FL - Tracy Ocasio, 27, Orlando/Ocoee, 27 May 2009 - #2

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don't know if it's okay to post this, but Blink has some very interesting info on the Hutto Brothers. If not okay, mods please delete this post and I apologize.
Or they know they won't get in trouble with the police (corruption?)

I would have originally not have thought this...but then I looked up this information below.

don't know if it's okay to post this, but Blink has some very interesting info on the Hutto Brothers. If not okay, mods please delete this post and I apologize.

WOW! How does something like this (or these things since it's more than one) happen? It makes me think that corruption isn't out of the question. People claiming to be informants plus many of these people grew up in the area and probably know people that have moved on to become police. I truly hope this isn't the case.

I want to know what the gunshots were...had anyone heard this before?

What a classy group of friends. I would check out the myspace page of Jeremiah Hutto. Intersting reading...and no awards in grammar to be handed out any time soon.
I read blink article and if this version of April incident outside Taproom can be believed, it paints a picture not of TO becoming inadvertently involved after coming to the aid of another girl being bullied by P-hut (as I previously thought) but of an altercation directly between she and the other Lori (LoLo) girl, some point during which she dumps a drink over this woman's head.
Am having to virtually put on pause any theories re JVH (which had left me stymied w lack of any decomp in her car) and focus upon P-hut. Was at such a loss, w no independent source to confirm blink's report, so busied myself w virtual street view tour of John's Lake Circle and caught myself becoming angrier and more disgusted w this --and the entire lot of his rebellious, unruly, reckless clan--as I contemplated what the last few terrifying minutes, or horrific hours, of Tracy's life may have been like.
I know even well-intentioned parents can occasionally find themselves w bada$$ed "grown" kids... and that parents are not always to blame. But wth is going on w these h#llraising hoodlums anyway? What kind of ties does their father have? What if any political connection ... and what about dad's own criminal history for that matter? I found myself growing more and more infuriated at the prospect of another generation of males raised (or not raised) w no respect for authority, laws, people, or property... only an ever escalating series of offenses while evidently escaping any consequences--until a sense of entitlement defies all bounds and includes the right to take another's life. Where is this right now? Please, someone, tell me he is in jail because if there's any merit to these allegations there's no longer any luxury of time, nor false consolation knowing JVH is behind bars. I'm just thoroughly disgusted.

The decomp thing is still bothering me. No decomp detected in car - explained by TO being taken out of the car alive and not being put back into it. Can we assume that no one who handled a decomposing body went back to the car also? Would the dogs not have detected transference from the bad guy's clothing to the car?

Also, if JVH had handled a decomposing body and then gone home, hung out with his father as they both state, would there not be something there for the dogs to detect? TO last seen 1:30 5/27 - JVH arrested evening of 6/1 and dogs searched house morning of 6/2. I think in the CA case it was discussed whether decomp could be detected in a washing machine. It just seems that he would have had to shower and change his clothes somewhere else or there would be SOME trace at his house.

Also, I wonder if a late night drive by of the Hataway house these days would show his father to be normally awake at 2:00 or 3:00 in the morning.[/QUOTE]

bbm...Not that I see you doing this but I definitely don't recommend this :snooty:.
I wish her father would simply ask LE which way the car was facing when it was found!! It isn't a question which would harm the case to release that information.
I was reading on some other site that Tracy was pushed down by Paul Hutto the weekend before. She slapped him and spit on him then called the cops. He was arrested and spent the night in jail. I agree with the person who posted this theory that perhaps Jimmy Hataway was used in a set-up. Like he asked her to drive him home, but went to someone else's house. Those people took Tracy and killed her for revenge. Jimmy then just drove her car to where it was found and walked the rest of the way home. He is not sweating this because he didn't actually kill her.

The most important information is that her cell phone didn't leave the area around his house so I am still thinking they should seach Toole's property.

bbm...I second (or third I suppose) this theory. It would explain the cocky attitude when he was arrested. He probably wasn't expecting more people to come forward with more claims of attacks. Too bad so sad. Wonder how his attitude has changed now??

I would have originally not have thought this...but then I looked up this information below.

I want to know what the gunshots were...had anyone heard this before?

What a classy group of friends. I would check out the myspace page of Jeremiah Hutto. Intersting reading...and no awards in grammar to be handed out any time soon.

*Respectfully snipped and bolded by me*

Yes I had seen the gun shots reported on the Ocoee police dispatch report yesterday when I posted the link:


Page 7
CULLEN'S CT 5/27/09 022758 SHOTS FIRED 002009017432


It occurred right around the corner from Tracy's house.
The no decomp scent anywhere has always bothered me. Somewhere in Blink's stuff the question was asked if anyone actually saw TO get in her car in the Tap Room parking lot. Seems odd that no one would have seen anything as it was 1:30 and people were probably leaving. Sure would like confirmation that she did in fact GET INTO HER CAR WITH JVH and drive away. The revenge theory is very plausible to me. I checked the MySpace pages for the three ladies who were pictured in the articles and they all seemed like young baseball mom types, heavily involved with family. Although I did note that they one was looking forward to Girl's Night Out on May 27th, which would have put the same girls at the bar who were there in April when the drink spilling incident occurred - IIRC.
Was the 911 hang up call made from the exact house number on Wyoming formerly belonging to the Huttos? If so, isn't that odd as the house was foreclosed upon in December 08 and supposedly abandoned. Would it have a phone?

Nevermind - I finally found the call on the list and does not list a street number
The no decomp scent anywhere has always bothered me. Somewhere in Blink's stuff the question was asked if anyone actually saw TO get in her car in the Tap Room parking lot. Seems odd that no one would have seen anything as it was 1:30 and people were probably leaving. Sure would like confirmation that she did in fact GET INTO HER CAR WITH JVH and drive away. The revenge theory is very plausible to me. I checked the MySpace pages for the three ladies who were pictured in the articles and they all seemed like young baseball mom types, heavily involved with family. Although I did note that they one was looking forward to Girl's Night Out on May 27th, which would have put the same girls at the bar who were there in April when the drink spilling incident occurred - IIRC.
Hmmmm...now there is some food for thought. Did she ever really get into her car?!
We can be reasonably confident that Tracy's phone was presumably w her car, or on JVH's person, when he likely drove her car to Franklin St. near his home. Despite hearing IIRC that TO was not carrying her purse on her while inside Taproom(?) had she never been allowed to return to or even made it as far as her car that night, it nevertheless strikes me as odd that TO would have left her cell in the car while inside the bar that evening(?) Otherwise it suggests that after exiting bar w JVH she was in fact inside her car again where her phone was ultimately left. There is, of course, the possibility JVH conceivably could have subsequently removed it from her person himself at some point during the transaction. W seats rumored to have been in forward position it does leave open the possibility there were passengers in the Cobalt w JVH... any one of whom could've also taken cell off of Tracy. But the simplest explanation is often best I guess, that she never had a phone on her that night inside Taproom.:(

The other hole is there was a "witness" who reported seeing the two in front of Lyle St. address. I've taken this w a giant block of salt however as w/out name of witness, I had to speculate as to whether this could be JVH's father. Taking Tracy's cell in her car back near his house could fit w/in a plot to divert attention away from her real abductor... But all of which leaves me wondering how much JVH was willing to risk or how far he would jeopardize himself for this other . I mean afterall, the scenario of her never getting back into her own car entails his having lied about all of it--including, in that case, a false admission to being the last person ever seen w a potential murder victim. Omg I'm so overthinking this I know, I can't help it this has been driving me nuts.


SeriouslySearching said:
Hmmmm...now there is some food for thought. Did she ever really get into her car?!

bump... (from Thread 1)

kiki the parrot said:
'Hataway told investigators Ocasio gave him a ride home from the bar, where witnesses saw them kissing that night. When they arrived at his house in the 100 block of Lyle Street in Ocoee, she wanted to smoke marijuana with him, Hataway told investigators.

Hataway told police he showed her the drugs he had, but she didn't like them and left. However, records show that Ocasio's cell phone was near Hataway's home about 8:30 that morning.'


FWIW, the parking lot in front of the Taproom only allows for 3 rows of vehicles. I can't remember what parking was like in the adjacent lot the is on the corner of Hiawassee and Raleigh. I'm going to have to check that out again.

Why I ask is b/c it looked extremely busy that night and I wonder where all of these people park when they go there. There are restaurants in the plaza as well and 6 or 8 or so reserved police spots. Perhaps she parked behind the building and it is dark??? I'm just wondering about the setting b/c it seems unlikely that they would force her into another car in a lit lot with police which I would then most likely guess she got in her car. If she parked elsewhere (behind the bldg, etc) it may have been darker and therefore easier to force her into another car.

Locals...have any of you driven by there at night to check this out? Its not conveniently located by me at all so it might be a while until I can make it out there at that time of night.
bump... (bbm, from Thread 1)

Witness statement please, arrrggghh...

I believe that they were seen by witnesses kissing at the bar before leaving together. It was never said that a witness saw them kissing outside his house. Also, I believe it shows in the video of them leaving the bar together that she reaches out to hold his hand.
I believe that they were seen by witnesses kissing at the bar before leaving together. It was never said that a witness saw them kissing outside his house. Also, I believe it shows in the video of them leaving the bar together that she reaches out to hold his hand.

Thank you you're right, sorry this isn't report I was referring to. I believe there was another report which stated JVH's father said the two actually had pulled up in front of the home. Anything from his dad would seem extremely suspect tho anyway so indeed entirely possible TO was never in that area. (If anyone knows of such a report, in which father was said to have made statement to this effect, please post the link TIA)

Thinking out loud - maybe the conversation that JVH reported having with TO about smoking weed occurred in the parking lot (or even in the bar) which could be a possible explanation for why she would willingly get in someone else's car (obviously not JVH's since he didn't have one).
The more I look at the Ocoee Department Calls for service doc and other information, I don't believe the shots fired in the area of Tracy's home or the 911 hang up on Wyoming Ct are related to the case. It appears to me that a bad element moved into the neighborhood. Take note of the following:


These are calls from someone on New Victor Rd (Tracy's street) and Cullens Ct (in her area)

February---- pg.4---- 2 area checks
March----- pg.6---- 2 area checks
April--- pg.7---- 1 area check
May ----pg.7--- 14/15 area checks, 1 911 hang up, 1 shots fired
June---pg.8---- 26 area checks and 1 911 hang up

So the only person saying she ever got into her car is JVH? No one has come forward to say they actually saw them both in her car at any time?
I haven't been able to get into Blinks more recent site. Did someone pull the plug:(

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