Follow the Money....

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Jun 2, 2004
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Let's FOLLOW THE MONEY in this case.

And "following the money" can refer to anything from the $40K cash inside the safe in the Seivers house, to the $100 bills CWW cashed during the "Florida Death Trip", to copies of checks written by Teresa Seivers to Prudential Insurance company in 2004.

I would like to start with what Police encountered on the day of the discovery of the body:

Police come to the home of a murdered woman and see what they term "obvious staging". Husband of murdered woman is conveniently out of town. Reporter of the murder, a physician, came to the house at the behest of the husband.

Husband arrives in town, goes to his mother's house. Police first interview him there, where he refuses to be interviewed alone, insisting that his "friend" be at his side. Two more interviews with husband follow - for either a total of seven hours or one interview was seven hours long, per his eventual lawyer's statement explaining why husband will no longer cooperate with police.

During one of the police interviews, while unrepresented by counsel, husband makes the probably fatal mistake of voluntarily allowing police to "dump" the contents of his phone. In addition, he informs police that he and his dead wife were "swingers" and that despite "living month to month" there is $40K in cash inside one of four safes in the house.

What is jumping out at police in this scenario? The 40K in cash, that's what!

Because these document dumps pertain to the CWW case, at this time we are not privy to what was found on the MS phone - unless it was something directly tied to CWW. We don't know what all was in each of those four safes. But police know. And if there was $40K cash in one of them, I'd bet the police counted every dollar of it and photographed every single bill individually.

Why? Because of the serial numbers on the bills. Each bill has an individual serial number. If you get ten $100 bills from a bank - say to give as Christmas presents - you may just find that these bills have consecutive serial numbers. That's how banks receive packets of money.

We don't know it yet, but perhaps CWW had MORE than just the two $100 bills mentioned so far. It sounded to me like CWW wanted to dispose of the $100s while he was on the murder trip. He bought gas, paid with a $100 and received about $80 in change. He then used another $100 at Walmart. When he probably did not have to do so.

I think CWW would not have wanted to be flashing $100 bills around his small Missouri town. Especially when he was claiming poverty to the extent of having others buy groceries for him and his wife. But he is SO stupid, he just may have done this. So there could be more to come - even from the public, such as store owners, etc. - in this matter.

I think that $40K is going to be of great importance when it comes to the case against MS.
In the document dump I know I read that Mark refused to do a walk-through of the house with LE after the house was released to verify what, if anything, was missing. I will find the notation later. This was after he retained his lawyer, I think.

Anyway, it got me to thinking about homeowner's insurance. Does insurance cover cash in a safe? Well, apparently it does with the appropriate riders and policy. Could the homeowner's insurance have reimbursed him? He had evidence of a crime/break in/murder and wasn't named a potential suspect until many months later.
The investigative report states nothing was stolen from the home.

I agree, all the details concerning the money trail will be in the case against MS.

To me, the $40K in the safe was a way to cover up the transfer whatever money he sent to CWW.

But it's hard these days to use cash for everything - like for a rental car, or buy a minivan.

I wonder if there might have been a large amount of cash found in CWW's trailer.
So the $40,000 figure is coming from MS? The liar. Wonder if the money recovered from the safe was on 100s? And they can correlate them to bills either found on CWW or used at the stores?

For all we know maybe he and Theresa kept 50,000 in the safe and MS knew when he spoke to LE he had whittled it down (100 bills in the mail to CWW or left in his "unlocked" storage unit at the condo in MO, for easy pick up?)
Plus God only knows what MS did with Theresa's hard earned money.
He is a monster no less for having such a horrible death inflicted on his amazing wife.
Who keeps that kind of money at home in a safe...not earning interest? That's my question...well he couldn't put it in the bank...the IRS was breathing down his neck.
Who keeps that kind of money at home in a safe...not earning interest? That's my question...well he couldn't put it in the bank...the IRS was breathing down his neck.

The only half-legit reason I can think of would be to hide it in case of future bankruptcy. But more likely, it's because you're engaged in dodgy deals that you don't want anyone to be able to trace.
The only half-legit reason I can think of would be to hide it in case of future bankruptcy. But more likely, it's because you're engaged in dodgy deals that you don't want anyone to be able to trace.

Exactly and you don't have to pay taxes on money that the IRS can't track. Taxes are higher than average interest rate you would get if the money was in the bank.
Huh! If the IRS was after MS BEFORE this document dump - which it appears they were - they will be all OVER him after learning of $40K cash laying about.

To have accumulated that much cash, something illegal is likely going on. Either the source of the cash was illegal - such as drug trafficking, illegal gambling, etc. - or even if the source of it was legal, such as having a cash only medical practice, that money has to be reported as income.

We have no way of knowing at this point what went on for the Sievers to have gotten that recent tax lien, but I'd take a guess that the IRS nosed around the "no insurance accepted" aspect cash of the medical practice.

And guess what? I recently read an article about IRS whistleblowers. Apparently the IRS has made it much easier lately for an employee to turn in an employer, remain anonymous and collect a reward based on the amount the IRS recovers. The article said that some IRS whistleblowers have even remained in the employ of the company they turned in.


Re: The $100 bills used during the Florida death trip These bills would not have been recovered. Too much time had passed by the time their use was discovered.

The serial numbers on currency were a big part of the Lindbergh baby kidnapping case back in the 1930s. Bruno Hauptman, who proclaimed his innocence, was convicted and executed partly because a stash of bills found in his home matched the recorded serial numbers from the bills used to pay the ransom in the case. It was his use of one of the bills to pay for gasoline at a gas station that brought him to the attention of the police.

If CWW had a stash of $100 bills at his house, that will likely come out eventually.
As both Teresa's office manager and hubby, MS had full control. He could intercept mail (bills, notices, etc...) and hide/falsify income because he managed the books. I assume that if MS really did have $40,000 in his safe that TS was unaware. She probably thought he had been paying taxes all along while he pocketed the money.
....To have accumulated that much cash, something illegal is likely going on. Either the source of the cash was illegal - such as drug trafficking, illegal gambling, etc. - or even if the source of it was legal, such as having a cash only medical practice, that money has to be reported as income.
We have no way of knowing at this point what went on for the Sievers to have gotten that recent tax lien, but I'd take a guess that the IRS nosed around the "no insurance accepted" aspect cash of the medical practice....

^ snipped for focus
Does the phrase cash-only medical practice mean currency (bills, greenbacks) only? IDTS but could be wrong.

IIUC, it means the medical services provider does not submit claims for services to medical ins co's, to HMOs, to Medicare or Medicaid, or to third parties. Means no credit, that provider does not perform a service then allow a pt to make monthly or weekly payments afterward. Means payment is due when service is provided.

Seems a cash-only practice could accept as payment - Master CC, Visa CC, Master debit cards, Visa debit cards, personal checks, money orders.

W. that interp (if true), seems some/many/most(?) patients would pay by one of ^ those, not w currency.

But as AlwaysShocked noted, IRS may very well have been put MS & TS's 1040 return under the microscope. JM2cts.
AmazonRain also is telling us A LOT about the money aspects in this post of hers back on August 30, 2015 (Skinner thread)

To me AR is saying Teresa was steered off her original career goals by a man she trusted and thought loved her. In reality that man MS only viewed his wife as a money making machine. The thought of him using her hard earned money on other women is just heinous too.

Thank you Skinner for your attempt to clarify. A couple of questions:

You describe CWW as top notch and shrewd when it comes to computers. Would you describe MS as top notch and shrewd when it comes to running a medical practice and managing a doctor’s career seeing as with his admitted assistance TS entered the world of television production a 'la "The Doctors", the world of supplement endorsement and the world of a pay as you go practice – all after marrying MS and his assumption of a business/practice manager role. All of these avenues can be very lucrative if you have a doctor who is managed in this direction willingly –
You speak of MS referencing money in a multiple posts, talks of inheritance, talks of gun sales, talks of cash service over insurance etc…. do you know if it was MS idea or TS idea to move from St. Pete to Bonita Springs to open a specialized practice? Since TS was practicing internal medicine in St. Pete I am wondering if you know who was the push behind the move –
You mention that MS may have suspected foul play in the death of his sister (perhaps a partner). Do you think it is odd that your friend MS is now connected to what he may believe (if he isn’t involved) is two deaths involving foul play?
You mention that there is no connection between MS and JR – how do you know this to be true?
You mention that MS wanted to be a lawyer. Do you know if he was studying the law and believed himself to have a strong understanding of law?

Patients of the practice received an email from MS that the practice would continue and that they were looking for a like-minded physician. Patients were also told that Lenka Spiska would continue with the practice. Did MS discuss a desire to continue his income stream via the re-opened practice of TS? I am told Lenka Spiska referenced continuing the work of TS, including the cable show, at the funeral service in her eulogy. Do you know if MS was still involved with the continuation of this cable deal and Lenka’s invovlement?
Since the ******** page was set up and verified as being opened via Mark’s facebook account – do you know who he gave his facebook password to in order to set up this account? Do you know if he approved the request for this fundraising page to list $1,000,000 as the goal? Do you know what has been done with the $33,500 raised thus far?
Thank you!
I can't figure out how to link the post specifically but here is the page:*-FL-Dr-Teresa-Sievers-46/page9

Thank you Lakshmi for bringing this forward. Knowing what we know now, and re-reading the comments by AmazonRain, shows just how long MS was running his show (scheming).

I have so many thoughts running around in my head. A lot of "what if" questions. So very sad, she is gone, he doesn't care, and the girls will never ever be the same.
Thank you Lakshmi for bringing this forward. Knowing what we know now, and re-reading the comments by AmazonRain, shows just how long MS was running his show (scheming).

I have so many thoughts running around in my head. A lot of "what if" questions. So very sad, she is gone, he doesn't care, and the girls will never ever be the same.

I think she was catching on though. One can run only so long from serious financial difficulties before they become the sole focus of life. I strongly believe TS either suspected or knew what kind of shape MS had gotten her in and was working on a way out. MOO
As both Teresa's office manager and hubby, MS had full control. He could intercept mail (bills, notices, etc...) and hide/falsify income because he managed the books. I assume that if MS really did have $40,000 in his safe that TS was unaware. She probably thought he had been paying taxes all along while he pocketed the money.
What if the $40,000 cash DIDN'T come from the medical practice? What if MS was being paid in cash from someone else (CWW?) for his share of illicit income? JMO
AmazonRain also is telling us A LOT about the money aspects in this post of hers back on August 30, 2015 (Skinner thread)

To me AR is saying Teresa was steered off her original career goals by a man she trusted and thought loved her. In reality that man MS only viewed his wife as a money making machine. The thought of him using her hard earned money on other women is just heinous too.

Good catch Lakshimi, you are correct that my questions to Skinner were not so much to get his answers but to point out to him and others things that were material to Teresa's world. Don't get me wrong, Teresa always wanted a practice where she could focus more on the patient, particularly the integration of nutrition and medicine and the patient's ability to heal without all of the conventional drugs - but she was NEVER focused on money as a motivator until MS entered her world. Ultimately, I am more confident then ever that when all comes out we will realize that it was Mark's lust of money and control that brought about this horrific crime.

It makes me physically ill to think of Teresa's daughters without her this week.
Amazon, do you know how TS' family is holding up, especially during this holiday season? Is there hope that the other shoe will drop, or fear that he might not be arrested at all? Or both?
Amazon, do you know how TS' family is holding up, especially during this holiday season? Is there hope that the other shoe will drop, or fear that he might not be arrested at all? Or both?

I don't really feel comfortable speaking on behalf or about the family or the about the girls. I can say that everyone who loves Teresa is waiting for justice to be served.
AmazonRain, did you already know the answers to all of the questions you posed to Skinner?

ETA: referencing the post that lakshmi brought forward.
AmazonRain, did you already know the answers to all of the questions you posed to Skinner?

ETA: referencing the post that lakshmi brought forward.

(a) yes, (b) yes, (c) I have an opinion - yes, (d) I have an opinion - yes, (e) yes (f) I have an opinion - yes (g) yes

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