FLDS compound in Texas Court proceedings ONLY please!!!!!

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DNA Solves
DNA Solves
I am just so glad to hear that the children have been taken. DNA here we come.
But I have a question that maybe someone can answer. This may sound depressing and truly horrific but is there a cemetery in the compound? I only see younger women or women maybe 50 or so years old - where are the elderly women? Do they ship them out to be buried or do they not allow old women in the compound? I'm sure there must be deaths in this compound due to illness - or are they totally exempt from diseases - diabetes, cancer, heart disease, etc.? I haven't heard this brought up anywhere.

I think that during the raid, they found 2 graves only. 1 of a woman, and 1 of a child, both had been properly reported to the authorities. There had been reports of unmarked graves at the compound, but cadaver dogs found none. Good question....you would think that in 4 years, more than the 2 people would have passed away?
Does anyone know about the mothers of children under 5? Are they still allowed to stay with the children? Will these children be placed in foster care also?

I believe they will be seperated. They have to, in order to investigate properly
So his daughters and wife were reassigned and he was just cut out of their lives. How sad. Hopefully, he can apply for full permanent custody.

This just gets curiouser and curiouser, I still cannot get over the power these "prophets" have.

The more you hear the more amazing it is that all of this was done peacefully.
I think that during the raid, they found 2 graves only. 1 of a woman, and 1 of a child, both had been properly reported to the authorities. There had been reports of unmarked graves at the compound, but cadaver dogs found none. Good question....you would think that in 4 years, more than the 2 people would have passed away?


I am still wondering why the young girls so out number the boys:waitasec:
I just got back from errands and learned the news! This is fantastic! I'm so please with the decision! Larry King devoting time to this right now!
I think that during the raid, they found 2 graves only. 1 of a woman, and 1 of a child, both had been properly reported to the authorities. There had been reports of unmarked graves at the compound, but cadaver dogs found none. Good question....you would think that in 4 years, more than the 2 people would have passed away?
There are graves at Colorado City, AZ. I've heard there were unmarked graves there.
You are right. If they are so 'concerned' about their own kids, they will submit to testing, but I'll bet that most will refuse and deflect their refusal to do so as an expression of their constitutional rights. They will now hide behind the constitution that they so readily abuse and flaunt, and show that their desire to perpetuate their 'beliefs' are more important than the actual welfare of their children!
I agree with Linda7. I think this judge may send the little ones back based on the psychiatrist's testimony. He is CPS' witness, right? Judges really like expert psychological/psychiatric testimony. However, I agree with Molly that it likely would not happen until the kids are identified. They need to have DNA tests to determine who both parents are, or at least the mother. And I have seen nothing definitive as to whether this has been done. They also need fingerprints, footprints, photos and lists of who the parents and/or siblings could be. Otherwise, they may just disappear. If CPS keeps track of them on a weekly basis, or something like that, having them come in for welfare checks every so often, that could help as well. The problem is, this is a culture, according to scores of those who have left or escaped, that abuses little babies. I'm sure not all, but when you are talking about underage mothers, overworked mothers, too many kids in one household, oppressed, abused women and children who were abused growing up to raise kids, the risk is high for abuse of these little ones, especially in a society that appears not to frown on pretty severe corporal punishment of small children. CPS is focusing on sexual abuse of young girls/teen girls. What about the physical abuse we have heard so much about among the FLDS? I wonder if they have found any evidence of that with this Eldorado group? I heard some witness statements alluding to such (suspected broken bones and serious injury leading to risk of death, if I recall), but for some reason, no more has been said at this hearing.
By the way, who is this religion expert? Has he ever talked to actual members who have escaped or been kicked out and thus have nothing to hide? If he has accessed the media, then surely he knows about the crackdown by the authorities on rampant underage marriage in Uath and Arizona. He must have heard the story of the two Fawns who had to esacpe so they would not be "forced" into marriage. I thought no one was made to do so? (Sarcasm) He must have heard also about the case involving the sixteen year old girl who was taken to a farm and horsewhipped by her father for refusing to marry her middle-aged uncle. That was all over the news a couple of years back. Not forced, huh? There is a ton of info on these people and if only a few of the scores of people who have fled or were kicked out is telling the truth, this is a dangerous society for children and women of all ages. It really seems this expert is ignoring quite a bit. And, I'm afraid it may be in part due to his own Mormon heritage. Please understand, I am well aware that mainstream Mormons ARE NOT FLDS. I have a lot of respect for the Latter Day Saints - their work ethic, attention to and emphasis on family, always helping their own people with whatever they need - and I respect their religious views, although I do not agree with much of it. They seem to be good people. However, mainstream Mormons do believe in polygamy in the afterlife. And, they have been notorious, in heavily Mormon AZ and UT, for turning a blind eye to polygamy and other issues involving the FLDS and other similar groups. For example, women attemtping to leave these groups often lose in custody battles or in their attempts to obtain restraining orders against husbands, because the judge is sympathetic to the group. This, I feel, is due to a religious belief in ultimate polygamy (Doctrines and Covenants 132), a family history of polygamy within many mainstream Mormon families and just the belief that these are quaint people living an old-fashioned, pure life and should be left alone, like their great-grand parents. I also think there is a tendency among many Mormons to deny some of the more horrific things happening in polygamist Mormon offshoot cults because they are afraid of the bad publicity and the eventual association of the mainstream church with these strange groups. Mormons have been working hard to demonstrate that they are just like every other religion and every time some wacko group gets publicity, they feel the heat too. Think of the presidential election. I think Mitt did not have a chance because of his religion, which is a shame. One's religion should not matter as long as they uphold democracy. But, people are too suspicious of Mormons and I feel, unfairly so. Okay, a bit too much blabbering from me. I just hope the judge is aware of how the religion expert's own background has the potential for coloring his viewpoints.
Wow, I was way late in my reply. I'm so happy with Texas!!!!!!!! Yeahh for the kids!!!
13 charter buses standing by in nearby Eden, Texas. State officials won't comment if they plan to relocate children again.


My guess is this. Now that they have custody of the children, my bet is they are going to move the kids again to a undisclosed location, cause they fear of the reprucussions from this hearing.

Some of the more than 400 children taken from a West Texas polygamist compound are Canadian citizens, a state official said Friday.

Angie Voss, who is with Texas Child Protection Services, didn't say how many are Canadian or give their ages or sex. Voss said they would remain in state custody regardless of their citizenship.

International Trafficking in Children for Sexual Purposes. Busted! :behindbar

I wonder how this came to light? Did the kids say they were sent by their parents to the compound in Texas? Did their beautiful Canadian accent tip off CPS?

I have my doubts whether any of the 'real' parents are fit for custody. Even the fathers who had their children reassigned had probably broken laws. And any 'real' parent who would ship their child to live with a bunch of child molestors does not deserve to have their child returned either. I think we will discover that the Stepford wives who have been paraded out on TV are not the 'real' mothers of these kids at all!
gitana1, the judges that rule against the women in court were more than likely FLDS themselves. The divorce and child custody proceedings were for the most part handled in Hildale, Utah and Colorado City, Az.

I'm not sure how polygamy in the afterlife would work out for LDS members as they can only be sealed to one person at a time. The issue of who's going to end up with who in heaven...1st wife, 2nd wife, blended families, etc is a debate that goes on in other religions, not just LDS.
My guess is this. Now that they have custody of the children, my bet is they are going to move the kids again to a undisclosed location, cause they fear of the reprucussions from this hearing.
That's what I thought they might do. Probably the best idea but you can be sure someone from FLDS will be following those buses to see where they go.
13 charter buses standing by in nearby Eden, Texas. State officials won't comment if they plan to relocate children again.


My guess would be that they are going to move them, and possibly split them up to different locations, as quickly as possible, now that the decision has been made. They are going to need to make it as difficult as possible for the "parents" to interfere in any way. That means no cell phones, etc.

This is going to be a very difficult night for the children I am afraid.
My guess would be that they are going to move them, and possibly split them up to different locations, as quickly as possible, now that the decision has been made. They are going to need to make it as difficult as possible for the "parents" to interfere in any way. That means no cell phones, etc.

This is going to be a very difficult night for the children I am afraid.

I beleive that they will seperate the mothers from the kids during this relocation!

Thats what happened during the last relocation, they seperated those mothers with children older then 5.

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