FL - Student Arrested After Cutting Food With Knife

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Dark Knight

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Sep 3, 2004
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An elementary student in Marion County was arrested Thursday after school officials found her cutting food during lunch with a knife that she brought from home, police said.

The 10-year-old girl, a student at Sunrise Elementary School in Ocala, was charged possession of a weapon on school property, which is a felony.

According to authorities, school employees spotted the girl cutting her food while she was eating lunch and took the steak knife from her.

The girl was arrested and transported to the Juvenile Assessment Center.

I have seen this story for several days now, and I have to believe that it is some kind of joke....
I have seen this story for several days now, and I have to believe that it is some kind of joke....

Its probably true!
There was an elementary child a year or two ago in TN, that brought a plastic knife to school for his lunch and he was treated the same way!
While I dont agree with this treatment (there should be stipulatons)...all schools have a no tolerance policy for weapons...and with so many school killings, its up to the parents to make sure the little ones dont unknownly carry something to school for their lunch.
I agree that the parent or caregiver in this case is to blame, but to take the child to a police station and charge her is very, very short sighted...
No joke we had one child that brought nail clippers to school in our area. He was given one day suspension, parents were told we have a zero tolerance policy, no exceptions. I understand the need for caution regarding weapons, but come on nail clippers.
I think this is a bunch of b.s !
I think they should of blamed the parents , you dont send your child to school with a steak knife .She could of cut herself or even fell on it ! .
I think this is a bunch of b.s !
I think they should of blamed the parents , you dont send your child to school with a steak knife .She could of cut herself or even fell on it ! .
Ditto-but perhaps the girl packed it herself?? Really it doesn't matter since the parent/caregiver should be supervising this process...
Well I think the school and police did a great job! Come on now, we want our kids to be safe in school! A 10 year old with a steak knife? Haven't we learned anything from the several killing sprees in the past few years where these hordes of 10 year olds stabbed all those other kids to death during lunch?

Excuse my sarcasm. :) I just think they are way overreacting here. Nope, the girl doesn't need to be cutting her food with a steak knife. That part I find ridiculous too. But couldn't they have just taken the knife away and have the principal have a talk with her and her parent(s)/caretaker(s)? I am sick and darn tired of kids getting stigmatized (she now has a juvi record) and traumatized for life by sanctions like this, all in the name of 'protection'. Now if she had been (even jokingly) threatening other kids with it or waving it around, that's different... but she was using it as intended. Bunch of paranoid freaks. :rolleyes:
Well I think the school and police did a great job! Come on now, we want our kids to be safe in school! A 10 year old with a steak knife? Haven't we learned anything from the several killing sprees in the past few years where these hordes of 10 year olds stabbed all those other kids to death during lunch?

Excuse my sarcasm. :) I just think they are way overreacting here. Nope, the girl doesn't need to be cutting her food with a steak knife. That part I find ridiculous too. But couldn't they have just taken the knife away and have the principal have a talk with her and her parent(s)/caretaker(s)? I am sick and darn tired of kids getting stigmatized (she now has a juvi record) and traumatized for life by sanctions like this, all in the name of 'protection'. Now if she had been (even jokingly) threatening other kids with it or waving it around, that's different... but she was using it as intended. Bunch of paranoid freaks. :rolleyes:

I totally agree with you.
It is ludicrous that the schools can't handle these issues without going to the extremes of having a 10 yr old arrested and traumatized for life.:mad:
Evidently she had brought it to school before for her food and never used it in a threatening manner. They should have not called police, just taken the steak knife and sent her to counseling and called the parents in to ask why is she coming to school with this?
Evidently she had brought it to school before for her food and never used it in a threatening manner. They should have not called police, just taken the steak knife and sent her to counseling and called the parents in to ask why is she coming to school with this?

I agree with you but am very curious why you say she should go to counseling? I genuinly can't think of why? I mean, after they did all this, now I can see why, but if they had handled it like you and I both wished they had, why would she need counseling?
Evidently she had brought it to school before for her food and never used it in a threatening manner. They should have not called police, just taken the steak knife and sent her to counseling and called the parents in to ask why is she coming to school with this?

Let's do the flip: What if the slap on the wrist doesn't take, the girl does it again, and things get ugly. The school officials and the school system are hanging in the breeze with ambulance chasers nipping their heels. I think the school officials are legally obliged to do this. This hysterical reaction lies with the legislature.

Let's do the flip: What if the slap on the wrist doesn't take, the girl does it again, and things get ugly. The school officials and the school system are hanging in the breeze with ambulance chasers nipping their heels. I think the school officials are legally obliged to do this. This hysterical reaction lies with the legislature.


Why would things get ugly? I guess she could cut her finger, that might be ugly.

Part of the way to keep crap like this from happening is to outlaw frivolous lawsuits. This country is sue-happy, and as a result, everybody is scared to death to think for themselves and use common sense.
Everybody is trying to protect nobody but themselves, and if someone does something that could in the end hurt you (as in - they might sue you), you make sure you're ahead of the game and file charges against them. Even though they might not even have meant any harm and no harm was done. I'm sick of it.
Innocent kids get traumatized over nothing. If it was a mom beating them up because she has a bad hairday everybody would be up in arms. But no, this is happening under the guise of 'protection' and 'safety'. The heck it's not. They're scared for their own asses, getting sued. And this girl is being sacrificed for it.

(Not mad at you Crypto :). But obviously I have strong feelings about this. I need to pop a chill-pill, me thinks ;)).
Why would things get ugly? I guess she could cut her finger, that might be ugly.

Part of the way to keep crap like this from happening is to outlaw frivolous lawsuits. This country is sue-happy, and as a result, everybody is scared to death to think for themselves and use common sense.
Everybody is trying to protect nobody but themselves, and if someone does something that could in the end hurt you (as in - they might sue you), you make sure you're ahead of the game and file charges against them. Even though they might not even have meant any harm and no harm was done. I'm sick of it.
Innocent kids get traumatized over nothing. If it was a mom beating them up because she has a bad hairday everybody would be up in arms. But no, this is happening under the guise of 'protection' and 'safety'. The heck it's not. They're scared for their own asses, getting sued. And this girl is being sacrificed for it.

(Not mad at you Crypto :). But obviously I have strong feelings about this. I need to pop a chill-pill, me thinks ;)).

This reminds me of a situation family members experienced- a teen boy in my nieces school was (allegedly) making threats against a teacher and was discussing the use of a handgun. My niece was known to be an obsession of this lad's, so the police came to the school to question my underage niece regarding her knowlege of whether or not the teen actually had a weapon, and all was done without notifying my relatives. They questioned her for 120 minutes with the principal present, without any attempt to notify her parents. She was terrified, one because now she was wondering if she would be a target for the boy, and two because all of this went down without her having people with her she trusted.

The way the two situations compare for me is the unilateral decision by the schools to leave the parents out of it-to just move forward with police involvement. I was LIVID on behalf of my niece, who was at least older than the child in this story.
This story has been all over our local news channels. This school in Ocala, Fla is about an hour northwest of the Orlando area.

The little 10 yr. old girl is a responsible 5th grader who "brown bags" her lunch to school daily.

Aside from the fact that she has brought eating utensils from home on numerous occasions (kitchen knife included when needed) - and no one ever made a peep about it before .. this particular day she brought left over steak as part of her lunch.

What does one cut one's steak with? A steak knife, perhaps?? Of course. A flimsy plastic knife wouldn't do the job.

Now - would it have been easier for her & certainly more appropriate, for this child to have simply cut the steak into bite-size pieces at home while packing her lunch?

Sure, but - guess what? For whatever reason - she didn't think to do that. This child didn't stop to consider the violent atmosphere of our school's educational facilities these days. She's only 10 and was in a hurry to pack her lunch & get going.

Thanks to a school administration that apparently can't think beyond their noses - this innocent child was hauled away to the principal's office, police called, arrested, and taken to the juvenile detention center for further evaluation.

At the tender age of "10" - she now has a juvenile record for bringing *a weapon* to school. She has also been suspended from her elementary school for 10 days.

For my 2 cents - this whole *politically correct* method of handling this particular kind of situation is just plain wrong. It's ridiculous.

These people call themselves educators? What have they taught this traumatized 10 yr. old girl?

The way this situation was handled - I found appalling.

I'm so grateful that my kids & I grew up in a completely different kind of world. Kinder, more gentle & nurturing times - without all violence & suspicion of everyone & everything.

Rum Tum
Rum Tum, I totally 100% agree with your post. Nobody was looking out for this child or any other children in that school - it was all about them covering their own butts 'just in case'. :razz: :razz: :razz: :razz: :razz: (That's the closest smiley to spitting nails).
I dont know what going on in this world, like I said before this case is a bunch of b.s ! The people who seen this girl with the knife should of cut her food up for her and then took the knife and called the parents and explained the kids are not permitted to bring a knife to school. The thing is they didnt do that they had to get the cops involved and make this kid scared as he!!.
They locked a little girl up here in Philly who had brought a pair of scissors from home to use for some art project or something. Not sure what happened with that case. The mom was fuming on the TV about it though.
When my son was in kindergarten,he brought in a key chain that had a pocket knife thing for show and tell.(you know one of those little ones with a nailfile,in it). It was no more than an inch or 2 long. I had to come in for a big meeting at school,and he got a warning. Thank God the principal wasn't a complete whack job and didn't file any report,otherwise he probably would have a record. He's 16 now and wouldn't hurt a flea.
These people in Florida are nuts
They locked a little girl up here in Philly who had brought a pair of scissors from home to use for some art project or something. Not sure what happened with that case. The mom was fuming on the TV about it though.

What are we paying school taxes for ?So they can arrest our kids for doing nothing wrong! :banghead::banghead:

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