitcase, or whaaat? :eek: :eek:

It's highly unlikely that he's hiding in the air conditioning system. And it's seemingly impossible to have closed circuit TV of Mark entering the building, (he then disappears), and there's no video footage of him leaving? He's either in the building or has been sneaked/snuk (?) out.

Any guesses?
lynie said:
Going missing could apply to either sexual preference....

I had a friend from college who would come and stay the weekend with me often. When we would go out and hit the town, at times we would become seperated, but both being grown ups, would take care of ourselves.

I also at times would go off on my own...I remember house sitting for a week and I did not let my mom know...I was like 27 years old and lived 400 miles away. She was worried for a bit!

The concerning issue here is that his personal property was still at home, and why would he voluntarily leave with the good things happening in his life!

Oh, I realize that, but I was wondering if he was gay, and maybe he and his friend had some sort of lover's tiff that led to murder...that's what I was thinking. I wasn't trying to be derogatory or nasty. I fully agree that either sexual preference can go missing...:doh:
Polk Salad Annie....I wonder if he's been killed and stuffed somewhere in the building...but then one would think there would have been odor issues. I agree, the friend is suspicious. I would hope they have already jerked this guy back to Ft.Lauderdale by now...he was obviously the last one to see him alive. Is there video of the friend leaving?
Yes, he is gay, and he and his friend went to a local gay club before he went missing. Police say the friend is not a suspect. The friend says he awoke, and Mark was not there. He said he did leave a note. So, who knows. He was also an avid runner. Maybe he went for a run? By the way, the surveillance camera stopped working, thus no picture of him leaving.
ShowerSinger said:
Yes, he is gay, and he and his friend went to a local gay club before he went missing. Police say the friend is not a suspect. The friend says he awoke, and Mark was not there. He said he did leave a note. So, who knows. He was also an avid runner. Maybe he went for a run? By the way, the surveillance camera stopped working, thus no picture of him leaving.

Thanks ShowerSinger, for the update and clarification ~ especially regarding the defunct surveillance camera, (although ... I must say, it's pretty eerie the camera stopped working a short time after capturing Mark entering the building).

Hi englishleigh: ShowerSinger's latest info seems to clear the friend. However, I still find it a little strange that the friend simply carried on his agenda seemingly unperturbed by this peculiar situation. Perhaps I'm different, but if I'd come from out of town and stayed over at a friend's apartment, I'd have at least waited until he or she returned. If time was pressing, I'd have made some phone calls, checked around with friends/neighbors ... or done SOMETHING.

There's no way I could simply 'go home', especially if his car (etc) was still there. If he'd gone for a run (or something similar), I'd have given it, say 1 and half (MAX 2) hours before getting rather concerned. But then again, it takes all types, I s'pose.

I feel for his parents, family, friends and colleagues ~ clearly a good and trusted friend/colleague. Another thought for the prayer-chain. Oh dear ... statistics are giving me a rather ominous feeling... we can only hope... :(
kinda strange I think that the camera stopped working. wonder if someone did something to it to make it stop working.
I also heard he hadn't been out "clubbing," in a while, but called a friend who works at the club to get his name on the list, so he wouldn't have to pay a cover charge that night. Would like to know what was in the note he left behind for his friend. It seems his wallet and keys are missing, but he left behind his building access card, and cell phone. The camera is outside, and yes, really strange that it quit sometime after 4:15 am. There is a river, and a bridge about a block away from his condo. He just bought a new BMW, and was gonna close on some investment property. Still, hope he didn't do himself in. The poor parents, sick with worry...Maybe there's something to why the camera stopped...Also, there is a nighttime security guard...but, he probably left around the time they rolled in. Oh, and the his lights and television were left on.
dannyodie said:
kinda strange I think that the camera stopped working. wonder if someone did something to it to make it stop working.

Zackly what I was wondering, dannyodie. Does seem rather suspicious! D'you think the security know more than they're saying?

ShowerSinger ... yes, I read those write ups, too, and that's why this is all so very strange! Especially the building access card being left behind. With his c/cards, car keys and wallet, etc still in his apartment, he couldn't have been robbed, could he?

Was it comething to do with drugs? I've never experimented with drugs (OK ~ I puffed a giggle-stick literally once or twice in my youth) but am old enough and weathered enough to understand they destroy and devastate lives.

*IF* Mark had consumed some form of narcotics (obliviously or not), I might understand he temporarily lost his marbles and 'drifted off' with no care in the world. But then ... once the effects wore off, he'd have returned home. Again, he doesn't exactly come across as "an addict" type ~ he might be an occasional dabbler, who knows? Hope not, but as DeputyLinda reminds us: the majority of crimes are drug-related! :(

Or ~ was there a jealous rival in the background opposed to the idea of an 'an out of town friend' staying over? This is a very wierd situation. Two weeks without a trace? Nope, doesn't sound very good at ALL!

I wonder ...
Gary Santos, manager of the Coliseum, said Jackson was an
acquaintance of his who frequented the nightclub.

“He used to go to the club a lot,” Santos said. “But I hadn’t seen
him in a long time. But I saw him that night and I told him, ‘Hey, I
haven’t seen you in a while.’

“He said, ‘I haven’t been going out.’”

Wonder why he hasn’t been going out? Maybe had a steady?

Sure would like to know what the note said. Maybe someone
wanted to meet for coffee?

The videotape is heartbreaking – he looks and moves like a
friend of mine who is competent, assured, reliable, a great
considerate friend, thoughtful and loving with his parents.
Mark Jackson is a friend of mine. I received an email from him just a few days before he disapeared. Everything seemed to be going really great for him. He had just met this new guy in Pensacola, Memorial Weekend, and was coming to see him that weekend. I had emailed him back twice and called but did not hear back from him. The detective then called me the next week to tell me he was missing. I live in Pittsburgh, so I did not hear the news. This is all very crazy. Mark is one of the nicest guys you'll ever meet and very responsible.
KRD - I feel for you, and pray that Mark turns up unharmed. Do you know if the "new guy" has been investigated yet?
The detective said that he had already questioned him. The reports say that he is not a suspect but they usually always say that until they have something definite on them. I don't know what all this guy has told the detective but I think he probably knows more than he is telling.
My prayers will continue for Mark, his parents and his friends. Thanks for the update.
Any thoughts on Mark's houseguest?
Regarding the guest: If Mark's car keys and car were still there, and the cell phone, and the friend had already said he was heading out at a certain time, the friend might have just assumed the evening didn't go off as well as he had hoped, and that Mark was trying to be considerate by not being there. Or the friend might have overslept, was late for his plane, left the note figuring Mark was out running, wherever, and left. While I find the behavior a little odd, I don't find it completely out of the ordinary.

The security camera going out is a red flag, though, unless it does that on a regular basis.

I wonder what the note Mark left behind said. Might have said he had an errand to run, and don't wait for him.
As a friend and knowing Mark, my first instinct is to think the houseguest had something to do with it. But I do not know what the note said and I don't know marks house guest so I cannot say. I believe Mark was a pretty good judge of character so I don't believe he would get involved with anyone shady. And since the house guest did not know Mark that well I have to give him the benefit as to why he would not be alerted to Mark just up and leaving.
Who knows, maybe they had a fight or they just were not getting along. They had been out clubbing, maybe they were a little drunk. Believe me, I have done nothing but think of every scenerio that could have happened. Since I found out he was missing that has been pretty much all I have thought about.

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