FL - Mark Schwab facing execution for the '91 murder of Junny Rios-Martinez

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I'm going to press some definitions here. Not because I like to nitpick, but because semantics are important.

He kills someone.

Kill: to deprive of life in any manner.

Technically, you are correct. However he did more than "deprive of life". He raped, tortured and murdered.

Murder is defined as: "the killing of another human being under conditions specifically covered under law." In other words, an unlawful killing.

You kill someone (him.)
The State is executing him.

The state is the legal authority in this case. They have followed all legal protocols.

Execute: To put to death according to law.

There is nothing legally, ethically or morally wrong in executing a convicted rapist/murderer.

It's supposed to be your compassion that makes it okay for you, and not for him, isn't it?

The laws of the land make it acceptable and legal for the state to execute this individual.

... it's now time for Shwab's mother to lose her son and begin (continue) HER years of grief as well.

The condemned made that decision when he committed the crime.

It would be different if LWOP could be trusted. The state cannot guarantee that an offender will remain behind bars for the rest of their life. I point to the Susan Atkins thread as a prime example.

When this pedophile has served thirty years, and is elderly, would people be campaigning for his release? "He's served his time", "He's no longer a threat". Again, read the Atkins thread.

What this man did was so vile that he forfeited his right to life.

The state does have the right to decide that, as did a jury.

I guess misery loves company. I am truely sad for them all.

It is unfair to place the burden of punishment on the shoulder's of the victim's family.
Some of you seem to think that because some of us are not grieving over the loss of this that it means we are cheering or happy.
I personally am happy he will never harm another child. I just can't really work up much sympathy for this waste of a human.

I agree with this 100%!

Paul Gregory House is another who may be freed and allowed to live with his mother now that he is in a wheelchair. He raped and murdered a woman but we are supposed to feel sorry for him and trust that his mother will supervise him.
....I do not see how you could be responsible in any way for this event. You did not seek to be a crime victim. ......

I read this part of Truly's post to say that we all share responsibility in the action of carrying out the DP and that she doesn't like that she shares such responsibility.
I completely agree that these past 17 yrs. must have been a nightmare for them, to lose their precious little girl in such a horrible way. She never had a chance to grow up or have a family of her own. :(
Junny is a little boy
I agree with a previous poster, dead is dead.
If his execution is lethal injection under anesthesia, so be it. If that it what makes bleeding hearts sleep better at night, I don't have a problem with it.

If you live in the USA and enjoy all of the rights and priviledges that provides, you also have to be aware of the justice system, and the potential punishment for your actions. If you murder, there is a good chance you could be executed if you commit your crimes in a state that has capital punishment. And with most of these , this is not their first introduction into the justice system.

Executions are not pretty, and I'm sure the condemed can come up with an argument against any form. Maybe we should return to the days of a hanging out behind the courthouse - a well tied noose is very quick and efficient. Hell, I'll volunteer to pull the handle, kick the horse - whatever.

These cannot be rehabilitated. Why should they get more compassion than they show their victims?

Executions are not pretty, no. Taking someone's life because they took another life solves nothing. It does not bring back the person that was killed, it only makes more innocent people suffer. Two wrongs such as that do not make a right. No human being has the right to take the life of another, I don't care WHO they are, criminal OR executioner. The person who presses the button to execute the condemned is no better than the person they are putting to death. I believe they should be shown compassion and NOT be executed because if WE show no compassion, then how are we different from them? How are we different from the very ones that we say showed no compassion at all?

GlitchWizard, I agree with you: the people who say they could turn their backs on their children scare me as well. As I said, you love your children unconditionally. Well, you're supposed to anyway. Some people obviously do not feel this way.

Thank you for the welcome, southcitymom! :)
:clap: :clap: :clap:
It's easy to say what you would do until you find yourself in that situation.

I can say what I would do in that situation even if I have not been there myself.
Since I would not be able to associate with someone who would harm a child like this .. I can say I would disown my child if he committed such an act.
There is simply noway I could do anything but that.
Executions are not pretty, no. Taking someone's life because they took another life solves nothing. It does not bring back the person that was killed, it only makes more innocent people suffer. Two wrongs such as that do not make a right. No human being has the right to take the life of another, I don't care WHO they are, criminal OR executioner. The person who presses the button to execute the condemned is no better than the person they are putting to death. I believe they should be shown compassion and NOT be executed because if WE show no compassion, then how are we different from them? How are we different from the very ones that we say showed no compassion at all?

GlitchWizard, I agree with you: the people who say they could turn their backs on their children scare me as well. As I said, you love your children unconditionally. Well, you're supposed to anyway. Some people obviously do not feel this way.

Thank you for the welcome, southcitymom! :)
I believe that this was shown compassion - through due process. He was granted a fair trail, judged guilty by a jury of 12, allowed his appeals process - there is no doubt of his guilt - he ordered a whopper over the body of this innocent little boy - he does not deserve to breathe the same air as this boys family - or any air at all.

As long as there is capital punishment there will be those for and against - the beauty of living in a free country is that we have the right to oppose or support. I believe that the majority of our country supports executing criminals that commit these types of crimes - or they would be voting out candidates that support it.

For justice to be served IMHO there has to be a fair punishment for the crime and "life" is not fair in these cases.

As for the parents of these murders, child killers, I do feel for them - I understand that oftentimes a sociopath is born that way. I can't say that I could ever stop loving my child, even if I am sickened by thier actions and believe that an execution is a fair punishment for their actions.
I believe that this was shown compassion - through due process. He was granted a fair trail, judged guilty by a jury of 12, allowed his appeals process - there is no doubt of his guilt - he ordered a whopper over the body of this innocent little boy - he does not deserve to breathe the same air as this boys family - or any air at all.

As long as there is capital punishment there will be those for and against - the beauty of living in a free country is that we have the right to oppose or support. I believe that the majority of our country supports executing criminals that commit these types of crimes - or they would be voting out candidates that support it.

For justice to be served IMHO there has to be a fair punishment for the crime and "life" is not fair in these cases.

As for the parents of these murders, child killers, I do feel for them - I understand that oftentimes a sociopath is born that way. I can't say that I could ever stop loving my child, even if I am sickened by thier actions and believe that an execution is a fair punishment for their actions.

I never said I doubted his guilt. However, executing him is not showing him compassion. I don't believe anybody has the right to say that another person does not deserve to live. Yes, I know he killed, but I'm saying that executing him will not bring the victim back. It will only put one more person in the grave. We are supposed to be civilized people and yet here we are, still putting people to death. I simply don't understand how society thinks it has the right to say a criminal has the right to live or die. Give him/her LWOP, but don't execute him/her, because IMO, if you do, you are just no better than the person you just sentenced to death, you're just hiding behind the law to kill. Taking a human life is never a fair punishment for anything.

I do feel for the parents of the executed. They suffer too as they are losing a child just as the victim's parents have. Nobody wins in this situation. Mothers and fathers lose their children and innocent people suffer. Once a condemned person has been executed, he's not paying the price for his crime(s) anymore, it's his family that is left to grieve and suffer and it just does not make any sense to me.
If I were to be face to face with the mother of Junny OR the mother of this man, I'd give them the very deepest of my sympathies and love because they each had their child murdered. My views do not change based on who is standing before me, and I would venture to stop either one from being more hurt than they already are.

No...there is only one mother that has had her child murdered.....one child was killed and not allowed to chose his own detiny. One man chose his own destiny, along with many others, when he made the decision to rape and kill a child. Mark Dean Schwab is the only person responsible for what his mother may experience due to his decisions. He himself didn't care enough for his or any mother's feelings while he was committing the crime or he would have spared everyone all of this if only this monster had the capacity to control his evilness......so trust me on this one, if you do ever have the opportunity to speak to Junny's mother and you truely do not want to upset her, please don't say to her what you have to us.
Thank you for giving me the background of your relationship to Junny's family and this case. Now I do understand better where you were coming from. It is wonderful that she has had the courage and strength to walk through her suffering and become active in changing things for the better for others. That is beautful. I hope that the end of this matter will, as much as it can, help her find further peace and closure.

You would know better than me if GW's words would be bothersome to her. I still dont.

You are very welcome and Thank You for hearing me out. Unfortunately, as I said, this case was only one of way too many that instilled the need in me that whatever the victim's family wants, I will support to the very end and not ever be turned from my stance on the Death Penalty. Sure, I will feel sorry for the executed one's family if this brings them pain, but if given the chance to speak directly to Schwab's mother and have her listen to my opinion that would might hurt her......I think not....a simple "I'm sorry" says it all.
No...there is only one mother that has had her child murdered.....one child was killed and not allowed to chose his own detiny. One man chose his own destiny, along with many others, when he made the decision to rape and kill a child. Mark Dean Schwab is the only person responsible for what his mother may experience due to his decisions. He himself didn't care enough for his or any mother's feelings while he was committing the crime or he would have spared everyone all of this if only this monster had the capacity to control his evilness......so trust me on this one, if you do ever have the opportunity to speak to Junny's mother and you truely do not want to upset her, please don't say to her what you have to us.

I am very close to a family who has a son on death row - the same death row as this guy is on. You want me to trust you, you can trust me as well - his entire family is sufferring because they KNOW the state is going to murder their son. Yes, it is murder, it is premeditated and there are other options. I do not believe the son of the family I know did the crime. He supposedly is getting a fair trial and fair appeals... I say supposedly because it doesn't look like it from looking at the details.

As I've heard before, it isn't about what they've done. It's about what WE do.
I thought I was quite clear that I would never say anything to the parent of a victim OR a perpetrator except words of condolances. Bringing up the other family's pain in either situation would be quite callous and not something I'd ever do. Not to either parent.
I am very close to a family who has a son on death row - the same death row as this guy is on. You want me to trust you, you can trust me as well - his entire family is sufferring because they KNOW the state is going to murder their son. Yes, it is murder, it is premeditated and there are other options. I do not believe the son of the family I know did the crime. He supposedly is getting a fair trial and fair appeals... I say supposedly because it doesn't look like it from looking at the details.

As I've heard before, it isn't about what they've done. It's about what WE do.

It's not THAT easy to make it to Death Row, so if you believe that your friends son is innocent, I hope that you are helping out in any way that you can to get this conviction overturned. I agree that it would be murder IF (Big IF) an innocent person is put to death, but in Schwab's case, it is NOT murder and there is no other solution. Life in Prison is for those a step under the evil of the the ones that make it to Death Row.....Let this execution ring in the ears of any furture child molesters.......even if it's only just one victim spared what many are not.
I thought I was quite clear that I would never say anything to the parent of a victim OR a perpetrator except words of condolances. Bringing up the other family's pain in either situation would be quite callous and not something I'd ever do. Not to either parent.

Thank you for the clarification.
It's not THAT easy to make it to Death Row, so if you believe that your friends son is innocent, I hope that you are helping out in any way that you can to get this conviction overturned. I agree that it would be murder IF (Big IF) an innocent person is put to death, but in Schwab's case, it is NOT murder and there is no other solution. Life in Prison is for those a step under the evil of the the ones that make it to Death Row.....Let this execution ring in the ears of any furture child molesters.......even if it's only just one victim spared what many are not.

Very well put.
Apples and Oranges again.
I am not talking about someone on Death Row who is innocent... that is another topic all together ..

I am talking about someone who rapes and murders children and IS NOT Innocent.

GLitch don't you have some prison pen pals?
Executions are not pretty, no. Taking someone's life because they took another life solves nothing. It does not bring back the person that was killed, it only makes more innocent people suffer. Two wrongs such as that do not make a right. No human being has the right to take the life of another, I don't care WHO they are, criminal OR executioner. The person who presses the button to execute the condemned is no better than the person they are putting to death. I believe they should be shown compassion and NOT be executed because if WE show no compassion, then how are we different from them? How are we different from the very ones that we say showed no compassion at all?


Of course we have the right. You're dead wrong about the person doing the executing being the same. You want to show some of these monsters compassion, that's up to you, but don't lay your guilt trip on the rest of us.

Of course we have the right. You're dead wrong about the person doing the executing being the same. You want to show some of these monsters compassion, that's up to you, but don't lay your guilt trip on the rest of us.

I am very close to a family who has a son on death row - the same death row as this guy is on. You want me to trust you, you can trust me as well - his entire family is sufferring because they KNOW the state is going to murder their son. Yes, it is murder, it is premeditated and there are other options. I do not believe the son of the family I know did the crime. He supposedly is getting a fair trial and fair appeals... I say supposedly because it doesn't look like it from looking at the details.

As I've heard before, it isn't about what they've done. It's about what WE do.

Like others have said, an innocent person is an entirely different case all together. This man is not innocent.

As far as your friends go, would you care to post the details here? If he is innocent perhaps someone here can help prove it.

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