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My thought also, and maybe just maybe since she said Travis told her she had clothes there, LE might let her in and she will find the darned camera...

Yes, I agree that she had to be pretty worried about what happened to the camera as soon as she realized she didn't know where it was. I'm in the group that thinks it ended up in the washer by mistake.

I just can't believe she would take the murder weapons with her, but willingly leave the camera behind in the washer, thinking it would be damaged permanently or have her DNA washed off.

I never understood why she made no attempt to clean up the murder scene-- bloody hall and bathroom, but showered off Travis' body, and possibly started the washer with bedding in it. Maybe she really was dumb enough to think that was all it took to get her DNA out of the murder scene.

IDK-- I'm just so very glad she was dumb enough to leave the camera behind!
I also wanted to comment on the email she composed to Travis, and the finding of Temple Garments in the washer (or dryer--can't remember now.)

The emails are quite plainly histrionic and manipulative. They are difficult to read, they are so convoluted and histrionic. The emails she wrote to Travis don't appeal to his deeper issues of faith-- which, IMO, she did not want to remind him of, since he struggled with this. They barely, if ever, mention faith at all-- just friendship. The phone sex call likewise focused on superficial, secular concerns-- sex, movies, music, etc. No mention or reminders of his faith (and supposedly HER new faith, as well.) She did everything she could to gain entry into his Mormon lifestyle-- and then did everything she could to distract him AWAY from that lifestyle.

Travis was so devout he apparently regularly wore Temple Garments, which were found in the washer (according to the investigative report), and the other 2 housemates said they did not wear. I worked (as a military nurse) with a large Mormon population in the 1980's when I was stationed in the southwest-- and I learned a lot about what Temple Garments mean to devout Mormons. Many of my patients were reluctant to ever completely remove them-- even keeping them looped around an ankle or arm while bathing, and beginning to put on clean ones. Some women wore their bras over the garments, and we would have to get very creative with things like ECG leads, etc.

Anyway, I digress about the garments, because I've heard that some very devout Mormons even keep their garments on during sexual intercourse. So learning that Travis wore garments puts his sexual relationship with Jodi in another light for me. She knew Travis wore garments, and what that meant. She used and used and used sex to manipulate his MIND and his FAITH, as much as his body, IMO.

I "get" that they engaged in consensual sex. However, Jodi used sex as her snare. She knew it was the one thing that could keep his attention diverted from his commitment to his usual lifestyle and faith. She hoped it would be enough to get him to commit to her, so she could use him and his money and lifestyle as long as she wanted, as his permanent GF, and then wife. When sex wasn't enough to keep him interested permanently, she hatched the plan to kill him out of spite and revenge, imo. And by killing him before he married, she prevented him from achieving the highest level of heaven in the Mormon faith. I think it's possible she taunted him with those sorts of things as she was killing him.

She is predatory, and despicable.

I read the email she wrote to Travis, and at the end I had no clue whatsoever what she was trying to say or what she was proposing. It simply made no sense whatsoever, which is astounding considering the number of words she used without ever making a point clearly.

Agree that it was manipulative and histrionic -- dripping with passive-aggressive jabs.
Here is the text from the anonymous email sent to Lisa, right after the tire slashing:

"You are a shameful *advertiser censored*. Your Heavenly Father must be deeply ashamed of the whoredoms you've committed with that insidious man. If you let him stay in your bed one more time or even sleep under the same roof as him, you will be giving the appearance of evil. You are driving, away the Holy Ghost. and you are wasting your time. You are also compromising your salvation and breaking your baptismal covenants. Of all the commandments to break, committing acts of whoredom is one of the most displeasing in the eyes of the Lord. You cannot be ashamed enough of yourself. You are filthy, and you need to repent and become clean in the eyes of God. Think about your future husband, and how you disrespect not only yourself, but him, as well as the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Is that what you want for yourself? Your future , your salvation, and your posterity is resting on your choices and actions . You are a daughter of God, and you have been a shameful example. Be thou clean, sin no more. Heavenly Father loves you and wants you to make the right choices. I know you are strong enough to choose the right. Your Father in Heaven is pulling for you. Don't ignore the promptings you receive, because they are vital to your spiritual well-being.'

Assuming Jodi wrote this to Lisa (and really, who else could it have been?), two things jump out at me:

1. Jodi absolutely knew how to use the Mormon beliefs as a tool to manipulate and coerce; and

2. From my recollection, the language in this email sounds like the language that was in that middle-of-the-night poem Jodi sent to Travis. The one she read out loud in court.

Anyone know what day that was or which video I can find where Jodi read that poem?
Here is the text from the anonymous email sent to Lisa, right after the tire slashing:

"You are a shameful *advertiser censored*. Your Heavenly Father must be deeply ashamed of the whoredoms you've committed with that insidious man. If you let him stay in your bed one more time or even sleep under the same roof as him, you will be giving the appearance of evil. You are driving, away the Holy Ghost. and you are wasting your time. You are also compromising your salvation and breaking your baptismal covenants. Of all the commandments to break, committing acts of whoredom is one of the most displeasing in the eyes of the Lord. You cannot be ashamed enough of yourself. You are filthy, and you need to repent and become clean in the eyes of God. Think about your future husband, and how you disrespect not only yourself, but him, as well as the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Is that what you want for yourself? Your future , your salvation, and your posterity is resting on your choices and actions . You are a daughter of God, and you have been a shameful example. Be thou clean, sin no more. Heavenly Father loves you and wants you to make the right choices. I know you are strong enough to choose the right. Your Father in Heaven is pulling for you. Don't ignore the promptings you receive, because they are vital to your spiritual well-being.'

Assuming Jodi wrote this to Lisa (and really, who else could it have been?), two things jump out at me:

1. Jodi absolutely knew how to use the Mormon beliefs as a tool to manipulate and coerce; and

2. From my recollection, the language in this email sounds like the language that was in that middle-of-the-night poem Jodi sent to Travis. The one she read out loud in court.

Anyone know what day that was or which video I can find where Jodi read that poem?

And its wordy. JA says the same thing, even in her testimony, over and over again in different ways.

Its how long it is that makes me feel certain it was JA.

And its wordy. JA says the same thing, even in her testimony, over and over again in different ways.

Its how long it is that makes me feel certain it was JA.


Good point! Jodi has a way of talking in circles and saying the same thing over and over and over, even if it really makes no sense.
Can someone help me find the talk about JA meeting TA after she broke off with her liven, she mentioned she was on a chair and he wanted to do oral sex with her. Her lawyer asked her if she was uncomfortable with that, she said yes I just had a Brazilian done and she caught herself. Then last night she said that Travis made her remove all of her pubic hair...I want to write to the state lol
I think that the Brazilian part was a slip. :moo::furious:
Can someone explain to me how Zach would know that his bed was stripped if the bedroom door had been locked the whole time?
Can someone explain to me how Zach would know that his bed was stripped if the bedroom door had been locked the whole time?

From how i read it, Flores was asking Zach if he noticed anything odd about T's bedroom that night when he was present after the murder bc Flores knew Zach had seen how T usually kept his room prior to the murder
Yes, I agree that she had to be pretty worried about what happened to the camera as soon as she realized she didn't know where it was. I'm in the group that thinks it ended up in the washer by mistake.

I just can't believe she would take the murder weapons with her, but willingly leave the camera behind in the washer, thinking it would be damaged permanently or have her DNA washed off.

I never understood why she made no attempt to clean up the murder scene-- bloody hall and bathroom, but showered off Travis' body, and possibly started the washer with bedding in it. Maybe she really was dumb enough to think that was all it took to get her DNA out of the murder scene.

IDK-- I'm just so very glad she was dumb enough to leave the camera behind!

I agree 100%! I think she really did believe she'd managed to remove all evidence of her presence at the scene, simply by washing the bedding, Travis, parts of the wall, and herself. She likely saw no point in staying any longer, with a roommate due to return home soon, to try and clean up any more of the very expansive crime scene. Again, we're talking about someone who believes that she is better and smarter than anyone else, including law enforcement.

Frankly, considering the fact that the only physical evidence found at the scene which pointed to her (if we ignore the camera) was a single hair and a mixed-DNA handprint in blood, she didn't do too bad of a job. The DNA evidence against Amanda Knox and R. Sollecito in the murder of Meredith Kercher in Italy was no less damning, and they still got off on appeal.

The kicker, of course, is the camera, which I agree with you she likely didn't mean to toss in the washing machine, and certainly never thought would come back to place her conclusively at the scene at the time TA was killed. I think she had thrown it on the bed, and it got mixed in with the pile of clothes/towel/bedding she was bundling up to wash.

(Off topic, but I think the slippery bannister was later evidence of her Jodi-centric cleanup efforts. She had cuts on her left hand, and when she returned to TA's bedroom after visiting the laundry room, she probably inadvertently put her hand on it and got her own blood on the bannister, which would have been on her left going upstairs, and then had to wash it off.)
Can someone explain to me how Zach would know that his bed was stripped if the bedroom door had been locked the whole time?

I think Zach and Daniel(?) went into Travis' room and were the ones to find Travis in the shower with the shower door open. Interesting that the door was open, too, I guess because Jodi and Travis had bent the frame in the fight, but the shower door wasn't what helped keep the odor contained in the room.
On the day Det Flores attended Travis' home and found him murdered, JA had been calling his friends asking what was going on??

How would she have known anything was going on and did she not testify under oath that she'd heard nothing about Travis' murder until several days later??
On the day Det Flores attended Travis' home and found him murdered, JA had been calling his friends asking what was going on??

How would she have known anything was going on and did she not testify under oath that she'd heard nothing about Travis' murder until several days later??

One of Travis' friends .. called her while police were at the house and told her what was going on. Not one of the friends there, can't remember his name.
Yeah, I find it so obvious that Jodi was insinuating herself into the investigation from the very HOUR it began.
Here is the text from the anonymous email sent to Lisa, right after the tire slashing:

"You are a shameful *advertiser censored*. Your Heavenly Father must be deeply ashamed of the whoredoms you've committed with that insidious man. If you let him stay in your bed one more time or even sleep under the same roof as him, you will be giving the appearance of evil. You are driving, away the Holy Ghost. and you are wasting your time. You are also compromising your salvation and breaking your baptismal covenants. Of all the commandments to break, committing acts of whoredom is one of the most displeasing in the eyes of the Lord. You cannot be ashamed enough of yourself. You are filthy, and you need to repent and become clean in the eyes of God. Think about your future husband, and how you disrespect not only yourself, but him, as well as the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Is that what you want for yourself? Your future , your salvation, and your posterity is resting on your choices and actions . You are a daughter of God, and you have been a shameful example. Be thou clean, sin no more. Heavenly Father loves you and wants you to make the right choices. I know you are strong enough to choose the right. Your Father in Heaven is pulling for you. Don't ignore the promptings you receive, because they are vital to your spiritual well-being.'

Assuming Jodi wrote this to Lisa (and really, who else could it have been?), two things jump out at me:

1. Jodi absolutely knew how to use the Mormon beliefs as a tool to manipulate and coerce; and

2. From my recollection, the language in this email sounds like the language that was in that middle-of-the-night poem Jodi sent to Travis. The one she read out loud in court.

Anyone know what day that was or which video I can find where Jodi read that poem?
Insidious certainly sounds like a word Jodi would use. It means awaiting a chance to entrap or harmful but enticing. This seems to be coming from someone who already considers herself to be his victim.

And the bit about driving away The Holy Ghost almost comes verbatem from her videotaped interview with Flores where she talks about praying with Travis but him not wanting to because it will call the Holy Spirit and what they plan to do will drive It away.
All of these are great posts, and great thread!!

My observation was on the tape where she was telling Flores about the ninjas she stated that she didn't have her cell phone in her purse and Travis cell phone was downstairs... I thought that was strange ... for her to even state that fact, and also her knowing where his cell phone was...one of the things that stood out and there was many!

Along with these tapes now there are the parents police interviews and there are several discrepancies to her testimony in the trial. C mom asked if she was in Mesa at all on her trip and she said no that she kept her receipts and she could show and prove that... This goes to the premeditation, also her father telling the story of the day she went to Travis's and peeked in the window... Stalking issue based in his story that completely goes against the testimony of Alice what's her name!!
I found it very interesting that JA testified Travis had called her about what type of camera he should get because she was a photographer etc. Funny it was very similar to what one of Travis's roommates had stated. JA snags bits and pieces of others testimony/story and tries to make them her own.

I noticed that as well. She is such a liar,even about stuff that does not matter,except that she thinks it makes her better or smarter,damm that girl is one whacked nutjob...
All of these are great posts, and great thread!!

My observation was on the tape where she was telling Flores about the ninjas she stated that she didn't have her cell phone in her purse and Travis cell phone was downstairs... I thought that was strange ... for her to even state that fact, and also her knowing where his cell phone was...one of the things that stood out and there was many!

Along with these tapes now there are the parents police interviews and there are several discrepancies to her testimony in the trial. C mom asked if she was in Mesa at all on her trip and she said no that she kept her receipts and she could show and prove that... This goes to the premeditation, also her father telling the story of the day she went to Travis's and peeked in the window... Stalking issue based in his story that completely goes against the testimony of Alice what's her name!!

YUP YUP,so premeditated...
Can someone tell me how the room-mates could have been oblivious to the stench of a decomposing body? The report states the smell was strong throughout the house and evident as soon as the door was opened. I just can't imagine how not one of them clued in based on the stench. It's a smell like no other and pretty much everyone has smelt a dead animal at one time or another I would think and would know that "death" smell. Heck, I had a dead mouse behind my fridge one time and it reeked! I don't get how he went unfound so many days after.

It's unfortunate because if they had found him sooner the autopsy would have been able to reveal many more details. Because of the extensive decomposition I've read they couldn't determine a few key elements of the crime (pertaining to the order of which things happened because of the state his brain was in at the time of autopsy). Not that it makes a difference as far as evidence against Jodi goes - there's TONS of that! No "fog" or "alternate universe" can deny the obvious, she killed him in cold blood. I've just wondered about how the room mates didn't find him much sooner.

Did the room mates comment on why they ignored the smell (I can't see how they would not have smelled it, did I miss something?)

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